What a delightful Sunday morning! I’d best stay out of local sports bars, since the Cardinals are the next ones in the Ravens’ tumbrel. And people carry here. On the bright side, I may have found employment, but we’ll see if I get past their nearly proctological background checking…
Speaking of which, today’s birthdays include a rather multidimensional guy; a rather mysterious woman; a rather funny essayist; a rather crooked attorney general; an exception to my rule about hyphens; and a quarterback with one fewer championship rings than Joe Flacco.
On to the news!
The future of medicine. Because somehow we need to make sure that death rates are fair.
Hate crimes in Trump’s America.
Mom says, “This could have been you as a kid.”
Clearly I’ve been Jewing all wrong.
When Border Patrol agents get shot doing shit not at the border, I have a hard time feeling sympathetic. The 100 mile constitution-free zone is pernicious and any politician supporting it should be impeached.
One-eyed man in the land of the blind.
Old Guy Music today features another birthday boy, and may even be on theme for me.
/looks at clock
Oh, yes, I guess it is.
‘sup, Tres! Hey OMWC – Is there a way to get around WaPo’s in-your-face “gimme yer money!” pop-ups other than, y’know, giving ’em money? (Using Firefox on laptop.)
…or checking the thermostat?
Porn mode still seems to work for them.
Congrats on the possible job!
It’s good because when you visit, you won’t have to sleep in a cardboard box.
It’s a cardboard box with a memory foam top!
Movin on up
I hope Edawn Coughman ends up living in a cardboard box.
Right alongside these people.
*clicks link*
Not disappointed.
Box https://youtu.be/soeb8-fyjZ0
Box #10
Girl in a Box https://youtu.be/LJDMYhcRMzw
I must have missed something while I was off in my garret communing with my typewriter.
Good luck!!!
Mornin’, Moje! Progress report: Through Chapter 19 of the historical (I don’t just read the naughty bits!) and enjoying immensely, but worried I’m gonna get worked up by looming conflicts. I get so emotionally involved! ::sniff::
Yay not just the naughty bits!
I kept joking on FB I was goung to title it FriendZoned, bit people kept taking me seriously, but it really is the most descriptive title. He friendzones her HARD.
Oh no. Sadly, sadly sadly no.
She is firmly in “one o’ the guys” territory.
Hmmm….difficult (I know better than to say “hard” again!) to get heir + spare that way..
It certainly is.
Spoiler alert: She uses that as a motivator, but we all know how sexy pressure to conceive is.
Oh look! Giselle!
???? – Probably further evidence that I am not hip and/or au courant.
I see Giselle in Alex Kingston, who plays River Song.
Gotcha! Thx. Off to brunch – have a great rest-of-day!
River Song?
*perks up*
@TARDIS see @Gender Traitor’s link.
Alex Kingston is what I imagine one of my heroines looks like.
Mojo, it I got that,
Now I just want to know if XY’s can read it without getting their man-cards punched.
Lemme try linking OMWC’s review again in the proper spot.
OMWC has read it. Scroll down.
He friendzones her HARD.
Nope. Heroine gets no cod until late in the book.
Here you go. Kindle only 99¢. OMWC has read it.
Got it. Thanks.
Oops, forgot to switch accounts! My wife is now the proud owner. Good thing we share. She is going out of town tomorrow on business, so she should be done by Tuesday. She is into urban fantasy these days, but you never know.
This^. Good luck.
nearly proctological background checking
Hate crimes in Trump’s America.
Damn. What’s more disturbing…the hate hoax or that guy’s hairline?
That’s right.
Nice set of games today.
It would be a shame if something would happened to them.
When Houthi rebels are using armed drones with great success, I think the battlefield has changed permanently.
Which means our military will continue to build for maneuver and operation against the threats of 20 years ago.
The slave traders….ugh. Keep picking scabs, assholes. Pick, pick, pick.
The most disturbing story in the news is the one about woke med schools. Insanity.
I dated a girl in med school for a while. Her graduation ceremony seemed like there was a very woke vibe to it. Woke + God complex is a truly frightening prospect.
To add about the SJW virus getting into medicine:
“The curriculum must now have social justice as a “core tenet of medical ethics,” teach about “unconscious racism,” and include 30 core competencies for caring for LGBT patients. Certain propositions are assumed to be true, and evidence that contradicts them is flushed down the memory hole, while supporting data is accepted without question. For example, if a “suspect group” earns less, it must be because of discrimination.
