In the news over the past few, several articles came out speculating Mexico to be the next to legalize marijuana. While you could theoretically get it there anyways, it wasn’t exactly legal for anybody without large quantities of cash on hand to pay off Mexican cops. So it is in this sense, they beat us at something other than fútbol.
This is my review of Hemptails Citrus Gold
How does this work in Mexico? A brief rundown of how the court functions can be found here. For those of you capable of reading Spanish above the college level (don’t look at me), here is the official webpage for Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación. If you want to dig up the court decision, I’m sure it’s in there somewhere. For everyone else, it takes five repeated decisions from the Mexican Supreme Court to set enough legal precedent to compel their legislative body to act. Do they need the court’s permission first? Of course not. It might be a fun thought experiment in this country if this is how that worked.
Hopefully just as a thought experiment; I am in no way advocating this. Can you imagine the idiotic things they could come up based on the way certain SCOTUS justices find things in the Constitution that aren’t exactly written in there?
Those decisions came in November of last year, so it was only a matter of time before they were going to get around to it.
“This 5th judgement means that, while the cannabis prohibition law nominally remains in place for now (and arrests remain possible), all judges nationally are now bound by the Supreme Court judgement as a defense in the (now much less likely) scenario of prosecutions being brought,” according to Transform, a think tank that was part of the effort to overturn the ban. “The legalisation of cannabis for adult personal use, possession, private cultivation and sharing is therefore currently de facto(in practical effect), rather than de jure (formalised in law/legislation).”
It appears they will finish the job by the end of the month.
Senator Julio Menchaca Salazar introduced a legalization bill last month that seeks to establish a comprehensive regulatory framework. Under Salazar’s bill, Mexico’s Department of Health would regulate the cultivation, processing, and transportation of cannabis.
In Mexico’s lower house, the Chamber of Deputies, leader Mario Delgado Carillo introduced a bill that would formally set up a legalized market whereby the government would have a state monopoly on cannabis sales. Carillo’s bill envisions a great deal of the revenue from marijuana sales going to social programs.
Both chambers of the Mexican legislature are controlled by the MORENA Party, which President López founded. MORENA is a left-of-center political party that was founded in 2014.
Monreal says members of the Chamber of Deputies, the other half of Mexico’s legislature, will be invited to provide feedback on the legalization bill.
Good for them. No seriously.

Woof. Is that a promise?
One of the arguments for legalization of cannabis in the United States is rooted in the practical experience we can take from the 18th Amendment, which prohibited alcohol between 1920 to 1933. I know that you are likely capable of reading in English at the 4th grade level, and coming to the basic conclusion from the article linked above, Americans still drank alcohol during that time. It was provided by bootleggers, distributed by rumrunners—basically people willing to be criminals to make a living. People willing to be criminals in one sense to make a living are probably willing to be criminals in another sense, which is basically the plot to Breaking Bad. The problem of course is nearly nobody alive today was around to see it, and schools appear to jump from the civil war, directly to the civil rights era in history class. Given the level of violent crime in Mexico, if nothing else we’ll probably get to see this in action again….or they just switch to growing poppies and continue shooting each other.
It probably will not mean much for those that go to Mexico from time to time. Turns out cannabis is still mostly illegal here and Border Patrol is still actively searching for drugs at border crossings. Unless of course you were already a mule…
They call this a “malt beverage” but I drank this explicitly for purposes of this review. There is little redeeming quality to this beverage and any reasonable person might be comfortable with it being made illegal. Thankfully, nobody around here might be considered reasonable. Hemptails Citrus Gold: 1.5/5
The fact that one CAN make alcohol from basically any biological material, does not imply that one SHOULD.
Also, Mexico is one place that can’t solve its drug crime problem by legalizing. Because Mexico’s drug crime problem comes from north of El Norte
Even if the US legalized across the board, I’m not sure that it would fix Mexico’s cartel violence and crime now. They’re too well established and too much money sloshing around to walk away.
