I’m using SP’s computer to write this, and it’s weird, sort of like using someone else’s toothbrush. I shouldn’t be surprised at all the My Little Pony popups. Well, it’s better than her Barbie phase. Anyway, happy Wednesday morning, time to hump!
I can’t think of a segue from “hump” to “birthdays,” so I guess I’ll skip the foreplay, as usual. And today’s birthdays include a quotable fellow; a rather acidic fellow; a memorial to how low Oberlin has fallen; a fellow with potential; everybody’s favorite parodist; and the Eddie Gaedel of the NFL.
Next, the news.
California’s gun laws pay dividends.
“The B Word.” Jesus fucking christ.
I really, really, really hope this is correct. Too late for us, but if it can really slow things down…
I was wondering if this was parody, then I checked out a few of her other stories. Holy shit, I hope she’s not getting paid for this shit- it’s not only hilariously stupid, the writing would maybe qualify for a B in a sixth grade English class.
Now that’s some muscles that would make Warty jealous.
Old Guy Music features someone who destroyed her own career in a spectacular way. Really, who gives a shit about the sociopolitical and religious stances of entertainers? Apparently everyone except us. SP and I saw her live during our Austin days, and it was one of the most entertaining and energetic shows we’ve ever seen.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! – also those boots look supercute
I really, really, really hope this is correct. Too late for us, but if it can really slow things down… – I kinda believe life long lifestyle changes have a higher chance than drugs, but hope I am wrong
I thought a read a story a few months ago that a new type of dementia/Alzheimer’s had been identified that involved a different kind of protein build-up in the brain. So, of course all the Alzeimer’s medicines look spottily effective when a significant number of cases aren’t even the same disease we’re trying to fight.
Here it is: https://www.bbc.com/news/health-48092570
The problem is that things that look short term effective are not long term effective. Being mostly of unknown cause, many drugs treat what can be symptoms rather than causes. If I remember that some drug that removed some plaques forming on the brain only made things worse, because they countered a body defense mechanism against something worse…
That is the problem when you defined diseases by symptoms and not causes. You almost always end up discovering that what you thought was one thing was actually a cluster of things that all cause similar symptoms
Hope relief comes quickly, Times a-wastin’
I heard from a buddy in the US, whose mother has been in long term care for Alzheimer’s, that some (many?) doctors are even leading a movement to stop calling dementia by the name “Alzheimer’s” because they are finding that it is probably a number of different causes for a very similar outcome.
I have been dealing with my MIL who in two very short years has gone from occasional forgetfulness to assisted living (one year ago) and now to an IV until they can determine if she will start eating again.
Too late. The DSM VI will lump them all together as “Alzheimer’s Spectrum Disorder.” And a new wave of tumblrinas will be born.
Damn, Juan Soto thought he was going out for a fun night at the batting cages and ended up at a baseball game. I’ll admit the ‘Stros made Scherzer work a little though. Hopefully he’ll have his change-up going should there be a Game 5.
I was wondering if this was parody, then I checked out a few of her other stories. Holy shit, I hope she’s not getting paid for this shit- it’s not only hilariously stupid, the writing would maybe qualify for a B in a sixth grade English class. – whatever world this person lives in, it ain’t funny. But in the new world of hours comedy is not meant to be funny
I’m doing three of those things right now, sweetie
sexism and threats without any proof but take her word for it. Mockery I don’t doubt. teenvogue and all its writers are eminently mockable
If she is not bright enough to see the humor in Blazing Saddles, I suspect she is just dumb enough to see racism, sexism, and mockery in everything else, especially when it isn’t there to begin with. How fucked up must one be to go through life that way?
And someone should ask her “Where the white women at?”, cause she is too stupid to live.
“It wasn’t okay during 1974 and it definitely still isn’t okay now.”
She’s right. It was awesome in 1974 and it’s more than awesome now.
People are not OK now.
I was laughing at the quotes she included as examples of taboo jokes.
Drake? I didn’t recognize you without a Hogan’s Heroes avatar.
Schultz got promoted again.
Even if the n—– word isn’t
spelled out, its funny in this case and I too laughed at the quotes.
Bleeping something makes it more hilarious
To blunt that effect, she spelled the whole thing out in one example when the old lady brought the sheriff the pie. I wonder how many complaints that will garner from their readership?
The sheriff is near!
Me too! And then I was laughing at how I was laughing at her examples.
Best comment on there:
Your cats names will be Harry Potter characters…
I laughed so hard that I think I sprained something.
I clicked the link and it said the article was deleted.
Holy shit, you’re right it’s gone. LOLOL
Yeah, I missed the lulz 🙁
One of those links does not work in civilization. Guess which one.
All of them? I see no links at all.
Mornin’ Pie.
“Bill to ban the B-word”
I think we will just have to use cunte instead.
This was my reaction. Well, now it looks like I’ll have to call her cunte.
I was hoping it would be “ban.”
Rep. Daniel Hunt (D-Dorchester) told the Herald Monday that he filed the measure upon request from a constituent, who he did not identify. He took to Twitter late Tuesday afternoon to defend his decision.
“One of the responsibilities of all Representatives is to serve as a conduit for direct petitions from our constituents to the General Court. It’s a long-held tradition that gives every Massachusetts resident a voice inside the halls of the State House and a chance to raise their personal interests before the legislature,” Hunt wrote. “While this specific instance may amuse some and alarm others, it remains a important process for self-representation.”
Dan Hunt is a little bitch.
What a bitch.
Must be some racist that doesn’t like rappers and rap music trying to kill that musical genre…. What’s next? A bill to ban the word “Hoes”?
I believe the legal response is what a cunt.
Forgot the “e”.
How about mailing your constituent a pocket Constitution.
Whyizzzit that this so-called legislator reminds me of Alfred E. Neumann?
The New England Bateriots
“Kirill Tereshin, 23, injected his muscles with highly dangerous synthol and developed huge Popeye-like arms.”
Umm, why would he expect something that doesn’t actually increase strength to help him in a fight? Just the intimidation factor (except he looked ridiculous)?
Fun fact: One of the guys who worked for me was a former MMA fighter. He said that he helped train one of the guys from Jackass to fight a real MMA fighter in an exhibition bout. The guy was untrainable, so they just did their best. Anyway, the Jackass actually won. My employee said it because fighting is like playing chess. All the moves have a few options for counter moves, which then beget a new set of counters. The Jackass wouldn’t stick to the script and the fighter had no idea how to counter. I don’t know how real the story was, but I thought it was interesting.
I’ve been watching martial arts breakdowns on Youtube. This guy was the drunken master and seemed to drive other boxers nuts by doing things that made no sense. Or just breaking rhythm can mess up an opponent.
Yup, nothing is more important in a fight than unpredictability.
It’s how the Gracies created MMA. Put themselves in ring with 7 hand selected fighters that had never countered a double leg take down.
I remember Augustus, he was fun. Prince Naseem used to confuse the hell out of opponents too although he also benefitted from having huge power in both hands.
yeah, that story’s unbelievable. MMA is largely wrestling. in a wrestling match, if your muscles haven’t learned the moves, then you lose. there are no counters that you fall into on accident.
Big biceps just slow your punches/arm movements down in a fight. In fact, they’re next to useless outside of a chokehold.
maybe you can used them as shields to protect your face
You just left yourself open to a kidney shot
The extra weight probably made him slower.
He should have used Fight Milk.
But is he a bodyguard?
“A Mesa man has been arrested after committing 19 beers runs since July.”
That doesn’t sound like that many?
“He has been charged with 19 counts of shoplifting.”
Oh, so not just beer runs. To me, a beer run simply means you need to go to the store to get some beer.
“Beer run” can mean something different in Canada (driving across a provincial border to stock up on beer [etc.] because the prices are lower on the other side of the line); my Canucki brain interpreted the phrase that way, and thus I wasn’t surprised to hear the guy was arrested, because driving across a provincial border to buy booze more cheaply can in fact get you stopped by the RCMP and arrested.
Because, you see, the BNA Act and its successor, the Constitution Act 1982, guarantee the free flow of goods and service across provincial boundaries, and thus our Supreme Court has of course re-interpreted this guarantee to mean “except for booze and cigarettes,” ’cause many of our SC justices have been functional morons.
I think we have similar laws in the US, although I believe there’s a certain amount you’re allowed to cross state lines with for personal use. Above that, and you’ll be assumed to be reselling.
I’ve never heard of anybody actually being arrested for it, though. I suppose it happens.
At least in Utah, even if you are getting for yourself, you are “supposed” to get the tax stamp.
Depends on the state and the state laws. Utah forbids any out of state alcohol (there’s been stories of beer geeks going to a fest, getting pulled over, and having their rare beers confiscated). Pennsylvania has some draconian laws (for retail at least) that if there’s a change in name or spelling (or the approval for selling the beer was misspelled) can get beers pulled out of the store.
And anecdotally, I had an old friend who told the story of when he was on a booze run from Cincinnati. They went over into Kentucky to pick up Everclear (the 190 proof stuff, banned in Ohio). On the way back across the river, they were being tailed by KY state troopers. Being nervous, they slowed down, and then got lit up by Ohio troopers (just about at the state border). As he tells the story, the Ohio troopers were threatening to arrest them, the Kentucky troopers were threatening to arrest the Ohio troopers if they did, And they were being both ordered to stay still and get the hell out of there by the different troopers. They were eventually free to go, with no arrest, and with their booze.
My fraternity brothers used to drive to the Alabama border to buy cases of Falstaff beer (didn’t meet Tennessee health code but cheap as shit). We’d stock up with trunks full. Never pulled over or seemed to be an issue. Might be because we were taking state highways rather than the Interstate.
When I lived in Utah, real beer was pretty much unobtainable. So people would drive to Evanston, WY, whose entire economy was based on Utah’s liquor laws. The Utah state police would often drive into Evanston, write down the license plate numbers of all the Utah cars, then go back over the border and wait to pull them over and search the car. Confiscation and a $500 fine.
Nearly every state bans the importation of alcohol without going through “licensed” distributors, with no de minimus or personal use exemption. Moving my wine cellar from IL to AZ involved us committing multiple felonies. Yes, felonies.
