We’re having a challenging day here, so this will not be up to my usual excessively excellent standard.
So, let’s get to it!
First, because I need it, some levity.
How is this company still in business?
Huh, somehow increasing taxes isn’t the answer to everything.
Still no explanation of why this happened in the first place.
Hope you all have a great rest of your day!
Hello, SP.
Sorry about the bad day, SP.
#methree. Also, I haven’t forgotten that I owe you an article. It’s just about done and way too long.
Not me, I’m not sorry about anything. I’d do it all again!
Oh, you just wait until The Glibening, Part Eleven; you may live to regret those words. (Hopefully publishing next week or the following.)
When I prayed to you God, and said I desired fame, this is not what I meant.
Does it lend itself to being broken down into two or more parts?
I think so, but I really need to go through and trim out the fat and see what’s left. There’s sort of a background piece and then something of an analysis piece, and I’m not sure how much of the former is really necessary for the latter. Writing it I took a pretty lengthy trip down memory lane and I’m not sure how much of that is either worth reading or for that matter if it adds any clarity to the overall point.
Me too
I also.
*pours a glass of Basil Hayden’s for SP*
Sends virtual cookie and hug.
“This is welcome news in AZ.”
Why does AZ buy a lot of eggs?
I think she misunderstood when OMWC said he was looking for some more young chicks.
She’s got eggs,
She knows how to use ’em.
Is this a question or a yolk?
Stop egging him on.
And ova comes a narrowed gaze.
More clucking puns.
Always give the peep-le what they want.
This thread is for the birds.
Scratch that.
C’mon everyone. Stop acting like a bunch of cocks.
The puns here are pretty poultry.
It’s a shell of a thing, killing a pun.
That was cheep.
I’m going to poach some of these for my own use.
You do and we’ll cap on you
These pins are a shell of what they used to be. They used to crack me up.
When I was kid our County Fair held chicken races for the youths, my neighbor (who happened to be a Sheriff’s deputy) raised chickens and let me train one. I worked all summer with “Petey” and at the fair we won every race, but sadly we got stripped of the title and disqualified.
This whole thread is fowl.
(Mumbles) Not a straight man in the house, you guys suck.(/Mumbles)
A non sucky straight man : “That’s too bad Hype, but why were you DQ’d”
The Hyperbole : “I was DQ’s for running a fowl of the law.”
I figured you’d chicken out on giving us a narrowed gaze.
Exactly. ….wait, d’oh! Lemme fry again.
To fry and top with green chiles?
Why does AZ buy a lot of eggs?
I can explain this. If there is one thing that has very consistently been pointed out to me since OMWC and SP is how everything here is so….goddamn…EXPENSIVE!
Personally, I’ve lived in 5 states and in only TX and SC did I consistently find things to be less expensive. Granted for 80% of my life has been one state over from CA so maybe I’m biased and never noticed. I dunno.
No, just eggs. They are absurdly expensive in most regular grocery stores here.
Hey you move to the desert you have to expect that eggs will cost more 🙂 I mean they will cook in their shells in your weather.
Eggs of the Desert Chicken (tortoise) aren’t legal.
Huevos rancheros?
Just wait until the bond market implodes and then the Chicago pension debt will get really interesting.
Then we’ll see who’s shouting “Build that Wall”, around Illinois
I think once they made her female it already imploded.
I would bet you $100 that after the new mayor announces a new round of tax increases and a casino, the rating agencies will upgrade the credit. The market wants it upgraded (a lot of people hold the debt) and Moody’s learned its lesson for what happens if you downgrade the City’s credit rating to junk (the City just stopped having them rate their debt).
Whether or not the market will accept the higher rating is a different question, but I have faith that they will, because, again, much like Puerto Rico, A LOT of people hold this debt.
Anyone who believes a single thing that comes out of the ratings agencies after 2008 is a fool that deserves to lose their money.
Ah, but that’s the point. No one in the muni world lost all their money when Puerto Rico went down. At worst, people got a haircut. The muni market is much larger than it was when the industry basically shunned Cleveland and NYC because of their bad finances. No one gets shunned any more. There’s always a buyer.
Until there isn’t.
I pity the man whose name is Hal Dardick.
So the inverse of “At Least we still have Lou Reed” is “RIP RBG”?
Must be.
Also, why all the RIP Merrick Garland stuff in the comments?
Running joke in some twitter circles. I think @ComfortablySmug started it, but I’m not sure.
You’re a towel
RIP Derrick Marlang
“Still no explanation of why this happened in the first place.”
Still no explanation why there is only one weird blurry photo of the Sandy Hook shooter that looks like a skull.
I’m gonna have to go with Church Lady on this one and say, I dunno, could it be, SATAN?!
Speaking f conspiracies I listened to Joel Gilbert on Tom Woods the other day and eagerly await this:
As it turns out the Trayyvon thing was exploited from the get-go by the BHO administration to get out the vote and the defense actually fabricated a witness out of thin air in order to get charges brought against Zimmerman. It’s pretty incredible stuff that, like Waco, will never make it’s way into the public at larges consciousness.
[Passes tinfoil roll to Bob-Bob]
Quickly, man: one ply for the Federales and another for TedS
* lights another candle in corner shrine, says a prayer *
Did I miss something with Ted?
no new’s, ju’st a certain kind of joke regarding certain ocassion’s that Ted’S often help’s with
which now has a qua’si meta quality becau’se Ted’S i’s probably pi’s’sed that we take hi’s name in vain ‘so often
that i’s to ‘say: its funny now for all the wrong rea’son’s
Unless the investigative reporter is just making shit up I don’t think this one requires tinfoil. Their witness was demonstrably a different person than the one Trayvon was speaking to before the altercation.
And if true, puts a different spin on their witness, who The New Yorker went gaga over even though they admitted faults in her testimony.
Does she not know how a phone works?
“Homer, Mr Burns can’t see you winking”
Makes sense. I knew Trayvon could do better.
Why is this tinfoil worthy?
Hoaxes seem to be something the progressive use very well to exploit and keep control and power.
I was kidding, guys. Just riffing off of BB’s “speaking of conspiracies.”
Yeah, it wasn’t a great jumping off point.
This one in particular has some meaning for me because I remember the evening the “not-guilty” verdict was announced. I was in Total Wine in Vegas and all at once there were several black people in the store talking loudly and angrily on their cell phones. The guy ahead of me in line starting ranting about how his kids couldn’t walk down the street without being shot. I whispered to the person behind me “what’s going on?” and she replied “George Zimmerman was found not guilty”
As Gilbert correctly asserts IMO, that’s when race relation in America, which had been improving for quite some time, took a nose dive.
Yeah… intentionally picking loser cases to stick your race-flag in the ground on is a pretty solid tactic, I suppose.
Zimmerman gave them the inconvenient complication of being Hispanic, so they had to invent “white Hispanic” for him.
And then there was the master-stroke of “hands-up, Don’t Shoot!” Genius, really. With professional provocateurs on site within days it was easy to get lots of coverage. And then the justice department sits on their report clearing the police for a couple of months, just to let it simmer.
Nicely played!
I mean, sure, we’ve had to live in a country that is worse off than it was before. And people have actually died because of it.
But team D got lots of votes out of that! I mean, would AOC be a rock star in a world where an 18 year old with a violent history wasn’t transformed into a 12 year old kid with a bag of skittles and a hoodie?
As Al Sharpton demonstrated, you gotta break a few eggs if you want to bake a cake of political power based on race-baiting.
“hands-up, Don’t Shoot!”
I thought that was the Michael Brown case.
The posting pictures of him as a kid was ridiculous.
It was, he was referencing both.
I think they were bound to no matter what. If there hadn’t been Trayvon he would have to have been invented.
I have a fair bit of sympathy with (and I don’t mean ‘for’ here) African-Americans who are angry, even if I think that anger sometimes inchoate and misdirected. I would be angry too if I were black, and especially if I were black and not doing very well. I’m not on-board with most of Ta-Nehisi Coates, but I can’t deny that he makes many good points.
I am rather less sympathetic to the way that anger is being used these days, for purposes that seem not at all relevant to it. It has come to such prominence lately, I think, because it is a useful weapon in internecine warfare between different groups of white Americans.
I recently finished Sowell’s book Black Rednecks and White Liberals, and found it quite enlightening. I think I’d be pretty pissed were I a low-income black… There are plenty of people across the board who have invested in keeping black folks in the slums, and they’re not the first people who come to mind when you think about virulent racism.
So they pulled a Sharpton
*err ….prosecution*
I watched the trailer. How can it be based on the book (that’s what it says at the end of the trailer) if the docu is him chasing down the leads? Is it so much reality TV? Knowing how films are made, I’m always skeptical of documentaries.
Also, the guy looks like Tim Burton.