See Prohibition. The Mmob didn’t go away – it just diversified
It was also considerably weakened. Had we done the same with narcotics and prostitution, the mob would have had very little power.
The Kennedys just went legit.
Go legit?
Woh! Pretty brutal, dude! So they’re pretty much just cashing in on hemp cachet?
Also…dare I say…first??
That’s a DenverJ first.
Eh, Mexican is a tough grader…
But I would be inclined to think any hemp beer would taste bad. Mmm, tastes like rope?
O’Fallon has Hemp Hop Rye which was pretty good. But that’s because they went with a subdued hand on the hemp seeds. Sweet Water brewing also has the 420 strain series where they brew a beer specifically to recreate the flavor profile of a specific strain which is pretty good as well.
I’m not much of a weed guy. I’d enjoy ass sex with Mexicans, but you can have the devil’s plant for yourself.
No really, what’s the appeal? Even as a smoker, surely the unburnt plant tastes much different?
The 420 strains are designed to match the flavor profile of the burning plant. And in much of the craft beer world, there’s the challenge of using the strangest ingredient to make a beer (more subdued ingredients include acorn, cereal, leftover bread, popcorn, etc.).
Right on. Yo quiero mota legalizada.
Meanwhile, in the article I’m too lazy to go back and find/link, they say the the big gun battle between the cops and the cartel the other day was instigated by an arrest warrant from a federal(?) judge in the United States for some drug kingpin’s son.
Not just some kingpin, that El Chapo guy that was all over the news a while back.
El Chapo Dos: Bugaloo Electrico
Hopefully just as a thought experiment; I am in no way advocating this. Can you imagine the idiotic things they could come up based on the way certain SCOTUS justices find things in the Constitution that aren’t exactly written in there?
Halloween is coming up….
Humboldt Brewing made a hemp beer that was tasty.
Chronicle of woke business
Guns are terrible objects. They are quite literally designed to kill. But while watching Gun Shop, a short film in which 2,328 firearms, from Western revolvers to assault rifles to water pistols, fly by your eyes in just two minutes, I didn’t just experience abhorrence. The film captures the design of these weapons—their finely machined metals and eye-catching colors—so alluringly, I felt a real cognitive dissonance.
As the gun debate rages on, there is literally a continent of evidence that proves taking guns off the streets makes cities safer to live in. But Gun Shop offers a taste of the powerful commercialization of guns, and perhaps a window into why so many people continue to covet these weapons so dearly. “They are iconic, and they are arguably the most important, evolved, and powerful object ever created, regardless of what we think of them,” says Smith. “And to composite thousands of these objects together was a peculiar experience, to say the least.”
Scary. Fascinating. Alluring. Evil. Totemism: it’s what’s for dinner.
That “continent” of evidence? Australia, of course. Because unassailable assertion, FTW!
That is an impressive ratio of derp for just two short paragraphs.
Ya think?
Meh, the good ones are, but a lot of the Euro calibers are really designed to wound or scare. Hard to kill someone with a .25.
“Hard to kill someone with a .25.”
Tell that to the Grim Sleeper’s victims:
Fun fact: The Grim Sleeper worked at the trash truck yard I transferred from last year. He still gets a disability pension, while on death row. Nobody I knew there was around back then. Astounding how many serial killers prowled this area back then.
is literally a continent of evidence that proves taking guns off the streets makes cities safer to live in
1. That’s not what literally means
2. A continent is not a meaningful unit of measure here
3. The “evidence” in question does not “prove” anything
4. There is also “evidence” in the other direction
5. To the extent anything is indicated by the “evidence” is that removing guns reduces the use of guns, not other weapons
It’s also the smallest continent, so…yeah.
LOL that’s how you grift.
X1000. Morena is going to have the world’s largest slush fund.
I never even tasted it it, but the hemp beer the beer rep was demo-ing in the bar one day smelled like moldy rotten hay. No thanks.
Not just some kingpin, that El Chapo guy that was all over the news a while back.
