It’s a links drive-by again today. Here’s today’s poll question: How long does it take for a new employee (junior level) to do productive work? Maybe if I have a meeting tomorrow morning, I can read the responses.
Iowa man, that’s some horror movie shit you done. I’m sure He Who Walks Behind the Rows was pleased to accept the sacrifice.
The Russian Navy lost a ship to a.. walrus? We should definitely be spending several hundred billion dollars a year to increase our fleets to deal with threats such as these!
Well, this will definitely piss off the communists, since they’re all of the Internationalist flavor. Personally, I think nations are, on balance, too large to address most problems in an efficient manner, but damn sure better than the UN/World Government
Well, they’ve certainly got Trump right where he wants them. I can’t decide whether I’m rooting for President Pence, or Trump skipping impeachment proceedings to campaign more.
“The free world must embrace its national foundations,” Trump said. “It must not attempt to erase them or replace them.”
“Wise leaders always put the good of their own people and their own country first,” Trump continued. “The future does not belong to globalists. The future belong to patriots.”
We’re gonna need a bigger fainting couch.
Or those that slander the prophet of islam. We haven decided yet.
I would love to hear Juncker’s inner monologue while he was listening to that.
Does he slur his inner monologue too?
Look for endless repostings of that Dr Seuss political cartoon with America First people as Nazi enablers.
Yeah, well, they might want to be a little careful using Dr. Seuss around their “everyone I don’t like is racist” narratives.
They didn’t say that all racists are people they don’t like
President Emmanuel Macron of France responded to President Trump, saying, “I don’t believe that the crises we are facing can be resolved by turning inward, by isolationism
Fuck you.
We talk about “Crisies” all the time. You know what? They aren’t fucking Global issues. Acting like they are is only a ploy that people use to try to get more and more power.
And to grab other people’s money.
Not our circus, not our monkeys.
“The Russian Navy lost a ship to a.. walrus?”
Man you’ve been a naughty girl,
You’ve kept your knickers on.
What does Tess Holliday have against Russia?
“The Russian Navy lost a ship to a.. walrus? ”
Coo coo cajoob?
its’ Good Good Gajoob, Silly Rabbit….
For what it’s worth, the liner notes of the Blue Album say “Goo Goo G’Joob”.
Also, I think the walrus was Paul.
OK that is one of the worst written articles I have ever seen. Did the ship sink or did the damned inflatable landing craft sink?
Huge difference between the two and the article makes it utterly unclear
I had the same reaction.
It was the blow-up raft.
“Trump has sought, without evidence, to implicate Biden and his son Hunter in the kind of corruption that has long plagued Ukraine.”.
Never mind Biden bragging in public about getting a Ukrainian prosecutor who was hassling his son fired as a direct quid pro quo for receiving money. Without evidence indeed.
O geeze. They said “without evedience” for that but didn’t have the gall to point out that the whole story is based off of a second hand account?
Don’t they have actual video of Biden saying all of this? Hand waves all around!
He said that he pressured them to get rid of a prosecutor that wasn’t going after corruption, the ‘the prosecutor was investigating Hunter’ is all MAGA hatted fever dreams.
His son served as a board member for a company the prosecutor was investigating:
Basically a $50k a month no-show job. Good work if your Dad can get it for you. Lots of time off to bang your sister-in’law.
sounds a lot more “credible” than the evidence against Kavanaugh, that’s for sure
Hunter wasn’t being hassled, the probe (it wasn’t even a full blown investigation) into the company that hired him was abandoned months before he was hired and 2 years before Biden pressured the Ukes to fire the guy.
Give me 7 independent links that corroborate taht.
This is from a WSJ article published in December 2015. Mykola Zlochevsky was the founder of Burisma Holdings.
How could Biden pressure anyone two years after December 2015?
this reads like something approaching balance:
The fired prosecutor has claimed that he was asking for an interview with Hunter when he was fired. But Orangemanbad right? So Biden must be good. And clearly when the MSM says there is nothing to see here we should believe them since they always report the truth.
After the fact the fired (corrupt) prosecutor claims Hunter was on double secret probation? Sounds about right.
I know right? I mean surely investigating a suspect claim is a ridiculous response. We should just immediately dismiss the idea because Orangemanbad.
President Donald Trump ordered his staff to freeze nearly $400 million in aid to Ukraine a few days before a phone call in which he pressured the Eastern European nation’s leader to investigate the family of political rival Joe Biden, a revelation that comes as more Democrats move toward impeachment proceedings.</em
I think the AP is off their game. I thought it was the correct thing to say "This is claimed, without evidence".
I’ve been pointing that new turn of phrase out when I encounter it.
They must have really burned the midnight oil over at ThinkProgress coming up with that one. I’ve seen “claimed without evidence” used for things that are undeniably true. It is a great way of implying dishonesty without anything fact-checkable.
‘It’s like a badge of honor’: How Iowa State became Busch Light University
This is why we on the coasts look flyover and look down on you people. My God.
This just in, Iowans prefer horse piss.
Unpopular opinion: I think Busch Light is better than Bud Lite
Horse piss is better than cow piss.
Okay, we need to stop pretending that these are anything other than professional sports leagues. Universities can accept sponsorships like this only if they forego all taxpayer dollars. Expand the leagues to include junior divisions (former college). Figure out a way to get these athletes daily access to college women. Problem solved.
The Busch Guy can crack it open for me any old time.
Oh my.
Crusty Juggler is George Takei.
Day 1.
The first day that he’s not on a guided tour of the org, sitting through HR bullshit, etc.
So, Week 18?
I based my answer on a more blue collar type job setting.
Oops, my privilege is showing.
He/she ought to be making money after 3 weeks. Any job should take no longer than 3 weeks for a competent person to learn enough to be productive.
Shorter time frame is a bonus.
Not generally true for new engineers fresh out of college. They’re useless for a few months until they learn the industry.
I’m of no help here – government employee. I’m not sure if we are ever “productive”
You see what they did there? Gosh, they are so clever!
Maybe “4 dronetastic presidents” would have been more accurate?
Linking him to the near-dictator of Turkey is a bit much even for them. Or maybe not, anymore. But it’s telling how they’ve dropped all pretense of being the “serious paper”.
I’m not your bitch.
And I’m still out on weather that is really Ironic.
I don’t think it is, I think he tried hard to troll twitter but ultimately failed.
Is it raining there?
He’s right.
The end.
Meh. Depends on what you mean by “environmentally friendly.” But let them run with this, I say. Much lulz.
*shrug* If you consider efficient land use environmentally friendly, cities have more people per square mile.
And they use less energy per person.
I think the argument is silly, myself.
Also rednecks are filthy filthy people, Tire fires, ravines full of old dishwashers and box springs, you mock SF for bums shitting on the street but rednecks will drop a deuce in the nearest crick at the drop of a John Deere cap.
Turtles have to eat too.
Same as the worms.
Well, since farmers are pretty much the only people on earth whose job involve creating massive amounts of new life, the argument could be made. All the surplus biomass flowing into the cities is what allows them to exist in the first place.
Dunno. People in rural areas certainly drive more.
This. The cost of delivering goods and services (electricity, packages) is far higher per person in low density areas.
When I moved from the suburbs to a small town, I drove less.
Wife went from commuting 20 miles a day in stop and go traffic to 4 miles a day with little to no traffic.
