After wet, shitty weather, we’ve gotten a brief reprieve and fall came back. Clear, blue skies, warm days, no wind, and gorgeous foliage. It will be winter in about a month. I hope our midwest Glibs are warm and safe while Gaia drops some serious global climate change on their climate denying rear ends. And shout out to our Glibs in Japan, which Gaia seems to hate.
How’s ’bout some links!
I’m inspired by people who strive for greatness.
Let’s just say that at least in Idaho, not everybody bothers to get a tag first before pulling the trigger.
Pardon me while I put on my shocked face.
May I suggest sterilization? The nation would thank you.
And for tonight, a little Warren Zevon for your face. Definitely NSFW.
Around 30 people — including several strippers — were inside the small club
See, this is the kind of important information The Mainstream Media never reports!
I try not to trigger people on Saturday.
Hey! Wasn’t the LAST post called “Just the tip?”
The general contractor hired for the project, Citadel Builders, did not immediately respond to an ABC News request for comment.
Yeah, I’m guessing they may have had other things to do.
I don’t see what the big deal is, I run less than 2 hours every day.
It’d be impressive if he did it late at night, down an alley and carrying a TV set.
Now every one will start doing it, once the barrier is broken even the high school kids will get in the act. Nonetheless, even with all the tech stuff, pretty impressive.
Meh, it was more impressive when your shoes were made with waffle makers.
We need a Citizen Cane applause gif over here
Possibly my favorite Zevon song.
I spent part of the afternoon doing a deep dive on Zevon. His interviews on Letterman were really cool.
He’s no John Hiatt.
Correct. Warren is enjoyable to listen to.
He’s no Graham Parker?
He ain’t no Graham Nash.
Hiatt had a few good songs.
I agree. I was just trolling the troll.
Before Mr. GT and I met, he heard this John Hiatt song and decided that’s the woman he was looking for. Who turned out to be me. ::breathes on fingertips, buffs them on shirt::
Yes. Letterman apparently had a genuine like for him and it really came through in the interviews. Did you watch the episode from right after Warren died?
Yeah, I did. Very touching.
“Enjoy every sandwich.”
Uffda. Just re-watched the interview portion and the Rolland performance of his last appearance. Very emotional.
Found this in the comments:
Letterman’s love of Zevon was one of his good qualities.
AOC flew to Copenhagen, even though the conference offered video links. So she can just fuck right off. Elitist scum.
I though you like planes?
I love planes – I ain’t the one claiming they’re the scourge of the earth
Gaia is a naughty girl. She loves the scourge.
Don’t worry, she plans to boss everyone around more than enough to make up for it.
re: wolves. Shoot, shovel, shutup
In some cases that’s past tense
Wait you mean when you pass idiotic laws that ‘protect’ animals by blocking people from using their land or protecting their livestock, people find another way?
Kid’s Birthday party just ended. Chaotic mess everywhere, they’re coming to take down the bounce house. The kids thought it was funny when I told them (in my dad voice) “NO JUMPING IN THERE!”
They’re all around his age, but none of them could ride his electric motorcycle. He’s about ready for a gas powered one.
Also no fighting in the war room.
I just opened one of these from 2018. Definitely a touch of chili heat on the back end.
Looks good. I really beers with spicy pepper in them. This is (finally) a fad I can get behind.
That fad peaked a couple years back. There were some really terrible beers that came out during a part of that.
Oh. Fine. Well, then as long as the good ones stick around, I’ll get behind that.
Not saying it won’t swing back again, but I suffered through quite a few bad ones. If you really like heat (and have someone to split a bottle with) I really liked the Mango Magnifico from Founder’s.
Thanks for the recommendation. I don’t have high hopes of finding it up here, but it’s added to my wish list for when I make it to M/SP.
I liked this one.
I’ll add that to my big city liquor store list, too. Thanks!
They also do a salted caramel version and a straight bourbon barrel aged.
New Holland has made a bunch of variants of their Dragon’s Milk. The ones I’ve had have been pretty damn good.
chili heat on the back end
Been there.
That will be OMWC tomorrow after my green chile enchiladas tonight.
Crusty’s Saturday Beer Review:
Fat Tire
It’s still delicious.
Hey, me too! Cheers!
I’m enjoying an nice cold can of Buschhhhhhhhh Light. I might have another…6-ish before the night is through.
Why? Are you from Iowa or something?
Ice cold and carbonated is all some of us require.
Shit, I wish! Then I could get one of these babies!
It pairs well with Rye. And Bourbon.