That’s the guy. It’s a family business.
And, of course, life in prison for selling people something they want makes perfect sense.
“Lips that touch liquor shall not pass ours.”
Fine. Anal it is tonight, hon.
I was going to give you thread winner status. I wouldn’t touch those women.
Marginally related:
Too true…
I was just about to watch some porn, but your comment stopped me, but my wife is mad at me, so maybe I’ll just go commit some violence?
Childish Gambino: Guns are racist. I’m so critically acclaimed! Vote Beto.
If CG doesn’t like our laws and our freedom he can GET OUT!
He wasn’t in that movie.
Oh. I mean I don’t want to fall back on the old racist cliche and say they all look alike, know…when the Yeezy fits…
I liked him better before he got woke.
See: Kansas City throughout Prohibition. Revenuers rarely came through, Carrie Nation was jailed and told not to come back, and raids on speakeasies really only happened if the place was serving teenagers. Missouri was the last to ratify the amendment and did it at federal gunpoint. Prohibition was openly flouted and wetter than the Mississippi. Its lasting legacy was getting us through the Depression without as much pain as the rest of the country. Our Sicilian Mafia kept the east coast and Chicago outfits out (John Lazia basically kicked Al Capone out and told him not to bring his brand of bootlegging here or he’d find out what a turf war really was).
That is not to say it wasn’t as evil as it was virtuous. After all, Prohibition created organized crime. Rather, it made sure it consolidated itself.
I thought the midwest Mafia was centered around the cattle trade and snow plowing.
*Homer voice * Mmmmm cow
Living in an Amish Paradise.
There was fully stocked bar in the White House.
I’m in Mexico once a year, usually in Baja somewhere. The East Cape is one of my favorite places as it has some of the best pelagic fishing in the world. It’s one of the only places I know where you can catch a marlin a half mile or so off the beach. During the winter you can take a 20 minute boat ride right from the sea wall in La Paz to swim with 30 foot whale sharks.
Sounds amazing.
Do you drive or fly there?
Usually fly to Cabo and then head an hour or so north. I’ve driven a couple times to areas closer to the border (San Quintin). One day I would love to drive down the whole way. I think it is about 28 hours from SF to La Paz. If I do that I would pick three or four spots in Mexico to camp out for a day or two and fish. If any of youse ever want to head down there hit me up as I’ve been about ten times now.
“The legalisation of cannabis for adult personal use, possession, private cultivation and sharing is therefore currently de facto(in practical effect), rather than de jure (formalised in law/legislation).”
In a common law system, legalization would be de jure, because courts are a source of law.
“Can you imagine the idiotic things they could come up based on the way certain SCOTUS justices find things in the Constitution that aren’t exactly written in there?”
Since SCOTUS makes law, a single decision compels state legislatures to act or has the same effect regardless. See, e.g., gay marriage. So the “five decisions” rule would actually slow things down.
Good point…
CA Rep. Katie Hill Allegedly Involved Female Staffer in 2-Yr ‘Throuple’ Relationship
lol wtf
Why do they need to make up the word “throuple” when there’s the perfectly good “threesome” and “ménage à trois”?
Because it was ongoing relationship, not a simple sexual encounter.
Get your head out of your tush and get it together, Ted.
She could just say, “that’s how I roll” and be unashamed about it. Voila, no blackmail potential.
True but apparently she won’t. Hence the problem.
Yeah this is the problem, not the fact that she want’s to control my entire life and take all my stuff. When she starts leaving classified emails laying around on various nonsecure computers and blatantly evading investigators, give me a call.
lmfao at what just happened in the Oklahoma game.
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard gets 2020 endorsement from David Duke
If you support Tusli you are a racist!!!
He’s prolly on the DNC’s payroll.
The Democrat Party being associated with the KKK?? That’s a crazy conspiracy theory!
Now do Al Sharpton – a racist who is, you know, actually responsible for multiple deaths.