I went from commuting 38 miles a day in stop and go traffic to 0 since I now work remotely.
I love it here.
Did AOC just get in the Acme rockets she ordered?
/meep meep
When are those impeachment proceedings going to start? It can’t take very long to change a few dates and find/replace “Russia” with “Ukraine”.
“The Russian Navy lost a ship to a…walrus?”
It was a seismic anomaly.
The walrus does crazy Ivans to the left at the bottom of the hour?
+1 Russian with a Scottish burr.
+1 Ping… 1 Ping only
“Trump ordered aid frozen”
Like in carbonite?
He does bear a fair resemblance to Jabba the Hutt.
Like lemonade. He was in the mood for a slushy.
LOL. Messi is shorter than Rapinoe.
Explains why he’s less of a dick than she is.
He’s also better than Rapinoe.
They should be paid the same though.
More feminine also.
He’s actually not tall. Just really skilled.
And Ronaldo – the most narcissistic male player in the world not named Ibrahimovic – was the only one to have the good sense not to show up to that circle jerk. What a world.
Yes, but isn’t that because he’s due in court somewhere?
No idea. Most of them are in and out of trouble with the law so frequently it’s hard to keep up.
The internet says he should be an inch taller…does she have heels on?
He’d whoop her ass.
And he’s better dressed.
Disney CEO Explains Twitter Perfectly: ‘Why Am I Doing This? Why Do I Endure This Pain?’
Iger went on to say, “while the MCU makes the world a better place with it’s milquetoast brand of action and humor that appeals to the billions of lames worldwide.”
I think you’re being sarcastic but I agree with the Disney CEO.
Of course Twitter is nasty and makes the world a worst place, but it’s not like Disney is full of wholesome programming which makes the world a better place.
+1 Song of The South
You suppose they’ll be streaming that on Disney+ ?
I micro-ranted about this on a dead thread (oops) the other night.
I want to see ONE movie that is only going to be released on Disney+. I hate that I have to have multiple streaming services to see ONE THING on that service.
OTOH, I’m glad to see some original quality content out there.
Considering the only Google alerts I get on my pen name is pirate sites where my books can be downloaded for free (or, worse, sites that charge a subscription fee where my books are uploaded), I’m a little hesitant to do that.
I’ve never pirated a game or a book and I buy my movies, but I’ll admit I may have used TPB in situations like yours.
Funnily enough I pirate stuff I already own.
It’s easier than ripping and re-encoding it myself. And it’s not as if I didn’t pay for it.
I don’t believe I’ve had a reason to do that, but I don’t see much wrong with that. If I have paid for it once, I see it as no different from format-shifting, which is legal.
You didn’t, you purchased a physical copy, just because I bought Diver Down on vinyl in ’83 doesn’t give me the right to download unlimited copies of it today.
I could argue that Diver Down was the best VH album.
Sign up for a month, watch what you want, cancel. We do it all the time with various services.
You could argue that but you’d be wrong.
“dead thread (oops)”
I didn’t see the new thread either.
It provides lightweight entertainment that I sometimes consume. It does make the world a bit better.
local but they’ve already arrested the sonofabitch that slashed tires on “at least 60” cars in my hood. that fucking footage of him nonchalantly strolling down the sidewalk casually pausing at each tire to deflate it with a chef’s knife.
Fuck. That. Guy.
Christ, what an asshole.
Glad they caught him.
What kind of knife was it? Maybe he was just testing a Ginsu.
Tire salesman?
Climate strike activist.
the tire salesmen around here just drop screws and roofing nails all over the streets and blame the contractors.
Trainees might not be that bright.
If this were the UK, he’d have to use a spoon.
There’s a much simpler and non-destructive way to flatten tires. In fct, I’m not sure they can arrest you.
That’d still be vandalism at least wouldn’t it?
Criminal mischief?
When I was a younger person, there was a series of cars that had all four stems removed. Turned out that they were all cars that had stolen parking spots in the big mall parking lot during the Christmas shopping season…
This year’s hottest cultural trend is lemons
fun fact: it does not work as a deodorant.
Buying bad cars is a cultural trend?
It’s the 70s all over again!
It is key to making lemonade, that cool, refreshing drink.
+1 Elvis
I assume they mean lululemons?
Now with more show-through.
I prefer limes – in my margaritas.
Our society is getting silly.
I use them to wipe my ass, but only when I’ve run out of powdered sugar donuts.
OK, I larfed!
I make the best lemon sugar cookies in the world, bar NONE.
#protip Don’t get lemon extract in the big bottles. It goes bad, and fairly quickly, too.
I’ll have to dig out and share the recipe for Shaker Lemon Pie. It uses the whole fruit, rind, pith, flesh, sliced thin.
It is amazing. A 2 crust lemon pie with more lemon flavor and zing than anything this side of an tart lemon drop. Marvelous texture/mouth feel; the pith & peel cook down very nicely in the juice.
Oh, now I’m a little aroused…
I routinely chug sugar-free lemonade (keep it KETO, yo)
1 1/2 cups lemon juice
4 1/2 cups water
3-4 tablespoons stevia
Actual lemon squeezins, as available.
Good stuff. Adjust lemon-sweetner ratio as necessary
Can I order some by mail?
Actually, I would send you some but they’re kinda delicate and would be in crumbs by the time you got them.
BUT I’ll tweet you when I’m making some again and I can get the particulars then.
It’s coming on fall, so it’s time to start making pumpkin pies for my kids’ breakfasts again.
Watch out for the lemon stealing whores.
“The lemon is in play.”
Where I work, usually a month or two. A week to get through HR nonsense and mandatory training, (because it’s absolutely vital that programmers get training on how to use word and excel) a week to learn the specific practices and environments of our dev team, and usually a few weeks the ins and outs of the firm and the software they will be supporting. If we are lucky enough to get someone that already knows the software and is used to the oddness of law firms that time is decidedly shorter, but those people aren’t hired on in a junior position.
Pelosi impeachment announcement at 5pm. We lose, lawyers and news channels win.
They’re impeaching Pelosi?
We should be so lucky
We should be so lucky
and Trump just won a second term.
The supposed whistleblower is being represented by…..a former Chuck Schumer and Hillary Clinton operative. I’m shocked.
And the guy who is his co-founder of “Whistleblower Aid”? A guy who donated $2700 to Hillary for America in 2016.
Pelosi now claiming that “a quid pro quo is not necessary to impeach”. Which directly contracts what they were saying this was about prior to today.
Honk, honk indeed.
That is one hell of a goal post to move. If merely talking to a foreign country and I dont know, just spit balling here…said “After my election I have more flexibility…” it might be time to realize that you are getting played
My silver lining: Maybe the Democrats are lowering the bar for impeachment? If they somehow manage to succeed here, we can be guaranteed Republicans will seek payback the first chance they get kicking off a payback loop that, inadvertently, might result in near perpetual gridlock.
Their name isn’t public, but their lawyer is?
Massachusetts governor calls for harshest anti-vaping ban in U.S.
Take that, NY and Michigan!
“statewide public health emergency”
Fuck off, slaver.
This shit is getting out of hand.
Here’s the sad thing. Charlie Baker is an authoritarian POS. But he’s much less of a fascist than the POS Martha Coakley whom he beat to become governor.