It pairs well with lies, fights and DUIs.
Also true.
26 Sept. 2017 (
23 Oct. 2017 (
1 May 2018 (
“because they were living under colonial rule, which contributed to the dire conditions and lack of recovery”
If by utterly corrupt and bankrupt government elected by the Puerto Ricans..
I have no problem letting Puerto Rico leave and form a country. I doubt they would have been better off.
It turns out that if you commit suicide like the Terminator by lowering yourself into molten steel, you will not sink dramatically, because even liquid metal is much denser than the human body.
In order for the Terminator to sink, he would have to be made of something denser than steel. Lead? Silver? Gold?
Onboard nuclear reactor?
That leads to the question of how he didn’t immediately kill everyone with radiation by mere being within 1000 ft of them.
There’s only so much shielding you could fit into the space of a human torso.
The reactor can’t be much bigger than the one on a space probe and those only produced power in the 10 kW range.
They have 40 megawatt range plasma rifles, clearly reactor tech has advanced in their time.
Lies! It was a plasma rifle in the *40* watt range!
The Westinghouse M-27 Phased Plasma Pulse Rifle is a plasma-based weapon used by Skynet forces in the Future War. It has a bullpup configuration and is in the 40 watt range.
40 watts wouldn’t do squat.
a six year old on an ergometer generates more than 40 watts
A 0.001 watt laser is enough to pop balloons:
Plasma rifles aren’t lasers.
Hold on- 1140 mW watts is 1.14 watts.
“Math class is tough!”
A 40 watt laser could maaaybe cut paper. If you were up close.
OK, it’ll cut paper. And engrave some materials.
The USAF put a laser on a 747 that could shoot down missiles. That laser was in the megawatt range:
The heart of the system was the COIL, comprising six interconnected modules, each as large as an SUV. Each module weighed about 6,500 pounds (3,000 kg). When fired, the laser produced enough energy in a five-second burst to power a typical American household for more than an hour.[9]
Schwarzenegger is quite dense.
*golf clap*
So says the nanny.
Next thing you will be telling me that liquid metal can’t shapeshift and imitate anyone or anything.
Climate Change – I used to be a denier but this dance made me a believer (watch until the end)
NSFW for work or for your eyes but I agree with the Twitter-er – Climate Change is real.
She makes a compelling argument.
Nice avatar. ?
Fuck Fall.
Is that when you just slipped and your dick went in her by accident?
Go back to Chinatown, commie!
Sounds about right.
I am reminded of a quote from a Doris Lessing novel: if the BBC had been able to interview Genghis Khan, they would have said he had a wry sense of humor and enjoyed reading The Guardian.
For fuck’s sake, he got Winnie the Pooh banned from the Chinese internet over a meme:
I suspect Genghis was way too conservative for them.
First man to run a marathon in less than 2 hours:
Big deal. I run less than 2 hours all the time.
*looks around*
If I had the ability to post images you would sooo be getting judgmental kitteh! I made the meme, uploaded the meme, then realized I cannot post the meme.
Link it
I uploaded it here. I don’t have any photo sharing accounts. It is in the media library.
Sweet talk HM
I am pale white and can’t twerk
Ok, you made me enact labor. Here
You can still find the URL and link that.
2 comments above yours.
I got a 404 error.
Does this one work?
There you go. Nice
Wow, I’ll bet Spud will be really happy someone linked this here, I hear he is inspired by people who strive for greatness.
Great minds think alike.
Nobody reads the links.
Dorando Pietri needs a lift
Idiots. The necessity of managing wolves means your program was a goddamn success!
Wait until the grizzly bears start eating more people…
Grizzlies take a backhoe for the whole shoot, shovel, shut up thing.
You know, while looks pretty, it seems like it’s just making it more difficult to drink your whiskey.
I think I’ll stick with the cabinet in the kitchen.
I’ve got the shelves by the basement bar. I’m not really that concerned that my bottles aren’t behind bulletproof glass and safe from thieves.
The harm from worrying about climate change
The Church of Gaia.
Let us pray …
Our Mother, red in tooth and claw, harrowed by thy fangs,
Our bowels be torn.
Thy maw be fed by flesh as well as its by fowl.
Give us this day our daily dead,
And savor each blood drop, as we savor each scrap we rend.
Lead us not into mercy, for mercy allows the prey to flee,
For thine is way of the hunt, of blood hot and red in the air.
+1 all creatures short and squat
Don’t forget the barbecue. We need to have a barbecue.
