It’s a links drive-by again today. Here’s today’s poll question: How long does it take for a new employee (junior level) to do productive work? Maybe if I have a meeting tomorrow morning, I can read the responses.

Iowa man, that’s some horror movie shit you done. I’m sure He Who Walks Behind the Rows was pleased to accept the sacrifice.

The Russian Navy lost a ship to a.. walrus? We should definitely be spending several hundred billion dollars a year to increase our fleets to deal with threats such as these!

Well, this will definitely piss off the communists, since they’re all of the Internationalist flavor. Personally, I think nations are, on balance, too large to address most problems in an efficient manner, but damn sure better than the UN/World Government

Well, they’ve certainly got Trump right where he wants them. I can’t decide whether I’m rooting for President Pence, or Trump skipping impeachment proceedings to campaign more.