Well, folks, I’m busier than a Democratic candidate at an Iowa picnic. Although probably more welcome at work. I hate to link and run, but it looks like I’ll be earning my paycheck for the next month or so. I hope you’re all fat and happy. Maybe tomorrow I’ll get to play in the links a bit.
If I wanted to be ranted at by a sixteen year old autist, I could play online video games. Brutal
Wow, voters are not quite as stupid as I thought they were. PPACA was recent enough, everyone remembers how much less care cost, and how marginally better the care was before the government got more involved.
This dude has basically been LARPing Tom Cruise’s character in Vanilla Sky, right?
Florida Woman knows how to get a camel off her. Daamn.
In honor of the brutal meme, here’s some 90s Grrl pop.
Thunberg then drilled into one aspect of a current international plan, which includes the goal of cutting current emissions levels in half over the next 10 years.
But that plan, she said, only provides a 50% chance of keeping the warming trend below 1.5 degrees Celsius.
“Fifty percent may be acceptable to you,” Thunberg said, before listing the many assumptions that underlie the estimate and the challenges that could thwart success.
Assumptions for me, but not for thee.
She’s totes pro-nuclear, right?
You’d have to ask the adults who tell her what to say.
At least Veruka had actual knowledge about candy.
“If I wanted to be ranted at by a sixteen year old autist, I could play online video games”
You guys are fucking savages and I love it.
“Our guys are fucking savages in those fucking comments, right? And she’s having a real piece of shit start to this speech. I feel bad for her, but fuckin’ get better. Our guys are savages in those fucking comments. Tighten it up right now, ok? Tighten this shit up!
It’s a good analogy. You can get really into it but in the end, it makes no difference. Just like video games.
It’s in poor taste but at the end of the day, arguing with her and her handlers won’t make an iota of difference.
I’m into politics but I refuse to take my kid to any political protest or try to indoctrinate them with my beliefs. Childhood is a time to grow but also enjoy life and by feeding them politics, you make that unlikely.
But if everything is going to end tomorrow you must throw everything at the problem. This is why all the anti child soldier moralizing makes me laugh. If you are fighting for survival you damn skippy arm junior!
We all grew up reading and watching stories where the smart protagonist saw the truth and had to overcome the apathetic and ignorant opposition to implement the McGuffin solution to the problem. Is it really at all surprising that young people buy into a narrative basically tailored to fit that paradigm? Add in the absolute impossibility of finding an unbiased source, the fact that the facts seem far from clear (in either direction folks, it is just as religious a position to announce that there is no warming trend) and politicians scaremongering and it’s a wonder these kids aren’t shooting people.
We are fortunate that guns are banned in civilized countries.
Add in the absolute impossibility of finding an unbiased source, the fact that the facts seem far from clear (in either direction folks, it is just as religious a position to announce that there is no warming trend) –
I endorse this statement.
PS: I’m not ripping on Brett for that statement. I don’t need a cat butt in my life.
If you’re going to use a kid as a human shield, expect that shield to take some battle damage.
Let’s have the children run our affairs.
Why not? Anyone else notice how younger people are getting into positions of power more and more despite lack of experience?
With age, they say, comes wisdom. We’re reversing this it seems.
Ignorance is Strength
What could possibly go wrong when a society beings to idealize youth? I’m sure there would never be any negative consequences.
That’s Bernie’s entire campaign platform.
Boy did they do a job on Greta.
When all this amounts to nothing I hope by that time she’s in a better place.
She’s already pot committed. Sunk cost fallacy is bitch.
I feel bad for her. This will not end well for her. And I don’t blame her at all.
You are a much more forgiving person than I am.
I hate the asshole adults clapping and cheering her on knowing damn well the child was basically having a bloody nervous breakdown.
Every single person in that room and the ones encouraging her protest should be fucked to death.
Her parents are hippie assholes. Would you be surprised that their full time job is “managing” her?
I fear she will end up like any other child celebrity. See: MaCaulay Culkin or anyone named “Corey”.
She’s on two spectrums. The second one is the David Hogg spectrum.
Macauley has been doing pretty good lately. He seems to be in good humor, especially when he’s hanging out with red letter media.
anyone named “Corey”.-
Are you named after Haim or Feldman?
Hint: there is no right answer.
She is the David Hogg of our times!
Who’s that?
You remember Gauleiter Hogg, the child who was somewhat nearby when some people got shot, and has taken that as license to be a complete authoritarian asshat on a topic he knows virtually nothing about?
You can say he’s a….
/dons sunglasses
A hog!
This is why I’m not a comedian.
You don’t have to do comedy, Rufus; you are inherently funny.
Ever see a muppet of colour blush?
It landed him admission to Harvard, even after he was turned down by UCLA and had to take a “gap” year.
Late news: Piglet’s scheduled to speak at the University of Kansas sometime in the next month or two.
I can’t wait to see what sort of cheerleading section will show up for this event.
One day he’ll be the manager of a Mcdonalds and his underlings will call him…
Boss, of course.
She believes she is the Jeanne d’Arc of our times.
