In a previous article I looked at how the polls for the Democratic nominee for President compared to the bookmakers’ odds. This is an update to see how things have changed in the last two and a half months.
A snapshot taken of the polls and odds on three dates presents a good summary of what has happened: (i) August 15, when Elizabeth Warren’s odds first passed Joe Biden’s, (ii) October 13, when Warren’s odds peaked, and (iii) November 20, the most recent data when this article was written. This time all data are taken from averages compiled by
First, the poll numbers, in % (values below 2.0 are not shown):
Next, the odds, in % (anyone who has never been above about 5% not shown):
We see that the poll numbers are much more stable, especially for Biden and Sanders. Warren had a small rise, mostly at the expense of Harris, only to give it back as Buttigieg gained ground and Bloomberg entered the race.
The odds are much more volatile: Warren had a huge surge, taking favor from the next four contenders. Clinton (Hillary, that is) and Yang were the only others to gain traction in October. Of course, Clinton is not in the polls data since she has not declared and therefore (I assume) the pollsters don’t include her in the choices, although I wonder if some people chose her and those votes were discarded or called Undecided.
Since her peak, Warren gave it all back as Biden and Sanders recovered and Buttigieg surged into third place. Harris’s support wilted even further to the point where the bettors seem to consider her a nonfactor. Bloomberg actually reached 8.9% right after declaring, but dropped back some since then.
It will be interesting to see how the numbers change between now and the Iowa caucuses. According to, the polls for Iowa now have Buttigieg in the lead (23.5%), with Warren (17.8%), Sanders (17.0%), and Biden (17.0%) in a virtual three-way tie for second. Klobuchar (5.3%), Harris (3.3%), Yang (2.8%), and Steyer (2.5) are next. Steyer has been saturating Iowa (and therefore me) with ads claiming that the U.S. government has been bought by corporations; his national numbers are about half of his Iowa numbers. I for one will be glad when the Iowa caucuses are over.
There is much more detail at, if you want the complete picture (they have really nice graphs over time). I leave further analysis and conspiracy theories to the Glibertariat.
What are the bettors saying about Trump 2020?
*Puts on red hat*
I’m rhetorically wearing mine .
I already have my Trump 2020 shirt. It was a gift from my mom. ?
My wife has an Adorable Deplorable t-shirt.
That is adorable
I like that one,
Early, often, it’s easy
I’m going to shill until we reach our goal, or TPTB tell me to stop.
The response has been overwhelming, and it will be used for a home,
And if anyone wants more info, just ask…
Yesterday I saw a
“I (heart) Trump” bumper sticker, bright, clean and shiny
Someone didn’t get the word
I still see Obama ’08 stickers. I don’t get 1) why people put stickers on the paint on their cars and 2) why they don’t remove them after the election.
’08? Back when he was opposed to gay marriage? You should confront them about their homophobia.
There’s still plenty of ‘BETO FOR SENATE’ stickers in the bluer parts of TX.
It’s a lock.
What book did you read the other day when you asked for suggestions?
I ordered three books at lunch to be picked up a Barnes and Noble. Unlike pretty much every business that actually wants your business, they don’t bother to pull the books until the end of the night. So I didn’t get them until Sunday. I ordered: The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins; The Terror by Dan Simmons; Great North Road by Peter F. Hamilton. I just started The Library at Mount Char. 20 pages in and I am hooked.
I did pick up Twisted Prey by John Sanford and read that while my wife was having minor outpatient surgery. Always engaging and a very fast read.
Nice article, whiz. I like the avatar, too. Nice.
No clue how this got here.
Skills my man. Skills.
Thanks for the notice — you’re the first to comment on the avatar!
I’ve enjoyed a couple of his trilogies. Let us know how this one is.
I don’t think B&N had any of the recommended titles in stock in the store. But I did get three of the recommended authors.
I will post notes when I finish each book.
Thanks to everyone that provided recommendations.
Huh, I didn’t like The Library at Mount Chat.
See below. They all beat bad orange man. Even the ones polling at less than 2%. Even the ones who aren’t running. Even the ones who … I mean all of them.
And they all beat Trump? Shirley, you’re joking
Dude, are you kidding? We’re having a national nightmare! Orange bad man is bad! Now, get woke and vote for some free stuff, like healthcare, and stuff!
Free Kites? Free hat?
Yeah, nobody I know is voting for him!
Bovada has him at +130.