How can it be based on the book (that’s what it says at the end of the trailer) if the docu is him chasing down the leads?
The books about him chasing down the leads?
If he hadn’t already chased down the leads how could he write the book. It’s just confusing the way they state it.
It’s a common technique for writing investigative stuff, telling the narrative of how you uncovered the facts in a crime fiction novel way versus just writing up a summery of what you found.
A framing technique.
What you did there, Jarflax — I see’s it, I does.
Seems like it was the other way around, unless you have other information. I didn’t see that statement ineither the Amazon link or trailer.
But yes, the guy does kind of look like Tim Burton.
Also, the guy needs a new editor. The music choices and voiceover make this seem like a satire of a serious investigative journalist film which beckons whether or not to take him seriously at all.
Apparently, CTH was covering the Trayvon Martin case very closely back in the day.
A guy did a thing.
“Boy Meets World actress Maitland Ward, 42, swaps Disney for PORN… after being enticed into the adult film industry by a ‘really well-written script'”
I only watch porn for the great writing.
As a kid in the 90s, Boy Meets World was a solid show until around the time she joined (not her fault). So maybe she has a point?
Never saw her appeal. The girl that was Sean’s girlfriend in college, though- now she was hot.
Stay away from my girlfriend.
I’ll take Lalla Ward. She’s singles again, last I checked.
Wow, good on her for being able to start her porn career at forty two. You go, girl. But “Caligula” was supposed to be really well written, too; the actors didn’t find out until the screening that the producers added extra porno material.
MILF Hunter is always looking for a few good fortysomethings.
Is that one of your other screen names?
I hope you are referring to Shawn Rees. The one and only.
I somehow ran across some of her current acting, and boy, is she vigorous…
Didn’t have anything to do with wanting to show off her new tits huh.
Fairly good work, but defs fake.
No doubt. That’s some mid-life crisis she’s having there.
I’d have some of that.
Still no explanation of why this happened in the first place.
And still not charges for cops who failed to act, IIRC. This whole thing stinks of coverup.
What exactly makes MGM culpable?
The article didn’t say.
Its bank accounts?
Ahem. Its
bank accounts?insurance.We call that a limits loss folks!
Question is if that limit includes defense costs…. hurry up everyone.
They have a great incentive to not be associated with a mass shooting and will be anxious to get beyond this.
add Grizzly’s reason to mine as well.
I don’t see how a payout stops that at all. I think what they’re really buying is “good will”.
What a world.
Landlords must… keep their buildings free of illegal activity… While the quote is for lessor/lessee agreements, I believe it also applies to hotels.
That said, I think it’s bullshit that MGM’s insurance company has to pay out for this.
So if someone breaks into my apartment I can sue my landlord? That’s crazypants.
Under certain circumstances, yes. If the landlord advertises things like: 24×7 onsite physical security; all corridors, laundry, storage and public areas monitored by CCTV , then yes absotutely. I’m using an extreme example but by doing that they assume liability which an ordinary landlord would not have.
Shorter: YMMV
Wasn’t that concert in the street?
We do have cameras in the lobby. ??♂️
/files in brain for future reference
I think the argument here is (or at least could be) that the hotel was negligent in not noticing that wossisname was acting very unusually in moving large amounts of arms and ammunition into his room. Hotels are not apartment buildings, hotel rooms are not homes, and hotels do generally keep tabs on their guests, to some degree.
I don’t like this argument much, because I don’t want to foster a society in which we are under constant surveillance outside our homes (and note that assessing liability for failing to perform an action is much the same as mandating that action, and sometimes more forceful, as the size of damages is unpredictable and not really limited, something this settlement makes very clear.)
I think the owner of an apartment building could also be sued for, for instance, failing to provide adequate security measures, or for failing to discourage entry by unknown persons, especially in cases where there were some facilities in place for such but procedures were not consistently followed.
What exactly was MGM supposed to do that they didn’t do? Search the man or his room? Call the cops? Yes, that sounds good, but is that something people normally expect over suspicious movements? I was in a hotel a few weeks ago and the parking lot was full of hookers after midnight. Are they liable for STD’s?
What hotel? and were the hookers hot? asking for a friend.
I made a serious mistake trying to save a few dollars booking a cheap place I only needed for a couple of nights in Winston Salem. It wasn’t anything your friend would be interested in. Trust me.
LO, oh I know. I can’t watch Pretty Woman without bursting out laughing. My office is in the ‘Hooker area’. I know what street girls look like, and the speed of their descent into zombiehood. Heroin is a brutal drug. It shouldn’t be illegal, but the fear mongers aren’t exaggerating when they talk about its effects. Watching a girl who is 17 but looks 60 being narcanned (according to the cop for the 4th time this year) is disturbing.
My main sticking point with this logic is that “shit happens”.
There is *no way* for my landlord to prevent someone who really wants to get me from getting me. The idea that they can stick a lock on the door and a camera in the lobby as some sort of “protection” and/or avoidance of liability is ridiculous on its face to me.
I agree with you about this case, but “shit happens” covers a multitude of sins, and would preclude almost any civil suit involving negligence. I accidentally put some polonium in your drinking water? Oh well, shit happens. Shit does indeed happen, all the time, and it is the purpose of tort law to delineate those cases in which someone is responsible for that shit happening from those cases in which it just happened.
We need some theory of liability to distinguish between these cases (or find a middle ground- you can be partially liable for some shit that happened, without being liable for all of it.) That theory can never be a matter of pure principle (though I think it should always be guided by principle,) as it must take circumstances into account.
The SAFETY Act is meant to limit such losses to firms like MGM. It has to be triggered and the government is reluctant to do so. When that guy flew his plane into the IRS some years back, I thought it should have been triggered, but it wasn’t
“EXCLUSIVE: ‘If I hadn’t met Nikki, I would never have killed my family.’ Chris Watts was ‘mesmerized’ by mistress – who wanted to give him his first son – leading him to strangle pregnant wife and daughters”
Nikki is the worst, but I thought she was an anti-natalist? I guess her biological clock started ticking.
Um.. she had him kill his pregnant wife and child… she was clearly lying about wanting to have a child.
This is why Nikki is the worst.
Took too long double-checking your punctuation.
Yeah, it’s all her fault. That’s the ticket.
Just shoot that fucker and be done with it.
Even Henry the 8th only offed the spouses and left the daughters when he didn’t get a son.
Yeah… I get opposed to the Death Penalty, and then people do shit like this and remind me about how awful humans can be, and i start to think that i might be missing something in being opposed to capital punishment.
I understand, but – Two words: Kamala Harris.
I don’t get it. I’d support Capital Punishment for Kamal- OHHHHH Now i get it…
/preet this was just a joke.
I don’t get it. No offense to the mistress, who apparently had absolutely nothing to do with the murders, but the wife was more attractive. Also, Chris Watts is likely a narcissist.
That’s why I could never get into Fatal Attraction. Who would cheat on Anne Archer with Glen Close?
strains credulity
“Hugh Grant and Elizabeth Hurley and wanted Marvin Haggler in a wig.” – what’s his name with that one show.
Yeah, it seemed strange to me at the time, too. But I’ve known serial cheaters since who did stuff like that. One had a beautiful wife, and he would often cheat, and the ones I saw were very plain looking. The other had a long term girlfriend who was OK looking, but absolutely devoted to him, and he cheated on her with 1’s and 2’s.
Because rabbit stew is fine eatin’?
What a piece of shit
It’s disturbing stuff like that that makes me reconsider my opposition to the death penalty.
Me too. Rather than death, could they just shoot him in the balls with a nail gun then let him wade through a swamp?
For the 2nd time this week.
What a cuck
then get a divorce! no need to kill your daughters. goddammit i loathe crazy people.
He didn’t want to pay for them. It was pure greed. He’s a piece of shit.
The mistress is kind of a butterface.
Typical narcissistic behavior. They refuse to accept responsibility for anything.
Subsidies for the Green Leap Forward and our glorious new eco-future!
I still say it’s all part of a plan to launch the gullible into the sun.
Careful, we’ll all die from a phone-borne infection.
Food people: I just put a prime rib in the cold smoker (salted 3 days ago).
How long should it smoke for?
Cold smoking? Are you making jerky?
I’m not going to cook a prime rib outside. Too imprecise. Cold smoke, then into the oven.
Cool. So just trying to put a little smoke flavor on it. I wouldn’t go too long then. Maybe 45 minutes tops as a guess? You at 90-100 degrees?
I’d just watch that internal temp.
Completely cold. Smoking with this:
Inside of an electric smoker that isn’t turned on.
That’s cool. I have a stovetop smoker. Of course it’s not cold smoke but I did a thick pork tenderloin a couple nights ago and had some really good smoke flavor after 40-45 minutes. I’m not sure how much the temperature effects the permeation of the the smoke though. I did hickory and apple. I wouldn’t think you would want it sitting at room temp for too long.