Some can’t wait for dissenters in the older generation to retire or die. Physicians who reveal an improper attitude are being purged now. Recently, a respected physician was kicked out of leadership positions for an opinion he wrote in a “Big and Bright Ideas” feature published by the Dallas County Medical Society about the alleged “gender gap” in physician pay. He suggested there might be an explanation for differences in earnings other than bigotry, sexism, misogyny, and exploitation. Within days, he was pilloried in the Washington Post, The Hill, CNN, Fox News, and social media, and even by the American Council on Science and Health….”
“…So where does this leave patients? They might lose their trusted, highly skilled physician, who was dedicated to making them well but who revealed a politically incorrect belief that is irrelevant to their care.
Their new physician will be chosen for being a social justice warrior. The doctor might not be able to understand human metabolism or drug effects (that’s biochemistry, a branch of organic chemistry), but who needs that? Doctors will be following “best practices” downloaded from their smart phones. Doctors may not have skills in independent or quantitative thinking, developed by problem-solving in disciplines like calculus, but they will be accustomed to working in groups.
There will be numerical goals to meet, related to eliminating “disparities,” but that involves simple counting, and paying attention to classification by identity politics.
Your doctor might not be dedicated to (or skilled at) finding the correct diagnosis or best treatment for you. That might even be contrary to her duty to improve population health or cosmic justice.
But the world will be fairer—in the view of our self-appointed guardians.”
I look forward to meeting my first SJW transgender doctor who will tell me to check my privilege, take two pills, and tell me it’s all in my head.
This is bad news for a profession that has been trying desperately to pull itself out of superstition and old wives tales for quite some time. Unfortunately, the “Science Based Medicine” movement which aims to prod the profession into reliance on evidence-based decision making is also intimately tied up in the progressive SJW culture. Most of those guys are getting older now, and the next generation isn’t just politically left, they have been raised in the SJW world and are true believers.
Of course, this is a fat target for the socialist movement. Taking over the healthcare industry completely will create a new level of reliance on government for critical services, and a new level of opportunity for building power bases from the control of those services and their distribution.
At a time when the profession should be focusing on combating the virus that is “Complementary and Alternative Medicine”, they seem to be moving toward SJW based medicine, which can’t be a good thing.
There will be numerical goals to meet…
A la Ivy Leagues, I’m assuming they don’t count Asian and Middle Eastern as “minorities.”
Could? Sign me up!
Everything in that article is bullshit. Gun grabbers lie.
Want to see more violence in our country? Disarm the population.
I might amend that to attempt to disarm the population.
Oh there would be plenty of violence after they succeeded as well. It would just be more one sided.
Always worth sharing because this is what will happen in the USA only on a much more grander and more corrupted scale:
Read the conclusion:
At work, the Masshole and cop’s wife were talking about gun grabbing. Cop’s wife said her husband is part of the SWAT team and all for limiting the number of guns. So you know it’s important
She is literally laying out the supposed conspiratorial claims of gun owners that guns are just for the government, and the goal is a disarmed citizenry
I ran away to take care of a patient before I became embroiled in that mess
Every time a SWAT team member gets shot when serving a warrant or looking for drugs, an angel gets his wings.
I’m always told by my family and conservative friends how pro-2A all their cop friends are. I’m skeptical, my suspicion is most are very 2A for themselves and would prefer to see the mundanes disarmed.
I’d say that varies by state/region.
One of the local gunshops I frequent is owned by a local cop.
It’s entirely possible to be pro-gun and anti-2A.
I had this conversation with the guys from church last night, including a high-ranking police officer. The unanimous consensus was “good luck” with confiscating everyone’s AR-15.
Rather than being on board with disarming everyone except police, the cop provided his expertise as the conversation turned to how the world has changed with regard to shooting someone who is robbing you – in particular in defense of property, like a car break-in or theft.
At point was the case where a couple was blocked by a bunch of #BLM activists and the wife got out of the vehicle to yell at them to get out of the way. Things turned threatening really quick, so husband got out with handgun held at his side. Never raised it or pointed it at anyone, but since epithets were used, he’s charged with a felony hate crime.
The conversation turned to a rash of car break-ins and the fact that you cannot even brandish a weapon if someone is stealing your car from your front yard – well, not without playing prosecutor roulette. The official procedure is call the police, file a report and collect on the insurance. Nobody is going to try to stop them – apparently they have a right to steal your stuff these days.