Followed by:
Biden: +600
Buttgag: +650
Warren: +700
Sanders: +900
Does that mean you get back $130 on a $100 bet?
I’d return your Nazi gang sign but I don’t have your mad skills.
But I see you did manage to bring your white supremacist devil cult avatar.
I am thankful for SP. She’s the wizard who makes it all happen.
So, how many virgin goats did you have to sacrifice for that?
Sacrifice? Is that what I’m supposed to do with them?
FYI; if you’re using Windows 10, just hit [Windows key] + [.] to get an avatar palate.
Cool thanks. I have Win 10 on my computer but I post 99.9% from my phone. Guess I could try a symbol. ???
I guess so:)
That doesn’t work if you hit the period on your numeric keypad, just saying…
I don’t see how he loses in 2020, but then again I didn’t think he would win the primary at this time in 2015 so wtf do I know.
Incumbent presidents don’t lose, unless — you are Jimmy Carter presiding over an economy that has crashed and burned and an spectacular military failure in Iran; or a lackluster George Bush (i.e. Reagan term 3) and a quixotic billionaire steals more of your votes that your opponents.
The economy is doing well. The world is not on fire. Minorities hate Trump less that the average Republican. Trump won’t lose.
Well I sure as hell don’t want a commie.
But the good news is that all of them will beat orange bad man. The polls prove it, right? I mean, our national nightmare has to end soon.
That’s the funny thing about this. I read these poll results and no one, left or right, bothers to mention how the polls failed in 2016. They are still treated like a reliable predictor.
I don’t like Trump but I’ll take him over any current Democrat in the race. I’m not nearly as confident as some fellow glibs that he is going to win. Of course, my ability to pick a political winner is for shit so factor that in.
Trump is at least entertaining and he is the most conservative president of my lifetime. He does things that cons so-called say they believe, even if not to the degree necessary. Flaws aside, he is better than any alternative and a step in the right (heh..) direction. I am hoping he wins, doesn’t fuck up in some major way and that Rand Paul remains in his ear and favor.
Trump is performing pretty much as I expected – flailing about randomly, doing some things I like, some things I don’t, and some stuff I don’t care about.
The entire Democrat field, much like Hillary before them, seems committed to doing everything bad, and even in areas where Trump does bad stuff, they’re determined to be worse.
Yeah, Trump is doing mostly what I expected, Bill Clinton 2.1 Beta; which is too far left for me, AMERICA FUCK YEAH! for Republicans because they moved so far left and NAZI RACIST HOMOPHOBE PIECE OF SHIT RUSHUN PLANT for the Dems, because crazy is a way of life.
“Yeah, Trump is doing mostly what I expected, Bill Clinton 2.1”
Really? Remind me of one thing Trump had done compared to signing the unconstitutional Brady Act. I just want to hear it. I’m waiting. I’m not even saying he wouldn’t have done it, but what has bad orange man done?
The Clinonistas even managed to put testosterone on the scheduled drug list. Really? Name me one thing that Trump has done that is that unconstitutional, just one thing? I’m waiting?
Really man? I mean I’m not accusing Trump of anything more than the last 20 or so Presidents have done. What’s unconstitutional? A whole damn lot of it. Drug war, war on terror, most executive actions…
As to what I base the comparison to Clinton on; It’s the economy stupid! But we like Unions! Oh, and lets make ‘Free Trade’, which isn’t. Easy money policies Cont’d from the last 40 yrs, and that’s just the policy things. In the 60s JFK was a Democrat, today he’d be cast as Alt-Right, in the 90s Clinton was a Democrat, today he’d be a Trump Republican, it’s all about that shifting window.
To be fair, none of that is going to change without the American people demanding it.
Banning bump stocks by EO, by redefining what a machine gun is.
Looks like Harris and Buttigieg swapped.
So gay is the new black?
Let’s look at that top chart for a moment. The top 3 are all the oldest and whitest. Them dems, they so woke.
“Democrats 2016: Trump is an old, white, out-of-touch billionaire and therefore unqualified to be the president of the United States.
Democrats 2020: Michael Bloomberg is the answer to Trump.”
The answer to Trump’s boorishness was to strap vagina hats to their heads and parade around DC.
A strap-on was found at the scene?
I would think that Lieawatha was somehow involved in a three way.
Maybe she just claims to be 1/3 butch….
Isn’t that the women in prison show on netflix?