I figure that I was going to leave it on the counter for 45 minutes before I put it in the oven, so why not?
The primary factor here in absorbing smoke flavor is moisture, and I did salt it 3 days ago, so the surface is quite wet.
Yeah, interested in how it turns out. I would start with 45. If you need more smoke smoke flavor, you could always add liquid smoke to you au jus:) lol.
If you livestream this, would that make it a smokeshow?
Cold food absorbs more smoke than hot. I would probably run one tube.
I pulled it after 45 minutes.
The roast is in the oven now, and the entire house smells like BBQ.
Don’t rile my sensibilities!
“the entire house smells like BBQ”
Sorry. Traeger signature blend with Hickory, Maple, and Cherry. Pretty mild.
Re Tesla, even though I do not generally speculate in the stock market I’d be willing to put an appreciable chunk of my (admittedly modest) net worth into shorting them if it weren’t for the fact that the market can stay irrational longer than I can stay solvent. I’ve thought that for a few years now, and am glad I didn’t short them a few years ago, sorely tempted as I was.
I do think Musk might redeem himself in space, but I can’t see him doing so on land. It turns out that ‘innovating,’ ‘re-inventing,’ and ‘disrupting’ are easier in virgin industries than in industries like automobile manufacturing, where the established players might just know a few things about making cars.
The shorts have been taking a licking because Tesla manages to survive beyond their Best By date.
the only thing worse than being right all the time is being right too early
/ throws shredded trade stubs in the air
Tesla was always just a side hustle to take advantage of climate-change true-believers and to sell carbon offsets to California Industry.
I think the cars just turned out better than they planned and the scam won’t die.
I have a number of friends that get furious when I compare Musk to PT Barnum. They insist that he is some great innovative genius, and credit him with every innovation at Tesla or Space x. He’s Barnum, not Tesla.
If he was a genius he would figure out a way to actually store lithium batteries once they’re done. As far as I can tell, that’s the elephant in the room no one talks about when it comes to electric. Am I wrong?
EV tech was already there. He just built on it and tried to disrupt the market. I don’t know. I don’t want to go full Bob Ryan when he said Jordan would be a bust but I’m not entirely convinced EV is the future. It may have a strong niche but to take over from IC? Not sure.
Tesla as a company was already there, he came in and was retroactively named as a founder. It wasn’t even his vision to start with. Just a bored rich guy looking for something to do with his $. As far as the battery issues go, yeah, it’s thoroughly being ignored right now. I know FCA contracts with medical waste disposal company Stericycle to dispose of their electric cars when they brick. The battery replacements for the Fiat 500E electric costs approximately $28,000, so they are choosing to buy them back rather than replace them under warranty since the cars cost less new, nevermind resale on them is under $10k. Not sure what actually becomes of them though once Stericycle carts them off. But this is apparently a very frequent occurrence.
Lithium is a much more limited resource than petroleum, as well. I saw some estimate that there is not enough lithium available in the world to go full electric.
You see a lot of start-up stocks purporting to be on the cusp of the next big battery break-through.
If the 1800’s is the future, then you are wrong!
Just like how Jobs and Gates got recognized as tech geniuses when they were the business men.
It’s pronounced Yobes right?
Edison would be a better analogy. He did some innovative things early on, but then devolved to showmanship when he was trying to sell DC over AC for city-size power grids.
I vehemently disagree. Edison was an asshole, but he was also a truly inspired inventor. What has Musk ever invented?
I’m sorry you’re having a bad day, SP. I hope things are better tomorrow.
In other news, Glibs: I have submitted my stream-of-consciousness thoughts on Christianity 101. I await scheduling.
From previous thread:
Gauntlet. Thrown.
“Gauntlet. Thrown.”
*thinks to self*
Wait, that’s not very Christian.
Doesn’t have quite the same punch
I look forward to reading it
Me too
It is a shame that meatspace events meant not there to see your reply in the AM links. Based on your question, guess was too subtle.
“Glad one of the good people caught a break.” Was intended as both congratulatory and complimentary.
However, yes, it was and is still my second “takeaway” as you put it that:
if you believe that your deity exists and
if you believe that said deity has full ontological status that
you would begin your “public expression of gratitude” by committing an act that your own church considers to be an offense against said deity (the links provided on previous post are citations of LDS’s position).
Would you ‘honor’ SP by serving her Shrimp Scampi?
I don’t think SP is Jewish.
She’s Quaker, if I remember correctly. Definitely not one of the tribe.
Thank you for your congratulations which I took as very sharp, pointed sarcasm, considering how you followed it up with scolding.
I also noted later in the thread that you are not wrong, but I’m not going to justify my language in any fashion.
I don’t understand the question. SP is not a vegetarian, although I don’t know if she’s allergic to shellfish.
If you prefer, change the example to OMWC instead of SP. If it is too rude to treat a human like that, why do that to your deity?
I am really puzzled why this is such a thorn in your paw.
I am also really puzzled as to why you think I should answer to you such that you keep on me about it.
I told you you aren’t wrong. I also told you I’m not going to justify my language to you or anybody else. If you want a religious argument for or against profanity, you’re not going to get one from me.
If you just want to express your anger at me on God’s behalf, please feel free to do so.
Besides, God wants Mormons to Fuck. Why do they all have so many children?
[sits far away from God for his blasphemy]
Spoiler (if you haven’t watched the last episode of Preacher)
God’s dead.
Exploding Humperdoo
What’s Joe Flacco got to do with anything?
Engelbert Humperdoo, no doubt.
if you believe that your deity exists and
if you believe that said deity has full ontological status that
ontological basically means existing, I am not sure what you mean here? Maybe try less indirectness, it comes across as snide. You are obviously some flavor of believer and want to express that, just come out and do so. There are several devout believers here, you won’t be pilloried, and even (most) of the atheists will not jump you; they may argue but we have everything from Catholics to (i believe) Evangelicals, with a strong sideline in Mormons. Bring it…
“full ontological status” is not the same as existing. See for example https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-49856859 about an orangutan named Sandra granted legal rights equal to human by a court in Argentina.
Ontological status refers to whether an object is in the class of actual objects or imaginary ones. It has nothing to do with sentience or legal rights. For example to an atheist Jehovah is imaginary, but when discussing Judaism or Christianity you need to refer to the phenomenon of Jehovah, so you do so by assigning it an ontological status as an imaginary entity.
A quibble about semantics should not overshadow what was intended to be the core concept. What terminology would you prefer to differentiate acceptable and/or appropriate behavior towards a pencil, a non-primate mammal, and a homo sapiens?
Donation, it isn’t a quibble. It is me asking you what the hell you mean. Are you saying God is the pencil, the mammal, or the man? If Mojeaux believes God exists and is the Supreme Being, and she said something, she acknowledges as a touch blasphemous (still not sure what this is all about) then isn’t that between her and God?
There are no faiths in the Judeo Christian line that believe in Man as perfect (although the Mormons are somewhat unique in believing in perfectibility) so you appear to be harping on her for sinning, and I think it is a somewhat unfair attack given that you only hint at your own beliefs.
I said this.
DNT said this in response.
That would be venial even to Savonarola…. and more importantly:
Yay! glad you got a bit of a break!
Hey! I’m submitting a quasi-religious article too (currently awaiting proof reading).
Can’t wait!
*picks up gauntlet and puts it in the hamper*
That’s how this works, right?
Seriously though, I’m gonna be in jersey for a wedding this weekend, so I may have some time to draft up a complementary critical analysis of the modern western church.
By the way. You all should build a Chicken Coop.
on a golf course rental, that would fly like a chicken……
I’m certain there are ways to be creative.
Put it inside the house?
Free range them on the golf course. Duh.
OT (apologies): But this is interesting, eh?
*Fifth Column Podcast*
Welch: I hate to do it, but I got to be the squish here..
Moynihan: There you go again
Welch: I know, right.
Moynihan: Always being the ‘sensible’ guy
Welch: I’m that guy. No, I think it’s pretty clear that there is no agency more brave and righteous than the FBI and CIA. And I think that goes without saying. I can’t think of a single time where they have not behaved with honor
Moynihan: Yeah, the really disheartening part about this presidency is that we’re smearing the good guys
Kmele: What the fuck is wrong with you two?
Is this a new meme for you? Or have you snapped and it is time for an intervention, cause you are starting to sound like Winston.
It’s a worse shtick than TaxationNotDonation. ;P
I just find the skit to be funny: Welch says something moronic, Moynihan backs him up on that moronic take, and Kmele is just sitting there perplexed at how ridiculous the two of them sound.