Anyway, this is a bunch of mostly urban fathers, aged 35-54. Nobody was on the other side of the issue. (although we did pipe down when the lesbian couple from next door was in the room – nobody was sure how they’d take our lack of disdain for all things republican)
Sidenote. The thing about brandishing was something I found to be stupid in the CC class I took. “Only pull it if you plan of shooting someone” seems inappropriate in some circumstances (like the one Suthen has described on here before). In the case of the BLM thing you mentioned that was probably the wrong thing to do (albeit ‘hate crimes’ are one the most stupid/evil concepts of our generation). I think there are situations where brandishing can de-escalate a situation.
The left loves to rail against disparate impact, but is all in on this model which absolutely screws people who drive older cars. You know, like the poor? 1. No one carries comprehensive on a 10 year old car 2. Insurance payouts on comprehensive use a formula that starts with the sale value of your make/model/year in perfect condition and then reduces it by the retail cost to make all the repairs needed to put it in that condition. So your perfectly running 9 year old car which can be expected to last you another 100,000 miles? Starts out at $5k and then you subtract the $3200 needed to replace the seats, the creased door panel, the burn on the headliner, and the dent on the trunk. Poof here’s your check for $1800, oh wait, there was a cracked mirror? $1500.
Now you go out looking for an identical car to replace it and discover that, since in the real world people sell things for their value as they are, not by some formula based on cost to get turn them into a different thing, the replacement cost is actually $4000, since the primary concern in that market is how well it runs, not the cosmetics.
Also, the vast majority of those $4000 and less replacements have been reduced to scrap metal by that evil Cash For Clunkers scheme.
I am with you on the skepticism. Cops have so many exemptions they have nothing to fear
Cops are in favor of outlawing everything, period. They use chickenshit BS to bust people constantly. They think they have magical powers to know who SHOULD be busted and then they use traffic laws, drug laws, gun laws, whatever technicality they can to harass them. They think it’s righteous, because these are “bad ” people and must be doing something (or will eventually do something) worse. They have a god complex. Every tool they can get they want. They know they will always be exempt and they can just not bust “good” people. They happily support every flavor of ban everything that exists.
Just look at cars!1!
“Motor vehicle deaths have been on a steady decline using proven public health-based injury prevention strategies.”
Bullshit. Technological improvements are 100% responsible for reduced MV deaths.
Would you lump in increased seatbelt wearing with that?
As a young one, I didn’t wear seatbelts. As a more mature adult, I wear them religiously.
I think seat belt wearing is probably the biggest single factor.
Holy crap, is it tough to get kids to wear seatbelts. Most of the parents I know have a constant battle with seat belts.
And I get it. I wouldn’t have wanted to be strapped down at that age either. It is the perfect storm for kid-logic: A very rare instance of an extremely bad consequence. There’s no way an elementary school kid is equipped to understand the risk-reward calculation in a circumstance like that. Mine have a tough time with the risk-reward calculation of doing a backflip off of the top of the playground equipment.
I’m not sure why that is.
My parents would not start the car until we all had our seat belts on. I raised my kids the same way – from the time they were infants they have always been strapped in – no exceptions. My 10 year-old bucks a lot of rules but he never fails to put on his seat belt. Maybe my kids are different? Maybe the fact that they have been raised in Japan where rules are enforced differently? I truly cannot say.
Yeah, they each come out differently. As I like to say to other parents… they are who they are… you just hope to channel their unique personality in the right direction.
My middle child is the source of the problem in our car. She is 100% morality based. Completely binary, right and wrong. Rules are of no consequence to her. Neither are punishments.
So if you tell her to do something that she thinks is wrong, she won’t do it. Which should be great when fellow teens are pressuring her to do something she ought not. But the same bit of her character also means that if she doesn’t agree that something is wrong, she’s not interested in following your rule. Hence, seatbelts. “Nothing is going to happen” is her counter argument. She sees no “right and wrong” component to it, so my rule is irrelevant.
So we sit. With me saying “the story hasn’t changed for your entire life. You’ve been buckling your own seatbelt since you were 3 years old. We do this at least twice a day. Just buckle your seatbelt.”
And unless she has somewhere to be, she’ll take as long as she pleases. The others are more “fairness” based. It isn’t fair that she isn’t buckled… therefore…
So yeah.. We spend a good bit of time parked alongside the road after school waiting for her to buckle her seatbelt.. She’ll grow out of it.
soon, I hope.
