This time, we can’t blame it on Brett going on a bender. It’s possible, mind you, but not necessarily so. I’ll fill in the breach, though, despite being in so much of a flustered rush, I haven’t been able to spend any time here for a couple days. Mostly good (other than the draining Mom-care)- I’m in my third round of interviews at two different companies. So maybe, just maybe, I might soon be employed again.  That will call for a bottle of our finest Champagne, which is pretty fine Champagne. But we’re not there yet… And my apologies for breaking the Japanese string today.

Birthdays are here, though, including the baseball player with one of the greatest names ever; a great cartoonist whose kindness to my father before Dad’s death will never be forgotten in my family;  a quiet kinda guy, kept to himself, nice to all the neighborhood kids; and the great carpenter Ralph Monroe.

News, yeah.



“See, it’s easy. First, you kill 20 or 30 million of your citizens…”


Minnesoda Nice. The comments are as expected, but possibly accurate.


I usually don’t put up parody links, but this one was too funny. Poor Snopes, they’re in a battle of wits and unarmed.


Heroic Mulatto hardest hit.


Mojeaux hardest hit.


Ahh, Chicago. You really do have the best politicians.


Pakistan rewrites the laws of physics.


Out of the frying pan, into the fire.


Speaking of which, the insanity, it burns!



Old Guy Music is a song from my youth that, when Steve Miller stole it, he didn’t even bother filing off the serial number.