And they all lose to Trump, and thanks for the great response,
I am in.
Huzzah! Sir!
“Warren gave it all back”
Not just 1/1024 of it?
Some people are more 1/1024th than others…
She’s doing important work on things that are high priorities for most Americans.
Sad how she forgot climate change is going to kill us all in a few years. I guess the injuns just don’t care.
This is more proof she has a plan for everything.
Thanks for the article whiz. I’ve heard a lot of people prefer the betting odds to polls for predictions, where do you stand, especially given the high volatility of the odds?
Polls tell you what people say they will do. Odds tell you what bettors think other people will do. I’m not convinced that there is a lot you can tell about which of the leaders will win at this point.
Disagree or not, I have been saying this for a long time and I still believe it. These presidential polls are shit, because they are heavily oversampling democrats for one thing, that’s already been proven. The other thing is, people who might vote for Trump are highly distrustful of polls because they associate pollsters with the media, who they mostly hate. I think the open hostility of the media towards anyone leaning right and the willingness of leftists to attack people in public for wearing MAGA hats and other shit like that, is making polls irrelevant. Also, I’m sure there are a lot of people who are going to vote for Trump, who will not admit it because all of their friends, family, co-workers, etc, will turn hostile towards them. I have honestly never seen anything like the current political climate before.
Weren’t the polls about dead on for the last election in 2018?
I know trump wasnt on the ballot but all the factories you listed were still in effect.
Yes, but you just named the main factor in that ‘trump wasnt on the ballot’. I doubt that people were attacking people in restaurants who had a hat supporting some member of Congress none of them had ever heard of.
No, but wouldn’t those same folks still not want to admit to supporting an icky republican? if they believe they’re enemies of the press and pollsters? Why suddenly tell the truth/respond to the poll?
The polls are screwed up for a much simpler reason. They do phone polls. Either random digit dialing, or they associate numbers with people on the voter rolls. When was the last time you answered a call on your cell phone from some random number outside your area code?
To be clear, the polls aren’t uniformly biased, but there are large swaths of people who aren’t represented in the polls because they won’t pick up and take a poll. Do those unrepresented peiple skew a certain direction? Unknown. Does demographic modeling and adjustment account for those people? Clearly not.
Public opinion polling is like the weather, you work off a bunch of assumptions, and hope that it doesn’t bite you in the ass. It bit them in the ass in 2016, and not so much in 2018.
Let’s not forget the 2000 exit polling.
Never. And if I did answer and thought they were media, I’d tell then the same thing I did when WaPo called me, Fuck the piss off!
My cell phone sends all calls from numbers not in my contacts straight to voicemail.
Sorry I’m late, I just got back from the hospital (my wife had an intestinal flu or something like it and was vomiting and dehydrated). She seems to be OK now.
In many areas the odds are a very good predictor; someone willing to put up money often takes the time to really understand what’ going on. But, just like the stock market, they can overreact.
I hope your wife feels Berger soon.
Better. Jesus phone.
She might have a hankering for a burger.
Jesus phone? Is that like an Obama phone?
Yeah, but you get speed dial to the bigger light bringer.
You’re very noncommittal. Too bad about your wife, glad she’s doing better.
I wasn’t following the odds in 2016, so I don’t have a good feel for how accurate they are on political matters.
Thanks for the thoughts. She’s much better and eating bland food without problems. It may put a damper on our Thanksgiving plans (which were not too exciting, as all our relatives are far away).
“BREAKING: Trump has signed legislation passed by Congress that backs pro-democracy supporters in Hong Kong, according to a White House statement
MORE: This is the statement released by the White House, which says the U.S will reaffirm the U.S.-Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992, and review the city’s trading status annually.
China has threatened to impose unspecified retaliation if the bill becomes law”
I’m more interested in who voted against it.
I can’t find an article where a journalist bothered to contact Massie and ask him why he voted no.
Seems to be a number. Video here
I haven’t watched it but another said he supports 90% of the bill but didn’t support sanctions against any country. And that he was blocking sales of crowd control equipment to HK police.
I was looking for articles, not videos. *sniff*
So, the bill condemning the ChiComs also sells them crowd control equipment? /confused
I think it’s a separate bill/supporting administrative action by the Executive.
“China has threatened to impose unspecified retaliation if the bill becomes law”
What are they going to do?
Go pee-pee in our coke.
Your avatar’s “response” is just creepy.