It makes me smile. I’ll stop polluting the thread with my madness
Especially since you compared me to Winston
I wasn’t trying to stop your flow, just wondering at the tone. I like Winston, I just don’t fully get why he thinks it is necessary to post “Oh yeah, Reason (5th Column in your case) is totes libertarian, you sheeple don’t see how they are all in progs now” stuff here. We glibs have our blind spots, but we aren’t on the cosmo squish side of things, if anything we tend to veer to far down the yokel path. There are no Dalmia or Welch fans here.
I do really really really bad parody sometimes. You should read my Amy Coney Barrett Senate confirmation hearing where it turns out that she once kissed a girl in college.
WARNING: May cause unexplained boners
TGA, I like your snippets. Wish you’d do more with them.
Awww, thanks Tonio.
Meh, don’t let us haters get you down. Despite being chastized yesterday, i’ll probably end up getting one more LH Joke in.
I only joke cause i don’t want to y’all see me crying
It makes me smile. I’ll stop polluting the thread with my madness-
Don’t get all “Soy Boy” now.
Sounds exactly like the formula I use to write hat and hair.
I enjoy them.
I think you’re on the brink of something that might grow a bit in scope. Bring in Shrieka, Fruit Sushi and you could do these as per H&H or SNP.
But regardless, please don’t stop posting these in whatever form gets them out.
I’d hate to see them go.
Or The Jacket. Okay, and/or.
Nothing to see here. Move along.
If it’s not reported in the NYT, it’s not news.
Just because you have the actual transcripts doesn’t prove anything. You need the NYT to say it for it to be real
“Duty Calls. Sometimes the moment chooses us.”
your life must be pretty sad when selectively leaking little scandals to the press and offering to wear a wire so you can entrap POTUS is the moment choosing you.
CTH provides even more context for this document.
Remember that the appointment of the special prosecutor was supposed to be “because Trump fired Comey”. That was why they appointed the special counsel. But also Rosenstein recommended Comey be fired, and then offered to wear a wire and talked about removing Trump.
Call me crazy, but that sounds like the FBI was trying to get rid of the elected president, and set him up for removal.
To Mojeaux, from the prior article:
How does your Stake reconcile that stance on facial hair with portraits of Brigham Young et al.?
They don’t try to reconcile it with BY et al, or at least, not in recent memory.
There has been an informal prohibition against facial hair and long hair since, oh, the 40s or 50s for reasons I do not understand. It was much stricter then and I guess in the 00s seemed to have faded. Then beards became fashionable again and then my bishop at the time (I don’t actually know if it was at my stake president’s direction) reiterated that facial hair is not to be worn if you expect to be given a calling or asked to pray or anything like that. My husband has a goatee. He wasn’t shaving. No man in my ward with facial hair shaved it. Nothing changed.
It is my opinion that most of the RULES, as per DNT’s linkage, are a product of 1950s WASP country club culture and that much of our “doctrine” are things best left in Ms. Manner’s books of etiquette and propriety. Do I believe God cares about facial hair, tattoos, piercings, and suchlike? No. No, I really don’t.
The Facial Hair is completely subjective, and generally a policy set by Stake Presidents who have gotten a little large in the head. My bishop, One of his Counselors have facial hair.
Mine definitely was, and my bishop at that time, more so.
That’s different. Your version of (is ‘Mormonism’ a non-offensive term to you?) does not include those rules, let alone the rationales for not violating them. Therefore, not beginning a religious posting and/or a “public expression of gratitude” by dishonoring your deity.
Which denomination of LDS?
You know what?
Go ahead and rant at me for “dishonoring my deity.” Why are you so offended on MY deity’s behalf? Since you keep pressing the point that he’s MY deity, he must not be yours.
But whatever. Clearly you’re angry, so go ahead and get it off your chest.
Said therefore you did not do that.
I missed your sin Mojeaux. What did you do? SHUN THE HERETIC worthy or just a comment that lit Donation’s fuse?
and Donation, still waiting to hear what faith you are ‘defending’ with this. It seems pretty cheap to call other people out for their failures of religious purity while hiding your own beliefs.
I said “fuck” and “God blessed me” in the same post.
DNT would be shaking in the fetal position if he heard some of the language coming out of our AV booth at church during service.
“Thou shalt not swear” was in the third tablet that Moses dropped.
Also, not “offended”. Said it was “odd”. Your answer seemed that you did not understand the post. Elaborated. Got answer to reconcile the apparent discrepancy.
The past three or so replies that have clearly not been received well would probably have gone better or been totally unnecessary if you’d been typing complete sentences. Omitting the subject and all this other business is making what you’re saying unclear and the terseness conveys hostility. I just want to point this out before the site loses another person to a walkout.
I’m probably too proud that when my dad was in bishopric at Ricks College(now BYU-Idaho, which a strict facial hair policy that ends with moustaches), he had a full beard and told anyone who gave him crap that “Some of my favorite prophets had beards.” My past 3 stakes presidents haven’t had issues, but a friend in a neighboring stake was asked to shave when he got put in as a counselor.
My husband would have turned down the calling if that was on the table, just on principle.
This just in: Conservative leader Andrew Scheer has U.S. citizenship!
“It’s just Plan B I swear!”
If Trump is removed from office, what are Pence’s chance of election? I’m guessing high.
Gandhi is CANCELLED!
No, not “Indira” Gandhi (the woman who imposed forced sterilization on the poor of India through kidnapping and general thuggery at the behest of Western countries) she is a “feminist”. The other Gandhi. The guy who faced down the English through non-violence. He was not woke.
Ghandi was a POS a grifter, a pedo, and hated (((THEM)))
Fuck him!
“George Washington owned slaves”
Old news.
What took them so long?
This is not news to me. Ghandi was upper caste Hindu, wokeness was not a thing in that world. I know only white anglo culture is racist and sexist, but there is a lot of stuff that sounds like racism and misogyny in other cultures.
He was an extremist asshole anyway. He should have tried his pacifism against the Nazis or Commies instead of the British. I’ll bet results vary.
He used them against the South African government.
Just so I’m clear, it’s correct then to say that Thomas Jefferson owned slaves and is therefore cancelled?
He was hooked up with the Nazis early on,
/Swastika? jk
“So what did the Romans ever do for us, eh?”
Some of those replies are good. I especially liked this exchange:
The first one is something that a lot of people might want to consider remembering instead of denying.
I would hereby like to preemptively cancel myself. I am not woke, nor have I ever been.
AlmightyJBIn a small town, good jobs are hard to find, but…..HVAC!
I got hired on the second phone call/interview, signing paperwork tomorrow morning, hell Yes!
Yay!!! Good things happening to Glibs all week this week.
I hope you are doing better, you seemed very down last week
Excellent news! Congrats.
Congrats Yusef! Glad to hear it.
Hey, good news for a change, Yusef. Last I remember you were cool in Bullhead City, I must be missing something. You were getting ready to move? Anyway, Hat’s Off to you and Mojeaux.
still in Bullhead City, gambling and legal weed all around, just not here. lot’s of HVAC work if you can find a slot, and I did, Lord willin’ and the creek don’t rise,
Kick ass and take names!
From what little I know about Bullhead City there should be lots of AC work, maybe not so much of the H. Are there any bullheads there, asking for the Iowa residents? Keep on truckin’, Yusef.
Way to go Yusef!
These may have been linked here before since they’re a week old, but I just saw these two great Bee articles and had to share:
Evangelical Leaders Ask Trump Which One Of Them Will Betray Him During Impeachment Proceedings
Nobel Peace Prize Committee Informs Trump He Has Not Launched Enough Drone Strikes To Qualify
Both of them are hilarious and worth the read, IMO.
Oh, and my husband won tickets to the Chiefs game Sunday.
Arrowhead? get ready for loud!
Oh yes. Been there many times and it is LOUD!!!!
My husband has such a mancrush on Mahomes. It’s adorable.
Who could have predicted that Mahomes would have been such a good draft pick?
/ disgruntled Bears fan.
Brett Veach
“Irish PM Leo Varadkar sparks fury by accusing Boris Johnson of defying the will of the British people ‘who want to stay in the EU’ – as he rejects the PM’s Brexit blueprint”
Ireland (province of Belgium) seems to believe that a referendum that occurred three years ago is not actually the will of the people, but rather current opinion polls are the actual will of the people.
Heads, I win. Tails, you lose.
God, Ireland has become a pathetic sniveling country
Queen Boudicca weeps.
She wasn’t Irish.
Real curious how countries like France and Germany who couldn’t give two shits about Ireland or the peace process after the Troubles are all of a sudden super concerned about sticking to the Good Friday Agreement (of which they had no involvement in).
Polls should just take the place of voting.
But seriously, this is one of the pitfalls of taking over 3 years to even start implementing something you voted on.
As a good Scot I should point out that 1) Scotland means, literally, “land of the Irish” and that 2) this is because us Scots had the good sense to get out of Ireland a long time ago.