He’s the liver-destroying chemo that knocked out the cancer.
After much careful consideration, I have deemed Massachusetts a statist shithole in every possible way.
NJ resident says, “hold my beer”.
Get back to me when any of these governors use a pen and phone to ban cigarettes. What a bunch of douche-bags.
Kicking ’em when they’re down, he is
The Trump administration has escalated its fight with California over environmental regulations.
Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Andrew Wheeler sent a letter Monday to the California Air Resources Board threatening to withdraw billions of dollars in federal highway money unless the state clears a backlog of air pollution control plans.
“California has the worst air quality in the United States, with 82 nonattainment areas and 34 million people living in areas that do not meet National Ambient Air Quality Standards,” Wheeler wrote.
California’s population, topography, weather and other factors do worsen air pollution there, but the state also is widely recognized as a leader in improving air quality.
“The air sucks, but they just keep blowing smoke up our asses,” NPR said.
:Opera Applause:
Trump vs California has been one of the bright spots over the last few weeks.
I’m waiting for him to send a fuckload of EPA employees to SF to regumulate the homeless.
I suspect that would come with exorbitant daily fines.
I suspect that would result in exorbitant daily fines.
Probably more than twice.
Relevant to a conversation the other night about transgender and reassignment surgery, particularly in the young.
My daughter, 4 years old, believes that only girls have eyelashes. When I point out that *I* have eyelashes, she laughs, shakes her head, and says, “Daddy, you’re silly!”
And is she running for Congress as a democrat?
“turkeys walking in a circle around a dead cat in the middle of the road”
It’s not even October.
Dope first comment: “They’re actually attempting a difficult resurrection spell. Only the strongest of turkes can successfully execute this level witchcraft.”
[scribbles notes for future fiction]
Demi Moore says Jon Cryer lost his virginity to her
For those of us who have seen “the photo,” Jon went through hell and back his first time. My word.
Damn. Good for him.
She say’s she’s sorry about it. I doubt he has regrets.
Um, given that you were about 3 levels above his league I am pretty sure he is good with it. There is a very real possibility that she is the hottest woman he has ever been with.
I’d buy him drinks to hear the details.
The Busch Guy can crack it open for me any old time.
*fans self, staggers toward fainting couch*
Patrick, you narrative destroying slut.
Robert Hunter dead. Lou Reed had no comment.
For a sec I thought it was Steve Hunter that died. Misled me with the Lou Reed reference.
Fred Dryer is dead?
Works for me
The New York Times accidentally exposes a high-level intelligence leak
When wasn’t that the case?
I can’t seem to find any info on this. Did they launch “impeachment inquiries” before impeaching prior presidents? This just screams of political show with no intent.
Find out at 5!
Which was rather the deal with the Clinton impeachment.
Unlike Nixon who actually conspired to subvert the political process, shat on the constitution, etc.
Every President conspires to subvert the political process and shit on the Constitution. Nixon was too obvious about it. Trump is too loud about it.
Don’t discount the quality of the trainer. I know how to do lots of things very well, but I do not teach well at all. I had a biology professor that loved his subject to pieces and he was a really nice guy, but couldn’t teach worth shit. I’ve had trainers on jobs who were awful. No matter how many notes I took or what skills I already brought to the position, the trainer could not make the job duties clear.
Speaking of job duties, make sure the trainee knows exactly what they are and what they might entail in the future. None of this vague “Do you know Excel?” bullshit then you never use it for six months and then somebody wants a spreadsheet for something you’ve never seen before.
Don’t let more than one person be the trainer, unless all trainers are on the same page. Have a handbook for THAT SPECIFIC JOB. Don’t flit from one task to another as if the employee already knows the workflow process or, worse, that none of the tasks being switched between have anything to do with each other.
So am I putting this all on the quality of the training? Oh, yeah. If HR made a mistake in hiring, a competent trainer will know soon enough.
We won’t let up vs. vaping: Andrew Cuomo explains New York State’s crusade
Thanks, Future President Cuomo (or Michael, if you get my drift).
This whole vaping moral panic is just further proof that we are definitively living in clown world. The amount of (what appears to be) deliberate misinformation and propaganda is honestly staggering. People will literally die due to these laws pushing them back to cigs, a lot more than 8 people.
The good news: smoking ciggies makes a person cool, so maybe we will have some more cool folk being cool.
good point, that could be worth it. Better to die being cool than live as a fool
They couldn’t figure out how to tax the stuff, so they just make vague laws and hope the process is the punishment. So, we’re in Evil Clown world.
No, Big Tobacco is behind this if you ask me.
It was all started by the quasi-state anti smoking orgs funded by the tobacco settlements. When they ran out of smokers, they took on vaping, because it looks like smoking.
It was California first to the post, with bans on vaping in public because the anti-smoking crowd was worried that people puffing away at something being acceptable would make people less offended by smoking.
From there they diverged into “they are making money!! Big Tobacco Corporations are teh EVIL!!”
It stayed there for a couple of years as the industry grew. Then the lawyers and Attorneys General saw a new pot of billions of dollars to raid.
That’s where this current gambit is headed. They want to collect billions in fines and settlements.
Lawyers are scum.
Exactly. Thank you for smoking.
No, Big Tobacco Settlement is behind this if you ask me.
If only he put a hit out on his brother.
For the Lightning fan who was worried about Brayden Point, I’m just here to humbly say “I TOLD YOU SO!”
I wasn’t worried about him – I knew he’d sign. I just wanted it to happen earlier. Not that the Lightning have played most of their starters before tonight (and the starters are down 2-1 v. the Panthers as we speak).
I honestly don’t hold much hope for the Lightning this year. I think they missed their best chance two years ago.
How a campaign for a vagina emoji could save women’s lives
I’m all for equality but this doesn’t help the cause, dumb chicks.
So there are women out there dying right now because they don’t have a vagina emoji? Strong, independent, modern women? How does any self-respecting journalist even write that with a straight face?
But i mean, by all means, go ahead and make one. And since equality is such a big deal, i’m sure we’ll have a penis emoji too, right? Guys shouldn’t have to die because all they have is the eggplant emoji
“self-respecting journalist”
There’s your problem.
Well, I’m sure there are one or two of them out there. Somewhere. Maybe.
Translation, women are illiterate and can’t ask medical questions about their cuntes without an emoji. We live in silly times.
Seriously? You’re adults and can’t say the word “vagina?” Get a fucking life.
These are the people who want to “save the planet.”
It is an ugly word, you have to admit. Also, “penis” is an ugly word.
Why can’t we have pretty words for our nether gardens?
Hooha & Mr. Happy?
Rita Mae Brown would like a word.
Educate me, plz? I know who she is, but I don’t read her.
The title of her breakthrough, coming of age novel was “Rubyfruit Jungle.”
In memory of Robert Hunter —
Sweet sweet Jelly Roll?
Potato Salad
*Watch the whole show
*Legion of Skanks is awesome
From the Department of Cruel Irony:
(Sung to the tune of “Lydia the Tattooed Lady.”)
Lydia, oh Lydia, say have you chlamydia?
You know that it’s not a flower.
You’re not only gitting it, you’re sexually transmitting it,
And it won’t wash off in the shower.
Chlamydia’s insidious – the effects are so hideous,
I’m sure you won’t want to ignore it.
But of course the great pity is a name that’s as pretty as
Chlamydia is something so horrid.