? It’s just like you gotta try it.
Make our fake iPhones no worky?
Shut down Tik-Tok
If I were President, I’d think of making a stop in Taiwan, the other of the two Chinas.
“unspecified retaliation”
Nice band name.
My dilemma:
I’m in California which will definitely vote blue in 2020.
I am currently registered here as Republican. If I switch to “nonpartisan” voter I can vote in Libertarian primary, or some other minor one here.
But part of me wants to stay registered Republican just to make the point that CA didn’t go completely Blue/Commie
“I’m in California which will definitely vote blue in 2020”
NO!? Really, you’re just messing with us, right?
Sounds like fake news to me. *eyeroll*
Is that a question as well? Because, my last statement was a question.
That last one, and, this one, are declarative.
Who are you making the point to?
My dilemma… all the quickbreads I went with have flopped today. Biscuits didn’t rise, popovers didn’t pop. The flavors are alright, but the appearance makes me a sad panda. Years past I did yeast rolls and pretzel rolls. I went quickbreads this year specifically to not have to deal with yeast, and I don’t really have time left to do any yeast breads (with the exception of a quick focaccia, but I’m really not in the mood to deal with that tonight).
I don’t bake. But my wife just started experimenting with pizza crust. First time, it was pretty bad, although I told her it was good. The next time, she got it a little better. I told her that I had never done it. I remember the Chef Boyardee pizza kits we always used to make when I was growing up. Now, I just buy the crusts from Fresh Market if I want to make a pizza. No doubt wifey will have it down to an art in couple of more tries.
I bake and cook, I have no idea why the majority of the biscuits didn’t rise. The last ones that I shoved together did puff, but none of the ones I did “correctly”. For the popovers, I’ve think it was a volume of batter issue. The pan I have has six deep wells, most recipes have ingredient lists for a different volume. Those I’ve got another batch of batter getting ready to be baked up (they cook quick, and will just be more breakfast snack instead of bread if they fail the same way).
We both cook, but she really puts me to shame. Her mother’s side of the family are from Sicily and the girls learn to cook pretty much as soon as they can walk. I still make some pretty good stuff though, especially soups, which she also does better.
I like biscuits and gravy a lot, which is really foreign to my wife. So I’m thinking of learning how to make biscuits from scratch. she is really killer at fried potatoes though.
Here’s the recipe I generally use. For this batch I swapped out the lard for bacon fat, and layered in bacon and smoked cheddar. The bacon fat is the only reason I could think of for the lack of rising (except the last three parts which weren’t cut rose).
We are hardcore cooks and baker’s. I love biscuits and gravy – purchase Great Value Biscuits. You won’t be sorry.
Are those frozen or mix or ?
I have an excellent biscuit recipe that I got from an Uber driver in North Carolina (so I call them Uber biscuits). But, it does require a specific, self rising flour.
My pizzas rocked tonight.
Whatever makes you feel the best. Do that.
And if that doesn’t work, drink a lot of beer and try again later.
^ this ^
Keeping in mind that “California Republican” usually gets an eye roll from “Fly-Over” Republicans.
Then there are east coast republicans. They are funny critters. They’re exactly like a democrat except for saying they’re playing for another team.
Sort of like a West Virginia “Democrat“?
I live in California and pretty much everything I’ve ever voted for has lost and against has won. I still go, but it really feels like a waste of time.
I voted for Larry Hogan, for some reason, I guess because he’s not officially a democrat. And I also got a win on a couple of ballot votes that flopped for the local cronycrats. Other than that, I don’t even bother.
Same here blackjack. But I still vote because it’s as close as I’ll come to poking them in the eye with a sharp stick.
You have to be in a party to vote in primaries here. I tried to change my registration online from Independent to LP for partly that reason but when the card came back in the mail I was still Independent. It was around that time I decided why bother voting again. Well done, State!
Here too. I registered as a Libertarian here and now they can’t vote in a primary because they no longer qualify as an official party. I’m now registered as independent. Doesn’t matter, I’m voting for bad orange man in 2020.
I changed mine to independent so I could specifically vote against lesser-of-two-evil commie shitweasel Democrats since that’s all the choice we’re given in this hellstate.
We here in Packerland have open primaries and I’ve never registered with a party. I find that not being the case everywhere as odd as not being able to buy alcohol on a Sunday.