Honesty compels me to admit that this has not entirely worked out. The Scots are not the people they once were, and could see Ireland it’s sniveling and raise it some pathos.
A rambling, Not a “Just a Thought Not a sermon”:
I’ve started to realize that i’m much more conservative than i thought i was. Before all the haters jump on me let me clarify. I’m libertarian, but i realize that i am just not on board with modern culture and what i see as a huge tendency to take the past for granted and never look back on tradition or history as any useful guide. This can be seen in the disucssion above about Gandhi, or about Thomas Jefferson. Did they make mistakes? sure, but there is also a lot valuable to learn from them. I can’t stand the idea that often gets perpetuated by progressives that we are somehow more “woke” or understanding than they were and that the were irredeemably flawed.
Welcome to my world. muahahaha
“This can be seen in the disucssion above about Gandhi, or about Thomas Jefferson.”
I don’t think that makes you ‘conservative’, even in disposition, necessarily. This whole “cancel that guy” game is all Calvin ball and anyone with a brain recognizes that. It’s an obvious attempt by progressives to tarnish any figure that was not explicitly progressive. If they really cared about past transgressions of historical figures then they would be demanding that Sanger and WIlson be cancelled. As it stands, this is an obvious game and so rational people will do best to just ignore them.
The true indicator of one being a “conservative” is preserving something for the sake that it has always existed. It’s a reflexive attachment to the status quo. And frankly a lot of people who would blush at being called “conservative” are actually more conservative than what you are suggesting makes you “conservative”.
As was once remarked: ““I have never been able to make out what the Progressive Movement is, except that it is rather like a policeman who always tells people to “move on,” without telling them where to go.”
Conservatism as a philosophical term is almost useless. “Libertarian” is almost useless now.
American conservatism isn’t even really “conservatism”. It’s liberalism mixed in with a conservative sensibility. If you read Hayek’s “Why I Am Not a Conservative” he is specifically referring to European conservatives (as in those who reject liberalism). Hayek even went out of his way to specify that he was not referring to American conservatism, as that is wholly different from Old Tory conservatism, which he was criticizing.
I am increasingly an American conservative by that definition. Oddly, I started off that way by nurture as it were, went philosophically abroad in my 20s, and by my late 30s was on my way right back. At 41 my outlook is basically, “Live and let live, just don’t do it on my lawn you damn noisy kids!”
Conservatism as a philosophical term is almost useless.
While I would argue they aren’t useless, using the terms “conservative” and “progressive” to refer to specific people or policies is like using the Kingdom designation when referring to a specific Species. It’s correct, but incomplete, yet it still provides some valuable information.
Assuming Scruffy Nerfherder is referring to what Tulsi Gabbard Apologist calls “American conservatism”, then consider how many or how few Americans who call themselves “conservative” (or the Left using “conservatives” as a bogeyman) mean the philosophy and/or politics expressed in The Conscience of a Conservative (1960) which used to be the defining text.
Hopefully without getting into One True Scotsman territory, even though there are differences between NAP, all legal cases are civil, Georgists, and so on, there is a general area they fit into that is clearly distinct from, for example, the area of socialism that contains, for example, the ideologies of National Socialists (Nazis) and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The last LP candidate for POTUS that seemed to be of what used to be libertarianism IMHO was Michael Badnarik for the 2004 election cycle.
It is not just the Libertarian Party. Consider also the harping on this site about TOS which touts itself as “Free Minds and Free Markets” and its small-l libertarianism by modern standards.
That may have been true in Chesty’s time but now-a-days seems the Progs are more than happy to tell us where to go and what to do and think and eat and…
Maybe. I don’t know. I sometimes wonder where they are trying to lead us with identity politics. I would guess that most of them don’t know where they are going with it. I really don’t know anymore mainly because I don’t understand what animates them. A lot of their ideas seem more like religious convictions than political opinions formed in some data or even a cultural affinity.
If that’s conservative, then I’m conservative.
Me too.
I read that speech often.
Did they make mistakes? sure
Even this is a level of conciliation that I think goes too far. Of course they made mistakes. The reason it doesn’t matter is that they’re legends because of their achievements, not because of their mistakes. We shouldn’t have to equivocate about every little misdeed of every historical figure.
Whether or not they made mistakes in the sense that they made immoral choices that can’t be handwaved as something accepted as morally good in their time has nothing to do with the quality or truth of the things we respect them for. Jefferson was unfaithful to his wife with a slave. Does that mean the Declaration of Independence loses its value? MLK was almost certainly a serial philanderer and likely Communist sympathizer. Does that make the sentiments expressed in his “I Have a Dream” speech less worthwhile? Everyone is flawed in some way, often in many ways. If perfection in the author is the standard by which one decides the merit of the idea then nothing in human history has any value, including every one of the people pushing this position today.
Jefferson was unfaithful to his wife with a slave.
Even if you take it as true that he fathered Hemming’s children it was after his wife’s death. (I grew up around died in the wool conservatives and have had too many lectures about the Jefferson family tradition which is that it wasn’t Tom it was a nephew who fathered the kids.)
Damn, my mistake. You’re right. I got my scandals mixed up.
died in the wool
Find a good almost homonym for “wool” and you got the next “Toe the lion” right there.
maybe well? (something) died in the well?
Sometimes I pronounce “well” such that it sounds like “wool”, so I say it works.
I can’t stand the idea that often gets perpetuated by progressives that we are somehow more “woke” or understanding than they were and that the were irredeemably flawed.
If it’s any consolation, take heart that the moral scolds of the present will be deemed either bigots or degenerates by the moral scolds of the future, depending on which way the winds blow, but they most certainly will not be judged correct.
Meh. I’m in the same boat. As for Jefferson, he’s been smeared up one side and down the other. He inherited his slaves, never bought or sold one, and it was illegal in Virginia to free your slaves unless it was on your death and you were debt free, which he wasn’t.
In addition, in the first draft of the Declaration, Jefferson wrote and entire paragraph in bold, capital letters, ripping the King of England for slavery. It wasn’t in the final draft because two southern states objected, and they needed all 13, or it wouldn’t work.
And he didn’t knock up one of his slaves. #Fakenews.
All we like sheep have gone astray…
Human beings are flawed. All of us. Tearing down the greats because they were flawed is sophomoric and in the end nihilist. Jefferson’s flaws do not render the Virginia Statute or Declaration invalid, just as Hitler’s vegetarianism and playing with his dog do not render the holocaust benign.
Of course the people doing this are nihilists so this should not be a surprise. It should, however, be fought because nihilism is the essence of evil.
I’m not.
Pride detected! Destroy the sinner!
^Shitlord, confirmed.
Yep, and proud of it.
Nihilism cannot, by definition be the essence of evil. It can’t be the essence of anything.
Sure it can. Evil is destruction not creation, denying the validity of the concept of principles or values is the ultimate destructive act.
harumph…no true scotsman then
Actually, better to admire the ideas rather than the person behind them anyway. I don’t know nor never will actually know Jefferson. He might have been a huge asshole in some ways, but I think a most of his ideas were fantastic and actually HELPED his country move past slavery.
Or what Naptown Bill said above.
When he was elected to the Virginia legislature, the first three bills he introduced were all anti-slavery. All three got voted down and slavery was subsequently strengthened as a rebuke.
For me, conservative and libertarian are different political philosophies in the same tradition. Heck even a lot of liberals probably fit within the same tradition in the U.S. The U.S. grew out of a liberal tradition from the Anglo-Scottish Enlightenment. The ideas varied, but mostly centered on ideas of distributed knowledge and virtue. In that context, the best way to organize a polity is to have it decentralized. And, ultimately, the distribution of that knowledge has no real reason to be constrained solely by time. That is, there’s no reason in this context to assume that your current generation is somehow uniquely insightful. That’s the particular tension that rests in the libertarian/conservative divide. The odd bird in American politics is Progressivism, which emerged much more out what I’ll call the “Continental” Enlightenment. These ideas, heavily influenced by the French Revolution, thought of knowledge and wisdom and virtue as uniquely concentrated, with the current thinkers and enlightened as especially insightful, standing upon the ruins of the follies of history to see the unique truth.
When you understand that, the battles between libertarians and conservatives, or even conservatives and traditional liberals, are largely sibling spats.
“Massive failure for radical climate change activists with @ExtinctionR who lost control of a fake blood hose outside the Treasury in London. Four people were arrested for criminal damage. Footage published by the BBC. #ExtinctionRebelion”
Is it really a massive failure when they’re getting far more attention than they otherwise would have?
I would like to think all the attention is actually ridicule and scorn.
Huh. Lefty activists who don’t know how anything in the physical world works. Weird.
I want to hear Spud’s take on their hose technique! (other spud)
Someone should have just walked over and shut the valve when the hose burst.