Seriously? You’re adults and can’t say the word “vagina?” Get a fucking life.
Bunch of pussies, the lot of them!
I don’t know what there is to talk about with masturbation. Is it that difficult to figure out on your own?
And even then, there’s this thing called Google. You can type in any question you want and someone SOMEWHERE has already asked it and someone SOMEWHERE has already answered it.
Never use bottles or other hollow objects which can develop vapor lock. Never use anything which could reasonably break (again, bottles). Never use anything with a cap that can come off (again, that’s right…bottles).
And the Darwin award goes to…
So you’re saying bottles are a good choice all around.
You can’t read it any other way.
Decorative gourds for the win!
I remember some movie with Dennis Hopper and Barbara Hershey and imagining it with Three Stooges sound effects.
But how many are too shy to talk to their gynecologist about it?
My art is strongly vaginal, Jeffrey. Does that word bother you?
So, not the peach emoji?
Yes this is a trait that only women hold. Men talk about their latest masturbatory exploits with their friends all the time. Why it is almost like we live in a society where masturbatory toys for men are common place and openly accepted but the same toys for women are considered shameful and women who use them are considered lesser versions of those who do not need such devices.
“The study found that 82% of woman aren’t comfortable discussing masturbation with their friends”
That is SO anti-lesbian.
masturbatory exploits?
I don’t really consider it an exploit.
I mean, I’m pretty easy to convince.
I thought that was for a Jewish carrot.
That’s AWESOME!!!
Is that an innie clit?
In the keyboard symbol emoji? Yes! I am SO PROUD of you for recognizing it!!! ::single tear rolls down cheek::
I thought it was someone sticking a nose up a vagina.
Let’s all take a minute and both laugh and cheer on this tiny man doing his best to climb a ladytree.
Things get weird when Rashida Tlaib asks vaping advocate if she’s a conspiracy theorist
Government is important!
Good to know that Tlaib is loathsome on a wide range of issues, not just about the Jooooooos
She apparently has that Arab tendency towards conspiracy theories herself.
I saw that earlier. What a psycho twat.
To the open borders advocates among us, I present the esteemed representatives from MI 13 and MN 5. In order to maintain balance I will grant you that the esteemed representatives from NY 14, GA 4, and TX 18 are just as stupid and evil, and are home grown.
Christ, what an ignorant cunte.
But you certainly can’t say Tlaib is smoking, now Ilham, maybe a case could be made
That’s a real problem and a real tell.
What’s the point of having a hearing if the person doing the “fact finding” is so utterly and profoundly beholden to a completely morally and scientifically bankrupt point of view.
You just described all of Congress
…and the Tlaib starting crying and stormed out of the room.
“UK Bans Photos Of Knives To ‘Help Reduce Fear Of Knives’ Amid Knife-Crime Epidemic
Instead of addressing actual knife crime which has gripped the UK, authorities opted instead to ban photos of knives turned in during amnesties in case they scare the public.
Yes, really.
“We have made the decision to stop publicising images of seized knives to help reduce the fear of knives and knife carrying in our local communities,” a Thames Valley police spokesman said earlier this week.
The new policy has been branded as “pathetic” by most Brits due to its obvious ineffectiveness of stopping knife crime.”
Fairly certain that’s a fake infowars article.
Well, it’s suspicious the Sun article doesn’t have big tits.
I thought it was because people kept laughing at them when they’d seize butter knives and scissors and photograph like they were proud of the seizure.
Sorry, distant cousins. No effing way am I taking that UK vacay I’d been dreaming about. You let the place go to shit and now nobody wants to visit your crappy amusement park.
Which is really too bad. I had 3 memorable vacations there at the turn of the millennium. So much history. So much beauty. I visited all the old family touchpoints.
It was a shock trying to grasp the change in scale. This was pre-gps, paper maps & guidebooks. I kept estimating travel times based on perceived map scale, and was off by a factor of 2 or 3. All the villages and towns have very sharp boundaries. There was no sprawl.
a Thames Valley police
Morris is turning over in his grave.
Crocodile Dundee hardest hit.
It’s Decorative Gourd Season, Motherfuckers!
“I may even throw some multi-colored leaves into the mix, all haphazard like a crisp October breeze just blew through and fucked that shit up.”
You get a transcript! And you get a transcript! And you get a transcript!
This is going to be fun.
*straps in for ride*
Seriously, I almost halfway think the Dems are just in it for the lulz, too. THIS guy is the most appropriate lawyer they could find? DC has like half a million lawyers and they settle on this one?
If only Avenatti can work his way into it.
Funny that you should mention that!
Doesn’t this guy have his fraud defense to prepare for??
He’s smart enough to hire someone else
*straps on for the ride*
It would be kind of poetic if the story had been made up by Biden in the first place.
“Esther, you’re outta here!”
It is a wonderfully strange story.
The part where she gets shot and drugs fall out of her butt is the best.
‘The Irishman’ Producer Jane Rosenthal: It’s About “Toxic Masculinity” With “An Older Perspective”
Way to sell the movie, lady.
Gotta stay relevant to get the free social media advertising.
I read Sheeran’s book. Half of it is him bragging about all the hot women he banged.
2 weeks to 6 months.
What are sentences handed out for DUIs?
Circling back to the job-search discussion from this morning, I recently completed what ended up being a six-plus month search. I ended up accepting a position with a recruiting agency- I get paid by the agency to work temp positions at various companies for 4-12 month stretches. It’s not necessarily what I wanted, but after getting out 100+ resumes and coming up empty handed, beggars can’t be choosers.
What’s funny is that before I’d started searching, I’d listened to Jordan Peterson’s bit about preparing mentally for the fact that the success rate for even getting a response is quite low. It’s another matter entirely to actually go through that process and receive rejection after rejection.
I had one real nut punch – I was sitting on an offer from company A, but preferred the sounds of the position at company B (who’d not yet made an offer). Company A tells me I have two days to decide (they gave me plenty of time before then, so this wasn’t unreasonable). I shoot an email to company B, tell them my situation and ask if they could give me any indication as to whether they’d be making me an offer (I had two interviews w B at that point). In no uncertain terms, B tells me they will definitely be making me an offer – they just need to get paperwork approval from their hiring committee. I decline A’s offer. I hear nothing for two weeks from B, even after emails and calls to multiple people. Then, at about 5:30 on a Friday afternoon, B emails and tells me they won’t be making me an offer. No explanation, no apology for speaking so concretely in the previous email.
My naivete is almost certainly a bit to blame, here, but on the whole, I found the whole process pretty damn cold. Even my previous employer – with whom I’d spent eight+ years – was pretty unhelpful in terms of helping me find a new position (I was moving to a new state, and they have plenty of related openings up here). I will say that there was one company that was responsive and pleasant, going so far as to call me to tell me I would not be getting the offer (I’d interviewed with them three times and came up second of two finalists). I recognize that’s not a comfortable phone call to make, so I respect them for doing that.
If I came out of this with anything, it’s that my skills aren’t necessarily as in demand as I thought they’d be. That’s a bit of a tough pill to swallow, but it’s probably better to learn this now during a voluntary job search, as opposed to learning it if/when I’m without a job.
“My naivete is almost certainly a bit to blame, here, but on the whole, I found the whole process pretty damn cold.”