I guess some people just
want to control the ever-loving shit out of everyone elsehave principles…Hey, we got Sunday liquor sales a few years ago – we’re making progress.
No need to do that. California has the most completely fucked up open primary system around.
When you get your primary ballot, you’ll see every person from every party running for each office. Vote for whoever you want. The top two vote-getters will be on the main ballot in November.
You’re in Northern San Diego County, right? So you might be lucky enough to see some Republicans on the November ballot. For statewide offices, though, you’ll have your choice of two Democrats.
Man, even NY isn’t that blatantly one-party yet. Probably only a matter of time, though.
I’m going to go off topic, cause I’m quite drunk. But since Sloopy pointed out that today is Jimi Hendrix’s birthday- have a cover from a teen.
Here’s his brother in law.
He used to headline the Simi Blues Festival (back when they had blues acts..) anyway, he would stroll through the crowd with wireless on his guitar. Once he saw my kid dancing and high fived him. He asked me how old is he, maybe 6? I told him, no, he’s 4 and he said “damn, that kid’s tall!” I told my kid ” Guitar Shorty just called you tall!” Good times.
The sidebar took me here-
Freddy’s one of my favorites. I like this one a lot.
Lets round out the three kings. and of course!
I’ve heard the rats tell the bedbugs to give the roaches some…
Isn’t it sacrilegious to play Hey Joe on a Les Paul instead of a Strat?
“cause I’m quite drunk”
That’s never happened around here before. We are shocked, shocked I tell you!
I’m flat out disgusted. Disgusted, I say.
Nice article, whiz. I like the avatar, too. Nice.
For those in the South of Ohio. Never Forget. Never Forget…
I freakin’ died when I saw that episode.
One of the greatest or the greatest show in tv history?
I’d have to go with one of. You’ve got The Germans from Fawlty Towers, The Work Outing from the IT Crowd, The Blackout from Black Books, Lincoln Lover from American Dad!, Hell Is Other Robots from Futurama, The Chinese Restaurant from Seinfeld, and Racial Sensitivity from Better Off Ted.
Then I’m sure some people will complain about my selections of best episodes and shows, and provide their own list… and so on, and so on.
Thanks, I’m really looking forward to that.
I meant the show, not that specific episode.
WKRP doesn’t even crack my top 20. Top five are probably (off the top of my head, in no particular order):
Arrested Development
Better Off Ted
The IT Crowd
American Dad!
Babylon 5
Neph, you’re in your early-mid 40’s right? Or am I remembering wrong?
Still early 40’s. But I do own the full original Twilight Zone, Outer Limits, Ray Bradbury Theater, and Tales From the Crypt. Top five are ones that I can throw on without thinking and be entertained at any time.
I’m just surprised how “new” your choices are given your age. No judgement whatsoever on their merit. There’s no accounting for taste, and all that.
While culture in general may be moving towards cancelling everything. I think enough comedy is pushing back against that. I mean most of those in the list are about 10-15 years old. What would your top five be?
That’s a good question. I likely don’t watch enough television to make a truly informed list.
With no sort of ranking, some of my favorites that come to mind:
Law and Order (the original) (Especially the Logan & Briscoe seasons)
NCIS (First 10-ish years)
The Twilight Zone (the original)
Rockford Files
Simon and Simon
Father Brown
Family Guy (first 5-ish years)
+ Columbo
Sensing a theme here?
If you like Elementary, I highly recommend (the better IMNSHO) Sherlock.
And with the Family Guy on the list , give American Dad! a shot.
The only reason I didn’t put Sherlock on there is because I don’t know if it counts as a “TV show” to me it’s more like a movie trilogy released every few years.
If that counts as a “TV show” it’s my #1 without a doubt. I actually like a lot of British detective shows. Endeavor and Inspector Morse are two more that come to mind.
New Father Brown or 70’s Father Brown.
I’ve seen plenty of American Dad! It’s OK.
I guess I was already tiring of MacFarlane’s pompous liberal shtick by the time Dad started and just didn’t care to play anymore.
@Gustave: New. How does it rate to the 70’s (which I didn’t know existed)
The IT Crowd is another Brit show, which only has a couple episodes per season.
70’s one is on Amazon (or maybe it’s BritBox) in classic Beeb heavy lighting shadows, cheesy sets, and good acting. I can’t stand the new one.