Fake blood for a fake crisis. Incompetents lose control of the physical representation of the narrative.
It’s the whole scam summed up in a 38 second video.
How did they get a firetruck?
That would seem to imply they had some governmental help to deface a governmental building.
You can buy old, used fire engines.
That doesn’t look particularly old.
Looks about 15 years old. If it gets a lot of use, that’s beyond it’s lifespan.
Hey Spud, I’ve been meaning ask, what sort of equipment changes were you subject to during your career? I’ve been revisiting two of my childhood favorite shows: Adam-12, and Emergency! (Mmmm… Randolph Mantooth and Kevin Tighe) and the fire/rescue crews have a fancy, albeit gigantic, tackle-box thingy that allows duplex radio AND can send a patients electrocardiogram info; at the time a major advance. Does the span of your service include any particular technological leap in equipment?
We need common sense fake blood hose control.
I think Malice is correct.
Eggs: Bad news is that they don’t keep so stocking up is a waste of time.
It is hard to go out of business when taxpayer money is in the mix.
Govt is an insatiable monster. The only solution is to starve it.
The Vegas shooting pisses me off. I don’t believe one goddamned word that has been said about it so far. Not one. I do know this – the casino/hotel is not responsible.
“The Vegas shooting pisses me off.”
Yeah, I’m not a conspiracy theory guy, more of a huge skeptic about everything, but that thing stinks to high heaven. How do you have a guy who no one knows and has apparently lived his entire life without any person in existence knowing anything at all about him, including his live in girlfriend and no online presence at all, ever? I don’t buy any of it either, not a word.
Is it not possible he was just a lone wacko who kept his evil thoughts to himself until he started shooting ? If a conspiracy, wouldn’t some sort of bogus hate literature or something have been planted?
Honestly, I think the odds of that are tiny. I’ve seen plenty of fucked up things in my life, but that one is close to the top of the list. I find it, like Suthen boy was saying, very disturbing. I followed the story and it makes no sense at all.
“The Vegas shooting pisses me off. I don’t believe one goddamned word that has been said about it so far. Not one. I do know this – the casino/hotel is not responsible.”
I understand it their private security did a hell of a to more to try to stop it than the Clark Co. Sheriffs dept did.
Also, having lived in Vegas. Fuck Vegas PD of all stripes. They are a special breed of jack-booted thugs.
Wouldn’t you be if you had to live in Vegas?
I did my time there and hated it. The police are particularly thuggish there because they work for the casinos, not the residents. And they have a long history of killing innocent people and being protected by the city/state.
This is probably the best article I’ve read on the dem’s latest effort to overturn the 2016 election, makes a lot of sense to me. The amount of trouble dems are going to get themselves into is of course overstated since their voters are mostly brain dead, the media totally in their pocket, and the GOP mostly gutless cowards.
Impeach, because reasons!
I really hope that the public can see past the efforts of a bunch of political operatives who stated their intentions to nullify a free and open election through impeachment before the winner of the election took office, without even waiting for something remotely resembling grounds for impeachment to come along. I fear my faith is misplaced.
Well, I get it, they have nothing else. They either do this impeachment non-sense or just tell everyone they are going to tax them into oblivion and take their guns, etc. They tried the latter and that wasn’t working too well, so it’s back to the former.
The R’s are more snakes in the grass than cowards. They cant come out and say it because their voters would Lynch them but they are just fine with creeping statism. They put the brakes on now and then but they never stop it. They just slow it down a bit.
Fuck them.
As Tom Woods (I think?) says;
“They’re progressives driving the speed limit.”
Well, of course. There’e no power in doing your job of ‘For the People’. ‘For me and my crony friends’ is where it’s at. Until we take power and money out of politics, we aren’t getting back to The Founders intentions.
Too bad the people who make money off of politics would have to be the ones who’d have to vote for that. In other words we’re screwed.
RE: Swearing
Does God really give two shits if you use a word that your culture deems to be vulgarity? I was taught that you shouldn’t take the Lord’s name in vain and that was the sin. Now it could be that they had to say that because the Irish Catholic priests swore worse than a trucker (but they never used the Lord’s name). So I may be wrong here.
Either way, there’s too much Jesus talk going on today. I’m always typecast as some kind of super religious guy (not accurate) because I crack religious jokes and defend religious people, but the sniping about swearing has got me screaming “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph” (technically not swearing)
I’m always typecast as some kind of super religious guy (not accurate) because I crack religious jokes and defend religious people
Not by me. I cast you as a damned papist because of your avatar, and therefore as not being Christian under the rules I was raised in. 😉
I’ll say a rosary for you.
I enjoy the good natured barbs thrown between the Papists and Protestants here………even if it’s gotten a little out-of-hand on occasion.
I did get the feeling that Eddie had genuine animosity for Protestants though, which I found strange and unsettling
Eddie was paranoid and insecure. I think it’s that simple.
Add to that the orthodox branch of the Catholic Church which isn’t the mainstream of the Roman Catholic Church. Like being Canada to the US.
Yeah, Eddie wasn’t a papist. He was from the older schism. I’m not actually a protestant, but I enjoy friendly disputation.
I like to ply nice but I’m just going to come out and say it; DNT is either a troll or super Aspie, he doesn’t seem to understand other humans at all.
He could just be an asshole.
Yeah but we’re all some flavor of asshole…..
(HM signal lit)
I’m not.
You’re really not which really pisses everyone off
Hyperbole: I disagree
Me: Are you blind man?
Hyperbole: I see it differently
Me: Fuck you, dude. Fuck you
Hyperbole: I’m sorry you feel that way
Me: I *feel* that way? You are such a dick
Hyperbole: I’m sorry for offending you. Have a good day
Seriously, you’re good people
Thanks TGA, If it would make you feel better, let me know and I’ll bide my time and then out of the blue just go full out ‘Fuck you, you lying fuck!!” at some point in the future.
I think the truely asshole thing to do would be to continue being nice since it obviously irritates him:)
Wrong again.
I’ve always thought DNT was Winston.
Speaking of Aspie….
Doesn’t bring up enough random off-topic, ancient history insider libertarian wiki articles…..
Unless he’s very disciplined about his handle hoping
Winston is sarcastic and a bit emotionally tone deaf, but I can’t remember him ever attacking anyone personally, or even getting shirty when attacked.
He can get very annoying, but I’ve never actually gotten upset with him, he’s fine, and he does take a lot of shit, so I respect him for that.
Ditto. He takes a metric load (like the Winston’s mom feature and jokes) and hasn’t flipped his keyboard yet.
He always takes it out on his mom.
Damn, why didn’t I see this before…
*steps up to tee, wiggles bat, squints at whiffle ball*
Who doesn’t take it out on his mom, amirite?!
/not sure if serious.
I don’t think that’s Winston’s style.
Yeah…I get frustrated with Winston’s tone sometimes and I think he occasionally beats a dead straw horse about libertarians, Libertarians, and the people who come to this site, but he’s always seemed very civil. And not a troll, either.
Yeah, I got a little pissed at him once, but he’s a good sport, and like I said, he takes a lot of shit here sometimes and is a good sport about it. Guy is OK.
DNT’s harping on donation, not taxation always came across to me as being like Winston’s obsession with the One True Libertarian.
DNT reminds me a little of Bo Cara
Is that from the before times? Tell me a story!
There’s a name I haven’t seen in ages. I always thought he was an odd one, because he’d seem pretty reasonable for awhile and then for whatever reason the switch would flip and it was shitty trolling out of the blue.
I always had the feeling FOS was a troll from over at TOS seeing what he could get away with over here. H’d seem perfectly normal and then you could tell the posts where he was testing the waters. Playa predicted he’d be banned about a month before he actually was.
All religions have their own ‘forbidden’ words. Look at some recent examples from the religion of progtardism. It’s now a crime in NYC, punishable with a 250K fine, for calling an illegal alien an ‘illegal alien’.
TGA, do you have a public email addy? I have something you might like.
If it’s porn than my email is bonerjams69@hotmail.com
If it’s not porn, I’m not interested
I honestly don’t know how to give you my real email address without posting it publicly. But, you should send an email to bonerjams69@hotmail.com, because I’m kind of curious to find out what kind of person has that email address
Then email me at my handle “1” – (without quotes) @ gee, mail? .com
Dick pics inbound.
Most likely that will go to Jackie Treehorn
” he fixes the cable?”
Serious? Also, not porn, but take a look.
You: Cicero thoughts, seriously?
Me: Someone already took cicerosbonerjams@gmail.com
Regrets if you didn’t like it. I do have some pics of Layla Rose, so it won’t be a total waste.
I was always taught the “sin” was taking for granted or mocking things created for the creatures(us) benefit.
Sort of as if someone were to give you a pearl and you proceeded to call a piece of shit and laughed about it with your friends.