Justice was asleep back then and you got away with it.
You know, you could have just left the contents of the wine cellar with me…
Well, I did leave a bit of it…
Indeed, and it was gratefully received…and consumed!
I think we have similar laws in the US, although I believe there’s a certain amount you’re allowed to cross state lines with for personal use.
The compromise for ending Prohibition means that alcohol is literally the only product for which it is constitutional for states to regulate interstate commerce:
I don’t know anybody who has ever had a problem bringing booze across the Mexican border into Texas. I once hand carried a case of Tecate on my shoulder across the bridge from Ciudad Juarez to El Paso. There’s no way they couldn’t have noticed what I was doing and nobody stopped me over it.
It was basically the entire plot of the Smokie and the Bear movies
Hah. One of my ‘libertarian Insight moments’ as a child came when the state of Iowa locked up a long-haul trucker for an unopened bottle of booze he was carrying with him, from East Coast to West, as a gift for his father, because it didn’t have an Iowa tax stamp.
I wanted to gift a co-worker in another state a particular bottle of whiskey. Still trying to figure out how to get it there.
Arcane fucking laws.
You can check places online (depending on the states involved), or you could ship it through FedEx or UPS (not USPS). FedEx and UPS can deny the shipment, but if you show up with it packaged and say it’s glassware or the like, they’ll usually ship it. Shipping alcohol through the postal service is a federal crime, don’t risk it.
Appropriate link… Beer Run
He did go to the store to get some beer.
He just skipped the step of paying at the time.
He was in a hurry. ho can wait when there’s beer to drink
Someone needs to pass a bill to ban the word “Ho” now Fourscore…
Johno if I ever read one.
My sincere apologies for going OT so soon but this had my blood boiling at 6AM this morning:
Nice to know these guys will be locked up for years for getting in a fight whereas their opponents all flounced off scot-free.
Oh, and by contrast Bike-lock boy got three months probation.
The world is turning into a particularly unfunny joke…
Examples must be made. Up next, imprisonment for a concealed carry permit holder who uses their pistol to fend off attack from a group of savages.
Bernie Goetz says “hi!”
Antifa = Hilary Youth. Of course they’ll be protected.
I like this.
Thing is they aren’t really. They hate Hillary almost as much as they hate Republicans
You’re probably right but it’s odd that the don’t show up to her speaking events armed with flagpoles and pepper spray.
Yes ‘Your Honor,’ it’s all Gavin McInnes’s fault. Not the violent counter protesters who show up to incite and perpetrate violence.
counterJustice was blind until it recovered.
welcome to Clown World!
“The victims in the case were never identified, and Antifa refused to cooperate with the investigation. Prosecutors said that if they could have located the Antifa members, they would have also been charged.”
So they don’t even know who was assaulted?
Assault – the new victimless crime.
Or the extent of the injuries. 4 years might have been a fitting sentence if someone had sustained a serious injury but as it stands they are going to jail longer than a lot of violent felons convicted for crimes against women and children.
Good police work, fellas. Also…
“During the violent confrontation, Kinsman and Hare repeatedly punched, kicked and stomped on the outnumbered and undersize Antifa members.”
Huh. Undersize[d]. Maybe don’t go around picking fights, then.
That seems…odd…
How can you prosecute for assault without a victim pressing charges?
I presume absolutely no testimony or evidence beyond the camera? This has to be ripe for appeal.
It does make it difficult to confront your accusers. Very Orwellian.
Because criminal prosecutions are a state matter, and we don’t have private prosecutions in this country.
The state prosecutes crimes where the victim is unwilling (see domestic violence cases) but they still id the victim and provide proof that an attack happened. Based on camera footage only is nothing. Was there even contact or did the “victim” fake it? Did the victims yell anything so that the defendants felt they needed to defend themselves?
The victims in the case were never identified
That should have dismissed the case right there.
Prosecutors said that if they could have located the Antifa members, they would have also been charged.
Wait a sec. if they were the unprovoked victims, why would they have been charged?
The whole thing is complete horseshit.
Did they even start that fight?
“for pummeling leftist Antifa members during”
At least there was a silver lining.
‘The legislation titled “An Act regarding the use of offensive words,” states: “A person who uses the word ‘bitch’ directed at another person to accost, annoy, degrade or demean the other person shall be considered to be a disorderly person.” Penalties for a disorderly conduct conviction include a $150 fine for a first offense and $200 or 6 months in prison for subsequent offenses.’
Massholes gonna Masshole. When Iived there in the early 00’s it had it’s fair share of progressive nonsense but this would have generally regarded as utter nonsense. And honestly, how this could ever make it past a federal appeals court is beyond me.
Just signaling, or has the legislature completely jumped the shark?
I thought they were second only to NYC for hurling crass insults randomly?
They are, or were when I lived there. It was kinda nice, actually. In the midwest it seems that a lot of people’s default response to rudeness or recklessness by others is to just hold your aggression and anger in, push it down, and stay polite….until one day the final straw is placed and BOOM!
In Mass, you just cuss the person, they cuss you back, you both get it out of your system and you go about your day. I liked that. Small releaes of anger instead of one big fiasco.
Being descended from a Kansanian, that does indeed sound like a better system than ours.
Yeah, I tried to import that attitude back here, it didn’t go over very well.
“Cussin’ was invented as a compromise between fightin’ and runnin’ away.”
What amazes me is the lack of impeachments for blatantly violating the oath to protect and defend the constitution.
What else fo you expect from a bunch of bitch-ass pussies?
The MA constitution explicitly forbids any laws curtailing freedom of speech.
Odds on them trying to amend their constitution to ban certain speech?
Low – the few TEAM RED folks would immediately flood the place with bills to ban all sorts of leftist shibboleths.
Wouldn’t matter. 1A is already incorporated from the Federal Constitution. I know we are used to being on the loosing side of things, but the assault on free speech is all cultural. The only legal apparatus i can think of where this could possibly work is in a “Hate Crimes” bill, and those themselves are dubious.
So as a small summary to the general discussion in my post last night… I do not want to rehash the arguments or restart the discussion, just one final thingy cause I went to bed before the talk ended…
I do not think humans interact solely in economic ways and I agree people are social animals and never claim such. As I said, and as can be seen from my previous posts, I am less „libertarian” than many here in that I clearly see a „common sphere” in which individuals interact and cause issues and conflicts which require collaborative solutions and non-zero government.
I think society exists in the abstract, but not as a tangible thing or as an entity as both left and right see it. I believe there are things that lead to general prosperity / general welfare and that individual actions can help or harm larger groups / organizations.
I oppose the term common good as it is used for the reasons I stated in the post. I believe all language can be manipulated, but some more than others and common good is in that category. As such I see little chance to redefine it as something useful, and prefer to just dump it as a concept. I prefer to focus on less collectivist concepts. Like liberty, which can be manipulated but it is more tied to the tangible person than the intangible society.
Overall I will ponder the responses (on the tree of wine) as this is somewhat the point of my posting here, to get ideas and have mine challenged.
Anyhoo feel free to ignore this and carry on with the lynx…
Here is an Instagram called best hot Russian girls to distract you.
I have no problem saying “Society exists” as it’s an incredibly useful shorthand for the interactions of individuals and the history, norms, yadda, yadda. But I agree that it is an abstraction, like numbers. So saying “common good” does not make sense because you cannot sum utility or make comparisons about preferences across people.
Now lets go off topic… Was this covered?
The American Mind
Claremont Institute
America’s Delusional Elite Is Done
Bronze Age Pervert
For some reason bronze age pervert amuses me. Longish read if you are inclined to read it.
I read it. It’s weird, but worth it.
Have repeatedly pointed out that Trump’s win was people rejecting the globalist credentialed elite’s movement. Especially their current movement to make them immune from the repercussions of any and all of their failures. At least in the past the ruling class knew they had to produce value for their constituencies and the American people in order to be allowed to skim a bit from the top. Now they are stealing the bulk of the loot they take, and in return, provide nothing but horrible and destructive policy and results, followed by attacks and revenge on anyone that calls them out for their mediocrity and stupidity. They are in an existential battle to keep their status quo against the people that have decided they must go.
Fuck the credentialed ruling class and the horse they rode in on.
Interesting. One of my god-daughters has gone to Carleton University in Ottawa to attend (God help her) J-school.
Yeah, I said it. Journalism School.
She’s already starting to show early signs of mental infection, and I may need to start sending her articles such as this to try and stem the decline. Dunno if it’ll help, but it’s at least worth a shot.
prepare to be demoted from godparent to crazy uncle status.
Actually, I’m already “Evil Uncle BEAM” with her and her two sisters, so I don’t think I can fall much farther.
So a tool I work one had an original release timeline for end of September and it is past. Obviously when the timeline was established not even half of the requested features were mentioned.
“Can you make that serve a delicious Sumatra coffee and give us the ability to travel in time?”
Heh, that’s the story of most of my professional career.
Oddly enough [not odd at all], the problems were directly correlated with the degree of “project management”, defined stages, defined process per stage, and a prevailing, but never voiced, stance that coding was just typing.
Ban containers!
I don’t get why they are so desperate to get to england when it is much easier to do france / germany
Germany is full of previous waves of people, and France is full of French people?
Who gives the “narrowed gazers” the narrowed gaze?
In before Brexit?
“a fellow with potential”
*narrows gaze*
Are you on your period?
(that’s so bad that only Q will get it)
*shakes fist*
When I hear Teen Vogue, I think professional journalist.
When I hear Teen Vogue, I think fake journalist.
I think it’s both.
If anyone should be able to copyright “Fake News”, Teen Vogue is one of dozens of contestants.
Those dumbasses think that by trademarking “Fake News” they can prohibit Trump from saying it.
Not the way it works, toots.
Even if that were the case, Trump would just come up an even more incisive and catchy branding of their thinly-masked propaganda.
I’m curious what product class they claimed the trademark for. TESS shows 40 trademarks using those words, including one live for news reporting. Oddly CNN doesn’t seem to hold the Trademark for their signature product.
Babylon Bee should trademark it.
Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups! Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups! Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups! Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups! Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups!
Oh shit, there’s a knock at the door.
That teen vouge article. How up her ass is that author. “Being a journalist is super scary”, People sent BOMBS to CNN. And say mean things like we’re the enemy of the people. You have to be brave to be us. That’s why we are trying to trademark fake news so that nasty president can’t call us that. Freedom of speech is too dangerous when journalists are pissing their pants.
Other examples of her “professional journalism”
I’d send that article to my Trademarks colleagues for the lols, but I think they’re all progs.
If you can’t laugh at the dumbest people, because of politics, you’re taking politics way too seriously.
That should be WHY you send it then.
Odds that one of them decided to defend the application pro bono?
“It’s not right to mock them, their hearts are in the right place.”
People sent BOMBS to CNN.
Not “people”. And no actual bombs.
“It wasn’t okay during 1974 and it definitely still isn’t okay now. My main question was “How can people even like this? How is this funny?”
To understand the answer to that question you have to first understand what ‘funny’ is.
You know a person is completely devoid of humor when blatant mockery of racism and small town, ignorant yokels goes WOOSH for said person.
Never let her see Brooks’ To Be or Not To Be or The Producers (no link, if you don’t know the Producers, you’re bad and should feel bad).
One of my father’s better qualities was a love for all things Mel Brooks but I don’t think I caught that one. The Producers was borderline gospel in my home.
It’s a remake of an early movie dealing with a theater company in Warsaw during the Nazi occupation. There’s plenty of scenes with Mel Brooks dressed up as a Nazi. I believe the Brooks’ remake was one of the first movies to mention the Nazi’s rounding up homosexuals.
Added to my need to watch list, thanks.
Don’t bother – it is not very good. Maudlin, not funny. No edge to the supposed humor.
The Producers (no link, if you don’t know the Producers, you’re bad and should feel bad)
Link. Because even if you know The Producers, it’s worth rewatching the most hilarious musical number in cinema history.
“I was wondering if this was parody, then I checked out a few of her other stories. Holy shit, I hope she’s not getting paid for this shit- it’s not only hilariously stupid, the writing would maybe qualify for a B in a sixth grade English class.”
Linking to a Medium Article and then complaining about the shoddy writing? What do you expect?
SJWednesday: So Many Rules, I Just Don’t Know What To Do
Confession is good for the soul. Say ten Hail Obamas for your wrongthink and send a sizable donation to Elizabeth Warren. Then go forth and sin no more.
Who is my neighbor Lord?
Pinterest posters, my child.
You know that redemption is not a part of this religion. Get your Christianity-privileged outta here shitlord.
It is not racist if he is wearing blackface. It is important to get the lips right though
Advice from “Dear Trudeau jr.”?
That’s a funny concept. “Dear Trudy”, an advice column written by ‘Trudeau’ filled with vapid and terrible advice.
He will virtue signal heavily, admonishing the unwokeness of the stupid masses he sees as beneath him, and then, as his closing remark for everyone of these screeds, tell people “Do as I say, not as I do”, is my guess…
There are two wolves inside you. One is gay, the other is gay. You are gay
Just when I think twitter can’t get weirder
I’m definitely gayer after clicking that link.
Fucking gladiator movies for all!
Can’t I just be lycan-curious?
How dare you assume my wolves’ sexual preference.
Being so close to Massachusetts, the b word thing is hilarious and it’s all anyone is talking about today.
The guy who submitted it was on the radio on the way in. He’s a certified moron.
Which explains his post.
So would you call the guy who submitted it a whiny bitch?
He’s throwing a bitch fit over the response.
So yes.
The Conservative Case For Taxing The Rich
Was this covered?
“There are many objections to this idea. Many will say they already do pay more. Michael Strain over at Bloomberg makes this case. However, Strain relies on some fuzzy math, designed to obfuscate rather than illuminate. For one thing, Strain’s analysis relies solely on federal taxes. But the New York Times’ David Leonhardt pointed out that we need to include state and local taxes.
Imagine thinking you can call out fuzzy math, but then reference the article that even Matty Iglesias thinks was dishonest.
Joseph S. Laughon is a political thought graduate of Concordia University, Irvine and a specialist in the logistics industry. He lives in Los Angeles, where he writes on culture, religion, politics and national security. His writing can be found at the Kirk Center, Human Events and Musings On the Right, among other places.
So the writer isn’t even conservative.
*cough*degree in bullshit*cough*
“a specialist in the logistics industry”
ie; he does graveyard shift restocking at Walmart. Why sugarcoat it? It’s honest work.
Tapping the middle classes and working Americans – a LOT – is the only way you’re going to make a dent in the deficit.
That whole article is a steaming pile.
Exactly. The middle class is where the money is. You ain’t running an expensive government without tapping them.
This fake conservative might want to take a look at Scandinavia for clues. The reason they get away with spending like drunken sailors is because they tax the everloving shit out of the middle class.
The US spends like drunken sailors and doesn’t care that it will eventually crater the economy because it will be someone else’s problem.
“This fake conservative might want to take a look at Scandinavia for clues. The reason they get away with spending like drunken sailors is because they tax the everloving shit out of the middle class.”
Scandinavia also had the benefit of being higher than 95% homogeneous population-wise, with a people that was very much submissive and law abiding, as well as an incredible work ethic. Now that they have had an influx of people with opposite mores, and a shift that is but a few percent, it has put an incredible strain on their system to the point changes were required to prevent it from imploding. And these changes kept the high taxation but drastically lowered and curtailed the free shit people got.
The asshats telling us we need a similar system ignore the reality of America’s population as well as the fact that their open borders agenda is a de facto death sentence to the “free shit” nanny state. Then again, I suspect these people’s agenda is to gain full and total control of the state, the same way every marxist or fascist government went about it, and the catastrophe caused by their policies be damned.
They can, of course, pay for it all…
We need to stop arguing about who pays and start nailing copies of Sockdolager where legislators will have to see them. I suggest their foreheads and 10d nails.
SJWednesday: Hair Today, Lynchings Tomorrow
Of course it’s filled with the expected insanity, but there are some fair points in there. Black women are told by their families and communities that something is wrong with their hair and they need to chemically straighten it, and since many women seem to be kind of insecure, I can see how that would be hurtful. And considering how much men love to see women with long, slinky locks, I do feel bad for young black women who have thinning hair. Personally I have (white) curly hair, and people touch it sometimes. It’s annoying in inverse proportion to how attractive they are.
And yes, when I grow my hair out it gets curly and sometimes strangers touch it. Which is quite surprising because I am not the most approachable-appearing person out there.
I don’t know where this whole touching black hair thing is coming from. I have never seen it, but it is supposed to be “super common”.
Is this just entirely made up horseshit?
Why yes. Yes it is.
Some people are hair touchers. It’s weird, and not common, but not made up either. It’s not a racial thing either (as far as I’ve seen) but does seem to target primarily people with curly or otherwise “high volume” hair (see Atanarjuat above), so probably does disproportionately affect people sporting natural hair.
There are people that like to touch my daughters hair (looking at you Corn Pop!) it’s totally straight but is light red with varying degrees of red to blonde throughout. People pay serious cash to have color like hers.
Actually there are zero reasons I want to touch other people’s hair, black, white, male or female.
Keep your damned cooties to yourself.
Am I the only person who hasn’t wanted to touch black people’s hair?
“Jones emphasized that it is “absolutely” unacceptable to call a woman the B-word”
Spotted the guy who has never worked retail.
The throwback hip hop station in Boston just had to find all new music.
Or fast food, or tech support, or any other service job.
Or lived in a black neighborhood.
Or any job. Just like men who are dicks, you don’t have to have a lot of social interactions with people to run into these kinds.
Looks like we’re going to have to start calling asshole women cunts then.
I’m going with “old whore”.
Spend an afternoon with a military recruiter and as an outcome you will learn just about every application for the term “bitch” – noun, verb, adjective – in numerous cultures and situations. It would almost stand as a primary reason to join the military – to get down and dirty with numerous variations of uses and expressions of the English language which college would never show you.
“Da bitch set me up”
/Mayor Barry..
What if she is being a bitch? Making it unacceptable to speak truth is unacceptable.
Its obvious racism when Trump says lynch.
But it’s totally fine when Biden says it while defending Billy boy. Or when CNN uses it to defend Hillary over the Benghazi situation.
Or when it’s used by anyone who says lynch mob.
Or when someone defends Lynch’s Skittles addiction.
Faux outrage of the day
^^^ This. Let’s take a word that has a specific meaning, and act like it is racist to use it outside of the 1 historical context that the common retard learned about it. It’s akin to saying a white person can’t describe anything as slavery, because only black people were slaves.
Learn to pronounce
(of a mob) kill (someone), especially by hanging, for an alleged offense with or without a legal trial.
I don’t see a skin pigment requirement.
Just ignore the plain meaning of the metaphor and the racism is easy to see.
That was such an own goal that they 4D chess thingy is looking more and more plausible.
Loretta Lynch…
So random Romanian anecdote.
In romanian schools and highschool there was a thing called the on duty students. By Rotation you would be designated as such and you would simply miss all classes that day and stay at a table near the teachers lounge and would act like errand boys for the teachers, like go there and do that, or tell that professor this, or tell that student to see the principle. Another duty was to ring the bell signifying recess. Whenever you were on duty your classmates would ask you to ring early for certain unpopular classes or make up a story to get a student put of class. Once when I was doing this the electric bell broke so I got a actual bell and instead of pushing the button I had to run to each floor and ring the bell to signify end of class.
Anecdote over.
A conversation in my office reminded me of this and I decided to share
The most shocking part was that the school had an electric bell at the time.
Electric bell yes, but it was powered by a windmill outside the school so it only worked some days.
To me surprising part is that the building was wired for electricity before they got the electric bells.
Huh. Did much pederasty ensue?
That escalated quickly.
Of course, this is an OMWC post, so I can see why you went there.
I take it the school had no intercom system?
no need really… But no.
How did they play the stirring revolutionary anthems and exhortations by the Great Leader?
Huh. Here we just hire an army of six-figure administrators to do that stuff. For the children.