I’m sure you could pick any of the candidates and find two convicted pedophiles supporting that candidate, allowing you to say honestly, “Pedophiles support Candidate X!”
Well, Hillary alreayd killed the main one…
Our news media, reporting the important facts and never picking sides.
“If you support Tulsi you’re a racist”
Scroll down the thread, it’s already been done. Also, you’d think a guy with a cranium that gigantic would be smart.
I’m a Democrat that supports these positions. Does this mean I’m also a Russian & don’t know it? Is there a cure for this?
Travis Stiles
Luckily yes. Informing yourself is the cure.
But I don’t know why you would want to share the position of appealing to racists and alt right leaders.
I think it’s time to go suck start a shotgun.
You heard it here! Peace is a racist postion
My moment when i was okay with being called a white supremacist is when The media slandered people who didn’t want Trump to escalate in Syria as white supremacists. That was when it really truely clicked that they will slander anyone who does not toe the pregressive war drum-line.
I’d say it’s just sad but these people hold powerful positions in our society and this mass hysteria is dangerous.
Vegans For Andrew Yang
Replying to
yo why are we getting political talking points from a breakfast sandwich?
Legit lol.
Those yanggangers are funny in more than one way.
Christopher Le Crenn
Replying to
Watch Yang’s followers online as well. Lotta bot action there. After 2016, we have to be wary of any suspicious activity.
Investigate Everyone who doesn’t push establishment Democratic points.
That’s what they really believe though. They’re like the commies in China. Make sure everyone can vote, but they should only have approved choices.
Racists support non intervention.
Racists hate killing Brown people.
The only way to make sure the racists don’t win is to bomb the middle east. /QED
New Belgium Brewery’s employees think like owners. Because they are
My God it’s Socialism masquerading as Capitalism. The Russians are behind this!
Also: would, wouldn’t, would, wouldn’t, would, would, would
wouldn’t, wouldn’t, wouldn’t, would, would, would, would’nt
would, wouldn’t, would, would, would, wouldn’t, would.
All I got out of that was that the least-weird looking one is CEO.
I didn’t know there is an ESOP for caries.
Caries = carnies
They make Hemperer, Ale, gross beyond all meaning, but they also make a beautiful trippel, go figure….
Hipster overload!!
“But the growth it had anticipated didn’t materialize, as younger consumers turned to THOSE hard seltzers, as well as to ultrapremium brews…”
Why aren’t you working in advertising?
And they’re also in financial trouble due to overexpanding and declining sales.
They actually have some good beers, whatever else aside, it would suck if they went under.
They do. I actually have some of their newest release in my fridge now.
If Trump is impeached and removed from office, and then wins the election in 2020, could he run again in 2024?
Of course.
It would appear not, but IANAL.
Yeah, the only way it could happen legally is if he won as VP one of those times and then got the other guy to resign.
You really are a gender traitor.
If he’s impeached, what the Constitution says will be completely irrelevant by 2024.
Probably this
Sure, why not?
Definitely a Ho Garden.
Merica. (Fuck yeah)
Yours is a strange and wonderful gift.
I’ll clean her off
Must be tough being a woman in America.
Cold, wet and blustery today. Sitting at the bar waiting for tempura prawns is the place to be.
“Sitting at the bar waiting for tempura prawns”
I’m good at sitting and waiting, if you need company. Oh, you probably want good company.
I think you would be superb company.
Great,now I need to buy a whole house sound system so I can pump that music through it all night.
Nike’s $250 ‘Vaporfly’ running shoe under investigation after record marathon performances
All Chinese soldiers will use this technology to run circles around our FAT AMERICAN soldiers. Please do something, President Trump!
Nobody needs spring-loaded tennis shoes. – Bernie Sanders
Don’t give him any ideas.
I think Pelosi is holding out until the media has generated enough outrage for impeachment. Seems she is pulling a bit of Trump here and giving him rope to build her case.
Also I think she is waiting for when majority of states have passed their time requirements to be eligible for ballot access, leaving only Trump on the ticket while being dragged through impeachment proceedings.