“Don’t drag me into this craziness. I only said that God commanded me to push the English out of my country. I never said the world was going to end in twelve years because of the weather”
– Joan of Arc on the record with the WSJ
When I was a kid there was a homeless guy at an intersection that would always hold-up a sign reading “The End Times Are Coming Sooner Than You Think”. We use to laugh at him, but now I feel like if he would have done that today, as long as he put “SCIENCE!” at the end of his sign he’d be invited to the United Nations or the EU parliament to give a speech.
Xenu comin’
See, just saying that makes people think you’re crazy. What you need to say is “Xenu Comin’, Because SCIENCE!”. Now what you just said is irrefutable.
Just buy your indulgences er carbon credit offsets. Say 5 Our Gaia and 10 Hail Rachel Carsons and you’ll be saved.
Rachel Carson died for our sins (and old age)
No no, to obvious. You need to change it up a bit, not science, but something similar, something authoritative… maybe scientology? Yeah, that fool the rubes! Scientology! Xenu comin’, because scientology! Now take off that shirt, I need to audit ‘dem tiddies.
“I need to audit ‘dem tiddies.”
Well played. I almost took my shirt off reading this, it sounded so authoritative.
Careful, I haven’t lost a game of gay chicken yet.
Sweetie pie, Climate Santa is bring Sweden a present! An 8 month growing season!
Nope. She’s simply the pawn of her parents and the other adults at whose disposal they’ve placed her.
bah, that was supposed to be a reply to RC above
They are all pissed that they will have to start shaving their legs and getting out of the Dad Bod during the summer.
An 8 month bikini team season, you say?
Some needs to tell that girl if she keeps looking like that, it will be permanent,
/Bitch face
Doesn’t anyone say “Big Dumb Swede” anymore?
British cooks call a turnip a “Swede”
*not saying her face looks like a turnip
Torn between this link and this link.
She really gets herself worked up doesn’t she?
She’s a teenager. I remember when I was that age, I thought I knew everything and everyone was dumber than me along with every problem no matter how minuscule was the most important thing ever.
When I was 16, I thought that preferring Pearl Jam to Nirvana was a crime against humanity.
it still is…
Soundgarden or GTFO
+1 Black Hole Sun
-1 Spoon Man
Oh, man, I love Soundgarden but I hate that song.
Fell On Black Days was the best track on Superunknown.
My Wave
Pearl Jam was and is such a shitty band. I never understood their appeal
The only shittier alt rock band than Pearl Jam was Stone Temple Pilots
^Not this
Take time with a wounded hand
‘Cause it likes to heal
Take time with a wounded hand
‘Cause I like to steal
Take time with a wounded hand
‘Cause it likes to heal, I like to steal
I’m half the man I used to be
This I feel as the dawn
It fades to gray
Well, I’m half the man I used to be
This I feel as the dawn
It fades to gray
Well, I’m half the man I used to be
This I feel as the dawn
It fades to gray
Well, I’m half the man I used to be, half the man I used to be
Repeated over and over and over again ad nausea.
Even STP stickers on old cars triggers me.
You have to whine the words for it to make sense.
These bands normalized whining. I said it at the time. They sound like pussies sniveling about every little thing. In Rock and Roll, you can cry about losing your significant other, how you wasted your health partying, how the man’s trying to keep you down or how your dog ran off with your pickup truck. You absolutely cannot snivel about the parenting you received, whether you were adopted, the fact that homeless bums exist and how hard it is not to be a loser. Fuckin blow your brains out if it’s that bad, already.
“Challenge accepted!”
-Kurt Cobain
I respect Cobain for finally doing just that. The rest of them were even worse.
Yeah, he gets points for that. The rest of them sound like Hootie and the Blowfish on meth.
“Challenge accepted!”
–Courtney Love
Most Nirvana lyrics were abstract at best and gibberish at worst, not to mention mostly unintelligible to the ear. I wouldn’t say they were whining.
Kurt might have done a lot of whining on his own in interviews and such, but that wouldn’t tar the songs that way.
Pearl Jam sucks, to be sure. STP was hit and miss in my book, but songs like “Sour Girl” underscore the fact that they could be musically brilliant when they wanted to be.
But Eddie mumble-grunts with such emotion.
She’s the perfect foil for the class of people who eat that shit up.
They keep putting children up in front in order to inoculate themselves from criticism.
It’s pathetic and it will backfire.
I encourage them to do more of this, precisely because no one will take them seriously.
If I wasn’t so lazy I’d take the audio of the kid’s rant and dub it over a clip of a rambling Alfalfa from the Little Rascals.
Just dub Charlie Brown’s teacher talking over top of Greta’s video.
Nothing says informed and rational like arrogant, emotional teenager.
Which five? I bet I can guess at least one of them.
I’ll give them credit for limiting themselves to countries that actually ratified that silliness. The US is not one of them.
“Thunberg and other young people filed a legal complaint”
The fuck they did. This shit is approaching PETA levels of mendacity.
This monster
I love that Pence looks exactly like Race Bannon.
Interesting choice of picture.
Have you seen the one with Trudeau?
Huh, I clicked on it and got the Who? image, but then cut & pasting the link made it work again.
“In honor of the brutal meme, here’s some 90s Grrl pop.”