SJWednesday: Consider Yourself Warned
Truly a SJWednesday Hall of Fame link
A beached whale can be seen as beautiful by some, but it is not good for the whale or the beach.
We used to get this catalog at my house called Athleta, which had various hot women wearing the fitness gear the company sells. I rather liked seeing those catalogs in the mailbox.
At some point, maybe a couple years ago, the catalog started putting in some women who were buffer than their previous skinny ladies. Fine. Still attractive.
But the past three or four months when we’ve gotten the catalog, the thing has been full of outright hefty ladies. These people are not “Athletas”, unless the Coney Island Hot Dog Eating contest counts as an athletic event. Why this woke shit gotta touch everything good?
outright hefty ladies
as long as they’re involved in smiling interracial relationships
if you’re gonna signal, do it right
That’s an interesting observation, from looking at advertising you’d think white folks don’t date each other (or marry or have kids) anymore.
“unless the Coney Island Hot Dog Eating contest counts as an athletic event”
Even worse…Joey Chestnut and Takeru Kobayashi aren’t landwhales.
Nor is Sonja Thomas. Svelte little minx, that one.
How much stuff did you buy from the catalog?
The truth is, the target customer is more likely to be an overweight woman. no harm in trying to see if using models that look like the target customer increases sales or not.
^^ This
“Coney Island Hot Dog Eating contest counts as an athletic event”
I was going to cite phrasing but realized you were being literal.
Fitness is a weird thing. I look hella fit, (I almost have abs) but running up a flight of stairs leaves me kind-of gassed. I’m planning on playing soccer this spring in a local league, so I’ve really got to get in shape.
My wife is a curvy woman (not really overweight, but not typical super-lean Athleta-model body type ) who gained 20 pounds the year she trained and ran 4 half-marathons. To me, she’s fit.
Just chalk me up as not having an f-ing clue as to what all that means.
One of the symptoms of some personality disorders is associating physical appearance with character.
Wait you mean the sexy Asian girl in a schoolgirl skirt isn’t perfectly loving and kind?
I went to Hunt’s twitter account. Aaaand the first comment:
“Replying to @RepDanHunt
wait. Let me get this straight. I haven’t seen anything beyond the hellish string of replies and comments on this thread, but are people seriously up in arms because our Rep raised up a petition brought to him seeking to open dialogue about derogatory and unkind language used?”
There’s a serious malaise in the West. I don’t know. It seems like this frightening mindset of ‘we mean good so we’re going to curb free speech because it hurts feelings” has been accelerating in the last 15 years or so. What’s in the water?
“Chuck McSherry
Replying to @RepDanHunt
Great job looking out for your constituents Rep. Mike Hunt.”
He’d vote for Justin.
“Kelly Butts
Replying to @RepDanHunt
You’re the best”
Three too many.
That’s the problem. People like this can’t see beyond they’re own finger tips. It’s mind boggling if they think it would stop at one word. Don’t they see this is a direct assault on the 1A? What the hell? There shouldn’t be a SINGLE person supporting this bitch.
‘Oh, you don’t like democracy? He’s just tabling a request from constituents!”
And if a constituent asks a representative to table a bill, say, asking conservatives to not eat at restaurants, is that ok too? Or how about if some lunatic comes around and says, ‘we need to burn hurtful books. I suggest we start with Heinlen’?
Think you bitches for once. Not think superficially. THINK.
By the way say Mike Hunt fast.
Appropriate no?
“and says, ‘we need to burn hurtful books. I suggest we start with Heinlen’?”
They really don’t like Animal Farm.
Yes they do. The pigs do OK in the end of that one as I recall.
By the way say Mike Hunt fast.
The bitch’s name is Dan Hunt. The guy who called him Mike Hunt was not being supportive.
I don’t like democracy. 65 million tyrants are just as bad as one tyrant and harder to shoot.
Replying to @RepDanHunt
Great job looking out for your constituents Rep. Mike Hunt.”
He’d vote for Justin.
I think you missed the critical detail. Say “Mike Hunt” out loud a few times and see if you catch what he did there.
More like “Mike Hunte“, amirite?
It’s not opening fucking dialogue.
It’s a bill.
Fucks sakes. It’s like when Crenshaw decided that “I support states red flag laws” somehow meant “I wanted a dialogue” after he caught shit for it.
I would go with brain-eating bacteria.
The bacteria be starvin’ now.
It’s the culmination of 20 years of targeted propaganda and indoctrination, mostly in public schools.
There is no question there’s something to be said of that and single parent upraising.
These people are are so sensitive they want to legislate human emotion; human nature’s vices.
It’s ghoulish because don’t they see where this will end up?
Oh they see alright. They’re hoping for it. They’re petty, small-minded people with axes to grind that would happily escort wrongthinkers to the camps.
The bad effects will only happen to someone else and he/she probably deserves it.
Ie. People who defend themselves against Antifa and go to jail. ‘Why were they there and engage with them? They deserve it for putting themselves in that position!’
Two Proud Boys were sentenced to 4 years for retaliating against Antifa thugs and cowards. The system is broken.
And the comments of articles I read consider PB to be in the wrong.
You’re talking about in NY right? We’re they convicted for the scuffle or for the fact that they stomped them pretty good when they were already on the ground? That being said, the antifa weenies started it and should have been charged too.
“They could not be identified”
Probably wearing masks.
Don’t discount the massive effect of pop culture.
The only malaise is a result of neo-Puritans attempting to institute the New Inquisition.
Dude. I think it runs deeper.
Canadians just voted back in a degenerate who is the ONLY PM in history be found guilty of breaking FOUR ETHICS violations, has been implicated in a few sexual misconduct incidences, is an impetuous ideologue, and has a ferish for Blackface.
All good. Let me vote for this.
Give the leftists credit, they have effectively demonized conservative thought and thinkers to the point that social pressure prevents people from voting against the good virtue signalers. Making the personal political is working for them, even if it’s a reprehensible development in society,
Of course it’s working. The average person doesn’t have the interest or time to investigate or even pay attention to the culture wars.
I’m basically now an anomaly; even a kook among my friends. A while back when I merely mentioned Jordan Peterson a friend responded, ‘the alt-right guy?’ He was TOLD TO THINK THAT. He didn’t arrive at that conclusion on his own.
And I said as much to my friend. Because we’re friends, he understood what I explained to him if you don’t know someone, why would parrot a lie? How would he like it if done to him?
Either take the time to learn or you’re an open target.
In other words, wake the fuck up already.
Tired of the final word being, ‘yeh, you’re right. I don’t follow it as closely as you’.
It’s no longe acceptable. Not with ALL THE INFORMATION available at your fingertips.
I should add about Justin it’s even more perverse when people acknowledge he’s a dip shit but then say, ‘yeh but Scheer. I don’t like the looks of him. He’s conservative and PROBABLY worse!” So they have managed to demonize conservatism to the point people are scared of it for no good reason.
Trying to make it illegal to say bitch is a bitch move. Submitting a bill that violates basic civil liberties and saying it was the result of a petition is a bitch move. Massachusetts apparently has a penchant for producing bitches ever since John Adams came up with the sedition laws.
I am firmly getting more and more in the libertarian pessimist group.
I’m there.
I was positive for a while because I believe rational and responsible minds would eventually prevail. But now I realize people will only wake up when Rome is burning. The left are burning it all down before our eyes as we speak.
The coming civil war? It’s already here folks. And it’s not being fought on a battlefield but in our minds. In the theatre of ideas. And know what?
We’re losing.
Say what you will about the alt right lite whatever they understood memetic warfare better. There are libertarians out there who also did but not many and not very onfluential. They did not get free publicity from the left like the alt right did
When I saw what’s happening I understand early 1930s Germany better and better. People in general didn’t vote for or support the Nazis because they were into all the Nazi bullshit. It’s that the Nazis were the only ones standing up to the leftists actively trying to tear the society down.
This is the risk. The further all of this goes, the more likely it devolves into a battle between no-shit communists and no-shit fascists, as each wants to take the spoils for their own.
The individualists lose either way.
are you suggesting that they’re right to characterize people who push back today as ‘Nazis’? The ‘intellectual dark web’ is pushing back against the left-wing scourge and are considered ‘Nazis’.
Good….good. Our plan is working!
There have always been retards, and always will be. Call me when the legislature passes, and a court upholds the bill.
Only takes once and we’re fucked. Commerce clause, dude.
I’m mostly saying: focusing on the retarded, never to be, and then saying “This is why we are doomed” doesn’t make sense. Be a pessimist, that’s fine, but let’s be a pessimist about actual issues. Like how a Fascist is leading the polls for election.
Looks to be like the left is trying to solidify its culture war gains in the law. The Twitterverse agrees with gun confiscation and destroying 1A protections, so let’s enshrine them in law! It’s actually a sign of desperation on their part. Still doesn’t mean it won’t work. It’s pathetic that the nine ghouls get to decide all this stuff for hundreds of millions of people they’ve never/will never met/meet.
“Looks to be like the left is trying to solidify its culture war gains in the law.”
The left’s MO is to always legalize whatever evil they know they can use to keep those that would challenge or check them silent.
It’s the result of social media amplifying the loud voices of the ten percent of people who give a flying damn about supposedly hurt feelings.
But that’s all you need.
That 10% can do all the necessary damage. There’s no push back.
Look at Antifa. They get away with way too much.
Most people want to keep their heads down and a avoid trouble, that’s true, but more and more people are getting fed up and pushback is happening. I realize you’re feeling bummed because of the election up your way but things aren’t that bad (yet).
I’m so disappointed. Even disillusioned It’s true. Even my wife who is apolitical sagged when she saw the result. To any reasonable person he’s unfit. And yet….here we are.
We’re at a point a mere critical response is seen as hate speech.
AOC is the queen of this shit. Say incredibly ignorant thing and then claim ensuing criticism is harassment and demand it be outlawed….for democracy.
They don’t debate. They emote and then crush dialogue under a deluge of sloppy sophistry.
He can pry that bitch out of my cold, dead hands.
commie twitter account of the day?
Well, he’s honest.