While reading your message here I did remember a short episode when my oldest was maybe 8 or 9. Driving with just him and his younger brother in the car. I don’t remember the argument but he was trying to push my buttons as many kids will do. Driving along I heard him unbuckle his seatbelt – obviously testing me.
Lucky for me we were on a small street with no traffic so I jammed on the brakes and put it in park. I turned around and went Drill Instructor on him – ordering him to put on the seat belt, cutting off every rebuttal he attempted, raising my voice at every utterance until he complied. He was crying in a couple seconds but I couldn’t allow this to become something he would consider again. And he never tried it again.
In all other things I am patient and will talk through anything. But seatbelts are an iron rule with me.
And just to be clear – I did not touch him. I only growled and shouted like a Marine DI.
I call that using the dad voice. It is performance art. Probably looks bad from a 3rd party perspective, but they teach you what they need.
Some kids won’t listen until you pull out the Dad Voice.
Others require a statement of consequence – if you continue acting this way, you’ll lose X.
Still others crumble with a single look.
That’s why you really haven’t had the full experience unless you have more than one. Because even with the same parents, they can be so different. My oldest is as sweet as can be. He tests me (of course, he’s in middle school), but he almost always does the right thing on his own.
The little one is the strangest combination of cuddle-bug and ill-tempered boss. She’s gonna be a handful when she’s a teen. I may take a job on an Alaskan fishing boat during that period.
I am not seeing that adjustment for firearms deaths in that piece.
I am not seeing that in the data linked, but I am not looking too hard either. How does it rate if you take out suicides there opinion piece writers?
In my opinion, the Dodgers ain’t winning if Roberts is going to continue to micro-manage his pitching. That bull pen is not good. He was better off leaving Ryu in the game.
Can someone explain to me how the Yankees in spite of all the injuries and basically no starting pitching are still going to win 100 games and are a favourite to win the WS?
The axiom is you need starting pitching to win and they’re on course to challenge that rule.
Not a criticism per se of Roberts as he does a good job overall, it’s just that he seems married to his script. I can he see him taking Buehler out of a game in the playoffs even if he’s cruising in the 7th. Just ride a pitcher that’s in the zone man!
I’m not sure I agree with the decision to blur the face of the cult women. It’s not clear, without knowing the details of their captivity, that an adult wife of the cult leader was necessarily mistreated or a victim, but even if they were, I’d want to know which of the politicians to vote against.
I couldn’t find any good scenes on Youtube of Benchley in Foreign Correspondent, so you get this instead.
Reminds me – I tried to watch Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle a while back, but I couldn’t tolerate Jennifer Jason Leigh’s characterization of Parker’s voice. Fingernails on blackboard. Just pulled up a couple of YT vids of Parker reading her poetry, and her voice wasn’t that…weird. WTF??
Forced by whom?
Not that I would expect they will, but has this come up in that discussion?
“Americans are being forced to confront the brutality of slavery and of the people who profited from it.”
Are they digging up 400 year old Graves and yelling at the bones of those folk.
They’re going after Kavanaugh again
The fact that she runs a leftist DC group is purely coincidental.
Remember when Trump made an appearance on Fresh Prince and no calls about a racist Nazi being on a black show? Remember how he used to give to the DNC and no said boo about his hard on for the KKK?
Then he decided to run against the Democrats and…..RACIST!
Funny how that works.
Would like to know about this Stier person.
They’re still talking about Russian collusion.
Of course they’re still going after Kavanaugh.
Which makes little sense. Let’s say they get Kavanaugh impeached. They’ll lose a guy who votes their way 50% of the time.
For those keeping score at home, Max Stier has been associated with the Clintons as far back as 1998 when he was part of the legal team defending against the Lewinsky allegations.
Also, I know frats do a lot of repressed gay stuff, and often have closeted gays as members, but grabbing your friend’s dick and trying to shove it on female hands seems a bit far for the time period.
+1 Double-dutch rudder? Or is that a triple?
How is it possible that these people have any credibility whatsoever? At least with alien abductees, Loch Ness monster sighters and victims of the chupacabra the claimants are true believers. These people are just telling calculated, bald faced lies that make no sense.
In another review, the author and reviewer both speak repeatedly of Kavanaugh “attempting to rape” Blasey-Ford as a teen. The reviewer in question said it could be viewed charitably as a story of redemption – an attempted rapist and arrogant and privileged kid who thought he was so much better than everyone else that he drank beer.