In hindsight, all those Riot Grrl bands were quaint and wholesome
Not a traditional “Riot Grrl” band (more like late 90’s, early 2000’s retro rock girls), but this cover is better than the original. Fight me
Everything The Donnas do is wonderful.
School’s Out!
Meh, pretty much a straight cover, other than the chick singing they didn’t really add anything to the original version. Not sure how one is ‘better’ than the other. Yo want your cover to outshine the original you need to make it your own, not seeing that here, it’s a nice tribute but nothing special.
Said the man who sold the world.
You have never been more wrong. The tempo is faster and the vocals sound better than Paul Stanley’s version. Plus the drummer for the Donna’s is way hotter than Peter Criss
Woo-hoo, a personal best!!
You must concede that their drummer is way better looking than Peter Criss
Sure, I’ll give you that.
Hyperbole concedes a point.
*checks sky for SMOD*
I would worry more about SPACE SMITH.
I was actually working (training) last week, I come back and see that I missed Trudy dolled up in blackface?!?!?
I’ve wronged somebody apparently.
He was unsure of how many other instances there might be.
It was amazing.
I really enjoyed this headline:
Sheila Jackson Lee Confuses AR-15 for 10 Moving Boxes and a Heavy Machine Gun
And she is an elected official. Christ Almighty, the people in TX 18 sure chose well.
I can only assume there’s serious machine politics involved. There’s got to be a LOT of smarter people in that area, even if they are dyed in the wool Democrats.
She’s been there forever. I believe she’s the one who wanted to give hurricanes more ethnic names.
As a guy who grew up in Jesse Jackson Jr’s district, I used to ponder that shit all the time.
I assume gerrymandering happens in Texas,too.
I have no idea what you’re talking about!
Have you been to TX 18? I have. Nothing surprising about Lee.
I…have not. Most time I’ve spent in Texas was in Dallas and that was just for a relative’s wedding.
And we should all be in awe of how the guy holding the mic doesn’t fall over laughing. Does he just mute out the actual words and just focus on the volume?
it may rain in a bit, odd looking stuff out here, and
I love thunderstorms.
^This! Love to sit out on my (covered) back porch during nighttime t-storms, rationalizing that the cotton & wood futon I’m on offsets any risk associated with the porch’s metal roof.
Do you like Pina Coladas?
Nope, but my hair is perfect.
I had a pretty good weekend. I got my new couches delivered minus missing legs for one piece, tried a new restaurant that was pretty good, went to food & wine and saw some cis-gendered lesbians in the wild. Not too shabby.
#metoo minus the delivery. I hauled with my trailer, but hired help to take care of loading/unloading the new and old furniture. First time outsourcing that and thought it was well worth it.
Is there a field guide to lesbians a la Audubon?
Of course, this is the internet.
The Soon-to-Be Comprehensive Bird Watcher’s Guide to Lesbians
That shade is going to be very useful in your battle against lesbians.
Will click when not at work.
C’mon, I posted that while sitting in training on my company’s new sexual harassment policy, live a little. Or don’t, my stupidity shouldn’t be an example to others.
How to harass, step by step?
Alison Bechdel did one.
Oops, that’s supposed to be a ‘+’.
So, +2
I can’t keep up. Cis-gendered lesbians?
Cisgendered is anyone who dresses and acts “normal” for the equipment they were born with. Lipstick lesbians, “oh, wow, he’s gay” homos.
My guess was “lipstick lesbians”.
Correct to both.
If anyone is looking for a tablet…Best Buy glitch:
Nevermind, glitch fixed quickly.
It’s showing $298.
What was the glitch?
desert Circulation,
I see a sailboat.
I see a Bunny, and cotton candy! and fresh Blankies….
It’s a schooner.
Some pretty flowers.
The transformation of science from a methodology to a leftist dogwhistle continues apace. I’m sure someone on stage will smugly inform his audience how much better they are than those yokels over at the tractor pull.
I watched this sample from a set. Political science professors? Marketing professors? Nevermind the unfunny jokes.
They fookin’ loves it, they does…
I think we should shoot that little girl off into the sun to see if it helps. Couldn’t hurt.
Happy Bi Visibility Day!
Where muh boobflashes?
I only celebrate bi men, Tonio. Bi women are so 1999.
I member when straight girls would kiss in bars for free drinks.
Best Global Climate Strike Posters And Memes
I’ll keep saying it: every one of you who has produced spawn is to blame for this pathetic display.
Hooooooly shit.
That could be the dumbest crowd I have ever seen, and that is really saying something.
Mindless parroting. Out and out indoctrination, primarily by the teacher’s unions. This is the new Cultural Revolution – and out of the gate we are way behind.
Hofbrau Dunkle is the bomb. Good full flavor without being boozy. What a fall beer should be.
Speaking of Tom Cruise, watched Jack Reacher over the weekend. Second time I’ve seen it. Great movie, love the bar scene. Did you call our sister a whore? Well, she inferred hooker, but I meant slut.
What Does the VSCO Girl Phrase “Sksksk” and “And I Oop” Mean?
You’re welcome.
For those of you with girl teens you can only hope they get into this terribly annoying shit than become Greta-girls.
I think it works the other way.
This is my youngest (14). I do hear “Sksksk” at home a lot.