Same. I just received a position in a new industry I have no experience in just based on my past experience in a different industry, so I got lucky.
Wait you aren’t a male prostitute?
Not if I pass the drug test and physical!
Fred Garvin is Crusty?
Sorry to hear about that A/B situation, but I would definitely follow up with management at B and let them know they mishandled the hiring process. That’s wholly unprofessional.
I had a similarish situation. A offered first and I preferred it to B (although B was a good job too and had some advantages) and I wanted to get the offer from B to hopefully use in negotiations with A. But B was going to be another week getting me an offer so I had to go ahead an accept A.
Which, like I said, was the preferred job. So it was still okay, if B had come thru quicker I could have negotiated harder than I did.
I have little patience for that crap at this stage. I’m waiting for an offer from a guy I’ve worked with before. It should have been a done deal a month ago but HR can’t move. If company B made me an offer this week I wouldn’t hesitate to accept.
Semi-related: fun page to read on “universities to fear” by academics looking for jobs:
That just appears to be a crowd sourced bitch list.
Well, yeah, but that’s pretty much academia in a nutshell. I just find it hilarious reading.
Vote fraud is a myth! It never happens!
Yeah, that was a nice one. Definitely laughed out loud for real.
What do you think the award was for?
My wife says she doesn’t like plums, so I made a slow cooked pork loin in plum sauce. I didn’t tell her what I made, so we will see if she really doesn’t like plums or it is a mental block. I’ll report back after she has dinner.
My wife doesn’t tell me if sour cream is an ingredient in whatever she makes. I actually appreciate it, because the thought of sour cream makes me sick.
I do the same with my wife. Sour cream is an ingredient in several of her favorite dishes, but I never tell her it’s in there because she wouldn’t eat it then.
*rubs temples*
I don’t understand. Sour cream is the best condiment.
“Sour cream is the best condiment.”
Condiment? I thought it was a side dish!
If she decides she doesn’t like it I know a guy that would accept it (with extreme graciousness.)
It is Florida Man. It may be long pig.
Oh yeah, my mistake in judgement
*eyes fresh honey comb*
I’m sure we could work something out…
Meh, totally different animals, other than a possible underlying flavor profile. I know plenty of people who don’t like tomatoes but will eat ketchup/red sauce.
That’s my thought, although fresh sliced plums are part of the recipe. Hopefully she will think they’re apple slices.
Oh that reminds me, it’s just about the time of year for a pork,apple, and prune stew. I’ll have to start watching for cheap pork butt.
Tomatoes are wonderful. Ketchup sucks.
Many children are like that. Both of mine are, as was my sister as a kid – loves everything made out of tomatoes but won’t eat an actual tomato.
Tomatos and potatos are great – edible nightshade!
That would be me.
I’m still that way with eggs. I can choke down scrambled eggs in an emergency, but no fried, hard boiled, etc. Crack that egg into something greater, no problem.
Good time of the year for me, tomatoes X 2 a day in salads or just sliced tomatoes with a dab of salt or dressing. Lots of potatoes but still have corn to eat, too many carbs at this time. Best of all the late fall has allowed the watermelons to get ripe, my neighbors are happy and so am I. Lots of stuff to give away.
Thanks for your compliments last night, I do love some fresh Corn an Walla Melon,
Wait until you find out the reason she doesn’t like plums is because she has an allergic reaction to them.
We will find out together.
It’s speculative, but makes sense to me
I refuse to believe that the fake Indian could ever be elected, so I buy the logic. In any case, this made-up “impeachment inquiry” seems to be Pelosi trying desperately to appease the loons in her party without actually impeaching:
Cans, kicked…
Pretty much. Nothing new actually happened other than dubbing the existing committee investigations, collectively, as “an impeachment inquiry”.
I refuse to believe that the fake Indian could ever be elected
I dunno, she encompasses everything team blue wants in a candidate. Moral scold? Check. A plan for literally everything? Check. Raising taxes on people that are not you or me? Check. A woman/minority? Check. Cognitive dissonance on race? Check…
She will of course have to raise taxes on everyone, but it’s important to note that she doesn’t actually admit it.
So what Pelosi is endorsing is a continuation of existing investigations the six committees are doing to determine whether to recommend articles of impeachment.
This is about it. Pelosi knows that impeachment without a rock-solid justification would be handing Donald Trump a landslide victory in 2020, with coattails. And she’s doing her damnedest to stop that from happening. The Dems pushing this are all from hard-Blue districts where there’s no actual risk to this strategy. But, she understands that that’s nowhere near the entirety of her caucus.
What I got out of the Pelosi presser: from a certain angle, it looks like she must have had an impressive rack back in the day.
She was hot in College, Google it
Fact check: True
Although, given that photo, she probably has one of the VD’s that penicillin won’t cure.
You think Jack hit that?
You’re still seeing her as she is now. Which, I admit, is not…pleasant. Look at that grin on his face.
Um… she has crazy-eyes. I believe that’s called a “bunny boiler” around here?
She’s clearly not afraid of the knife, so I bet it’s pretty impressive today.
great minds….
She probably has the shittiest job right now. Trying to manage all the crazies from her party and trying to placate the Reps from the purple districts who could lose their seats if this shit gets out of hand. I would just say fuck it and ride off in my ill gotten millions into the sunset.
Here is what I’m thinking.
Trump and his staff knows what is in the FISA IG investigation and I’m betting it is not good for Obama and the deep state (for lack of a better term)
They also know what is in the whistle blower report and I’m betting it is more of an interpretation type scandal (i.e. what Trump said looks bad by itself, but in context and as understood by everyone who attended the meeting isn’t bad at all). That is why Trump is releasing the text of the meeting.
If I’m right then Trump is letting the Democrats over extend themselves. Just about all Republicans will be able run against what was done to Trump. If the Democrats aren’t careful they could lose huge and not just this election.
Being stupid assholes might hurt a few individual Democrats. It’s never really damaged the brand.
I think it’s about getting Kamela nominated. she’s the chosen one this cycle but nobody likes her. Stay tuned for a Warren “suicide” and for Bernie to be #metooed
Enh, I thought it was hers to lose for awhile but… it doesn’t seem to be working. If she really is the DNC’s choice, they have a LOT of work ahead of them to make it happen cuz right now it’s Warren-town. (Assuming here that Biden won’t survive the Dems’ we’re-totally-serious-about-impeachment-now move.)
Thank you, Tulsi. Hard to pick a “worst of the bunch” from the current crop of shitweasels the Dems have puked up, but she’s it or damn near close.
Warren and Bernie are far worse. they’re actual commies. Harris is just a typical stooge.
establishment deep state stooge I mean. not a burn it down commie like Warren and Bernie
Hey Mojeaux, sorry for not replying in the last thread. I must confess that I haven’t finished it yet; time to read is a rare occurrence in my world. What I have read, I’ve enjoyed immensely. Eldritch horror is one of my favorite fiction styles and the Mormon backdrop is a perfect fit.
Oh, no problem! I’m just wildly curious and glad you’re enjoying it.
I just wanted to call out Heroic Mulatto for being a piece of shit. Y’all can fuck off with your insensitivity towards kids with special needs – and this isn’t the first and only time he’s done this.
Sorry but I’m out of here.
Im guessing the Rheee post
Well, he did blow my post out last night,
That or all the Greta jokes.