My Saturday morning musings.
I think you’re giving her too much credit but who knows?
“I know that you are likely capable of reading in English at the 4th grade level, and coming to the basic conclusion from the article linked above, ”
That’s a pretty high bar on the internet. Luckily half the comentariot are lawyers, so at least 2 or three can read good.
I’m trying not to insult everybody. Work with me here.
Good article Mex. Sorry about the beer, but not surprised.
“Thankfully, nobody* around here might be considered reasonable.”
Hyperbole not included. conditions may apply. Offer not valid in California.
For all his claims of not being an asshole, when you’ve got a group of assholes who’s the real asshole, all the assholes or the guy who isn’t an asshole?
Think about that for bit.
Oh, I’ve thought about it.
Wife is mad at me for no reason, so I get to enjoy beer today, now that I’ve finished uprooting the tomatoes.
Trying something different today with big ditch’s cinnamon apple Amber ale.
Not bad. They didn’t overdo the spice or the fruit (it’s made with cider). I probably would not want a whole six pack though. 2.31/5
I admire your precision.
Unfortunately, the accuracy sucks. Ymmv.
1) Sit her down.
2) Massage her neck and shoulders a little bit.
3) Kiss her neck and shoulders slow and easy.
4) Proceed to undress her slow and easy.
5) Engage in coitus.
But I want her to apologize!
Lol, okay, I thought she’d be gone by now, so I didn’t bother.
I assume this is your link:
I think he was taking advantage of that fact so he could drink beer all day.
My son is sleeping, so there is literally no one here to nag me, our complain about the music I listen to. It’s glorious.
LOL, ok.
Shut the fuck up, Boomers.
Jesus, so much background noise. Couldn’t even hear what they should shut up about.
Off to NJ.
Her loaner ecosport isn’t really travelling in comfort either.
At least nobody will want to steal it.
Godspeed, good sir.
Crossed over the river. N J state trooper was violating someone’s liberty with in the first mile.
Just passed our third liberty violater/revenue generator.
Fuck this state.
( ︶︿︶)_╭∩╮
*red flag*
Chris Christie most pleased.
Every time you pay a toll a NJ public pension continues to be grossly underfunded.
Oh thank God, my neighbor finally stopped mowing. Next beer is a Brown ale called The Whale by community beer works.
Medium Brown color, aroma of toasted coffee beans, strong notes of watered down Everclear with food coloring.
I’ve actually had decent beers from this brewer before, I may not like brown ales which is weird because I like red ales and I like stouts. I feel like I should like brown ales. 1.27/5.
I love Browns and Reds and Stouts. Try Abita Turbodog, Samual Smith Nut Brown or Seventh Son Stone Fort Oat Brown. Meeting sister here later. Unfortunately, it looks like mostly IPAs. That will make her happy though.
Submarine House – Hilliard’s Menus on Untappd
Turbo dog is probably the only one I recognize on that list, I’ll bee sure to pick it up next round, if I remember. Thanks.
Cool. You can find Samual Smith’s in single bottles in most grocery stores. Highly recommend.
Huh, I’ll keep an eye out.
One of my favorites is in season now as well: Bells Best Brown Ale. Just picked up a sixer of that at the grocery store.
‘ generous use of American hops ‘
Hmmm, I do like bell’s, provisionally on my shopping list.
Yeah, I like that one ok as well. Just had it on draft across the street a few weeks ago. A little on the thin side but decent flavor. I gave it a 3.25/5.
That’s a good beer.
I also like Newcastle with buffalo wings.
With Hillary re-igniting Tulsi’s campaign, MAGA folks are scrambling to warn everyone how bad Tulsi is; “FAKE!”, “SCAM”, “DEEP STATE SHILL”
Bruh, everyone hates Hillary and this was thoroughly entertaining to witness. Chill the fuck out, jaysus.
Please pass the popcorn. Extra butter.