The interesting take that I got from this review was that the authors set out to write a book that was a character assassination of Kavanaugh with the intention of using this continuing narrative to weaken his authority and hopefully stave off or undermine any decisions on Roe. And in the end they chronicled a dude who was extremely good to women in the workplace, mentoring more women than men and was universally respected and liked by his female colleagues. This, despite their best efforts to uncover anything to the contrary.
In the end the reviewer took this as a redemption story and a caution against the “cancel culture”. People can change, was the narrative he was hoping to pitch.
Good luck with that one. These people eat there own, you know.
Never change, NYT.
Wasn’t she one of the the women who came out saying it was a lie? Or was she the one who only came out after a week of discussing and formulating her story with lawyers?
She’s the one who was so traumatized by Brett that it took such an act of courage to come forward that you can’t even understand and yet you mock and question her lived experience. For shame, shame on all of you rape apologists.
Shockingly enough I followed the links. Thanks OMWC!
I generally just hover over them.
And you’re still traumatized.
Yes. I generally live in a news-less hole, and that is fine by me after reading the links.
Re the ex-NFLer staging a hate crime. I keep asking. Whatever happened to the alleged hate crime at Lebron’s house? The media went nuts over it for a couple of days and then complete silence.
Gwinett County police say they found the n-word, “monkey,” “MAGA” and swastikas scrawled on the walls and booths of the two businesses, Create & Bake Pizza and Coughman’s Creamery in Lawrenceville.
The name “Coughman’s Creamery” is a hate crime.
Ummm….wasn’t there a picture of an old white guy at the top of the page earlier…?
My fault, I checked the wrong box in the software. Fixed. No one should have to look at Jeremy Corbyn while sober.
Who says I’m sober?
OK, leave out the last part. No one should have to look at Jeremy Corbyn.
Thanks. Full disclosure: I’m only drinking sugar & caffeine, but I identify as drunk.
That story about the racial huckstering insurance fraudster is just sad. Say what you will about Jussie Smollett but the man was creative at least.
Anyone notice that 100% of these hate crimes are false flags? A swastika? Really? Nobody does that. The swastikas are on par with big foot tracks.
My default assumption is that they are fake, unless evidence proves otherwise.
What amazes me is that they still trot them out as evidence of pervasive racism in society, even though they are exposed as fraud.
Yes, it’s maddening. Every fake hate crime ends up in the tally “proving” that hate crimes are on the rise. It’s pure bullshit.
None of the hucksters seem to be capable of drawing a swastika either, they’re always backwards or screwed up in some other way. It literally takes 30 seconds to do a search to see how to do it.
Now you are just being silly. Everyone knows what a swastika looks like.
Sick Burn!
I prefer outdated overpriced tech to using anything Googly.
Apple might be putting out derivative crap but if you value your privacy at all they’re the only game in town as far as smartphones are concerned.
Yeah I’m thinking about switching to an iPhone just because of how evil Google and the Chinese manufacturers are.
Yeah! Having Apple providing all of the tracking information for advertising is way better than having Alphabet providing all of the tracking information for advertising!
You can opt out with Apple. Whether that really means anything, who knows?
Reminds me – I tried to watch Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle a while back, but I couldn’t tolerate Jennifer Jason Leigh’s characterization of Parker’s voice. Fingernails on blackboard.
I hate her. She flounced around doing a horrible Katherine Hepburn impression and made what should have been a pretty decent movie (I think it was The Hudsucker Proxy) completely unwatchable.
She was great in Fast Times at Ridgemont High though. Also, a quick image search shows her plastic surgeon needs to be put in prison.
It was weird how critics bashed the movie, but loved her performance, when it should have been the other way around.
You know…. for kids!
That was great.
Eh, I’m not a fan of Katharine Hepburn either.
Pat and Mike. LOOKIT THEM LEGS!!!!
Dolores Claiborne and Existenz make for anything less than perfection she may have done in lesser movies.
“make UP”
Time to get ready for work. Once again, just hoping for a good game so the day isn’t boring.
Go Vikings!
Finished up an article about debate last night, hope it goes over well.
Dem debate or Soho forum?
Just debate in general
Are you talking about the Smith/Sarwark Soho Forum debate? Do you have a link to it by any chance?
Not out yet, I don’t believe.
I hope you have my favorite tactic, which was on full display at the last Team Blue debate: changing the question.
Q: “What did you mean when you said that Biden was senile?”
A: “I think the important issue here is how women, minorities, and our first responders are treated by society…”
An important part of “staying on message.”