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want
He makes me down to lie
Through pastures green He leadeth me the silent waters by
With bright knives he releaseth my soul
He maketh me to hang on hooks in high places
He converteth me to lamb cutlets
For lo, He hath great power, and great hunger
When cometh the day we lowly ones
Through quiet reflection, and great dedication
Master the art of karate
Lo, we shall rise up
And then we’ll make the bugger’s eyes water
Bleating and babbling we fell on his neck with a scream
Wave upon wave of demented avengers
March cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream
Still no barbecue.
God damn I love me some Floyd.
Roger Waters is a dumbass communist, and he can rot in hell, and I get that a lot of his music is tainted by association, if not by implication, given the lyrics, but nonetheless, Animals is a great album.
Roger Waters: “Fuck you, got mine” incarnate. Fuck you, Rog.
All of them are. If I select music
by political beliefs, I listen to silence.
Especially fuck you, Roger Waters.
But yes, idiot song people aren’t intelligible politics people. HEY FUCKASS, YOU’RE BASICALLY A CHILDREN’S BIRTHDAY MAGICIAN. Fuck off.
Holy shit – I was unaware of any of that.
Their only mistake was getting caught. Imagine all the shakedowns that aren’t.
Fuckwit Waters makes a fortune bitching about capitalism courtesy of good lord capitalism, spends it in part making money battling capitalism in countries that could use it most.
Roger, find the girthiest, rustiest meathook you can, insert it rectally, and suspend yourself from an electrical line.
However, I don’t believe Gaia is evil or hateful of humans. I believe Gaia just set things in motion and things are what they are.
Gaia the watchmaker.
tick tock
+ Dr Who
Weeping angels BEST VILLAIN EVER.
Submitted without comment.
I larfed.
Ah, before Moffat lost his head up his ass.
Which villain(s) are you talking about?
I hear this a lot, but I’m not enough of a Who fan to know when he did this. I know there were episodes I rolled my eyes, though.
Dr Who has been pretty consistently leftist from the beginning.
I am not interested in the girl Dr. Who, though. The first episode I tried to watch got woke in about 5 minutes, so I didn’t stick around for the rest of the season.
Not enough to keep me from watching. Until girl Dr. Who.
Oh, wait, no. I haven’t watched the season with Bill, but only because it wasn’t free on Amazon Prime.
I’m pretty sure the final Dr. Who was that vet from All Creatures Great And Small.
My mom loved him. James Herriott. Thirsk, England. Yeah, we made a pilgrimage. Sadly, he was not in the office the day we were there. But I did buy a little cross stitch kit at the embroidery shop next door AND we ate pasties in that little village square.
Mostly I am referring to the writing – although I did find “The Shadow” (?) to be particularly tedious. But more generally it’s just that everything got so convoluted and full of itself after he became the showrunner.
Mojeaux, did you ever watch The League Of Gentlemen?
No. I have seen very little British television (a few episodes of Ab Fab). I went on a Dr. Who bender from Eccleston through Capaldi when I saw them on Amazon Prime and I was bored.
Fawlty Towers! and don’t forget A Fish Called Wanda.
Yes, I have seen The League of Gentlemen. Jack Hawkins is excellent as usual.
I didn’t forget A Fish Called Wanda! I haven’t had a chance to see it yet.
“Are You Being Served” and “Countdown”.
TLoG has a cursed vet –
Finish AbFab.
+1 Fawlty Towers. For my money, the funniest sitcom ever.
Don’t mention the war
+1 Fawlty Towers. For my money, the funniest sitcom ever.
To add onto the British shows to watch, if you have any idea at all about tech support, the IT Crowd. If you like watching people making terrible decisions and suffering for it, Coupling.
If you like watching people making terrible decisions and suffering for it, Coupling.
“Coupling” is good. It superficially looks like “Friends” but isn’t as “Coupling” is actually funny.
Oh, and I almost forgot Black Books. Misanthropic store owners who own shops next to each other.
Thank Pink Floyd 😉
This was one of my mantras for getting through hard times. (I have a history of working for sane bosses in psychotic companies or psychotic bosses in small businesses.)
Life exists by eating life. I respect people who decide that their moral code requires them to eat lower down on the ladder of awareness to minimize the pain they cause, although I disagree with them. People who try to mandate that for others can die screaming under the claws of a bear.
You know who else who wanted to murder their children desired to be part of a community?
The Zealots?
Madness – literally.
Aaaannd, I’m out.