I rolled with it, open post is open….
It’s a bitter pill. People are free to offend or be offended and people are free to come and go, hopefully on the balance it all works out.
I have an Autistic Gson, try to remember who it is, it’s HM ffs, he’s an admitted Asshole
We’re all assholes, that’s literally the only thing we all have in common.
I’m not.
Lighten up Francis,
Ho Dee Oh DEE Oh
Well…technically you’re a douche-bag but since those definitions are subjective it really is a hard call to make.
Harsh but fair.
Thank you. I really do try to be fair.
And I really do try to be a douche-bag…wait that does’t sound right…., forget that I said that.
I always chuckle when someone is called a “ghoul”. I don’t know why.
I don’t know what that is.
Larry Niven? One of rhe most famous sci- fi novels ever.
Is it any good?
I can’t even.
Do what you gotta do, man.
Saw that comin’
Alright. Maybe that was too harsh.
A little something cute and potentially uplifting for those in poor spirits
Damn, that gif always gets me.
Well,…shit. Best of luck, LH.
Sorry LH. I’ll miss ya, and hope you come back some day.
I’m hoping that isn’t serious and I’m missing the joke. I enjoy LH as I do most all the Glibs (I even appreciate Hyperbole FFS!) There are times I disagree, strongly, with some of the opinions on here but I’ve always felt like the opinions are proffered in good faith and without malice.
HM did dog on Special needs kids last night, but we are free to tell him to Fuck Off, I did
I don’t have the energy to go back and look but did he say anything beyond the “RHEE” thing?
I saw that.
I’m often unclear on the sarcasm around here, so I let almost everything go except arguing in bad faith and conservative statists.
But I gave this one the benefit of the doubt because the only thing that’s pretty consistent about Glibs is their utter lack of bigotry. Around here you must earn our hate; you’re seldom born to it.
I hate volunteers that unvolunteer! Nothing worse than a Davy Crockett that deserts Texas!
And to MSS point we’re all assholes who like to get under each other’s skin from time to time, it’s not worth getting all huffy if it’s your ox being gored. It will be someone else’s tomorrow.
Sorry 🙁
I wish you wouldn’t go.
If this is in the nature of a joke I’m not getting I apologize, but…
For mocking Thunberg? really? I get not being all in hostile to her because she’s a dupe, but special needs or not she sailed the ocean to rant at the UN, she loses her “I’m an autistic teen leave me alone” card when she takes on the lecturing the world leadership position.
Also, flouncing on your way out the door forfeits credibility IMHO.
I agree. I’m all for leaving the kids alone, but if they go to the trouble of making themselves public figures to lecture the nation or world on their shortcomings they’ve forfeited their immunity from mockery and criticism. See David Hogg. I feel no remorse calling that dude a cunte now that he’s an adult and I felt no remorse calling him a cunte when he was 17.
Lord Humungus, you’re supposed to convince the other side to “just walk away.”
Sorry to see you go, LH. And over someone (Greta) who wants to ruin your whole way of life.
I recall a couple of years ago Hunter Biden was on the road to successful political career. What happened?
Oops. That was his dead brother. Hunter is the cokehead.
Now he makes his millions out of the public eye.
Hunter is the one who banged the widow before she was officially a widow according to rumors.
Cocaine happened
Did anyone link to Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee saying AR15s are as heavy as a bunch of moving boxes and fire 50 call bullets?
And the subsequent mockery?
“they weigh 6000 lb. the amount is so heavy it holds 1 round”
I HATE autocorrect, did I tell you all that?
Lee may be dumb, but the .50 Beowulf cartridge does exist.
One of the side benefits of having an AR upper assembly in .50 Beowulf – if you are living in a state where “hi-capacity” magazines are banned – is that it uses a standard AR magazine which can only hold 10 rounds of .50 Beowulf. That magazine still can hold 30 rounds of 5.56 but as long as it is a ,50 Beowulf magazine it only counts as a 10 round magazine.
Me and my baby boomer liberal dad, discussing impeachment:
“He won’t be convicted, and I don’t get it. I don’t get this cult around Trump in the Republican party.”
“No different than the cult around Obama in the Democratic party.”
“There was no cult around Obama in the Democratic party. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
[Personal note: I totally want him to be impeached for the scenes. Also President Pence wins 40 states next year, and he’s better than Trump or any D.]
Then they’ll just try to impeach Pence because they’re a bunch of assholes.
But yeah, I’m with you. We need to further erode our nation’s trust in the institutions and impeaching a democratically elected president over some bullshit will speed that process up.
I agree, without irony.
Burn the fucking system to the ground.
I know that destroying the current system would probably have an adverse effect on me and my family but it’s too corrupt to be reformed.
Ah, ClarkHat before he went insane.
He didn’t, really (I know his IRL particulars). He just had a run-in with the gummint over what is and is not free speech and Bad Things Happened.
Pre- or post- him getting unpersoned from KenHat?
I am not quite sure of the timeline, but I SUSPECT (don’t know at all) his unpersoning was to distance himself from Popehat.
It was a far bigger deal than The Preet Woodchipper Incident, and he was pretty much alone through it.
I was more curious if the reason he was alone is because he had previously burned his bridges with those “First Amendment experts,” or if Clark had been abandoned by them which is why he took Teddy Beal’s side in the slapfight that lead to the whole blowup.
Yes, I am a gossipy little bitch sometimes.
That, I don’t know.
I think a lot of people have different pieces of the story.
There was no cult. His pants creases were just really, really nice.
And mom jeans.
The nice thing about doing Impeachment is that they can finally stop talking about how they are going to do it, and you know, actually do it.
I know i like to rag on the Progressives. But certainly the things that they are accusing Trump of look just like the things conservatives were appaled that the Obama Admin did. No one is being intellectually or politically consistent.
I am.
I too remember when you believed that Obama was being propped up by a shadowy Russian conspiracy.
I’m sorry, but falling for obvious pro-war garbage is not a good example of “I’m not a partisan”. Maybe not, but you may not be smart
I too remember when you believed that Obama was being propped up by a shadowy Russian conspiracy.
I’ve said that about Donny?
falling for obvious pro-war garbage is not a good example of “I’m not a partisan”.
Yeah, no idea what your talking about.
I’ll admit I ain’t too bright but I don’t take anything “news” without a grin of salt, if that sometimes comes across as me championing the ‘opposing ‘ side that’s entirely unintentional. I, unlike Jarflax, like to argue in good faith although with a heavy dose of sarcasm if there is some confusion on what I’m snarking about just ask and I’ll gladly clarify.
I, unlike Jarflax, like to argue in good faith although with a heavy dose of sarcasm if there is some confusion on what I’m snarking about just ask and I’ll gladly clarify.
… ok if poking me, it’s all good
If serious, please explain?
I found your earlier dismissals of my contentions concerning the Biden/Ukraine business as being purely motivated by ‘Orangemanbad’ a bit insulting. I’m not going to pull an Eddie or LH or that guy in the speedo on the futon with the guns, over it. But I was hurt deeply and I’m going to lash out at you for a while.
I can tell this is trolling, because cyclopes don’t have feelings.