In my defense re: new Father Brown, I can admit that I willingly (usually unconsciously) look past defects in shows as long as they give me my “fix”; which is a dead body (or bodies) and a hunt to see who made the body(ies) dead.
I have never seen any of those.
B5 is probably the best plotted sci-fi show ever done (there’s watch guides for the first season, as there’s some non-essential episodes in that run)
The IT Crowd is probably the most accessible, if you have enough knowledge about 90’s geek culture and British humor.
American Dad! is about the only one I’d suggest skipping the first season entirely. They didn’t really find their voice until the second season (in my opinion).
Arrested Development is an amazingly tightly plotted and joking comedy.
Better Off Ted is a show that should have run for at least five more seasons. Look up the Racial Sensitivity episode I mentioned above. If that doesn’t make you laugh, ignore all humor recommendations from me.
You haven’t lived until you’ve seen Babylon 5.
None of those have Bailey Quarters.
Jan Smithers turned 70 this year.
B5 has Claudia Christian, Better Off Ted and Arrested Development have Portia de Rossi (one of the few women I weep is a lesbian with terrible taste).
I went looking for a Jan Smithers pic and found this instead. Uffda.
I’ll be in my bunk.
Greatest is 1980s “Pyramid”.
You ruined it!
/runs away crying
And while it’s not turkeys, we got pickles.
/tries to lob Tres a can of beer
/hit with a growler- presents at ER with lacerations and 0.32 BAC
Damn… that’s impressive.
I have more growlers then I will ever need. Especially now that crowlers are a thing.
pfft….0.32 isnt even my personal best
Apple just put up their 95 reasons on iTunes.
-32 bits
Picked up my grocery store catering order for Tryptophan Day.
Semi-fail already. If it were just me, Mr. Mojeaux, and the kids, it’d be better than we’d do otherwise, seeing as how we’re not terribly cheery this year.
But it’s with my mom and her sisters, one of whom threw a childish tantrum over her, my mom, and their other sister not doing the whole shindig again. Except my mom just had cardiac ablation and my other aunt is emphatically DON’T WANNA DO IT EVER AGAIN. My mom might be quietly disappointed. Aunt Millie will be DON’T CARE DIDN’T HAVE TO DO IT YAY!!! and Aunt Susie’s gonna throw another childish tantrum and I’m finally gonna snap and tell her to quit torturing my mother to fulfill Susie’s childish wants.
Long story. TL;DR, should have gone to the store to order instead of online because there are more options on their in-store order form than online. Their deli manager was shocked. Anyway, I have to go back tomorrow and get dressing. And more spuds. And more gravy. Heaven help me if I have to break out the StoveTop.
Can I invite Bob?
StoveTop is teh tits. No shame in that game.
+1 Chapelle.
Rhywun just endorsed Pepperidge Farm’s mix. I can cut up some celery and onions.
So upgraded from Stove Top to Pepperidge Farm and downgraded from homemade pie crusts to freezer pie crusts.
I like the cornbread version. I add add celery, onions, mushrooms, white wine, bird broth, sage and cayenne.
I’ve got that one from Mrs Cuthbertsons or whatever her name is.
You go girl!
Sorry to hear that Mojeaux. If it’ll make you feel better, I’ll probably have left over cookies that I can send you (lemon pepper, ginger snaps, and dark chocolate steel cut oatmeal).
I’ve only got one sister, so the family drama is pretty small.
Thanksgiving is just Dad and I since everybody else is at least 1000 miles away (FL, MN, and TX).
See my comment below. Our closest family are more than 500 miles away, IN and OH, rest are MT, FL, Germany, and Brazil.
My kids and their families live in Germany. I live on Oahu. The NFL and the beach are on my schedule until it is time to meet with some friends I sail with. My contribution is the Aged Nog.
I have 3 quarts in my upstairs fridge. I don’t think I’ll be able to wait the required two weeks. I tasted as it was done, and man, that’s great stuff.
Thanks again for sharing the recipe.
This is the first year that I didn’t make you nog at Thanksgiving time. It just never gets completely drank. Not enough eggnog fans in the family. I guess I could make a half batch…
One problem is that there really isn’t enough of the basic trimmings, so there’s that. Had to select trimmings I didn’t want instead of extras of the trimmings I do want. I am making the green beans. There will be plenty of those. And I’m making 2 pumpkin pies and a pecan pie.