MAGA folks are scrambling to warn everyone how bad Tulsi is; “FAKE!”, “SCAM”, “DEEP STATE SHILL”
MAGA folk agree with Hillary?
Fake news.
War makes strange bedfellows.
Not so much agree with Hillary, but countless tweets like:
“Tulsi is fake controlled opposition and it’s all a set-up to drive support to SOCIALIST Tulsi, MAGA PEEPS ARE BEING SCAMMED BEWARE”
Maybe the bots have become self-aware and are fighting each other.
This is what happens when you implement a decentralized skynet.
If we have to have a Dem president, let it be Tulsi.
She had me with this response to Hilary’s claim that she (Tulsi) was being “groomed” by the Russians to be a 3rd party candidate:
Yeah, that’s good stuff.
Agreed. Disagree about so much of her, obviously, but she comes across as a patriotic, honest American.
I repeat myself, but her appearance on Rogan’s and Rubin’s shows are worth a watch.
That was a great response. If it wasn’t earnest then she fooled me.
Today’s earworm.
You’re EVIL.
<—- See avi
Hey you kids! Get out of my Moat!
I must remember to destroy those kids after my breakfast has been eaten.
Heh. 2:25. Bourbon on the rocks?
Weren’t you the one who noted that Vivaldi has one song?
I’m back!
There was a lot of good stuff posted while I was away.
You were gone?
Just for that, I’m NOT going to do your crossword.
You probably couldn’t do it anyway.
Those grapes are soooo sour.
You people make me laugh.
*climbs back to peanut gallery*
I can’t keep up with this site. Lots of content.
Not Adahn, you should have seen this coming.
I was too busy being in places like such:
and such:
Oooh! Pretty!
Top one was the Gore Mountain “Oktoberfest,” bottom one was Cascade mountain trail. Fantastic views, but so heavily traveled that the woods are almost empty of wildlife except for some IDGAF chipmunks.
I took the next two Fridays off to do the same thing.
Yeah, I’m thinking that the high peaks are something I’m going to have to do.
Hocking Hills in Wayne National Forest about 90 minutes SE of me will be beautiful in a couple weeks. Next Friday I’ll hit the range at Deer Creek. Not as much foliage but will still be really nice. Plus shooting!
I posted this on the late night thread, but it probably belongs here on the beer thread as well:
Anheuser-Busch on Thursday claimed that rival MillerCoors had broken the law by stealing recipes for Bud Light and Michelob Ultra.
Best. Possible. Timeline.
Even if you like beer, why would you want Bud Light or Michelob Ultra?
I can’t believe I’m agreeing with you about beer.
That’s why it’s so entertaining! And the fact that some breweries will help (or even provide recipes/kits) homebrewers clone their commercial releases. As an example, Avery Brewing has homebrew recipes for all of their beers, and Bell’s has kits for versions of several of their beers. BrewDog has released homebrew recipes for almost all of the beers they’ve ever made (including their over the top beers). Russian River’s head brewer has famously helped people make home versions of his Pliney the Elder.
From one of the sidebars from power-binging this site:
This is why the birth rate is down.
Burkas are next
Finishing off the beer in the fridge:
Saranac Shilling Ale- good.
Saranac Irish Red – also good
Saranac Black & Tan – yup, good.
Southern Tier Pumking- WTF is this? DidStarbucks decide to make a pumpkin spice alcohol beverage? Oh well, at 8.6%, it will get you toasty.
Try their Warlock.
Warlock is good.
It’s been a long time since I had Saranac’s Black and Tan, but I remember it being good.
I like the red ale and black and tan, good stuff. Next on my list is a pumpkin ale, iirc, what do the cards say?
I like the Saranac pumpkin, it’s a legit beer. The Southern Tier is a VERY sweet novelty beverage.
I’m actually a big pumking fan.
Like it says on the label — “pumpkin pie in a glass.”
I’ll have another one or three with some smoked blue cheese later tonight.