“The libertarian/authoritarian dichotomy is an infantile cancer in leftist politics,”
Translation: being told how authoritarian my ideas are make me feel bad, so I’m going to pretend that the discussion is beneath me and sophomoric.
Libertarian socialism is pretty sophomoric at this point.
I was thinking of the Nolan Chart: Left Libertarian, vs Left Authoritarian. but i guess if we are talking only about Socialisim, then yes, talking about liberty is infantile and deceitful
Another Twitterer that needs a helicopter tour of the South Pacific.
At the very least it could be funny. But it’s not.
Joe Biden steps on another rake. Calling the impeachment a “lynching” is wrong and racists – except when he did it.
That was, like, 20 years ago. He’s evolved since then while Trump obviously hasn’t.
At this point, I wouldn’t doubt if Biden had literal skeletons in his closet. Methinks Joe protests too much.
Yeah but they weren’t clean and well spoken so it is ok.
Somebody has to do a gif where they remove Sideshow Bob’s face and supplant it with Biden – and anyone else for that matter who says stupid things.
Waiting on the Cosmic Crisp Apple Drop
This is what happens when an apple has a multimillion-dollar marketing budget
I’m waiting for the Ludacrisp (yes, that’s the real name) to hit stores.
Also, Red Delicious apples are among the least tasty apples ever.
but thin on the link.
No link. Chick in the subway next to me.
Lol no? I do not take pictures of strangers in public
Whycome? best thing to do evah!
We demand satisfaction!
Baffling Bronze Age Weapons Hoard Found in London
Hopefully the local bobbies will confiscate them before someone gets hurt.
What is baffling about them? Looks pretty straightforward to me.
The Brits have banned weapons, so they don’t know what a knife is until one of them gets stabbed.
Bah. The fact that weapons are banned in Britain proves that the original article is fake news.
Probably was an ancient lake site where someone had a “boating accident” after the local warlord threatened to confiscate all scary swords and such.
Then his wife went back to retrieve them and Arthur was proclaimed king.
“This, we know, was a very unnerving and traumatic incident for our students, for the teachers, for our community,” Cregan told reporters.
And we will do everything we can to leverage it in our efforts to move our anti-gun agenda fofward.
I can’t think of a segue from “hump” to “birthdays,”
I can, but it takes nine months.
Amazon and Google unwittingly approved smart-speaker apps designed to eavesdrop on users and steal their passwords.
unwittingly.. sure
Anyone that has one of those spy devices in their home is out of their damn mind.
Do you have the Prime App on your phone? Because it installs Alexa even if you don’t have an Alexa, so your phone is now Alexa.
Is that the case with an iPhone as well?
Being a journalist right now is scary. It’s frightening when sketchy videos about shooting news agencies are presented at a political conference held at a resort owned by the president. It’s terrifying when, a year after bombs were sent to CNN, a shirt suggesting reporters should be hanged is casually worn on an airplane.
But it’s also infuriating, like when our country’s own president is constantly devaluing our work and has made a habit out of brushing off dogged reporting as “fake news.”
You said a mouthful, sister.
You want to doge “Fake News” how bout this for a try. Bombs were not sent to CNN. Fake things that looked like bombs were sent to CNN. They were also sent to a whole bunch of leftist politicians. So it’s not all about you.
“We don’t like being called liars!”
I am just spitballing here but maybe you could stop telling lies and see if that works.
frighteningmeaningless whensketchy videos about shooting news agenciesobvious jokes are presented at a political conference held at a resort owned by the president.“Bitch” to be outlawed. Nazareth hardest hit.
Now you’re messing with ’em.
Actually, just messing with their sons…
Dog breeders are in a pickle.
They can go with “ASAB Dog-AFAB”
Rewatched Catch-22 last night. I had forgotten how many well-known actors were in it. Seeing Martin Sheen so young was a bit of a shock.
it’s epic and faithful to the book
but totally inadequate: I can’t imagine anyone understanding the movie’s greatness without having read the book
Yes, the presented order of events would be confusing to someone who was not familiar with the book. And quite a bit character detail gets skimmed over in the interest of time.
But still enjoyable.
I watched it a few weeks ago. What a cast.
Has anyone watched the Hulu miniseries of Catch-22 that was released a couple months back? Curious if it’s worth my time.
Lee Zeldin is my favorite critter during Schiff’s impeachment farce
My favorite part is the guy in the comments who links the same article as a response to every pro-trump article. Dude’s got tenacity.
There are some no-joke insane people in this world.. and sometimes they gain internet access at the public library.
Hihn sighting?
Here’s a link to a 20 year old study from the Cato etc bleep bloop blorp.
One could get very drunk if you made a drinking game out of the number of times you could get him to post that survey in one particular thread.
How the hell did you know I was…
*whistles and walks away, nothing to see here
*giggles, sharts*
There is no impeachment. They are trying to poison the public’s mind with the notion that Trump committed offenses and there is impeachment on the way to try and swing the election. The whole this is theater.
Not that any party had a kung fu grip on principles, but this nearly 3-years-and-counting collusion/obstruction/impeachment farce has made me loath one side more than usual.
Same here. I got into it a while back with Cristy over this but I can’t help but feel like the enemy of my enemy is my friend. But then again what good is a limp-dick weak ass friend who will only let you down or stab you in the back the moment you need an ally.
That’s where I am right now. I’m not a huge fan of Trump or democracy, but what we have right now is the deep state trying to exercise veto power over an election. The consequences of that would be far more dangerous than anything Trump has done or is likely to do.
The Senate hasn’t been dissolved: this will work out just fine.
They are desperately hoping this play will allow them to run out the clock and somehow prevent Trump from being reelected, because then the axe will really fall, and fall hard, when the IG report requires some serious effort to clean up the agents of the Deep State that not only spied on a political opponent of the demcorat machine – under Obama’s watch, and likely, support with a backup plan of entrapping Trump’s people to create a scandal to help Clinton as well – but then felt obligated to run a soft coup when the election they had rigged for Crooked Hillary was won by bad orange man.
I agree that it is political. But What they are accusing trump of seems quite a bit like what Trump accused Obama of. i.e using the federal government to investigate a political rival. I didn’t like it when Obama did it and i don’t like it when Trump did it.
The best option is that Both Trump and Obama and his entire admin (including Joe Biden) end up in jail, the FBI/CIA/NSA are disbanded, and Adam Schiff is under investigation for his deep state shenanigans.
And i win the Lottery.
What Obama did and what Trump is accused of doing are not the same at all.
Yup. No vote, no impeachment.
My new favorite web series
This one had me crying
I have good news for you. It’s a television show, there are like seven seasons, and it’s all available on Hulu. My wife and I walk around quoting it all day.
That’s a Texas sized 10-4
As one of the token Canadians around here, all I can say is, “You’re welcome.”
To be fair, I find the TPBs funnier in general due to its greasyness.
“I’m sorry” would be more appropriate for a Canadian, regardless of circumstances.
Figure it out, ya fuckin’ degens from up-country.
Pitter patter
Let’s git atter
The legislation titled “An Act regarding the use of offensive words,” states: “A person who uses the word ‘bitch’ directed at another person to accost, annoy, degrade or demean the other person shall be considered to be a disorderly person.” Penalties for a disorderly conduct conviction include a $150 fine for a first offense and $200 or 6 months in prison for subsequent offenses.
Rep. Daniel Hunt (D-Dorchester) told the Herald Monday that he filed the measure upon request from a constituent, who he did not identify. He took to Twitter late Tuesday afternoon to defend his decision.
“One of the responsibilities of all Representatives is to serve as a conduit for direct petitions from our constituents to the General Court. It’s a long-held tradition that gives every Massachusetts resident a voice inside the halls of the State House and a chance to raise their personal interests before the legislature,” Hunt wrote. “While this specific instance may amuse some and alarm others, it remains a important process for self-representation.”
If your constituent suggests something blatantly illegal, constitutionally speaking, it is your duty to tell them “no, I can’t do that”.
Wouldn’t it be great to live in his district? Imagine the fun we could have with woodchipper bills and other legislatative suggestions for slavers to fuck off/
Do any of the Japan contingent here have any recommendations for history of Japan podcasts or books? Preferably in English, although I’d take Japanese-language recommendations too.
What era?
If you’re talking imperial Japan, Dan Carlin’s Supernova in the East was really good listening.
Not a member of the contingent, but I enjoyed this book.
Scruffy – thanks, I’ll pass this along.
Staffin – shoot. I should have had that info ready before asking. I’ll find out of she’s interested in a particular era or topic, or if she’s looking for a more general overview. We’re one episode into the Carlin series, BTW. So far, so good.
If you haven’t read much on the Bakumatsu I’d say focus on that.
Pyle, “The Making of Modern Japan” is a good concise summary starting in the mid-15th century.
Good morning, Old Man! Thanks for dropping some meaty lynx.
Unfortunately the Blazing Saddles article was removed by the author. Apparently triggered herself. Weak.
Michelle just needed to learn the lesson so many entertainers do: shut the fuck up and entertain.
Make it a great day, y’all.
Oh, yay. It’s snowing.
Unfortunately the Blazing Saddles article was removed by the author.
It was too brave…
Yep. Gone like smoke in the wind. Who said “Better to be silent and let people suspect you are a fool than to open your mouth and confirm it” or something to that effect?
Too late for that Tard.
Good Reply:
“Munchausen by proxy is a mental health problem in which a caregiver makes up or causes an illness or injury in a person under his or her care. The person with MSP gains attention by seeking medical help for exaggerated or made up symptoms in the child.”
I made my feelings on the mother yesterday. Bitch be evil and crazy.
Reading some articles about the case yesterday, and what it particularly appalling is that even the mother’s “experts” agreed that the kid is perfectly happy as he is. Even if he did have some sort of gender confusion, it’s causing him no noticeable distress. Yet, despite that (btw distress is required for a diagnosis of gender dysphoria in the DSM), an idiot jury decided that just leaving him alone and seeing how he develops over time is bad?
Sick, sick, sick.
WAiting for the MSM to report on this in 3…2….1…..1….1…..1……1….1….1….1..1….1.1..1..