Now, pumpkin pie is a no-brainer for me IF I’m using freezer crusts. But I was going to actually make pie crusts for these pies since I’m already feeding my mother deli food. Now I don’t know if I’ll have time, if I decide I need to make a whole bunch of extra trimmings.
There’s always Chinese take out.
You’ll shoot your eye out.
+1 fa ra ra ra ra, ra ra, ra, ra
Damn you, I was going to say that! / lacist
This year my sister said she wanted to make mashed potatoes. This has made me nervous (I already followed up and made sure she was still doing this), since she lives close to an hour away. She hasn’t asked for oven space yet (but my family doesn’t quite understand the reasons to do that). While the turkey is resting tomorrow (and I’m making gravy), the stuffing, bacon mac and cheese, maple sweet potatoes, and spicy bourbon sweet potatoes will be baking in the oven (and my mom’s roasted veggies).
Mojeaux, you’ve got a lot going on, and the fact you’re still hosting is commendable. Don’t forget that.
“Picked up my grocery store catering order for Tryptophan Day.”
So old school. She hasn’t heard about THC gravy yet. OK, boomer.
If you vote for me for Supreme Overlord, I guarantee drone delivery in less than 1 hour, right to your front door.
I can’t. I’m already Her Royal Highness Queen The Worst. Ain’t nobody my supreme overlord.
I could make you Worst Czar?
Nicholas II already has that title.
Czar Czar Binks is the worst Czar.
Or maybe Czar Czar Gabor.
I picked up apples today to make an apple crisp since I didn’t see any dessert in the fridge. Apparently Dad has a bunch of dessert stuff out in the three-season room since it’s not getting above 50 degrees without the heat on
My husband’s favorite is Dutch apple. I told my mom I’d make it for him, but she insisted. Whattaya gonna do? I just think it’s awesome my mom loves my husband that much.
My wife used to joke that if we got divorced, my in-laws would adopt me and pretend she didn’t exist. I think that might have been true.
Eh, my husband talks to my mom more than I do.
I hope that’s a good thing. Seriously. I have not spoken to my in-laws in 9 years. There was an incident with my son during a summer visit. I wasn’t there…fortunately.
Oh, yes! It’s a great thing. My husband needs so much to have a family that loves him and my mother is happy I made at least one wise decision in my life.
I just cooked up a big bag of Pepperidge Farm for the first time, with fresh celery and onions and chicken stock as mentioned on the package. Hot dang that’s tasty. Sorry, StoveTop.
I just looked that up. I’mma do that. Thank you!
“Heaven help me if I have to break out the StoveTop.”
G’damit, I want some stuffing! My wife asked me earlier how to make that, and I said ‘how should I know, I never made it! I don’t even know what’s in it!’. We bought a lot of food. I’m going to make some fresh salsa, and not sure what she’s going to make. Doesn’t matter much, I think we’re going to go down to the burger pub joint and drink beer all day.
And about the family drama. Don’t let it bother you. I get it, just be above it, not much else you can do. Sometimes I thank God my wife and I are empty nesters and our nearest family are almost 1000 miles from here.
Stuffing is easy. Just tell her it’s savory bread pudding that doesn’t use custard.
Just start the dinner by tossing a plate of mashed potatoes at the wall for absolutely no reason. It sets the tone that civility will be required.
I like the way you think.
Am I the only one here who is looking forward to cooking for my family tomorrow? Y’all sound like you are facing a firing squad at dawn.
I like eating. Cooking is a means to an end.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I can cook very well, but I don’t like to. Eating is a chore and food is the enemy, never mind having to cook it.
Also, holiday food I have always looked forward to has lost its ability to give me a nostalgia fix. You can’t go home again.
I don’t mind the cooking, but I’m going to be on the hook until the girlfriend’s grandmother dies (or I break up with her). The first year I hosted, the grandmother (in her 90’s) said it was the most beautiful turkey ever. The real fun came last year, when she provided a (honest to gods) newspaper cut out on how to carve a turkey, since my turkey carving skills were “lacking”.
That was the first year I carved a turkey.
I’m cooking for friends tomorrow, but yes. From scratch green bean casserole. I’ve done the cream of mushroom before, but the fried onions will be the first time. I’m nervous and excited because I don’t have a ton of time.
You’re making your own cream of mushroom soup and frying your own onions??? Is that even allowed?
No. No one in charge can even know how much sodium is in that!