Thanks for your suggestion the other day. I told her that her hair was Fire 100 and she just giggled instead of telling me to “just stop”. I feel like I’m making some inroads with the natives.
I can’t decide if that’s better or worse than YEET
I hear that at home too. My 19 yo thought it was hilarious that someone on BattleBots had a sign that said YEET.
Is “yeet” better or worse than “yinz”?
I guess “Kowabunga” just wasn’t good enough for the youths.
Yeet and yinz are not comparable. What a terrible example.
Yeet is also British internet slang for ban.
Converse with them with outdated language! This will annoy and/or entertain – either way you win.
My daughter tried explaining that nonsense the other day. All I got from it was pride over her attempts to troll the other girls.
If my wife didn’t work at a middle school, I would be blissfully unaware.
The best part of dinner is not sharing your day.
I look forward to the 40-something women in my office dropping this shit into casual conversation to seem hip and relevant.
How is that even pronounced?
When they do, you should respond with “Oh, snap!”
I can’t even.
I glanced over this discussion. I have no idea what the fuck y’all are talking about….and if you don’t mind I would like to keep it that way.
Plural of SKS or 2 SKS’
Sitting at bar, waiting on wife. Married 30 years today.
lol congratulations, cuck!
Aaaand we’re done here.
Hey, I’m drinking and checking out the bar girls asses while I wait, so cuck you!
Legit congrats!
You married a 30 year old today? Congrats.
Thanks:) I didn’t think I’d live to see 30 much less be married that long.
Real Men die before their 35th birthday. What a cuck
I definitely used up all my 9 lives by then.
Actually used them by 25. Lol.
Cuck Off Leon!
Congrats! it ain’t easy
Congratulations ?
Congratulations! I hope it’s an eventful evening!
Congrats to you and the lucky lady, my dude!
Congrats to you and the missus.
Thanks to all:)
Congratulations! I failed at that endeavor several times.
Congratulations! and my sympathies to your wife.
Does she know about it?
EXCLUSIVE: ‘She tried to kill us!’ Indiana mother who adopted 6-year-old Ukranian girl with dwarfism has been charged with abandonment but claims her ‘daughter’ was found to be a 22-year old ‘sociopath’ masquerading as a child
I love America.
Holy shit.
Man, the Wayans brothers were really ahead of their time
I heard a fraction of that story this weekend. Yikes.
So they didn’t let her kill herself?
Some adults only pose as kids to get half-price train tickets, the pikers.
“I love America.”
Can’t we blame this one on the Ukrainians?
“She was doing things you could never imagine a little child doing.”
William Peter Blatty would like a word
Isn’t that the exact plot of the horror movie “Orphan”?!
And Bugs Bunny already did it-
I hate when that happens.
Hey Greta, Waterworld wasn’t a documentary you fucking retard.
It wasn’t….
It was, according to these science lovers.
The cult followers have donned funny hats. I hope it doesn’t stick. We don’t need more funny hats in public. There are enough snowflakes running around you’re not supposed to be assholes to because they wear funny hats.
So I can be an asshole to Ivan Doroschuk?
I was looking forward to a wet Jeanne Tripplehorn.
Ugh. That movie was on this past weekend. I watched most of It for the first time. I now see why it was a punchline for so long. So bad.
Dear Abby: Because a sleep disorder takes away my motivation, people think I’m lazy
Has she never heard of internet search engines?
She slept through that day of internet school.
I was diagnosed with the same thing. Doctor prescribed me Adderall, a month supply fixed me right up.
6 month supply*
My brother is narcoleptic, and they did the opposite for him.
He takes Xyrem (basically GHB) at night to keep him asleep, and that keeps him awake during the day (most of the time).
Last I checked, GHB was both schedule 1 and schedule 3 at the same time.
My Own Private Washington.
Greta Thunberg has a message for world leaders at the United Nations this week: “We’ll be watching you.” Speaking at the Climate Action Summit in New York, Thunberg added, “This is all wrong. I shouldn’t be up here. I should be back in school, on the other side of the ocean.”
I started watching that video, then killed it. She can go fuck herself.
So this guy was justified after all.
Is that a threat?
That’s the way I took it.
A change in the weather? Yeah, that happens from time to time.
Then go back to school.
I know she’s a teenager and she’s being used by asshole adults but her nonsense is getting kind of old.
No. You see she’s been enslaved by the UN IPCC. They will spin it as righteous anger, but it’s actually a pitiful call for help.
How The Sex Technique ‘Karezza’ Could Revive Your Stale Relationship
This is probably idea…if you’re a cuck!
Lackadaisical fucking.
Millennials ruin everything.
Yes. And then they name it after a Starbucks cup.
Karrezza….isn’t that the Hofstra QB the Niners picked ahead of Tom Brady in 2000?
I thought that was tantric sex and that Sting was really big into it because reasons….
Trump handled that magnificently. Treating her as background material, like any other potted plant, is the absolutely perfect way of taking the wind out of her sails. She’s a 16-year-old with no particular achievement or insight to bring to any discussion whatsoever. She’s a nobody and Trump treated her exactly as such. Getting into a discussion with her only elevates her status.
This strangely out-of-character behavior was precisely the best response.
^This. He has nothing to lose by doing this, and everything to gain.