Don’t fucking hold your breath. Everyone that knew this was the case and had pointed it out before, will say “I told you so”, but the dnc operatives with bylines will just bury this shit hoping the least amount of people find out they helped with the coverup job.
Also some mention of the gun-running scheme Hillary had going on there.
To arm ISIS no less
Directly resulting in the deaths of Americans and Western Europeans.
Only deplorables.
Benghazi was Russia rubbing their dick in our face – via a proxy on some level. My first MOS was in mortars and how the attack on the consulate there went down was a smoking gun to direct foreign state involvement. No ragtag bunch of guys with a few mortar tubes could have done that. Which means they were acting on intel which came directly from Clinton’s total lack of OpSec.
Who said “Better to be silent and let people suspect you are a fool than to open your mouth and confirm it” or something to that effect?
I always heard it attributed to Samuel Clemens.
I thought it was Mark Twain?
Ha. Join the club, I was asking seriously. I can’t DDG right now, I am up to my elbows in eggs Benedict.
Jeez, I thought somebody would chime in – I’ve always heard it attributed to Lincoln.
Me too.
“… I am up to my elbows in eggs Benedict.”
these euphemisms…
Samuel Clemens = Mark Twain
Did you miss the signature on Alex’s post? 🙂
It’s a snappier formulation of a Bible verse: “Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues.” (Prov. 17:28)
How long is a session of Glibfit? Need to set up my charts.
1. Make workout plan.
2. Open bourbon.
5. Check Glibs for new season of Glibfit.
Listen, If I don’t know how long to make the X-axis, hhe displayed data won’t be proportionate to the elapsed time of the event.
10 weeks brings us nearly to 2020.
Step #3 is always ” Profit”
In this context I think it would be drink bourbon
This morning, The Bloombergousie were nattering about WeWork. Apparently, Sofbank has swooped in to rescue them (in a vain attempt to conceal their gullible stupidity from throwing all that previous cash into the furnace). The scam artist extraordinaire who started it is walking away with a billion dollars or more.
WeWork is just the most obvious example, but there is a long list of “businesses” which are nothing more than glorified Ponzi schemes which rely on recurring cash infusions on the part of so-called venture capitalists with the ultimate goal of passing the thing off to the rubes in an IPO.
Rinse, repeat.
Based on their recent track history, Softbank is apparently run by rubes.
The problem is the internet business model. A lot of these investors delude themselves that they can get double and triple digit growth for a sufficient time to justify their investments. But, if you’re getting that kind of growth without major capital investment, you’ve got an entirely replicable business model and you won’t be able to sustain it long-term.
The reason Amazon is so successful, is that Jeff Bezos understands that being an internet business doesn’t stop his company from being a business.
The reason Amazon is so successful, is
a bricks and mortar and trucks infrastructure that delivers goods/services at a great price; it’s not a sack of ether
Yup. And that’s understanding it’s a business.
This will be TMI, so skip if need be. I lost a shit today at the office Sat on that toilet as usual, felt it come out as usual and took a peek as usual. Empty bowl. Didn’t seem to have escaped down the drain. Now I’m panicking and checking my jeans, even the pockets. Nada. Darn thing just disappeared. Weird.
Ghost Shits. This is known to happen after too much ass sex.
With messicans?
…and then a bag of weed fell out.
Lost De
cadefecation.It’s physics. You torpedo one just right, and it reaches escape velocity. Don’t believe me? Try it it with your cellphone.
This is the correct answer. It only has to skitter over the hump, which is only as high as the water in the bowl.
There you sat
all brokenhearted
Thought you shat
But only farted?
play it safe, always watch your sphincter contract in the reflection of the toilet water. bonus: fart and feel the cool breeze off the water
It did not disappear. I promise. it’s somewhere.
When you are a total and complete asshole…
Amit Patel, a disability activist, took to Twitter Sunday to detail the drama at the Portsmouth Marriott Hotel in the UK after he spoke at an awards ceremony that gives recognition to animals and humans.
“Last night: two blind guys & our dogs at a bar, having a quiet drink,” Patel tweeted. “We then get accosted by aggressive women screaming that we’re cruel for having Guide Dogs.”
“Not only was she in our faces but at one point I thought she‘d get physical. Not a comfortable position to be in,” Patel tweeted along with photos of him and his friend Jonathan and their two service dogs.
Patel told Unilad that the unruly woman was shouting that Patel and his friend were “absolutely cruel” for having guide dogs and even suggested that the men were equivalent to people who organize dog fights.
“You could hear bar stools kind of moving as she started talking, people coming over to give us assistance,” Patel told the site, adding that when the incident happened he had just finished speaking at the Animal Star Awards about the issues those using service animals face daily.
Patel said his service dog, Kika, has been with him for five years and has allowed him to venture out without fear for his safety.
That story needed to end with;
“The dog, concerned for the safety of it’s master, bit the woman. Authorities saw no need to further investigate.”
“You could hear bar stools kind of moving as she started talking, people coming over to give us assistance,” Patel told the site
The heartwarming (or at least evidence that the world is not completely populated by assholes) part of the story.
Dogs are fucking bred to have a symbiotic relationship with humans. There’s not a damned thing in the world cruel or abusive about it. A lot of breeds get out of sorts if they’re not doing something helpful for humans.
The silly bint should have to spend an hour in the company of “dogs” that haven’t been bred to have a relationship with humans. They’re called “wolves”. And they’d call her “lunch”.
Is there no simple joy in life that the neo-puritans won’t come after? Of all the things that make me happy that they want banned or expunged, I’d think my pup would be far down the list. I’m starting to think the end goal isn’t even control, it’s just how much misery they can spread.
Bingo. Useful idiots are custom made to be sand in the gears so that society becomes dysfunctional. It is about tearing apart every institution that makes western civilization what it is. Those people don’t give a shit about dogs, it is about giving people shit. give them what they want today and tomorrow they will be screaming about something else.
I’m starting to think the end goal isn’t even control, it’s just how much misery they can spread.
Well, yeah. The most basic thing to understand about these sorts is that they’re bullies. And, yeah, bullies are after control only to the extent that control makes others suffer. They’re miserable people and want to think they can relieve their misery by spreading it.
Nope. Too bitter.
I’m worried that people are going to argue more and more that these special dogs – guardian angels really – are actually abused.
It really is sad. These people reveal a lot about themselves.
Eating their own. This is just the beginning. And the democrats here are promising every perpetually aggrieved wacko everything they could dream up and more. A wonderful ending to the story will be when the wackos surround the DNC and vow that the promisers don’t make it out of there safely until they deliver on all of it. Just remember, none of these wackos are expecting laws to be passed to get what they want. They want it now and laws and constitutions and all that be damned, and the dems are encouraging that type of behavior.
Looks like the Turks and the Russians (and Syria but informally) struck an agreement on northern Syria yesterday:
Sounds like good news.
“Sounds like good news.”
What, are you crazy? Trump just ruined the world, for like… forever!
sounds like the Kurds are fucked.
I saw on ABC News that the shit has really hit the fan there. Bullets and bombs flying everywhere lighting up the night and 5 million civilian non-combatants have already been blown apart. I don’t know where you are getting your information.
I’m trudging through that “conservative case for higher taxes” thing somebody linked above, and I stubbed my toe on this:
An increased tax rate will help sustain the long-term fiscal health of the nation, but it can also go a long way toward helping us invest back into the United States.
Fiscal conservatism, and paying down the debt are all well and good in theory, but what we really need to do is spend that additional revenue, and more, on politically popular pork.
Conservative, right down to the bone.
Classic Lucy with a football, and many conservatives will fall for it. “You’re not being conservative if you don’t agree that we should raise taxes, becauase look at the deficit”. “Oh we raised taxes so we could buy all this new shit.” If taxes are being raised it is always to buy new shit. Never to pay down the debt. That is why despite what reason wants to argue to make #OrangeManBad, lowering taxes is probably the most fiscally conservative thing to do, because it will force a need to cut spending, because that is what the problem is.
If the last couple years have taught us anything, that doesn’t work.
True, but eventually reality catches up. Do we want it sooner or later, knowing the later it is the worse it will be?
I want spending cuts first. Tons of them. Maybe, and just maybe, then we can talk tax increases as long as those increases help bring down the debt. No new spending at all.
I had a fauxlibertarian friend argue this. We need to raise taxes and cut spending! I told him I’ll agree on the condition that there is a constitutional amendment stating that all revenues over the allotted budget are exclusively used for paying down the national debt and any congresscritter or president that seeks to use those funds for anything else is immediately shot into the sun via cannon.
allotted budget
two part question: what is the point of maple syrup and is there a noticeable difference between American and Canadian? Can they be told apart in a blind tasting like from different production methods or something?
three part question: why is youtube recommending How Real Vermont Maple Syrup Is Made to me?
Tap tree, hang bucket, collect bucket, boil sap. There you go, no video needed.
I am no expert on maple syrup but I don’t think any normal person could distinguish between American and Canadian, it all comes from the same species of tree.
They point is it’s delicious on all forms of breakfast meats, pancakes and waffles.
Just make sure you get real maple syrup. The cheap stuff is just corn syrup.
i generally avoid eating sugar and doubt real maple syrup can be had in Romania
It’s pretty much pure sugar so it might not be for you then.
You can’t get Canadian food goods off Amazon? I’d be willing to ship you the real thing if so.
I assume I can get it shipped I was talking about the supermarket. But I don’t really want any I would not use it
Use it to make an Old Fashioned.
why would I ruin good rye like that?
….that was my Grandmother’s favorite cocktail, and if you impugn it, I will stake your ass, cut off your head, stuff you mouth with consecrated hosts and bury it between your knees facing into the earth.
Use it to make an Old Fashioned.
Not Adahn speaks wisdom. The maple flavor and the rye are a dynamite combo. Oddly, my next cocktail recipe is a maple-bacon old fashioned; we’re still refining our bacon-infused rye.
True Maple syrup comes from the greater Alberta Region of Canada. It’s actually enshrined in NAFTA like Tequila. Any “maple” syrup created ouside the Maple region of Canada is “Imitation Maple”.
/shit i just made up, but you could see it being real.