The prohibition on taking the Lord’s name in vain is actually much broader than just profanity. It more directly refers to invoking God’s name in general and particularly in support of your own arguments.
That’s a good point that I didn’t consider.
So all the breaded ladies were correct to stone the old man for saying “This ham is good enough for Jehovah”, kinda takes the wind outta that bit’s sails.
mmmmmmm…….breaded ladies
/Homer gurgle
Not ham.
Dammit, that’s the second mistake I’ve made today, I picked the wrong day to quit drinking.
“You’re only making it worse!”
Yeah, pretty accurate take.
Important to reflect on “Words don’t have meanings, meanings have words.”
Words are arbitrary sounds that we hang on ideas like labels. They also get switched around a lot.
Also, policing words is policing ideas. I don’t tolerate that at all.
I just spoke with God, and he only gives one shit, not two.
“Famed feminist Naomi Wolf @naomirwolf agreeing w a parody account that’s mocking the *absolute insanity* of the intersectional feminist movement is my favorite Twitter moment in awhile”
“Amanda Prestigiaco”
Is it just me, but are right wing chicks like a million times better looking than lefty chicks? Is that just my imagination, because I keep imagining it.
Maybe we can come up with some soft of technology to make everyone good looking and smart and then we get rid of SJWs and commies, forever? Just sayin.
More interest in being attractive to men?
I almost have to assume that being attractive to men is not that different from being attractive to women. The reason I know this is that my wife and my female friends and co-workers seem to notice other women more than they do men, regardless of their sexual orientation.
Women don’t buy new shoes and purses and outfits because the men in their lives notice.
But they sure as hell still expect them to
Sure, if it’s my wife I’m going to day that. If it’s a friend, I’ll admit it.
Damnit, that replay is all of threaded order, oh well.
I need an edit fairy.
I meant what you knew
Yeah I know, but it’s even more than that. I can’t even count that times I’ve been walking down the street with my wife or a female friend and they say things like ‘Did you see her dress!? Did you see her body!?’, or like you said, it might be did you see her shoes or whatever. But most of the time I’m like ‘What? Who? Where?
And if she said “Did you see her body?” only a fool would give any other answer
I’m apparently too tire to post on the internets. But yeah, sure if it’s my wife, I dinseenuthin.
Last time I was asked that question, I was honest. I said “I don’t know how to answer that question.” Fortunately she laughed.
If my wife asks me if these jeans make her butt look fat, or if I noticed that woman over there, I ALWAYS tell her “yes, they do,” and “yes, I did.” It’s the best way to keep her from asking me those questions.
Does this make me look fat?
In the ancestral environment status competition between women (and relations between women) was probably more important for survival than attractiveness.
Any species organized in small groups has to swap members with other groups pretty regularly to avoid inbreeding. In primates this almost always means swapping females. The upshot is that, ancestrally, male humans probably never left their families, but that female humans often did. This is speculative, but it would explain a _lot_.
I actually wish I had left off “to men”. I was not trying to bring sexual orientation into it at all.
Rather, I was just trying to imply that lefties often don’t seem all that interested in being conventionally* attractive at all. You’re supposed to look exclusively at their “inner beauty” or some such.
*i.e. as most people would understand it
“lefties often don’t seem all that interested in being conventionally* attractive at all. ”
It’s because they’re fugly, that’s why. So they’re mad at everyone who is attractive. Either that or they have some severe mental or emotional problem that makes them act anti-social all of the time.
It’s not that they’re left or right. Many people who are ugly inside don’t bother to work on the outside. I don’t mean to imply that there aren’t plenty of bad people who don’t clean up nicely, but most often when someone is ugly on the outside, it’s a reflection of their mental assessment of themselves.
One thing I’ve seen it that you can take a fairly attractive female and turn them into a hideous monster once they get filled with the hatefulness of leftism. Take Angela Merkel for example. 20 years ago, she was sort of cute, but then she caught the lefy disease and the ugly just leaked right out to the outside and now she looks like some evil marionette from a horror show.
So, basically, what I’m trying to say, Rhywun, is that the left are sort of like a real life version of the ‘Island of Misfit Toys’, only angrier and crazy.
It’s not that lefties aren’t interested in being conventionally attractive. It’s that they are not conventionally attractive and want to be, and are bitter. They go left because of envy and envy is a hallmark of leftyism.
Heh you might have something there.
It’s not that she might have something there, she’s spot on.
Now explain Hollywood.
They get paid to be pretty on the outside.
Now explain Hollywood.
Parrots are pretty
Be easier if they had some.
Seems worst thing you can do if you are not conventionally attractive, is to become ugly on the inside and forgo any attempt at compensating. Leftism is a fucking plague on society, a hate filled, murderous cancer.
“inner beauty”
Let’s run them through the woodchopper and see if we can find it.
“Let’s run them through the woodchopper and see if we can find it.”
If the wood chips float, we declare them innocent and they get to live?
Naomi Wolf was a bombshell when she was young. That’s why she had to write The Beauty Myth.
Wolf is particularly stupid and a fame whore. She was a ripe target for this.
“Famed feminist Naomi Wolf @naomirwolf agreeing w a parody account…”
Better have Snopes check that out.
“.@RepMattGaetz Recalls When Adam Schiff Sought Nude Pictures of Trump from Prankster He Thought Was a Ukrainian Official”
Adam Schiff is not the sharpest tool in the shed. And why is he all bug eyed? Is that some sort of disease? I have to be careful, don’t want any more Glibs quitting the tribe because I just insulted an ‘esteemed Congress critter’. But now Schiff IS the face of the Democratic Party, LOL.
I’ll quit if we stop insulting the esteemed.
No, see, it’s okay, Schiff got the FBI involved. Which is somehow different from getting the head of the DOJ involved.
Your magazine is only good for one thing. And really, since supermodels peaked in the ’80s, there is no reason for you to exist.
Fuck SI. I stopping reading them 45 years ago.
Didnt they replace their bikini models with fat girls and persons in burkhas? I wonder how they thought that was going to turn out.
There all sporting something extra down below. NTTAWWT.
I’ve been assigned Diversity and Inclusion recognizing Blind Spots training at work.
Pray for me.
As the instructor? You can have a field day with that! If only you’d been put in charge of teaching Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. You could lead off with this video:
No, not as the instructor.
Rats. You could inject some genuine glib snark into that presentation if you were
/snaps fingers
We had to do sexual harassment training today.
The joys of management
Are you able to properly sexual harass now?
We had to do that last year and one of my Korean co-workers told his boss that he is never speaking to anyone ever again in our workplace who he doesn’t have to speak to for his job. Amazing that sort of effect.
Sounds like that guy gets it.
He does get it. I remember when one of our x woke co-workers was telling us all that he is a communist now. My Korean friend said ‘What the fuck is wrong with you? Why would anyone want to be a communist?’. You know, I mean the guy grew up having a murderous commie regime right to his North, it’s not like he grew up in an upper middle class household in MD and had no fear of anything bad happening.
What the heck does diversity and inclusion have to do with blind spots?
Granted, East Asian women are terrible drivers (It is Known), but they can take they same driving lessons as everyone else.
As I drive past them on my Skateboard,
/true story…
Oriental drivers are the worst,
I drive faster when I’m in reverse,
Oh Mr. Line Wong, I wish you drove like you play ping pong,
I’ve been behind you for the longest time,
/Billy Joel
Convex spot mirrors are great for reducing blind spots.
“I’ve been assigned Diversity and Inclusion recognizing Blind Spots training at work.”
Kill yourself now. JK. Go find yourself a bear suit as soon as possible. Start wearing it to work right away and start sending out emails, to everyone, complaining about how bears are people too but are being discriminated against in your workplace. Go to the meetings and don’t say anything, just sit there in your bear suit. If anyone asks you a question, just wave your paw and say ‘Grrrrrrr’. Any attempt by anyone to complain or stop you are obviously bigoted racist who must be removed from the workplace now and you deserve a 500 million dollar settlement, get a woke lawyer.
The company that I used to work for (Halliburton) made us watch a certain number of those diversity videos.
The one I still remember had all its examples of discrimination as age discrimination for some reason.
It featured employees ribbing elder employees for their lack of computer savvy in unintentionally hilarious ways.
I loved it.
They were just doing that a couple of day ago, I mean for real, in a meeting I was in for one of my clients. The guy they were talking about has apparently been around forever,he’s probably 90, seriously, and they are always laughing about his complete resistance and/or inability to learn anything about the software systems we use.
Halliburton must not be woke. Woke places would never discuss age discrimination, that’s not real discrimination, just like religious or political discrimination is not real.
I actually thought they picked that one because they clearly used non professional actors (ordinary employees) to act out the video and that’s who they had sitting around.
God was that video hilarious.