Tennessee woman arrested after twerking wildly on moving car,28804,2066367_2066369_2066495,00.html
One more year for the end of one-party rule…
Millennials only like pizza because it looks good on Instagram
While some people just want to watch the world burn.
Amazingly, that’s not a Babylon Bee link.
*head on desk*
I’m putting in a wood burning pizza oven and I’m not even on Instagram.
It’s not just millennials. I know people my age and older who post nothing but pictures of plates of food on FB. Another reason I deleted my FB account.
You should see the pics SP took of our tapas.
I should add that these are almost exclusively plates of food they didn’t make.
Well, we were at a tapas bar so we didn’t make our tapas, either.
Ha – busted! Millennials!
People want attention and they will go to great lengths to get it.
There is a guy here who is even willing to read things like Jezebel and DU to get us to… Oh Hi Derpy!
legit LOL
The food photos I’ve taken have been of holiday meals to send to my sisters who can’t make it.
I’m sorry your sisters can’t make food.
Oh snap!
If you want good photos of food, you have to make it inedible. They slather vaseline, spray clear paint, spray other colors of paint and otherwise tweak the stuff to make it beautiful.
Don’t they use glue for the shots of milk in cereal ads?
In the US. if the commercial is for a foodstuff, the actual product has to be used. I’ve worked jobs for McDonald’s where the food stylists have 3 soft-serve ice cream machines running, cranking out hundreds and hundreds of sundaes that melt almost instantly under the studio lights. If the food is just in a scene for an unrelated product, all bets are off and some of the fakes are stunning (ice cream made of shortening, milk made from glue, food slathered in glycerin and dry-ice to appear to be sizzling on a griddle).
I was told growing up that they used handcrafted polystyrene replicas for the hamburgers in commercials.
Yeah, they never look like the real article, do they.
Too perfect. My best friend was a GM for a major fast food restaurant for over a decade and he would often get complaints from people that the actual food didn’t look exactly like it did on the menu board. He had to explain to people that they make the item’s contents appear larger and they place them so you can see every ingredient inside the food.
To be fair, it’s a little misleading, but if you believe that complete truth in advertising exists, well…
Truth in advertising laws have nothing to do with consumer protection. They exist so lawyers can shout GOTCHA and get paid.
IF I had any social media, I would post pictures of things I cooked, but only for the whole “taking pride in something you created” angle. I wouldn’t just post pictures of something I got at a restaurant.
Yeah, I was talking more about this as a symptom of the recent trend of photo-documenting every goddamn minute of your life in order to impress other people with how exciting your life is or something.
Once again, they all travel to Europe to complain about the climate, and they want stricter building codes, and they’ll turn around and complain about affordable housing. How does anyone take these people seriously?
Here in Los Angeles, we have cheap housing and energy. We can totally afford to strict up our building codes and increase all of our taxes. No biggie. If we keep tightening it up and ratcheting up the costs, we’ll probably find the answer to our homeless problem.
Interesting that there were people who realized long before Xi came to power that political liberalization was not happening.
Also many of the “Xi is a reformer” arguments made many of the same erroneous assumptions made by classical liberals in the past and cosmos today: the inherent libertarianism of: urban life, University education, foreign travel and desiring foreign goods.
I’m going to go see how bad the roads are after snowmagedon. And get some beer.
See you peeps on the night shift. ?
I hope so!
Hi lady!
You plowed your driveway? No delivery service? Order a delivery pizza and a 24 pack
Dont canuckians call that a “two and four eh” ?
Good luck!
I have some cheese called drunken goat – it’s goat cheese that was aged in red wine. Not bad. The rind is deep purple, probably from the wine. Taste is a bit like Parmesan. Goat cheese is usually very soft, bit this was harder.
Behold the power of cheese!
Ok that may have been the best commercial ever.
Cute little mousey. Let me offer another entry.</a
Da fuq’d I just watch?
I prefer this entry in the ad campaign.
That was good, but the Mouse benching beats that.
If you ever run into a rapesquatch that’s less tender than STEVE SMITH and he binds you with duct tape, here’s how to get free:
As long as you know what to do it looks surprisingly easy.
Oh, Sgt Derp is too good for mess hall food now. Isn’t that part of your pay? Like free immunizations?
I get BAS instead of a meal card. I’m not complaining.
You ever eat powdered eggs so long that regular eggs taste weird?
Hey Tres…I had a piece of bread and a couple onion rings tonight. ?