CNN’s Jim Acosta says America is a ‘vicious, nasty country’
Cans of beer? What is he, poor?
Remember when Don Lemon rubbed his stinky sac and then ran his fingers into a man’s facial hair? That was nasty…
Bill Press?? baaaaahahahahahahaha……there’s a straight shooter of a newsman if I ever saw one.
Cans have been rehabilitated by the craft brew industry. Both hand-produced big cans (forty plus liquid freedom units), and this new thing where the canning operation comes to you in the form of a self-contained canning line in a semi trailer. The brewery hooks a hose up to the trailer and the automated machinery starts spewing out 12 oz cans of beer.
Did you just can-‘splain?
Good. A lot of beers are light sensitive. Glass bottles aren’t great for that, even if they’re dark brown.
The progjection is strong in that one.
Okay, I think we’ve reached peak projection.
Officer Suspended After Arresting First-Grader. His Behavior Is Part of a Pattern.
Officer Dennis Turner is a hero! Arrest and jail children until they shut up about the climate!
Charter school. Rot-row. You know how this will be spun. “Evil, for-profit charter schools.” Even if they aren’t, just saying that will make it so among the low-information, non-contributing voters they are trying so hard to register en masse.
FOP Press Release:
It is disconcerting that the Chief of Police would cave to political pressure from the Mayors office. Brave Men and Women who come to work each day ask only for the support of their leadership and of the people they strive to protect. A hard working officer of the law would understandable be afraid to enforce the law in an environment where every decision they make is micromanaged and picked apart, without the benefit of experience or context. Unfortunately the people of Orlando are also victims of this crime against justice, as they will see fewer officer willing to enforce all aspects of the law for their safety.
Wow. The FOP leadership has either got the dumbest or most evil people out there. I can’t decide.
Ahem…. I should have been more forthcoming… I made that up.
Heh. We haven’t gone full clown-world yet.
Are we not though… The press release was believable enough. The only thing that was iffy was if the FOP would defend a guy like that. And quite frankly i think they would.
No you did not. Such a kidder. If you made it up, it’d be over the top, not just exactly like all the other FOP press statements.
True i didn’t make it up as much as try to emulate every other FOP statement ive read.
Little column A, lotta column B.
Why not both?
But honestly, we have reached the point where parody is indistinguishable from reality.
No one is innocent but I know who I’m rooting for.
I let that run for three minutes.
How she ineffectually smacks it as if she were a Japanese schoolgirl, and it an overly-enthusiastic geoduck clam siphon.
And, when you can get me rooting for Team Dunphy…
I think they were trying to get the officer to lower the weapon, not take it away. Hence the fluttering hand motions.
FBI arrests Army soldier who allegedly discussed plans to bomb major American news network
Right-wing extremist terrorist thwarted by the FBI.
When do we find out he had an IQ of 75 and the person who fed him all the propoganda, also worked for the FBI? I mean if it worked for Muslim Terrorists, the FBI can start caching in on White Terrorism too.
That’s “Domestic Terrorism!” If it were “White Terrorism” they might have to arrest some Antifa members and they just can’t have that.
They will ignore that the FBI could have deliberately, or inherently, bumbled this and focus on OMGZZZ ter violet rightwing extremists!!1! Because, Cheeto Hitler.
Clinton Vets to Biden: Sh*t’s Just Gonna Get Worse
And you losers claim there is a right-wing media bias.
Well, in all honesty Kevin D Williamson is a bit biased.
I’m sure the FBi will be stepping forward any day now to admit that Biden Committed Treasonous Felonies but they’re not going to prosecute him for…. reasons.
The “no reasonable prosecutor” standard.
K. This is the fucking thing that i think drives me the most insane about the Clinton Crew. Their fucking insistence that their was No scandal with the Emails. The fucking Scandal was not the Emails (though many scandolous things could be found there). It was that she fucking had a private server to host US Government Confidental Data, and that the server was compromised. That shit is the kind of stuff that gets people locked up at Leavenworth for years. And nothing happend. And the salt on it is that they act like it was a “Fake scandal”. No you are excusing the flagrant disregard for the law and for transperancy that you pretend to get upset about when Trump violates it. FUCK YOU, you can go die in a fucking fire.
It wasn’t even a little bit of shitting on the law either, the FBI passed out get out of jail free cards to her entire administration for ‘cooperation.’ Are you fucking kidding me!?!?
Even worse was the reason she did it: international fundraising for her own personal slush fund while she had power and leverage as the secretary of state.
“highly dubious”
Yeah, ok.
Highly-dubious accusations. A misinformation campaign.
Huh, that is a curious way to refer to something Biden proudly bragged about doing at a public speech which is recorded and being replayed endlessly to the public. It s almost like the MSM is fake news.
But they haven’t proven that he did it to protect Hunter. See also “Motte, Baily” and “Double Standard”
So Biden’s son having a seat on the board of a company for which he has no relevant experience is totally ok. In fact, they won’t mind if Ivanka gets a seat on the board of a Russian company, right? It’s unbelievable how they glide right by that.
How dare you use our own criminal actions against us!