The ones they had at my clients were not only not funny, they were full on progtard level stupid. Do those war mongers need any software engineers?
Most likely.
Well *polishes up resume*, maybe I can afford that house in NOVA, sell it in 10 years and retire in the Panama highlands *cogwheels turning*. I just hope they don’t get the Pentagon to bomb Panama before my evil plans come true.
This was at their office in Dallas. There is also a main office in Houston that has even more software jobs.
Did you work for Halliburton in the Flying H days, or more the Cheney era?
I worked there in the Cheney Era.
I worked there just a couple years ago. I’m a game/graphics developer by trade and helped build their oil platform simulation to train engineers. Which I signed a document saying I wouldn’t tell anyone about
“I’m a game/graphics developer”
I’m jealous. Have you seen the visuals on Greedall? Just wondering what you think. I think they are gorgeous at 3440×1440 at max settings. Not as good as AC Odyssey of Metro Exodus, but really good.
Greedfall, damnit.
Not yet but I will. I’m more of a strategy game addict, but I do get into rpgs from time to time.
I’ve never actually worked for a big AAA company so it’s not that romantic unfortunately. I worked on shitty little games for mobile and educational games and now… gambling.
My new small company has just turned a profit for the first time and is in the gambling industry. I build the games that go into casinos now. Which is surprisingly more fun than I imagined.
I took it because I’m allowed to work from home most of the time and my kids are the age now where this is a huge benefit.
I’m not big into strategy games, but I really like Civ 6 and the graphics. Also, Spiders is not a AAA studio, they’re just a small studio, but the game (Greedfall) can be just gorgeous at times.
Yeah, I get the WFH thing, it’s a huge benefit. I work from home about 50% of the time.
Dude, you’re living my dream. Kind of, because I’m a web dev, so it’s a different bag, but the working from home angle is clutch. I’m heavily in the market for a new job right now and the biggest requirement on my part is at least 50% remote, if not 100%. It’s a combination of kids, my current location, and my likely future location.
I’ve seriously considered trying to start my own business but I desperately need the security of my day job, and my non-work time is usually eaten up in getting an MBA and dealing with kids so even doing part-time consulting is a challenge. Which sucks, because I’ve pretty much got another developer and a designer on call when I need them.
Well, that and the fact that my computer at home is a billion times better than the Dell shitboxes or sorry-ass laptops I see at a lot of places.
“Well, that and the fact that my computer at home is a billion times better than the Dell shitboxes”
Me and one of my co-workers took apart one of the shitboxes they give us at work and laughed a lot. I wonder how many Chinese trash heaps they have to go through to find parts that will actually allow the thing to boot up?
Sounds like it could be a hell of a lot of fun to me.
Can you sign up for the last class and then call off sick that day?
I just caught up on today’s Secret Nazi President.
I chortled at the General Murderromics and Dietheon company titles, since I work for the former and with the latter.
Ah, being an evil defense contractor does warm my little black heart.
YES!, Hot, Death dealer, slightly younger than me, did I sat HOT!
Well thank you.
My aunt work at Dietheon! Also, what Yusef said.
3 steps to getting offended.
Barr Went to Rome to Hear a Secret Tape From Joseph Mifsud, the Professor Who Helped Ignite the Russia Probe
Couldn’t he just text it? Jesus.
It’s from Italian intelligence. I assume he had to go there because they’ll let him hear it, but they don’t want us to have the actual recording.
And why is that? Why can’t we just have it? What are they gonna ask from us in return?
We should have gone over there on this the day of his daughter’s wedding and asked for it. That always works.
Yeah, but then they may come to you someday for a favor, and you can’t question it. Better to negotiate terms up front.
Just that? Didn’t go out for dinner, maybe see the sights for a couple of days on personal time?
When he can do that down certain streets in Baltimore, I’ll be impressed. I’ll pick he street and the time. Prove how woke you are Chiney Man.
Michael Avenatti sues Stormy Daniels for two million dollars in legal fees.
‘Member when he was gonna be President? I ‘member
“Avenatti’s lawsuit this week alleges the initial February 2018 retainer agreement he made with Daniels was for “$100 up-front payment,” prompting his firm to spend “thousands of attorney and staff hours, and a significant out-of-pocket-expenses.” During his retention, Avenatti said he bailed Daniels out of jail “following her arrest in Columbus Ohio in July 2018” after a strip-club brawl and led the “successful efforts” to have the charges dropped.
“Despite the significance of his work, Ms. Daniels has yet to directly pay a single dollar to Mr. Avenatti or Avenatti & Associates, APC for their legal services beyond the $100.00 she initially paid back in 2018,” the suit states. “Ms. Daniels is required to pay her lawyers.” ”
She should ask for her $100 back.
He’s even beginning to suspect Stormy might not be her real first name.
Yeah, I’m helping to pay the $450K she’s getting from Columbus, thanks to our piece of shit vice cops who all should fucking die.
United States District Court in the Southern District of Ohio.
The hell? How did this crap get filed in my town?
“”Lilly falls into a category of non-Black people of color in entertainment who have built massive followings often by mimicking Black culture and leaning heavily into Black stereotypes.” ”
She’s cute but that purple lipstick is not. And I like purple.
I sort of like lipstick and fingernail colors that are off normal like that. I think she looks good there.
Yeah, it matches her outfit. Also, she’s hot, whatever her political leanings.
It’s no victory for comedy either.
She’s a VSCO girl?
Niece: Oh, she’s such a VSCO girl.
R C: Is that some kind of personal lubricant?
If the author had spent half the time and effort it took to come up with an idea that absurd and had applied it to something like, I don’t know…math? learning how to change a tire?…xe would be immeasurably better off with a bonus of not polluting the world with more of this ridiculous nonsense.
Do they know how to code?
I see everyone went there:)
I’d be inclined to be careful of them even if they were pretty good programmers. One of the unfortunate things about the current emergency is that anyone in a position to hire for smaller companies is going to have to give people with intersectional cards to play a very thorough look before hiring them, to be sure they won’t play them gratuitously.
I’ve (for entirely selfish reasons, having nothing to do with social justice or wanting more women in tech) hired and mentored a few talented young women from non-traditional backgrounds. And I’ve gone to some lengths to later help some get jobs that could advance their careers, really twisting arms in at least one case where I knew her talent greatly outstripped her resume (a win for those whose arms I twisted, just a win they couldn’t see without some prodding. I like to think I have an eye for talent and some skill at bringing it along. No hetero.)
I’m not sure I would have hired her in the year 2019. She was moderately woke- I didn’t care, because it was 2013 or so and I didn’t think politics had much to do with our work. I think I’d be a bit afraid to hire her now. And I would certainly put an (informal) quota on how many woke young women we had, because get a critical mass of them together and there’s going to be trouble.
No joke about the critical mass. There’s a bit of advice that you see now and again about dogs that says you should never get more than, say, three dogs at a time because as the number of dogs increase each becomes more likely to view the group as a pack of which you are not a member. I doubt this very much in the case of dogs, but it applies very well to human social groups.
as the number of dogs increase each becomes more likely to view the group as a pack of which you are not a member
Fuck you, assholes! I put kibble in your bowls!
Yup. Packs gonna pack, but I can’t afford a woke pack in my business. The easiest way to avoid that is, of course, to hire white guys. Good job woke police, good job.
I should note that I will continue to hire and mentor talented young women, minorities, etc. Doing otherwise would be giving in. I choose to work with people because there is something I like about them, and that something is important- that something is rare enough that when I see it I work with it.
But dammit, it’s getting harder to just do the work.
“Do they know how to code?”
Let me ask the obvious. If you knew how to code, why would you be working for HuffPo?
If they hadn’t formed a union maybe they could have paid them all less until the hard times blew over and no one would have been laid off. Sounds crazy I know…
How many people do you need to write the same derp over and over every day. You can program a bot to do it.
I’m sure somebody has made a woke markov chain.
THAT’S what I’m doing this weekend!
The main page pic took me back to my days as a wee tad of a lawyer, fresh out law school, when I was gainfully employed proof-reading bond prospectuses at the printers. They nearly always had pages with “This page intentionally left blank” on them.
Of course, a page with “This page intentionally left blank” hasn’t actually been left blank. I was always amused that we were drafting SEC documents with
actualobvious false statements in them.I’ve been drafting contracts and licenses for my startup recently. Yes, I know this is a bad idea (I have no education in law other than having read the bulk of Prosser one summer when I was a bored teenager,) but we don’t have a great deal of choice in the matter. I have spent a great deal of time reading contracts and licenses written for businesses much like ours, and trying to understand why they are written as they are. Much in contracts and agreement that once seemed silly, or superfluous, now makes a great deal of sense to me. Including the blank page.
You’re a lawyer with 20+ years experience, and you’re amused at documents with obviously false statements?