Honestly, when Jugsy want those fuckin’ ‘Mrs Fields break & bake’ cookies…..Im their bitch
Yeah, although a creative mess sgt would do wonders with Army rations. In Spain, in the commissary we got some sort of vegetable product for milk, a little thicker, a different taste. The ice cream wouldn’t melt and go down the drain. When I tasted real milk again it took a day or two to get used to it
Some of the best food was in small AF mess halls.
Nothing beats an Army Thanksgiving meal. 10/10.
I do sometimes pine for those chow-hall omelets.
I do sometimes pine for those chow-hall omelets.
I used to love midnight chow. Come off of swing shift and hit the chow hall for breakfast. The place was always mostly empty and the cooks bored, so we’d get great meals.
Me – Can I have some more bacon? Lots of bacoon?
Chow hall guy – Sure
Up on DIVARTY Hill, we had a wee burger shack called The Muzzle Break. If you missed chow, just show your meal card at The Muzzle Break and they would make you a few burgers to go
Families were always invited for Thanksgiving/Xmas dinner. Took mine to the mess hall a couple times, ate lotsa good groceries cheap.
Heck, sometimes we stay on a military base overnight here just because it is a bit of distance from home. A few times I’ve taken the family to a Navy mess hall for breakfast because a) cheap, and b) lots to choose from. My grade school kids care usually picky – and generally can’t decide what they want to eat until it’s in front of them – so quite often neither of them can agree to eat the same type of food as the other or as what mom and dad want. The mess hall kinda bridges all that.
It’s getting dusty or someone’s cutting onions. My grandfather always took me to Saturday breakfast at the Officers Club on Homestead AFB. Best SOS on Earth, then a spin by the BX, and the rest of the day at the bowling alley eating deliciously greasy cheeseburgers while Papa rolled the rock.
Elizabeth Warren’s economic advisors are making bold claims about taxes—but can they be verified?
Strange that a left leaning outlet would debunk this. Of course it’s a sort apologetic debunking.
Excluding “transfer payments” allows the government to claim a quarter or a half of Whereversville is living in “poverty” while, you know, not actually living in poverty.
‘A new narrative has taken hold in America that the rich aren’t paying their fair share of taxes.’
Define new.
*triumphant in his snarky one-liner, TH ignores the rest of the article and continues to peruse the comments*
CNN videos with banned comments are the best:
But the best part of the night was Biden wearing equality pins on both lapels.
Kept waiting for the twerking, but it never came. 🙁
And here I was searching for this classic to show my friend. Serendipity!
Did you?
“I don’t want to take this away from you, but-” *forcibly grabs the fucking mic*
It’s the trans version of Kanye West.
Kanyetta West
Actual quote:
“Please rise for the singing of our national anthem, performed by the Trans Chorus of Los Angeles.”
[anguished Zoidberg groan]
He had been greeted with a misty autumnal morning as he tore up the specially tailored course over 4.4 laps of the Prater Hauptallee, a park in central Vienna.
I’ve walked the Hauptallee, nowhere near as fast as that guy. This place is a pretty good place to get food in the Prater.
From the sidebar of the psychopaths make the best doctors story.
The dead included a gambler who sources believe sparked the carnage by pulling the handgun and trying to rob his fellow players — only to be met with fatal crossfire.
See, an armed society is a polite society!
“I speak to you not as an elected official or a public figure, but I speak to you as a human being,” the freshman congresswoman told a climate summit in Copenhagen. “A woman whose dreams of motherhood now taste bittersweet, because of what I know about our children’s future,” she added, apparently choking back tears.
Go fuck yourself.
My last beer for the night. I like it.
“My last beer for the night”
That’s what I said too, before the next one.
Green chile enchiladas tonight. I weep for the future of our porcelain.
Douse the fire with a couple bottles of something alcoholic.
SP has been asking for an ice cream bidet.
I suspect the Wonder Dog would be on board.
I suggest ghost pepper hot sauce to really give it a kick.
Why do you hate SP so much?
Um. I’m a sadistic SOB?
Step it up to Carolina Reaper.
We spend thousands of years learning what things are edible and what are toxic. We use that knowledge and empirical experimentation to breed better more edible, more nutricious foods. Great benefactors like Brillat-Savarin and Larousse compile volumes of techniques and recipes to craft delectable morsels to sate your appetites. And now we carefully breed new strains of pepper to concentrate an acid to burn out our taste buds and digestion. Y’all are crazy.
Carolina Reaper isn’t even the hottest. The hottest are currently being bred for medical purposes. High levels of capsaicin can work as a topical anesthetic (your skin goes numb after burning for a while). Visitors to my house have learned that when I warn that a dish is spicy, that I actually mean spicy.