I liked Biden’s technique:
Q: What are you going to do about slavery reparations?
Biden: Look. Education is important…. what they need to do… you have to have them listen to the record player at night. They need to hear words….
Free Victrolas for every child!
Lady and I went to Pai a bout three hours north for a weekend getaway. The mushrooms were intense. I fucked up by booking a crazy hippy commune. Was cool in the daytime but we had to bail after she got very angry. Someone I was able to pry myself up from the bed and find my way to her. We kissed and made up and had a lovely, but tiring weekend. Sunset at the Pai Canyon was beautiful. Nice place, sadly overrun with dirty hippies. Live and learn.
My new job starts tomorrow morning. It seems much more traditional.
Pros: Older kids. No babysitting. Clear curriculum. No bullshit Slack/Classroom Dojo shit that I can tell of. Seems much more chill. I get a couple of days to shadow. Cab each way is much cheaper. Get off work earlier. Have the books already. Shit I’ve taught thousands of times and know all the tips and tricks that can drop some knowledge.
Cons: Less money. My interview was very strange–filled out an application and they gave me the job on the spot. I kinda like that no-fuss/muss, cuz the last place was hyper regimented and shitty. This will be like actually teaching again I think. I don’t know where I’m going in the morning or how the day (other than my schedule) is really going to run. Don’t know anyone there yet. Learning Thai names sucks for me. We’ll see about English names tomorrow.
BIGGER NEWS! Evan from Evansville and his wife are preggers with their third! He’s also been on business in Cali for like ten days and I’m guessing he’s getting ready to sell his business, which he estimates will net *him* $15-20M.
Oh, the different choices we all make. Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday!
I just doxxed myself! Can we….uh….TPTB, edit that out? Evan from Evansville and his wife are preggers….
Embrace it Evan. Some of us don’t hide our name. No one will come … hang on someone seems to be kicking in my ….
Technically, I don’t think Colin is pregnant.
Good luck with the new gig. Hope it’s as chill as it appears.
It had been visible for twelve years? That’s some good police work there, Lou.
Watched some wrap up yesterday and one of the commentators said “perhaps Syracuse was overrated being ranked at the begining of the year.
Also watched the stomping of UCLA. Geez have you seen a team that looked so micromanaged,
“perhaps” ??!!1!11!
Watched some wrap up yesterday and one of the commentators said “perhaps Syracuse was overrated being ranked at the begining of the year.
I actually watched a little of that. After the third time they couldn’t put a point on the board from inside the ten, I bailed. What a humiliation.
Just debate in general
LALALALALALALALA what? I can’t hear you. I know you are, but what am I? You’re stupid and you’re a bad person.
You’re not supposed to read the article until it’s published.
I can actually read that and understand what you are saying. You need to brush up a bit. Here, watch this 50 times and practice
*I have seen it before but still I nearly spit coffee through my nose at ‘historic win’.
What the heck was that?
The Cross-Examination Debate Association.
Clearly not the most widely recognized debate association, based on the finalists.
Cross-Examination is supposed to be one of the more rigorous debates. But Debate is usually populated by the dumbest students, who think rhetorical retardation count for convincing logic.
They didn’t even address the actual topic.
Chemjeff, is that you?
Thanks for reminding us Cy. I had forgotten about that person.
+1 Jane, you rotten slut!
I disagree.
Lock them up!
Editing fail. It should say ‘Too many criminals are in public office instead of prison’.
I think The Dersh misses the point. FBI officials are not supposed to be political.
He’s nuts, maybe less nuts than many public figures on the left but nuts just the same.
I too agree that they should have complete free reign to do what they want and have lenient judgement because they are politicians.
He’s stressed out because of Epstein.
People should really tread lightly on the ‘sins of the father’ crap. No culture anywhere in history is innocent of some kind of injustice/wrongdoing. Slavery was practiced in every culture all over the planet all throughout human history. The west ended it. Let it go, move on, and stop pretending that the US is some kind of special evil when it comes to the issue.
I wish I could force every SJW to read “Black Rednecks and White Liberals.” Sowell does a pretty good job of turning that narrative on it’s head.
Also, show them this.
How are we supposed to destroy western civilization without pulling down the pillars that hold it up? Answer that smart guy.
Never mind that US didn’t even exist in 1619. . .
It’s always the scandanavians fault. The Vikings almost single handedly reintroduced slavery into Europe.
And now they are back at it trying to bring back fuedal relationships through socializing everything.