Dammit I was told that this would stop at Confederate Battle Flag and go no further. I am sure the progs will not try to use this to discredit Rose Wilder Lane and in libertarianism in general. I mean the left would never use Jefferson and Locke’s involvements with slavery to discredit them and their ideas right?
Dammit I was told that this would stop at Confederate Battle Flag
Look at this Racist aplogist here. Thinks we should fly Confederate Battle flags everywhere. I read on the very respectable Libertarianism.org that the confederacy, states rights, and secession are completely at odds with libertarian thought. You see Libertarianism means you have to support the Federal Government as the Divine manifestation of Gods will in the world.
I can only wait for their write up about Wilder, so i can prove to you that she was a horrible racist who hated everything libertarians stand for.
Phil Magness wrote quite a bit about slavery and the CSA for that site. Now on AIER he writes articles complaining about historians, the 1619 project and how he is pilloried as a racist for pointing out the flaws of the 1619 project. Like he really thought that by attacking CSA and slavery would save him from being labeled a racist by the progs.
Well the CSA was not libertarian. But my point is that `Libertariansim.org` types will us that to then say that somehow secession is inherently unlibertarian, which makes no sense.
Well they did oppose Tariffs while Lincoln supported them and tariffs I am told is the key issue today…
It was certainly a Key issue then. I didn’t say the Union was libertarian, but if i’m going to rank them i think the one where people can’t be purchased as property is the less libertarian society.
My take on it is what Lysander Spooner believed; slavery is evil and simultaneously the South had every right to secede.
Until we had a federal tax, tariffs is how we funded the government.
But it offends Winston’s sentiments on what a “pure” libertarian should be.
Libertarianism.org seems to be trying to give TOS a run for it’s money on the cocktail circuit. A few trips over there and I concluded they could safely be ignored
Also Nationalism is the debil except when TOP MEN are in DC.
I’m not going to fly the Confederate flag anytime soon but whenever I hear someone go on and on about getting rid of the Confederate flag I always ask:
1. Will crime go down in the black community if we got rid of it and banned it?
2. Would schools in the inner cities get better?
3. Will the high rates of drug use decrease?
4. Will out of wedlock pregnancies go down?
I get some stupid answer but they can never ever say yes to these questions.
But Muh FEELINGZ!!!!
Sure they can. All of those are due to racism. And once the symbols of racism are gone, those will be as well. If they’re still here, it’s because racism is still here.
This shit started with the flag?
The morons caving on guns and climate are in for a real treat. Wal-mart stops selling certain ammo? That will never be good enough. All ammo. All guns. Fishing tackle. Camo patterned clothing. Hunting licenses and any gear related to hunting or fishing. Anything deplorable desire….it will never end.
Stop using fossil fuels? Next, air conditioning and refrigeration. Then firewood. Then cotton, plastic, metals. It will never end because the motive isn’t the good of the planet, the goal is to keep the revolution alive with one phony-baloney cause after another. They have to have a boogey man to defeat, a dragon to slay. They will never stop until they have driven us back into the dark ages and all of humankind is enslaved.
Every business that is cow-towing to these commie demands, fuck you.
It’s why they start with demanding “apologies.” Even if you did nothing wrong, they want to see people bow and scrape. That’s all it is.
It’s paying the Danegeld. The minute you bow, you acknowledge that they have some authority over you, be it moral or otherwise. That’s why they hate people who laugh at them and disdain them – it’s a refutation of their power.
Does Pepperidge Farm remember?Because Rudyard Kipling remembers.
How can we ruin serving as a viable way to make a living? Chicago has the answer!
How does it go? “If you can’t afford to pay all your staff to ‘have a kid or get a house’ then you shouldn’t be in business.”
Fluctuating paychecks — $200 on a bad week, $700 on a good one — can make it tough to pay bills.
“It’s depressing because I don’t feel like I can plan,” said Baker, 36, who is working part-time while she gets her associate degree and hopes to eventually get a master’s in social work.
It doesn’t say how many hours she’s working “part-time”, but $700 a week part time is pretty damn good.
She’ll be fine after she gets that associates degree in social work.
That was part pretty telling for me.
New York state is trying to inflict the same thing on waitstaff, over their objections.
It kills me. Progs are always on about the evil of corporations and their profits and how their employees don’t get to share in the prosperity. Well, tipping completely circumvents their bosses and allows servers to directly see the fruits of their labor. It offers every incentive to hussle and be the best server possible. So naturally they want it eliminated so servers have less incentive to be a better server, so customers can pay a higher price for food and so restraunteers can see their margins shrink. Who the fuck put these people in charge?
Not I.
So sugary drinks, guns and now meat. What doesn’t Bloomberg want to ban?
Anything for himself
He is a rich New Yorker who went to Harvard Business school and is the son of an immigrant. Unpossible.
Huh. I have flank steak dry brining right now.
So sugary drinks, guns and now meat
I think we could get a kind of “Anti” Weed, Mesicans and Butt-sex thing going her.
Or i could go for the tried and true:
You know who else wanted to ban meat (IYKWIM)…
What you did there. It was seen.
Andrea Dworkin?
Andrea Dworkin’s husband?
KD Lang ?
RD Laing
My wife had leftover steak for breakfast thinking it was the sausage patties and was pleasantly surprised.