Lash away. I didn’t read you as making a ‘contention’ but rather a blanket dismissal of the idea that Biden did anything wrong. I think there is a hell of a lot more smoke on the Biden side of this scandal than on the Trump side, which is why I threw in the admittedly insulting orangemanbad stuff. I’ll fully acknowledge that there is an awful lot more speculation than evidence in both the scandals, but what you said sounded more like a Biden campaign press release than a contention to me.
It is fine if you dislike me and lash out at me. I’m a grown man, I just wanted to understand what you were accusing me of.
The ‘Hurt deeply” and “lashing out” bits were hyperbole, I did find the “Orangemanbad’ bit to be in bad faith. I don’t dislike you, I don’t dislike anyone except the guy who beat me out in the logo competition, oh and Hyperion, but other than that I’m good with a little back and forth, I get called out for trolling, I’m going to call out bad faith arguments. It’s all good and healthy.
i generally enjoy your sparing, and typically agree with you. But as someone who is sarcastic, i’m not sure if you could classify it as fully in good faith by definition. 😉
At least conservatives accepted the results of the presidential elections when Obama won, they have that going for them.
Trump’s election was illegitimate, because Russia hacked it.
W’s second election was illegitimate because Diebold hacked Ohio.
W’s first election was illegitimate because Florida was hacked by bad ballot printers.
Was Bush I legitimately elected? When was the last Repub elected in a free and fair election?
I don’t remember any bitching about Bush I not being “my president” or not being legitimately elected. I remember folks from both sides not liking him, but I don’t remember any bitching about legitimacy.
I do
There was? I was pretty young then, but I remember paying a lot of attention to news but never saw any. What bitching was there?
And just after I hit post, I remember some Internet posts in the early 00s on some gun boards about how, during the later Bill Clinton years, some gun guys considered Charlton Heston (then president of the NRA) their “substitute president” until George W. Bush was elected.
That was the first I ever heard anyone claim anything along the lines of “not my president”.
I don’t think the Republican house ever brought impeachment up. Even when Obama killed an American by drone strike, without judicial or congressional oversight, and waged numerous proxy wars when Congress denied him support for such efforts.
The fact that Republicans didn’t try to impeach on these points is not a compliment. And it’s also not a compliment to say that the Democrats should have impeached Trump when he bombed Syria, continued funding the proxy war in Yemen, and funded his border wall under dubious pretenses.
If Democrats can’t find any other avenue to marshal impeachment other than arguing “he’s not warring hard enough” then their party truly is worthless
Trump bombing Syria is the only time Democrats (briefly) stopped rending their garments and gnashing their teeth
Yeah, it was the only time he got a good news day too. Which should tell you how absolutely shitty the corporate press in America truly are
They’re not doing it though. They’re formally announcing that the committees looking at Impeachment already are going to continue looking into it.
What the actual fuck.
Please start calling your Dad “Corn Pop”.
How long does it take for a new employee (junior level) to do productive work?
It depends on the work.
We used to give new employees a few months, exactly how many depended on their experience level, before they learned enough of the product to be productive beyond fixing simple bugs/helping out with simple features.
Ian McCollum a paper he wrote in college about the lack of violent Jewish resistance to the Holocaust.
“Ian McCollum presents”
I loved Echo & the Bunnymen.
WhooWhoo comment:
“A hoe, a rake and no shovel?”
I cannot log in to this site from a PC browser. I can post from my phone where I’m not logged out.
The issue has been resolved.
Well this is definitely not a PC site, so there is that…
The only thing sillier than trying to impeach a president based upon the honesty of the CIA is impeaching a president for stifling funding toward our budding new proxy war in Ukraine.
S there’s no reason to impeach him other than the reasons that valorize our foreign policy establishment? I call bullshit
OK, Lord Humungus was supposed to beta test my newest crossword, but since you insensitive assholes chased him off I need a new guinea pig. If anyone is interested in solving and critiquing (checking for typos, inaccurate cluing, too obscure/tough answers, etc.) let me know : Google mail at ‘lightbeeraintbeer’ I’ll hook you up. Oh you’ll also be taking the blame for any/all errors that end up in the resulting Glibs post. (assuming, that is , that TPTB want more puzzles)
I would…..but i’m worried my lack to follow up and actually do it would lead you to leaving Glibs too.
At this rate we’ll be depopulated by Christmas.
I can do it
will email you
Got it, you are glutton for punishment, thanks for the input.
I freaking love movies. Alamo just added a screening of “Cabinet of Dr. Caligari” with live accompaniment for a week from Saturday. I’m there. (same band that presented Nosferatu last year).
Also as I posted some of the upcoming Fathom Events listings a few weeks back – the Star Trek: Motion Picture 40th anniversary screening was great. Next up for me (if Ghostbusters doesn’t show up locally) is the 45th anniversary screening for “Godfather Part 2”. 3 and a half hours on a work night is gonna be a strain, but I think it’ll be worth it for a classic like that on the big screen.
Some good film noir pics in October at Alamo too – and a screening of the original Vampire Hunter D (subbed) in a couple weeks.
Of course, tonight, I’m going to see the special screening of the first 4-5 eps of Genndy Tartakovsky’s new animated series “Primal”. Should be fun.
Promotion? Cool! check out Joe Rogan interviewing Rob Zombie last week, a Fascinating guy, with a wealth of knowledge about the Horror genre,
20k+ titles
Good recommendation – esp wrt Sid Haig RIP.
I love movies – at home.
In the theater, not so much.
A few years ago, I’d definitely agree with you, but in the age of assigned seating and other restrictions (no kids, etc) – for the same price less than what I’ve paid elsewhere – not counting decent food/alcohol – its worth it to me – esp to see so many classics on the big screen – restored, HD, etc.
Yeah, Alamo is completely different than a standard movie theater. I don’t think I’ve been to a movie in Austin that WASN’T Alamo Drafthouse since… well, ever.
Oh, OK. I don’t know if there are any theaters like that in NYC. If so, probably a 45-minute trip or something.
There is an 8-plex a block away from me but it’s full of teenagers. No thank you.
To Lord Humungus. HM is HM. I won’t defend him, he can defend yourself. I am sorry to see that you haven’t acknowledged that this child is the victim of child abuse. You haven’t acknowledged that she crowed about crossing the ocean in a carbon free boat, even though her entire crew was flown round trip to return the boat to Europe.
That a special needs child was conditioned and coached to believe and say what she did is pure evil. HM wrote a post in bad faith.
*taste, not faith.
Special needs is not a magic no consequences card. She is autistic, not retarded. She lacks some ability to analyze social clues and likely has emotional control issues, but she is not low IQ and she is voicing a position. She is also not 6 she is 16. She is responsible for her actions. By all means cut her slack, and absolutely her parents belong in a low level of hell, but declaring her immune from mockery is insane.
She is a child and is espousing progressive/socialist ideas. That means that you are literally worse than Hitler if you dare to disagree with her.
Now, if a child were to espouse conservative views…. or even to be related to a Republican… fair game! Even if it is an entirely unwarranted ad-homenim attack. Kid was asking for it by being not-progressive.
When my KK is on spectrum, it’s obvious, and when he’s a Fucking Super Genious, you can tell, and when he’s a little boy, you can tell,
Calix, My Grandson
I have a son with Asperger’s, which is on the autism spectrum. I have a different perspective, because their brains work differently.