Gwinett County police say they found the n-word, “monkey,” “MAGA” and swastikas scrawled on the walls and booths of the two businesses, Create & Bake Pizza and Coughman’s Creamery in Lawrenceville.
Real hate crimes* would have more subtlety I think.
*Which shouldn’t be a thing because it is though-crime. Punish the action, not the motive.
All dead give aways that it is a false flag.
Beta is on Meet the Press. He refuses to accept the views of anyone who disagrees with him.
He’s going to use the Commerce Clause to take your guns away. Novel.
He talks to gun owners, and they agree with him.
Fuck the commerce clause.
He talks to gun owners, and they agree with him.
I thought this was particularly grating and unintentionally hilarious. Sure, Beta. I just spent a grand on this rifle that I wanted and the first thing I am going to do is destroy it and/or surrender it to the government…
refuses to accept the views of anyone who disagrees with him
Orange ManBlack Rifles bad.Are idiots still sawing their AR-15’s in half on YouTube?
And by ‘their’ I mean the ones they ran out and bought so they could do a $1000 virtue signal
Zero to felony in 3…2…1…
For creating a short barrel AR?
Yup. No longer a functioning semi-auto but the law doesn’t care about that point.
It would still be a functioning short-barreled straight-pull bolt action.
DAFUQ? He only cut through the handguards and the barrel. The upper and lower receivers and bolt group are untouched. Looks like an early Colt so not your average AR-15 – but you could put it back together in running condition for maybe $150 in parts.
Commerce clause: Feds have primacy on regulating commerce between the states.
2nd Amendment: “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”.
That puts an absolute constraint on the use of the commerce clause (or any other power). This reasoning is the same as using the commerce clause to control what newspapers print and what broadcasters air.
That dog ain’t gonna hunt. And the fact that you don’t know that should immediately disqualify you from office.
Unfortunately the clear language is routinely ignored. That is how we have 20 something thousand gun laws and regulations across the country.
I really get worked up about that stuff. When the law says something in black and white, and the implications are unworkable, you’d better get about the business of changing the law. Instead, we just make stuff up as we go along.
1st Amendment: “congress shall make no law”
Courts: Well, obscenity obviously doesn’t count.
Don’t get me started on the long-dead 9th and 10th.
Beto is pro using the power if government to steal legally owned property and to kill those who refuse to hand over said property. He’s a fucking dangerous shitbag piece of trash.
Should be an instant disqualifier. The fact that most of the press is treating it as a breakout moment is worrying. The divide between the propaganda machine and the rest of the country is getting so wide it may be insurmountable.
I don’t know which will be worse – one of these nutjobs winning or Trump getting re-elected.
It is concerning and it’s also a fine illustration of why the mainstream press is so distrusted and disliked by anyone with any sense.
Why anyone would be stupid enough to think that any of this would stop with 2A is beyond me. Once they start nullifying the Bill of Rights in earnest they’re gonna go for broke:
– jail time for “hate speech”
– transformation of jury trials into kangaroo courts/star chambers (a la academia)
– confiscation of private retirement accounts
– land reform
– warrantless searches to confirm wrongthink
Big Daddy’s wet dream.
Not to mention the stuff that’s already on the table with the Commie-Dems:
– ban cars
– ban planes
– ban cheeseburgers
– ban private health insurance
– raise taxes by 100+%
I feel like Shrillary back in 2016; Trump should be ahead by 50 points.
But POLLING!!! We know those are never wrong…..
Hey, they have actually banned plastic straws and large sodas. I don’t think you can lampoon this stuff.
Yeah, they are all embracing the formerly 3rd rail topic of a “wealth tax”
Sure, people might cheer you on if you confiscated the Koch brother’s billions and seized the Walton family fortune, but most of that wealth is in the retirement accounts and homes of seniors who are counting on it to carry them through their final decades.
“We’ll just beef up social security!!” Win/win
/Prog logic
But we’ll take care of them through our generous social spending.
Take Two Aspirin and Call Me by My Pronouns
At ‘woke’ medical schools, curricula are increasingly focused on social justice rather than treating illness.
Real social justice would be training competent physicians and ignoring the rhetorical, anti-science horseshit of sjw’s.
Ten years left until the Earth burns to a cinder!
It’s public health crises, all the way down.
Question about submissions here. I’m writing a piece about Oedipus Rex and wonder about the footnoting. It’s not exactly academic, but it will quote directly from the play. I also have some quotes from some psychologists and other experts. Can I just provide links to the book and the articles where the quotes come from? I hate doing proper footnotes. After seeing Ozmandi’s professional level submissions, I’m a bit worried about looking like a hack in comparison.