I had beef curry for breakfast, lunch, and more at dinner. DeBlasio can DIAF. I wouldn’t waste piss on him.
“Meatless Monday” – totally not a religion, folks.
Why do “solutions” for solving climate change always seem to revolve around regular people living a worse off life?
Because making people worse off is their actual goal, and they don’t really care about climate change?
They care about changing the world to suit their whims. They care about feeling important and justifying their own existence. They care about the opinions of others.
That’s all they really care about.
As somebody else said, they’re neo-feudalists at heart, they want the little people in their proper place.
Now you are starting to catch on.
*Racks AK*
Seriously AIER does (including Jeff Tucker) writes some pretty good stuff but I do find it interesting that they support “modernity” but spend a lot of time complaining about….modern social and political trends.
The thing that really gets me is that no one seems to have learned from the great mistakes of the Victorian Liberals: you know moving into cities, going to university, buying foreign goods, using new technology and foreign travel is not inherently libertarian. The aristocracy of old did pretty much the same thing except maybe for living in cities (though they would have had a house in the capital). Oh and nebulous talk about the “forces of history” which around 1900 the socialists and progressives used against them with devastating effect.
Jared Padalecki to Star in ‘Walker, Texas Ranger’
Women in their 50s and 60s are supposed to ‘bate to this weak nonsense? That heavens for “Blue Bloods.”
Dammit I thought Hollywood was as pure a sausage fest as the Elizabethan stage until Ghostbusters 2016 came out.
And will Walker’s real enemy be ICE and the Border Patrol?
” Walker will have a female partner”
I only watched a few episodes but I thought Walker’s partner was an African-American man? The woman who was his girlfriend was a DA or some such.
Rest assured she’ll be kicking the shit out of multiple 250lb men, because Guuurl Power!!
That trope is getting really old.
Padilecki is not Chuck Norris. Walker did not have a female partner. Walker had no children.
Walker, Texas Ranger was a comic book with moral themes. The good guys wore white hats, the bad guys black hats. It wasn’t subtle. You always knew who the good guys were and who the bad guys were and you always knew right was going to win out in the end. Law and order, family values and clear lines between right and wrong. The show was geared towards 8-14 yo boys and women who had a crush on Chuck Norris.
This guy aint no Chuck Norris and ten dollars to a hole in a donut says they botch the morality play aspect.
I give it one season…if they are lucky.
‘The Batman’: Jonah Hill in Early Talks for Villain Role
I hope it’s the Riddler so at least we can have something different. Yeah, we. Us.
I’m on pins and needles.
This will be a Moneyball of Superbad
So Chernobyl won some Emmys. I would like to remind you that the real message of the show is ORANGE MAN BAD and how we need to listen to TOP MEN.
Gee, and I thought the message was never trust the authorities, no matter who’s in charge.
Yeah that show was all about Trump. Good take.
Being against Trump wins awards in Hollywood. It’s just good marketing.
You do know Mazin is the creator of the show right?
From your link:
Right after Trump was elected!!!!!!!
I guess that translates to “TRUST TOP MEN, EXCEPT FOR TRUMP!”
So yeah?
Oh no, not Ted Cruz! Fuck man you win this round.
From the horse’s mouth:
He found an angle to promote it that the media would eat up and revere him for. Hell, HBO probably developed the marketing plan for him.
So wait, the show that showcases lying, arrogant government officials reminds someone of the lying, arrogant government official currently in office?
Get the fuck out here.
Mazin endorsed Hillary. So only Republicans are lying and arrogant to him.
A Hollywood content producer endorsed a Democratic presidential candidate? Holy moly!
So you are saying a Democrat would not but a Democrat political message in his show?
Yeah, he wouldn’t be the first to retcon something into “Orange Bad!”
I thought the lesson was “fuckin’ commies!” but whatever.
“I’m the most super libertarian of them all, but if there is one thing I won’t stand for is a popular television program that portrays a lying, inept, government that helped create and sustain a nuclear disaster.”
Trying to ignore the actual message of the show and pretend it means what you want it to mean and the creator of the show isn’t a leftist democrat who gave it a leftist democrat message in order to “own me”. Nice
The Battleship Potemkin portrays evil government and military officials so let’s ignore that it is communist propaganda.
“Trying to ignore the actual message of the show and pretend it means what you want it to mean”
Let’s see I said the real message of the show is that Trump is bad and we need Democrats to rule us and showed evidence that the creator of the show has clearly said that this is the message of the show.
And Mazin wouldn’t be the first leftist to argue that the government is full of lying corrupt and inept people yet we need Democrats or Communists in charge.
“I said the real message of the show is that Trump is bad and we need Democrats to rule us ”
Have fun believing that.
What makes you think Mazin doesn’t think that?
He went after commies, but the man’s got a living to make. Saying it’s actually about Trump is meant to square him with the Hollywood tankies.
Obviously a libertarian and would not put the non-libertarian message that he blatantly states in his show.
Now I have no idea what you are talking about, which is par for the course. But I will let you continue your Breitbartian quest to force a hard-hitting “orange man bad” take into a Hollywood creation.
What is Breitbartian about quoting the actual creator openly stating that it is about Trump? What’s next? Dalton Trumbo movies aren’t Communist propaganda?