I don’t get it either. I don’t like pain.
I’m not a hot food guy, but I get, and even enjoy occasionally foods with some heat. But the point of heat is to set off and accentuate other flavors. These hyper concentrated peppers overwhelm everything else and end up numbing your taste buds. It sure seems like food as a dare.
It’s also being used for cancer research. People eating these chilis is a byproduct.
There making the plates gay! / Alex Jones.
There’s a don’t ask don’t tell joke in there somewhere.
Wrong porcelain, or… You know, I do not want to pursue this.
On a good day he damages the porcelain. I’ve never known anybody that had to change toilets like they change HVAC filters.
You haven’t met my son.
I can think of two bathrooms you literally destroyed.
I can think of one. And I kind of feel bad about that one. But I was really backed up.
Green chile enchiladas
Finally, someone’s talking sense.
Enchilada means “seasoned with chili” in Spanish.
Chili’d chilies?
Taco comes from an Aztec word that means folded. Burrito means little donkey.
Derp… shut up. Shut up and enjoy the green chile.
I want to make you enjoy green chile like Archer made that one Russian KGB agent enjoy a can of I guess spray on butter? Or maybe oven cleaner? I just watched the clip and I can’t tell what it was.
But yeah, I am so in hate with you right now I want you to have a canister or Hatch green chile exploded into your mouth.
So much for the NAP.
It’s only because I love too much.
I like spicy food. Just thought I’d point out the bi-lingual ATM machine/PIN number/free gift aspect of it.
Good lord, the opening of Return of the King is fucking
awfulawesome.This fucking chatroom.
Are you drinking heavily or channeling your avatar?
Oh goodness, yes.
Poor Eowyn. She’s lovely. Stupid Liv Tyler, stealing away Aragorn’s heart. Eowyn is bae.
Read the book and you’ll see she arguably ends up better off. Much better off.
For one, Aragorn is old enough to be grandfather. Seriously.
There is a lot that is somewhat symbolic and mystical in that triangle. Eowyn represents the fully human. Atwen is obviously of the Eldar. Aragorn is the last heir of the line of Numenor, who are human, but with a trace of the Eldar blood giving them long life and a strain of power. Aragorn is the restoration of that ‘higher’ form of man and he is foretold to restore that glory. The marriage to Arwen is a last rekindling of that link between man and elf as the elves themselves are leaving Middle Earth. Eowyn is a bit of a psychological mess looking for a savior, and her love for Aragorn is more worship than love. Her marriage to Faramir is a more balanced joining of equals.
I love this goddamn chatroom.
“want” is NAP compatible “Must” isn’t.
Never heard of a porcelain dildo. *Shrugs*
A quick search would have revealed more than you care to know
Explains my unusual bidet handle.
*sends link to Mr. Mojeaux with “Christmas” in the subject header*
Oooh, a stocking stuffer.
I did notice what you did there.
Pics or it didn’t happen.
Will he post a review on Amazon?
“My wife wanted this for Christmas. She loves it. It looks very pretty sitting on our knickknack shelf when not being used as intended.”
Bore a hole, move to NV or CO and call it a ‘smoking piece’
Four stars, then?
Well, that all depends on how well he–
Ope. Never mind.
With a knickknack patty whack give your wife a bone.
Straff wins the internet.
Huh…I was expecting a ‘u’
Say what you will about the CIA, they inspired a pretty good song parody:
That man is so damn talented.
It’s interesting that you say that, l0….
Veeery interesting
Give, give until it hurts;
+1 I’m old! Gimme, gimme gimme!
Had me until “plugging the leaks like yeah”.
There was a CIA guy who disrupted commy meetings in yerp with cockroaches:
Wilson’s first assignments were for the Office of Security; this included a stint in 1956 guarding U-2 spy planes in Turkey. In 1960, the Agency sent him to Cornell University for graduate studies in Labor Relations. He put this and his knowledge of psychology to use in the Agency’s International Organizations Division (IOD) tackling communism in trade unions around the world. Wilson was involved in attempts to destabilize European labour unions, for example, by using methods as diverse as involving Corsican mobsters and using plagues of cockroaches.[6][7]
recap: NYC will fine you for saying “illegal immigrant” or not using someone’s preferred pronouns, but it’s perfectly OK to piss and shit on the sidewalk.
Where muh country gone?
Here ya go
How is it treated with other STDs?
“NFL 2019” — A Bad Lip Reading of The NFL
Nice. The whole thing should be Brady, though.