Bro. Do you even remember Eddie?
*pours out a little of my 40 oz*
*Does sign of the cross finishing with a three stooges poke in the eyes block.*
Crayon and napkins it is.
write in Japanese no one will be able to tell
Drop SP an email (her handle at this domain) and she’ll walk you through it.
Oz has some built-in advantages in his formatting, like actually knowing her IRL.
I’ve done them in university, but that was decades ago. Thx.
*voice from the back – “I don’t”*
“Questionable tactic”
I assume they mean prostitution.
Very concerning indeed. They should be getting some sort of government assistance.
*Yes that isn’t the concerning trend they are talking about, but when you have a headline, and then say that the most common way is saving, it kinda undermines your argument.
Great. Liz Cheney is on.
Bomb those Persian bastards back to the Stone Age.
The Cheney/Rand Paul feud has been fun. I love how war mongers instantly default to “traitor!!!” when their ‘bomb-the-world peaceful’ narrative is challenged.
Rand Paul blames America first!
Eat a bag of dicks, Liz.
“Everyone know the American Government is Pure as the driven snow!”
It’s those dirty rag heads fault.
Brooks, I don’t know why you torture yourself by watching the Sunday “news” programs. I just finished watching a documentary about the criminally insane and they people were probably more coherent.
Brooks, I don’t know why you torture yourself by watching the Sunday “news” programs.
America’s *thought leaders*.
I gots ta know.
Get the bs from the source.
The number of “named storms” has skyrocketed since the’70s.
Dispute that, anti-science climate deniers.
Serious news, from serious people.
Which has nothing to do with the fact that tropical storms are now being named. . .
“Name all the storms!”
“We have more named storms!”
The naming of storms is an understudied scientific and natural phenomenon.
I wonder how the Babylon Bee will be able to stay ahead of this crowd?
Why do you hate #science?
What about named gorillas? Are there more of those too?
Unfortunately we have seen a decline in named gorillas ever since the passing of Harambe.
*Dicks out*
I just finished watching a documentary about the criminally insane and they people were probably more coherent.
Criminal psychopaths… political correspondents…
It’s a toss-up.
Mmm. Zeno’s comming
Is that a Pornhub search?
What was the documentary?
Out of Mind, Out of Sight.
Muh Democraceeeeee!
Regulate us. That’s the unexpected message from one of the country’s leading tech executives. Microsoft President Brad Smith argues that governments need to put some “guardrails” around engineers and the tech titans they serve.
If public leaders don’t, he says, the Internet giants will cannibalize the very fabric of this country.
“We need to work together; we need to work with governments to protect, frankly, something that is far more important than technology: democracy. It was here before us. It needs to be here and healthy after us,” Smith says.
According to Smith, the threat that Microsoft posed during its protracted antitrust case was economic. Today, the tech giants — whose tools have been used to interfere in fair and free elections — are posing a much bigger threat to the political stability of many countries, including the U.S.
Smith has proposals that are not popular in Silicon Valley. For one, he argues, it’s time to reform the U.S. law that says Internet platforms are not liable for just about any of the content running through their pipes — hate speech, death threats and ads for counterfeit goods or illegal guns.
That law has enabled Microsoft’s competitors — Amazon, Facebook and Google and its subsidiary YouTube — to grow at breakneck speed. “Almost no technology has gone so entirely unregulated, for so long, as digital technology,” Smith says.
Completely unregulated. Speech without gatekeepers. The horror.
For a lot large corporation they always know regulation is coming because there’s money at stake. They would much prefer to proactively seek out consistent national regulations that they help write, that will supercede millions of different state and local regulations which is actually their worst nightmare. There’s also the added benefit of rent seeking. Ask a CEO of a national corporation what keeps them up at night and state and local regulations will invariably be on the list. It also makes it harder for the government to sue for anti-competitive practices if they’re complying with oversite. Nip in bud.
We must suborn Freedom to protect “Democracy”. This is why i tell my friends Democracy is a sham. Far to many people think Democracy and Freedom are synonymous.
“Unexpected”. LOL
Come out of the closet with a splash
What was the documentary?
Ask Q. I was quoting him.
Far to many people think Democracy and Freedom are synonymous.
Democracy: the mob’s freedom to impose their will on people they don’t like.
Horoscopes !