I don’t actually like pumpkin pie. XD
Off to sit shiva for a family friend’s grandmother. So much Jew food will be consumed.
Then back here for scotch
Meeting sister at vegan restaurant before hitting bar. Hadn’t been there before so hoping it’s good. I saw Japanese eggplant with a garlic sauce on their menu that looked decent. All else fails, the bar has pizza:)
This is a wholesome anti-war video featuring Trump’s words. This reminds me of the videos people used to make for Ron Paul back in the day. Obviously things are so much more complicated, but these videos always hit me in the feels.
Wow. That’s powerful.
Van Jones Rips Hillary for her Tulsi Comments
Interesting how now it’s a dangerous game to be calling people Russian Assets, but all the time Rand Paul has been called a Russian asset is overlooked.
Shipyard pumpkin head.
Pretty strong spice notes on this one. amber color, smells strongly in cinnamon and mace. I actually like it, though it’s the fourth beer in an hour. 3.29/5.
Extra points for having an awesome bottle cap.
I saw that on the draft menu last night. Didn’t try it. I did try this though. It’s a tea beer. It was actually quite enjoyable, unfortunately the sweetness did not sit well in my stomach.
It’s not bad, not too sweet. Worth a try if you like pumpkin ales.
From the reviews, it sounds like it falls in the trap that most bourbon beers do, which is not treating like beer at all.
*not tasting
Kiddo is up, may get a pizza… place around the corner is expensive, but I won’t have to drive, which is probably best.
Wild Ohio isn’t aiming for the traditional beer drinker. All of their “beers” are non-standard and referred to as either tea beers or flavored malt beverages (notice that they’re all gluten free as well). You can see that right on the label:
‘ beer’.
Our glorious Troller-in-Chief fans the flames:
Donald J. Trump
Crooked Hillary Clinton just called the respected environmentalist and Green Party candidate, Jill Stein, a “Russian Asset.” They need a Green Party more than ever after looking at the Democrats disastrous environmental program!
CNN Headline:
Known White Supremacist endorses Green party in election
Who would be Jacobite King Today
Interesting video, that actually notes that Prince William is, through Diana, an illegitimate Heir to Charles the 1st.
Also makes me thankful that we don’t have a Hereditary Nobility and Monarchy. Now if we could just get rid of the Bureaucratic Nobility.
Cory Booker makes a funny re: Tulsi
I guess I’m now a low information courier
How can it part without me telling it to?
*voter not courier.
Booker posts a reaction gif while linking/quoting Tulsi’s “Queen of warmongers” tweet.
Humor comes from the fact the reaction gif is of himself that became popular when Beto was speaking spanish at an earlier debate.
Anyway, I thought it was funny and laughed, idk. /shrug
I know this has nothing to do with you’re tweet but this attitude drives me insane. Ignoring clear biases in media/source because it benefits you/your point of view. Here the person get’s to pretend that “Facts” have a well known leftist bias, rather than the reality that the source of their “facts” have a well known leftist bias.
For a chance at the American dream, look to the U.S.′ northern neighbor, Ford Foundation President Darren Walker told CNBC on Friday.
“That American dream as we know it, which was the envy of the world, is no longer the envy of the world,” Walker said on “Squawk Box.” “In fact, the United States has fallen behind other industrialized nations in terms of economic mobility. If you want the American dream today, you ought to move to Canada.”
Walker oversees the international philanthropic organization that was founded by Henry Ford’s son, Edsel, in 1936. The Ford Foundation, with a focus on social justice, has an endowment of $13 billion and distributes $600 million annually in grants.
The escalator is still moving in Canada, Walker contended.
“They’ve got a capitalist system, and they’re doing better than us on providing opportunity,” Walker said. “I want to challenge capitalism to do what it’s supposed to do, and that is to provide opportunity for as many people.”
For that to happen — and ultimately, for the American dream to be restored — Walker said new waves of public policy must be implemented.