She got the nuts.
That was a peach of a hand.
She’s the Arby’s of nuts.
I don’t get it.
Get what? Nipple popping pleasure? The nuts? The “nuts” is the highest possible hand after all the cards are dealt. She didn’t technically have the nuts, though. Just wanted to make y’all click.
Oh, I dont gamble. Just gambol.
Me neither, but the freaks that play pro poker are amusing.
…Why wouldn’t Minas Tirith be on a permanent war footing? Why wouldn’t they know it’d be a principle target after the fall of Osgiliath? Did they really need Gandalf to ride out from Rohan to inform them that, goodness, they’re in the eye of Sauron?
Denethor has been subverted by using the Palantir. Sauron has overthrown his mind.
CS eats cherry tomatos like Denethor.
And of course YT beat me to it.
So damned anachronistic (yeah I know, but the fictional world is obviously based on/parallels Britain in pre history)
That is just hurtful.
Apologies. By all means, continue finding plot holes in 20 year old movies.
Straffin finds the salt shaker and the rubbing cloth.
It’s a cloth for which rubbing salt is recommended.
Not a plot hole! A deeply significant representation of the whole Steward/King dichotomy! (sorry, I really like Tolkien)
And you found plot hole in my post. Meta.
+1 a wizard did it
…after doing some reading I like the book version of Denethor better.
The books have more psychological depth. As always. Film simply cannot go deep into the inner life, not a criticism of film as artform really, just different arts do different things.
I read and re-read those books when I was 13. I missed all the depth, but then again I am not deep. Bring on killing Orks!
That bulllshit roughing penalty call ended up costing USC the game.
And the game ends on an uncalled penalty by Norte Dame. Good job Pac-12 officials.
Good. Screw USC.
Grapefruit, cranberry, tequila and soda…….delicious.
Well, it has Tequila so that would be hard to screw up (as long as you stick to good Tequila).
Neat plane that I am unfamiliar with, despite being somewhat of a ww2 (military tech…) buff.
He was robbin’ them but OH Well!
Physically adult but morally toddlers.
I have a philosophical question:
I see videos all the time with kids behaving badly (toddlers, kindergartners) and their parents thinking it’s cute and are encouraging the behavior. These children know nothing.
Are these people really morally responsible for how they think? Should we expect them to have that “light” in them (see Don Escaped Texas’s origin story)? Is it their fault they go “Yeah, he shouldn’t have been doing that, but oh well” when they have been trained from the cradle to think that way?
I say often that I think Joe Jackson is to blame for how Michael Jackson turned out and that MJ had no capacity to make decisions for himself. I think this about people like this often. They think this way because they have been trained to think this way.
My kid–he can deny he’s responsible for stuff all day long (he does) and we call him on it hard and fast (not politely or quietly, either). Other people call him on it. He knows he’s responsible. He just wants to dump it off on somebody else.
These people don’t actually seem to know that his getting shot was entirely his fault.
I am reminded of a term I learned in a long-ago educational psychology class (when I had delusions of becoming an art teacher:) locus of control. In a tiny nutshell: is your success or failure due to your own behavior, or is it controlled by external forces?
My locus of control is quite a bit external, which I am trying to fight and have always tried to fight, but I am often not successful.
educational psychology class
BURN IT WITH FIRE! You might as well quote Stalin on ethics.
I changed majors after that. Several times.
It is cultural. We are all individuals on cultural islands. Some islands are better than others and we can blame that on……….chance? Roll of the dice? The stars?
That isn’t a philosophical question, that is most of Ethics. You learn morality and consequences form your parents, your church, your friends and your school, but you also have it within you to learn these things on your own. His sister for example has learned enough to get that killing someone is wrong. She is outraged at the clerk who killed her brother. She lacks the clarity and grounding to step back from that outrage and see that her brother put the clerk in the same position by threatening him with imminent death and that therefore the clerk was justified in his action. Although even that is not true as she recognizes that her brother had ‘some’ of the blame. So she knows that threatening to kill someone is an act that justifies a response.
She is just morally a child, quite literally. She sees the right and wrong of the situation, but she doesn’t like the result so she rails against it and refuses to accept it and she lashes out in a tantrum. Her parents have completely failed her, but in the end, no matter what their failures and guilt, she has autonomy and that means it is her responsibility to act morally, and she must bear the blame if she does not. Her parents have failed at an essential duty and are morally culpable in their own right.
This is phrased didactically because it is how I see morality. YMMV
Thank you for your response.