“is there a noticeable difference between American and Canadian? ”
Zoolander’s next genius move will be too ban Maple Syrup, for the trees.
That would make maple firewood very cheap.
Unintended consequences done with 100% good intentions.
The point of maple syrup is that it is sweet and delicious. The early settlers in Canada and the Northeast colonies made it because sugar was unavailable or prohibitively expensive.
No difference between the countries’ syrup – it’s basically the same forest that stretches across the border.
Maple syrup does come in different grades. I prefer the darker stuff,
Shee-yaite. On my last run to the commissary I picked up some maple smoked bacon. My wife has decreed that no other bacon will ever be purchased for consumption in our house if it is not maple smoked variety.
The point of maple syrup is sweet, sticky, maple goodness. There’s an artifact from the old days in the grading process however. Grade A maple syrup has the least maple characteristic and flavor, while Grade B maple syrup has more pronounced maple flavor and characteristic. So if you want maple, go with Grade B.
The holdover was when it was being graded as a generic sweetener and a replacement for sugar.
No, there’s no noticeable difference between maple syrup harvested and manufactured in Canada vs Canada-adjacent US states.
BUT – like bourbon or honey, different grades, manufacture techniques, and serving temperatures play a big difference. 30 years ago, basic-bitch light color / weak bodied syrups where the most popular. Unfortunately, normies have figured out that darker, more complex stuff is miles better. Unfortunately, this has made it more expensive.
But both the Canadian and the US use the same harvesting, refinement, and packaging for all intents and purposes. I have friends in MN that tap and refine their syrup the same way its been done at home for hundreds of year (and described in Little House in the Big Woods). I have family in VT that runs a small refinery that buys maple sap and refines it to sell to a big distributor under some brand name or other. The distributor buys from US and CA refiners.
What is the point- Its fucking delicious. You can replace sugar in almost any recipe with a 1:1 replacement of maple syrup and usually get identical results that taste better. I use it when making bacon (what some incorrectly call streaky or belly bacon) and Canadian Bacon (which Canadians incorrectly do not call Canadian Bacon) and its phenomenal.
It also is part of our cultural heritage. At the times of the settling and founding, maple syrup was easy and cheep to produce, while sugar and molasses had to be imported and thus were expensive on the east coast and impossible to get on the frontier. (Depending on the year, states on the east coast *were* the frontier). Light syrup served the same purpose as sugar, and dark syrup serves the same for molasses. Even though early Americans often did not have baking ovens, they often *did* have what we call dutch ovens, which are cast iron cooking vessels that you can bake in. Maple syrup played a big part in that for a long time in the northern colonies / states.
It’s a gigantic pain in the ass to make. Whatever they charge is fine with me.
Yes it is. It takes 13-20 gallons of sap and a whole lot of heat to make 1 gallon of syrup. Heat it too fast and it scorches.
“I was wondering if this was parody, then I checked out a few of her other stories. Holy shit, I hope she’s not getting paid for this shit- it’s not only hilariously stupid, the writing would maybe qualify for a B in a sixth grade English class.”
I guess you guys must have mocked her sufficiently. You big meanies.
The author deleted this Medium story.
Her next story will be HOW THE ALT-RIGHT CAME AFTER ME
I get so many death threats!
I consider her move a micro-aggression towards me, she had denied me my human right to get my morning’s worth of derp.
Good news.
On Tuesday, Jessica Yaniv, a biological male who identifies as a woman, lost his legal battle to force women to give him a Brazilian wax. After multiple female estheticians refused to wax his genitals because of his male anatomy, he filed human rights complaints, claiming that they engaged in discrimination against him due to his transgender identity.
“Human rights legislation does not require a service provider to wax a type of genitals they are not trained for and have not consented to wax,” the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal ruled.
The tribunal also ruled that Yaniv “engaged in improper conduct,” “filed complaints for improper purposes,” and concluded his testimony was “disingenuous and self-serving.” Indeed, the ruling includes sections outlining the transgender provocateur’s “use of deception,” “financial motivation,” and “racial animus.”
Now apply that standard to all other services.
That was a slip there. They won’t repeat it.
Part of me wonders if he hadn’t been such a blatant ass about it if the decision would have gone the other way.
In other-words, “Liberty” was saved, only because this time the aggressor was icky.
I think that is how we got Trump. Hillary was just a bit too vile, if she had proposed the same policies but not had such obviously evil eyes she’d have won.
Just the facts, Ma’am
A career civil servant who is a West Point graduate, soldier, officer, military attache and veteran diplomat told Congress on Tuesday that President Donald Trump personally and explicitly tried to force Ukraine’s president to investigate Trump’s political opponents by withholding crucial military aid and a coveted White House meeting.
William Taylor testified that the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, Gordon Sondland, told him that “everything” Ukraine wanted depended on whether its president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, pursued an investigation. Sondland also told Taylor that Trump wanted to squeeze Zelenskiy into “a public box” by forcing him to commit openly to a probe.
And what motivates Donald Trump? He’s a haphazard developer and reality TV star who pursued the presidency as a marketing ploy and surprised even himself by winning it. He hasn’t any meaningful interest in public policy or public service, but when his candidacy and office have offered him opportunities to consolidate his power and line his wallet he has pursued them with gusto.
Why has Trump courted Russian President Vladimir Putin? It’s not simply because he has an affinity for dictators or is irrational and unpredictable (though those things are true). It’s because he’d like to make money with Putin. He tried to do that before and during the 2016 campaign when he pursued a real estate deal in Moscow, and I suspect he’ll try again more overtly whenever he leaves the White House. Putin wants to control Ukraine and its natural gas supplies, and get the U.S. to lift the economic sanctions it imposed after he invaded and occupied part of Ukraine. He and Trump are wheeling and dealing.
Why has Trump courted Turkey’s leader, Recep Tayyip Erdogan? Trump does business in Istanbul. Trump is willing to give Erdogan what he wants (domination and potential obliteration of the Kurds in northern Syria) because, I suspect, he wants to do even more robust business in Turkey whenever he leaves the White House.
Why did Trump want to convene next year’s Group of Seven summit at his resort in Doral, Florida? No, it wasn’t because he thinks it is the best place for the meeting or because he’s super proud of it. Yes, it was the money.
Money, money, money. It’s rarely more complex than that with Trump.
Public Enemy Number One must be stopped.
A career in public service ennobles and validates any and all actions on the part of anyone who opposes Trump. There can be no other explanation for career diplomats’ defiance. Hearsay must be assumed to be true.
A life-long ward of the state attacking somebody not beholden to the state. Shocking.
The transcript of the communication disagrees. Hearsay, indeed.
As was pointed out above, Schiff’s kangaroo investigation is trying to kick up enough dust to sway voters into believing there’s a fire before the election.
Money, money, money. It’s rarely more complex than that with Trump.
Apparently a lot of people have decided that “know thy enemy” is too old school. Money is not the driver for Mr. Trump. If it was, he would not have run for president, as this surely has not been beneficial to his bottom line. What drives him, and it’s so obvious it’s sad that people like this author can’t see it, is ego. He ran for president because he’s an ornery old man who despised the current crop of politicos and thought he could do better. That’s it.
notable that 9/10 of his utterances are about himself, not the good of the country or stands on principle, which is fine if you’re in kindergarten
President Donald Trump personally and explicitly tried to force Ukraine’s president to investigate Trump’s political opponents by withholding crucial military aid and a coveted White House meeting.
If so, what crime was committed? Be sure to cite to the U.S.Code section that was violated. Remember, this is supposed to be an “impeachment” investigation, so unlike purely political hearings, there has to be a crime.
Why does the site sometimes switch to a gray background? I assume it is something on my end because it happens randomly ( a lot today) when I refresh, but I have no clue what causes it and it kills my eyes. Any ideas?
I’ve been getting that a lot today as well.
From the previous times this has happened, it’s an issue on the backend side. You can try a hard refresh (Ctrl – F5 on most systems), but that’s just another way to try to force it to pull the correct theme down.
I assume it is something on my end
It’s doing the random format flipflop to me, too.
#metoo…..I was blaming my bitch work computer
Same. It’s weird looking.
#metoo All day yesterday too.
‘Mornin’ Glibbies.
Mornin Moj,
Did your twitter friend ever show up? I havn’t told a Tulpa to fuck off in a while…
No, but he registetrd. I don’t know if he has to be approved before commenting or what. My daughter mentioned she wanted to register but didn’t want to wait to comment because it was late.
So I am confused with the vague notion that registration is now required?
I’m sure someone will be along to correct me if I’m incorrect, but my understanding is that everyone needs to register in order to comment. The first comment from anyone new will be held in limbo for moderation (as well as any post with three or more links). If you want your avatar to show up, make sure to give it a rating (it apparently follows MPAA guidelines and NR is NC-17).
I know SP has been busy and stressed, and I don’t want to annoy her, so I will wait.
I also think anyone who has posted enough articles to be labeled a contributor can release comments from moderation. I know I can see how many comments are in moderation (right now I’m seeing 0).
I’ve tried to moderate comments in that queue, but I don’t think the buttons work for me.
There’s a special handshank or secret sauce required, and I certainly don’t qualify.
If you are gonna shank them why do it in the hand?
You’re not wrong.
TPTB are up to something, i’d wager.
Good Morning everyone.
Time to check on whatever I drunk posted yesterday evening. I really shouldn’t drink without adult supervision.
Dick’s CEO: Why won’t anyone listen to me and my bad ideas?
In the new telling of the story, the real reason America doesn’t have onerous gun control laws now is because Mitch the Avenger is single-handedly preventing that from happening.
That’s been the Democratic party line for months, and now one of the bigger private sector gun-grabbers — the CEO of Dick’s Sporting Goods — is getting in on the Blame Mitch party.
Lousiville Courier-Journal:
“In an Oct. 11 profile of Dick’s Sporting Goods, CEO Ed Stack told Business Insider that U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell doesn’t have the “guts” to schedule a vote on the bill that would require universal background checks for gun sales.”