“The relationship in a democratic capitalist system is always one of the relationship between public policy and the markets,” Walker said, contending “we do have to talk about tax policy … at the end of the day, opportunity isn’t enough if we have a system where there is a bias, where there is discrimination.”
Henry Ford would probably beat that guy to death with a shovel, if he saw what the Ford Foundation does.
Then why do people keep coming here?
Clearly they are on their way to Canada.
Free shit?
Big upset in the Big 10 west. Wisconsin loses to Illinois. Wisconsin was a 30 point favorite.
Wow, I saw that was a close game. That sucks. Would have liked them to have been 6 when the Buckeyes beat them next week. They have to beat them now.
Also Badgers will be playing with a chip on their shoulder.
Oops- forgot muh link
I’d never setup a foundation. Because I have no money. Also, they’d apparently do whatever.
1781 – American Revolutionary War: British forces led by Lord Cornwallis officially surrendered to Franco-American forces under George Washington and the comte de Rochambeau, ending the Siege of Yorktown (depiction shown).
Happy Day for America!
Missed the “On This Day” part.
I mean, I know France dragged our ass out of the fire, but to put France first is a little weird.
France had naval vessels there which were key to keeping Cornwallis in place. The French also took heavier casualties than the Americans.
It comes off the tounge a bit better too, and you can’t say Anglo-French, cause that would just confuse things..
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It’s Wikipedia Town.
It was the spaghetti that won the war.
Loved those as a kid.
My mom ate that crap out of the can all the time. Just the smell makes me want to retch.
If you didnt do it, I was gonna.
I remember that commercial, too
In English, adjectives are to the left of the noun they modify. The Amero-French alliance would come about 2 centuries later.
Shut the fuck up Linguistard
You’re not down with delta p, I see.
oOH OOH, I’m down with Delta T, I use it daily,
/Not a Drug
Better delta T daily than Preparation H.
Preparation H
:runs off sobbing:
He’s using racist linguistic talk!!!
but seriously, what’s delta p?
A statistical measure of markedness. You’ll find it in some machine learning applications as well. Basically quantifying how “unusual” something is compared to its regular form.
Okay. Sounds a bit like entropy in information theory
and Delta T is a difference equation, regarding HVAC,
Yeah, definitely. Linguists who take a stochastic/statistical view of grammar and language acquisition would be favorable to such an interpretation. There has been some work with information theory and language acquisition in studying how babies learn to parse sounds into morphological units. It’s outside of my area of expertise, but cool.
I like it, I learn things here, better than Ted’S antics….
I like it too, i’m just razzing HM.
It’s about “markedness”. The adjective is the information that “stands out”. The Franco-American alliance was one of many alliances the Americans made during the Revolutionary War. The Amero-French alliance was one of many alliances the French made during WW 1. You probably just “feel” the difference.
That’s how you do it, leon.
Well played!
Soy Protein or Tofu?
For what?
Vegan meal at restaurant. Lots of different sauces choice of tufu or soy protein
Depends on your textural preference. I would probably go soy protein.
Both will turn you gay.
Soy protein.
That’s what I went with and was fine. I had a spicy shezuan pepper sauce so probably didn’t matter that much,;)
Washington over Oregon 28-14 at the beginning of the 3rd.
I do hate Oregon, but if they loose there will be no undefeated teams in the PAC-12.
I guess that just means the conference is so strong that no team can defeat them all.
My son made us calzones for dinner. If you don’t hear from me again….
They were great.
Us to son: “These are great, [XY]!
XY response: “Alright.”
I’m about to make the Brakelines for my Kite, a big hassle, but worth it, I need to be within 1 inch in 100 feet, and the driveway has a slight breeze, makes it harder….
/First world Problems
I just finished watching Invasion of the Saucer Men. I’m pretty sure this was the movie that gave me nightmares as a 5-year-old. Hilarious to see how hokey it was. Thanks to whomever it was that figured out the title!
“I expected to be frightened on my wedding night, but not like this!”
I can’t believe I’m going to do this but,