And I agree that some slack should be cut. But this girl is ‘advising’ world leaders, she is fair game. I have a client with serious Asperger’s. He is extremely difficult to deal with but he is also a PhD who worked his whole life as a research chemist. Should I treat him as a responsible adult? Or should I treat him as a child? Well when it comes to his emotional responses I remind myself that he has empathy deficits and try to remain patient, but I also advise him as forcefully as necessary that he is behaving in an insane fashion and is going to get sued if he persists.
At the end of the day, other than people who are retarded to the point of lacking agency, folks on the spectrum deserve to be treated the same as any other human, and treating people with respect means mocking their idiocy when called for.
You’re thinking that these were her words. Given that she is surrounded by adult handlers, I think she’s been brainwashed, and used. Just like the youth that was protesting last weekend.
I have a bit of a different view on folks with mental disabilities.
I have an aunt (somewhere around 70-ish now) who was born mentally retarded (that was the official label back then). There was an accident at birth of her not getting enough oxygen to her brain and thus, she was rendered mentally disabled.
[Insert lots of bad parenting by my grandparents here.]
[Insert lots of bad memories of her when I was a child and adolescent here.]
The n-word was said regularly in our house back in the day, but we never EVER called anyone a “retard,” because we’d get slapped into next week.
She is and has always been an abusive, cunning psychopath and she is strong as a horse. Strong enough to grab a sink faucet and twist it off its pipe. Yes, she has the mental agility of a 6-year-old, but for some reason, she can think of ways to torment others and then present an innocent face, and she does this for sport. She threatened to kill my other aunt (her sister) more than a few times, and she could have done it easily.
All the worst qualities of humanity are amplified in her, and if she had any mental capacity beyond 6 years, I’d call her flat evil. She knows what she does and she knows how to present the face of innocence. No, she can’t read or write or speak very well, but she has the mind of a psychopath without the IQ.
I have never been able to be around mentally disabled people or special needs people at all, because my childhood is rife with her cunning viciousness. I do not give mentally disabled people a pass, because there might be a dark underside lurking there just waiting to gaslight an unsuspecting nice person.
But I DO think that folks who have mentally disabled children and folks who work with them, who love them and take care of them, are doing God’s work.
LH is a big part of this place IMO, but HM is as well, I hope no one leaves but as Riven Suggested,
Well, Bye
That was the one good thing on Snopes, If you flounced and announced you were leaving in a huff See ya.
I took it as him being out of this post, not a permanent thing.
Oooh, a Breaking Bad movie is going to be released on Netflix:
Time to resubscribe I guess.
GOP debate stream on Facebook
I clicked out as soon as I saw, Bill “he could be executed for treason” Weld talking.
Have we discussed This article about a fake 6 year old kid?
It was at TOS this morning and I was blown away.
t is really, really, really bizarre.
TLDR version, couple who rescue kids a lot adopt a Ukrainian 6 year old under emergency conditions.
Said kid turns out to have serious mental issues. And pubic hair and her period. To get her the help she needs they have her declared legally an adult – she’s 22, not 6, and a con artist with dwarfism.
After 2 different courts say she’s an adult, the local prosecutor and detective charge the parents with abandoning a minor when they move away…. said kid had been living on her own for a couple of years when they left.
Crazy town.
At what point did that dwarf shoot herself in the nuts and when did the drugs fall out her ass?
They’re just one murder shy of a Law & Order episode there.
LOL, you are right.
There’s tons of meat on these bones too. I did a small dive on part of the prosecution’s case. You see, they allege that the kid was actually 6 – 8 when abandoned. They base this on bone density data that some doctor said shows she was 8 the first time they checked, and then 10 later.
That sounded really suspicious to me. Like – “if I didn’t tell you she was 6 two years ago, would you have still said 8?” – level suspicious.
So I looked it up. It doesn’t seem that “Bone Age” is quite so accurate as they are pretending. But beyond that – it can be indicative of several different syndromes if bone age and actual age are different.
The number 1 cause of Bone Age being younger than Actual Age? Growth Hormone Deficiency.
But there is tons more.
There was a second couple who sprung to the rescue after the case came up. They moved to adopt the poor little girl. But they had to get a court to say she was not in fact in her mid 20’s, but actually a 6th grade kid. So they took it to a second court. After hearing extensive testimony, the judge ruled that she was not a little kid and left her birthday in 1989. The new parents decided that they were not so keen to adopt a 20-something sociopathic con artist, so they dropped the matter.
But here’s the kicker. The detective and the prosecutor were both at the hearing… so they know full well the evidence that she’s not a little kid…… yet they pressed forward with a prosecution anyway. And this is where they cherry picked the doctor with the “bone density” finding of a little kid.
It really put me in mind of Hayne and West from Mississippi and all of their abuses.
It’s a sad story regardless of what the truth is. How hard can it be for doctors to tell if a kid is really a kid?
Depends. Are we talking about a regular medical doctor, or some “medical expert” who works for the local prosecutor. Because that’s where the schism seems to be.
Seen on YouTube:
“How Russia and NATO play into Trump’s Alleged Dealings” MSNBC
I love Nancy’ line that no one is above the law and I hope that is what Trump was waiting for her to say and just implode all of government by opeining up every dark secret they all have….but then I woke up.
What I find funny is that they are announcing that NOW they are going to have investigations into impeachment. It is a real game changer!
Soooooo…… exactly how is this different than every second since the Dems took the house?
Which law is she referring to?
Serious question.
Pretending for a moment that every single syllable they are pretending they know is true…. what law are we talking about?
Biden used the threat of withholding aid to get a prosecutor fired. Is that illegal? It seems unusual – not the withholding aid to get a result part, but the demand about internal personnel decisions.
So let’s say Trump said “Unless you reopen that investigation that you shut down because of threats from my predecessor, I’m gonna withhold this aid package!” Uh… what law are we talking about?
Using the power of government to damage a political opponent?
You mean like when Obama had the FBI spying on Trump’s campaign?
Or is it involving a foreign government?
You know, like when the Obama administration went to an Australian diplomat to infiltrate the Trump campaign to get dirt? Or when they went to a former British agent to act as an intermediary with the Russian government to get dirt on Trump?
I just don’t see how this plays out the way they want….
I just don’t see how this plays out the way they want….
All of politics is about getting away with crap and nailing your opponent to the wall for the same shit.
That’s actually a pretty salient point.
“No one is above the law.”
Excellent! That means James Clapper is getting indicted for perjury, I take it?
Sometimes jokes miss the mark.
Well, not yours.
Tell that to the Alphabet People.
Xword done . . . mostly: see email
Democrats Introduce Debate Strategy Of Holding Up Small Child Whenever Their Positions Are Challenged
Photo is a must see.
Funnily enough they didn’t have to Photoshop the picture of Biden
“Reports indicate that Beto O’Rourke is having a harder time finding a child-shield, not because he’s a creepy furry, but because his supporters have so few children, and are mostly creepy furries.”
Smug must be proud.
Shut up bitch. Please don’t come back here.
Absolutely amazing.
But upon reflection, unsurprising. In a world where our young people need “safe spaces” because of the fear of “violent” words and ideas – well, I suppose that is exactly the desired product. Interesting that it aligns so well with communist society. Holy crap, have we been doing a great job of raising a generation of completely unAmerican Americans.
So I’ll add my voice to the chorus… and in fact, i think I have a line on where we can find a few thousand more than we can send to join you.