Boiled it down to this in my mind:
I will assume she knows enough not to pull a gun on someone.
Well, until she wants something, and there’s someone who has it/has more than her, and can “afford to lose it”.
*resigned sigh*
Ahhh…the sound of love!
It’s a tough question. The way I see some parents treat their kids nearly every day… it’s no surprise at all how they turn out later in life.
But not all of them. Some people have a rougher road than others, but if we absolve them of their responsibility we also deprive them of agency. Living things without responsibility or agency are animals and have no rights we cannot put humans in that class no matter how badly their parents failed.
It happens every day all over the world. Hence my cultural comment. Parents are part of the culture and pass it on. Taking a human life in the moment to obtain what one wants or even because of a religious belief is acceptable in many cultures/societies. Ya, humans can be, and should be called animals.
Agreed. Did not mean to imply otherwise.
I know. I just go into lecture mode too easily. I really should start adding a “I’m using your post as a springboard to spout my lecture cause I’m kind of a dick” signature line.
“Yes, he’s robbin’ y’all. Oh well.”
That hurt my head.
Reminded of this:
“How he gonna have his money to have clothes?”
@ 1:48
Finally clicked the link. Just from reading all the comments below, I thought the story sounded awfully familiar.
I’m so proud of my hometown. ::headdesk::
Thank you for being from there so I can bask in the 50 mile separation instead of being the local Glib. (Hey I ate the plate of crap after Harambe)
Per Bing maps, the store where the shooting happened is less than a mile and a half from where I grew up.
Best reply:
She says it was wrong for the clerk to bring a gun to work…
Yeah, like why did he feel like somebody would threaten his life at work? Who would do something like that? …oh
He just wanted money. He didn’t kill the clerk therefore the clerk was wrong. *Scratches temple*
Night kiddos.
/taps out
So, I have a soundbar under my TV. It is Bluetooth capable. Sometimes, when the wife and I have had a few, we like to play music from my computer through the soundbar.
Pretty simple shit, right? Well, why does the soundbar completely ignore all volume changes from the computer except mute?
A shit soundbar? A shit computer?
(yes) A Dynex soundbar and (no) a Surface tablet.
Dynex that I’ve had have been more reliable that MS hardware.
I don’t no nuffin bout sound bars or blu tooth in the home though.
Yeah, I’m fairly sure it’s not a hardware problem. Likely me either expecting too much or ignorant of how to achieve my desired outcome.
That’s why I like wired connections, I know what they do and what to expect. Wireless always seems to be able to do things, they should do it, but they don’t.
Oh, man. Tell me about it. I am actually just starting to research that. My lovely wife would like to have something approaching a “whole home” audio system. And it will be wired.
No late night at digby’s tonight?
It’s always late night at Diggy’s.
2300 Glibtime.
glaad to know Glibtime hasn’t changed with the move.
The Glibs Foundation is still headquartered in Texas, so.
Climate change.
That’s it: Gretta’s fuckin’ with him.
Digital signal and the receiver is only getting the base signal, not the external modifications such as volume, mute blocks the base signal. Would be my guess.
Well that’s just great, Bill Nye, but how do I fix it?!?!?!?!?!
volume controls after the receiver. It’s playing through the TV? Does the TV volume work?
Nope. Straight from the tablet to the soundbar. TV is not involved.
and the soundbar has no volume controls? OK, I’m lost, if it has no volume controls I think what I said above is probably wrong. Who would make an audio device with a fixed output level?
Sorry. The soundbar has volume controls, but it’s in the other room. I expect (unreasonably?) to be able to adjust the volume from the output (the tablet)
Is there a remote app you can download onto the tablet and use the tablet both a the source, and separately as a remote control for the soundbar?
Despite my audio problems, my wife is currently giggling at this song. Gawd I love her.
I had a friend who was big into Bloodhound Gang. He went with me to a Collective Soul/Marvelous 3 concert; on the way there (he was driving) we listened to Bloodhound Gang and Everlast, and on the way back all he could talk about was how awesome Collective Soul and Marvelous 3 were.
You (should) know I love me some CS…and, cs, too.
But, they don’t have this!
As we both know, Collective Soul is extremely underrated.
Speaking of underrated…
*hands Digby a Ludens*
So, anyway…
What I’m listening to right now.
I like.
In case you are interested in the rest of the playlist. It’s kind of eclectic.
A little different than what I was just listening to
Well that harshed my Zen. 😉
Hi-Ex isn’t here, so…
New post is up!