Stack, you may remember, is the idiot who torched $5 million worth of inventory merely to make himself popular with the anti-gun Left. Now he wants McConnell to engage in some feel-good kabuki theater:
“Stack called out McConnell’s stance on HR 8, a bill that would require criminal background checks for all gun sales, including informal exchanges between acquaintances. HR 8 also bans firearm possession among adults aged 18-20, which is currently permitted in most states.”
This is a bill that President Trump won’t sign, and is therefore useless. No lives are going to be saved by a bill that never becomes law.
Whatever, I barely shopped at your shitty, failing store before you went full retard and I sure as hell won’t now.
Mitch McConnell doesn’t have the “guts” to schedule a vote on the bill that would require universal background checks for gun sales.
Scheduling a vote that would be politically unpopular for a cause you have no interest in is “guts”? I thought it would better be classified as “stupidity”.
HR 8 also bans firearm possession among adults aged 18-20, which is currently permitted in most states.
I don’t see how this is even remotely permissible. The Constitution gives these people the vote, thereby indicating they have the full rights of citizenship, and a blanket ban cannot in anyway be twisted not to run afoul of “shall not be infringed”.
Except bans on ownership by people under 21 have, I believe, been imposed by a few states and are still standing.
Our SCOTUS is staffed almost entirely by urbanites who are firmly in the grip of the urban elite culture. They have zero understanding of guns or gun culture. A damn weak reed, but its all we’ve got.
That’s a great point that dovetails with the thread about independence and respect for independence: how did we get here? The Bench is Jewish and Catholic, folk I never saw in the hills (not that that proves anything): why is that and where would they get any gun game?
How about we start the Sandra Day O’Connor School of Ropin’ and Shootin’ for prospective justices? She had no trouble with 2A and could take out a rabbit at distance.
Had my first practice with the IDPA club last night. I was not happy with my performance. I’ve never accidentally engaged the safety that many times before. One good note was that my accuracy was pretty good (shots are scored based on accuracy, ranging from -0 for being in the center rings, to -5 for missing the target completely. I averaged -0.33 per shot) and I had no penalties (one poor guy shot the hostage eight times over the course of the night) There was some entertainingly evil course design set up to penalize people who violated Jeff Cooper’s 4th Rule. I guess I just need to run around my living room doing reload and holster drills.
Did he get a scholarship to the police academy?
Maybe he’s Keanu
.. I think he actually is a LEO.
Have you seen this yet?
A little pricey, but I’ll be interested in seeing the compact.
a grand melding of Dan Wesson and CZ pistols
CZ owns Dan Wesson – it looks just like a tricked out CZ Shadow.
Yeah, it looks like a SAO version of my Shadow 2, though with extra barrel crowning.
A CZ-75 with a 1911 trigger? Sounds optimal. Anaaand right at the IDPA weight limit (though it probably won’t be manufactured in large enough quantities to be used in SSP).
Her next story will be HOW THE ALT-RIGHT CAME AFTER ME
“Silenced by the Neo-Nazis” a tale of harrowing danger and and the indomitable human spirit.
Background sound in redneck voice : we coming libtard we coming to get you
Stack, you may remember, is the idiot who torched $5 million worth of inventory merely to make himself popular with the anti-gun Left.
He should ban all football gear, next; so problematic. And baseball bats, because Al Capone killed a guy with one in that movie.
BUT! Coming Soon- Dick’s new line of fair trade mother-daughter organic hemp athleisure apparel for the socially aware college educated suburban soccer mom and her bisexual tween.
Only available in oversized to avoid issues with the Problematic Male Gaze!
And camping gear that encourages one to destroy pristine forests and even get eaten by a bear or mountain lion.
He should buy $5 million more in inventory and destroy all that too.
That will really show them.
UCS’s moment is almost here. Everything will be beige!
I thought the whole fun was not to buy but to carve and optionally blackface your own pumpkin.
Black Jack O’lanterns? Does the dealer hit on soft 17?
Look out behind you!
Oh really? I didn’t realize these were even inappropriate and I have several hanging from ropes in my yard.
Why would anyone think a nude photo of someone brushing someone else’s hair was sexual?
Wouldn’t she be better off saying she was in a relationship? I think it’s worse otherwise.
Agree. She should be in shit over this, but to lie about it cannot make it any better.
Nobody cares at all, actually.
Yeah, a quiet story on how a member of congress exploited power for sex.
Pfff. That’s the point of power.
+1 fat Henry Kissinger
I’ll be honest, though.
I’m a bit miffed someone would so flagrantly exploit their internship to land sex with a congresswoman.
Also, needs more sexy details.
how were the picture taken?
If the picture ain’t your property, nobody needs your consent to do anything with it. The pic belongs to whoever took it. Which is a very ineresting question. I’m betting on her cuckband.
I lost a comment trying again
pic leaking remind me of monty python blackmail (the live version with backup dancers)
Wood. Can’t we see the pics? And how did she, a freshman, already get to be Vice Chair of the powerful House Oversight Committee?
It’s because she’s white isn’t it?
I bet a Russian bot manufactured that picture
It’s a deep fake.
If I were “Country” Joe West, I think I’d welcome an accusation of being on the take. It would explain away the incompetence.
ahhh hahahahahahahaha!!!!
*takes a big breath*
Yes, Joe. It was Lo Duca’s claims that impugned your “professional fitness”.
I can’t believe I’m defending Jowl West, but LoDuca got 90% of the facts wrong. I have no problem for West playing the role of Trump to LoDuca’s Beto.
For sure. My only point was the person who has done -by far- the most damage to Joe’s reputation is Joe.
That said, DoLuca would be wise to very quickly apologize and make an retraction. Maybe even by a couple copies of Joe’s albums.
Zeldini on the leaked opening statement:
“turn to page 12. the only reference to Joe Biden except for the July 25 call transcript. …it’s not first hand from Amb Taylor, it’s not second hand from Amb Taylor, it’s not third hand from Amb Taylor… Ambassador Taylor telling that Tim Morrison told him that Sondlond told Morrison that the President told Sondlond that the President told Zelenksky… give me a break.”
I’d say there’s a sixty/ forty chance that an old man in a leather jacket declares a “libertarian moment” in response to the 9th circuit forcing nuns to pay for birth control.
“wHy wOUlD rELiGouS pEoPlE vOTe fOr TrUmp?” has never sounded more retarded
Wait, why is it OK to say “fag”?
Wasn’t there a professor who was seriously fired for using the n-word to quote someone?
Also, a Ft. Worth cop as well.
F-word teachers and police
Because if she said “f-word” people would think she meant “fuck”.
Kudos to her for putting principles above fashion
Because it won’t offend Kamala?
Hey, Rocky. Watch me pull a rabbit outta muh hat. Nuthin’ up muh sleeve…
Another type of intensive growth is to substitute common resources for rare ones. The soda can example applies here as well; cans were originally made of tin, which is rare, but manufacturers later switched to the more abundant aluminum. The most important example is the transition from fossil fuels, which are in finite supply and degrade the Earth’s climate, to abundant energy sources like the sun and wind.
The ultimate thesis of the piece is that we *can* have economic growth without Malthusian doom, but that neck-snapping swerve from “more efficient use of material in beer cans” to ” magical free energy is at hand” was a bit much.
Or even better, nuclear.
Oh my God, people still believe in “peak oil”? How is that possible?
In theory I guess it could eventually happen. In which case the fossil fuel prices would simply start going up and we’d switch to other things.
Of course, but they’ve been predicting that it was around the corner for forty years now and the energy sector would transition well before we’ve hit the peak, like in the soda can example
Also anyone who calls “pop” “soda” is a Russian bot.
I don’t make the rules
You are correct. My husband cannot be moved from “soda” to “pop” but he is from SoCal amd cannot be blamed.
“Sneakers” also grinds my gears. I was taught “gym shoes”, but I think that’s a hyper local dialect like “front room” (pronounced “frudgeroom”)
That’s not even correct either. Your second-rate reeducation is showing.
“tennis shoes”
Which I have not worn in years because I am a devotee of Birkenstocks.
You have that wrong. ‘Pop’ is a quick punch to the face.
You must be a Chinese spy!
Ok, Sergei
Your attempt at deflection will not work, Mr. Lee.
I mean all signs point to us not even being close to “peak oil”, and I remember arguing with some leftist lunatic that we were entering it around 20 years ago. He was a huge Chavez fan. Jesus, I am just now remembering that. Also, he kept insisting to me that George W. Bush would be tried for war crimes and I won a bet again him about it.
I wasn’t even a libertarian then. Or even that political. Just not nuts.
I should look that guy up.
No. I shouldn’t.
Btw, I’m always reminded of this bet:
The guy who negotiated the bet for Ehrlichman was a science adviser under Obama.
Of course, to be an efficient master of the universe, the author will need to learn to weigh total costs. I’m guessing that smelting and forming aluminum takes at least twice as much energy as plating steel with tin.
How about some Tulsi Gabbard love?
I haven’t seen this make the rounds yet.
Tulsi tearing into HRC again.
Tom Woods had a good podcast defending her.
Tom Woods- racist Russian segregationist. Confirmed
Dafuq tjat she’s getting so much leftie hate. Do they love Grandma Muumuu that much?
They all think gam gam actually would have won if it wasn’t for Facebook memes and us finding out about how corrupt the nomination process was
I rarely get into FB squabbles about politics. HOWEVER, someone took offense when I said I voted third party.
“Why didn’t you vote for Hillary? She’s better than Trump.”
“I find them equally evil.”
Then she went on a FB vaguebooking rant about how Hillary is NOT evil, but Donald Trump is, and anybody who thinks they are equally evil is evil. Blah blah blah. Natch, she did not tag me in this rant. I just happened to see it.
Whatever lets you sleep at night, honey.
She should run third party with Mystical Marianne.
Nah, Gabbard/McAfee.
“Hot and Crazy”.
I like that idea.
A CZ-75 with a 1911 trigger? Sounds optimal. Anaaand right at the IDPA weight limit (though it probably won’t be manufactured in large enough quantities to be used in SSP).
One of the first things I noticed was the giant mag release. Definitely a plus in competition.
Yeah, and right after I made that reply I remembered that SAOs can’t be used in SSP.