Also I posted that tweet to show that Mazin is a typical Hollywood prog so I don’t how unusual it is that he would put a Hollywood prog message in his show especially since he has openly stated that the show is about Trump.
Well Ms. Actually Not My President concluded that the message of 1984 was ‘trust authority.’ So, there’s that.
Ahh, I remember that ?♂️
Snickers Popcorn Recipe
Oh my God.
Yep. Recipe bookmarked.
That sounds worse than Skyline “Chili”
They’re right, Hyp. Calling that shit “chili” is a step too far.
In preparation of my move next month I’m trying to use up (rather than move or throw out) dey goods. I made a pretty decent loaf of rye bread this evening and more delicious Cornell Chicken…..I have no idea why I’m sharing this other than I’m bored
*dry…..sorry, slipped into Pigeon there for a moment
Moving? Moving? I don’t recall being consulted on this. (sorry, I’ve been consuming Irish whiskey for the last hour or so).
Yep. Spokane area next month. I’ve made several announcements at this point. Thrilled to be leaving dreary WV.
Sorry. I’ve been MIA for a while.
Lol, that’s allowed I suppose. I get busy and miss a week or two here and there and it takes me a while to catch up on the latest buzz, Inside jokes and glib drama. I expect only a few people even noticed the post
Spokane is a beautiful place. It’s pretty unique too, you have a good blend of wilderness and civilization.
Yep, I loved there for seven years and it’s a great place. I’m returning to plenty of friends and beloved old haunts
I knew somebody was moving to Spokane, but I couldn’t remember who.
I know egould is moving to Seattle. Or at least, I think he’s the one.
Houston QB D’Eriq King plans to sit out season
The NCAA is wild, bro.
At least they had a chance at a couple of solid teams so he could make an informed decision.
He’s a solid talent, and the rest of the team is just not jelling around him. Oliver and the coach are gone, so why not skip out.
I started dating a girl last week. She has 3 kids from 3 fathers. One has a chronic illness and won’t live past her teenage years. She has had giant tattoos. I’m 35 and childless, don’t like tattoos. I’ve never clicked with someone so we’ll and so fast. I’m in over my head, yet really enjoying myself.
Let’s take votes on whether or not this ends well for me.
Over a long enough timeline you’ll be dead either way, so there’s that.
On the bright side, my mother will hate her.
John Maynard Keynes? Is that you??
Probably won’t end well. Sorry. Enjoy it while you can.
My logical brain is right there with you.
My logical brain has also made me 35 and single
My logical brain hasn’t helped me out with women either.
I put it out on here that I was starting up a thing with my buddies gorgeous, soon to be divorced, mother of 2, sister.
We clicked extremely fast and feel hard for each other (initially).
One of the Glibs glib reply was “Sounds like you’re the rebound guy”
He turned out to be 100% correct, for what it’s worth.
There is an acceptable cost/benefit frontier for being a rebound guy . . . or for being any other guy . . . or for anything.
Had I not let myself get emotionally involved the benefit would have been far more substantial. As it turns out I learned that recently divorced women are as unpredictable as the sea.
We should have set you up with Tulip.
She’ll always be Brooks gal . . .plus I doubt she want to commute from Indiana and I’m definitely not moving to the DC area
Indiana, eh? Pick me up some guns please. I hear they’re everywhere.
Mine all fell in the lake.
Are any of the Baby Daddies in the picture at all, as in involved with their respective kids?
If not, that strikes me as bad.
If so… it still strikes me as bad. Sorry!
1. Turned schizophrenic
2. In jail, junkie
3. Involved, good guy from her account, just unplanned baby and not for her
If you start getting close to bopping and she makes comments like, “don’t worry I’m on the and “what do you need that condom for”, run, run like your life depended on it.
(That got cut off)
So far, no one has said anything I haven’t thought. Yet here I am at her house waiting for her to get the baby to bed . . . Sometimes I’m quite the idiot.
Heh, heh. Enjoy yourself and take it for what it is. I can imagine what your logical brain has been telling you after the experience that you had in college that you wrote about. That would have scared me into celibacy for years.
If you thought that was bad you should hear what my ex wife told her parents about me (which wasn’t true)
Damn man, you have had some rough times with the ladies. Best of luck brother.
Live and direct from the Department of Trite but True Platitudes: Personality =/= character. Please take that FWIW.
You ladies and your sage advise . . .thanks for caring you random internet friends.
Your situation is inspiring completely out-of-character maternal instincts. I should probably go lie down until the feeling passes.
I’ll say a prayer for you. Try not to do anything permanent.
Odds are against you but I met one once meeting that description that I think could have worked. My logical brain saw to it that I never got a chance to see.
I wish you the best, but fear it won’t end well.
Went to work early to meet a noon deadline for several pressing work items of varying levels of unpleasantness, including preparations for the final day of a great employee who just misses the Midwest and had to go back home, as well as preparing paperwork for the long slow process of firing an underperformer.
Now time for a nap! Then hopefully back for a little late night frolics with the Glibs. No promises though!!
Ugh. Reason #38598 I’m glad I didn’t follow through on a whim to go into HR. Well, that and the fact that people suck. (Present company excepted.)