What can I say; I kvetched, and my fellow late-nighters stepped up and gave me a confidence boost.  Well, you get more of what you reward.  And you rewarded me—good and hard…  I posted last week’s submission so early on, that I forgot what was even in it.  I guess I shot my wad rather quickly on that one.  (This is where you make me feel extra-special by reassuring me that it happens to everyone at some point or another)  OK; time to jump into the brackish stock pond that is The Night Shift comments.  Caution– this may get a little weird:


First, seductive weirdness.  Hey, ladies….

Oh, right!!  My bread-and-butter weirdness.

Artsy-fartsy weirdness.  This is because of a comment I made a couple of weeks ago, and is based on an old inside joke that…you know, never mind.

Segue weirdness.   Yeah, I coulda gone with just “city weirdness”, or, “Pac North West”.  But, that IS a good segue.

Gee…other doktors doctors just went all in on cloning.  That’s one hell of a grudge.  I’ve no wish to start up the great Glibs Abortion Debate of 2019, pt.4XXXX.  This, though…was pure vileness.  Weirdness doesn’t do this story justice.  Good riddance to bad rubbish.

I mentioned Moon Knight in the post’s blurb.  (Yes, I know I mentioned someone from the Tick, too—just stick with me.)  I was never a comic book reader.  In my youth, I was curious about the ones that various friends were reading, so I got lots of info about various characters, and was somewhat up on who did what to whom.  So, I am interested in hearing from glibs who did/do read them.  Which Franchise(s)?  Any particular characters you love, or, hate?  Any good stories from comic book stores/fellow comic readers?  What about your takes on franchises made into TV shows/Movies?  Nerd it up, ya….ya….weirdos!

“Why, yes, Mr. O’Rourke—I am familiar with National Lampoon.  Why do you ask?”  Not meant to be a pearl-clutch, here.  The guy is simply a putz, and plays it to the hilt.

Sex Panther:  A Primer  Heheheheheh…he said “Beaver”.

Weirdness confession:  I am a fan of Fortean subjects.  If you don’t know who he is, you should read up on him (weirdness alert: I’m not linking, just because).  While I’m no devotee to these ideas, or, anything like that, there are various subjects that get lumped into “Fortean Phenomena” that have held my interest over the years.  I used to get books on UFOs and cryptids when I was a kid.  I even got a pen pal in fourth (?) grade, who lived in Inverness, just so I could ask him if he’d ever seen Nessie.  The little smart-ass denied it, then turned it around and asked me if I’d ever seen Bigfoot!  Peasant…Didn’t he know that the correct term is “Sasquatch”?  Really, I’m more interested in what people find in investigating the claims that get made in these cases.  Regale us with tales of your encounters with High Strangeness No, not “strange”.   Well…maybe.

A bit of 80’s nighttime rock?  If you don’t like the 80’s….I can’t think of a weird enough way to finish that sentence.