It’s not about the Sodium! It’s about the Sodium-Pentathol they lace it wi…
I always do the green bean casserole for Thanksgiving because it’s so freakin’ easy! It’s also one of the only ways I can tolerate green beans.
The other way is stirred into mac & cheese with a couple of cans of tuna. And in both cases, it’s gotta be French cut or GTFO.
My mom always used the big flat ones with like the little lima beans inside. Gross.
/hides the bacon mac and cheese and the bacon cheese biscuits (that didn’t raise enough the lazy cunts).
/offers up the smoky and spicy sweet potatoes.
/pushes the bottle of bourbon aside.
Rhy: Gross, indeed.
Neph: Bacon mac & cheese vs. S&S sweet potatoes – Why not both?? #carbbinge
I don’t know that I’ve ever knowingly had bourbon. Whiskey, yes – in 7&7s back in the day – but not bourbon.
I am NOT coming to Kansas City tomorrow.
Oh, good. Then I won’t disappoint you.
Just sayin, if there is soneone you wanna put your limited political activism behind, at least he is right on everything.
And nekked dancing fat guys, Welds, and GayJays will win again and lose again. Guy should just run as a Republican and forget about it. LP philosophy is right, but the LP party is not a serious thing. Herding cats, all that.
I had enough after Johnson/Weld. Changed to NPA, like a growing number of Orlandoians.
“Changed to NPA”
Same here.
Hornberger is not the naked fat guy.
Hes a buttoned up guy who explains libertarian philosophy clearly.
I couldnt ask for more.
He’s at least good enough on even his worst issue (not an ancap ;)) . And Sarwark hates him, so he’s got that going for him.
This election is an odd one to put it mildly. With the media, universities and mega corporations being mainly on team blue’s side and the senate and white house being in team red’s hands. IOW power in both hands allow both sides to point at the oppressive nature of the other side. Then you have the left’s base insist that none of the candidates have any overlap with the right which is driving the whole party more left. Probably won’t work, but, really, who knows? If we could push, say, team red to become much more libertarian than the bulk of Americans, would that be a good thing given it would likely mean they would lose in a landslide?
Well, thankfully that will never happen.
I can look at my belly button as long as I want.
Republicans are actually becoming more libertarian, slowly, but surely. While the left are very rapidly becoming more illiberal and totalitarian. But that’s just my observation.
I suppose if one object is moving away from you, the stationary object in front of you can appear to be moving towards you.
Well, you have a point. Like I said, one is moving at a snail’s while the other is flying off the tracks.
I always get red-shift blue-shift confused.
I do not believe that for one second.
They’re just as authoritarian and pearl-clutchy as the left, but with different things.
Awwww, you DO love me!
He didn’t say Fuck off, Tulpa. Geez, get the protocol down already, Moj.
HM expresses his love in various ways. I am comfortable allowing him to express it any way he chooses.
As long as it doesn’t involve touching.
A pimp’s love is different from a square’s.
You’re the Wurst.
Rhy has it spot-on, but, I’ll say you couldn’t possibly overstate that premise.
“They’re just as authoritarian and pearl-clutchy as the left, but with different things.”
Would have been true just a few short years ago.
Exhibit A on state slurping nature of team red. Screw you. I say let’s boo all of them.
There are 3 Republican parties. The Neo Cons, who are pure Imperialists and completely fine with every leftist social program as long as they get their empire. The Christian Right, who know they are getting screwed over but don’t have anywhere else to go, and hope that The Court will eventually give them a win on Roe if enough ‘Conservative” justices get appointed. And the old school business crony types. Then there are Massie and I would still say Paul (who IMHO is taking a less ineffective approach to shifting the needle toward liberty than most do, by buttering up Trump) Massie is great, but since no one ever prints a word about the principled reasons for his protest votes, he is also not accomplishing all that much except as a symbol.
Forgive me in advance. I’m tired…and drunk.
There is only one party. There are the statists (swamp, cabal, ptb, etc.) and those of us that want to be be left the fuck alone. We don’t have a party. Well we can have one in my basement, if you want, but politically there’s nothing for us.
Didn’t some guy named Twain write something about the two types of people years ago?
You can divide the world along single concepts in an infinite number of ways, that one may be satisfying on some level, but it is kind of useless. Almost everyone is ‘leave me alone’ on their personal desires and “Should be a law” on their personal dislikes. Hence libertarians being disliked by almost everyone despite not wanting to do anything to any of them. People see stopping them from oppressing the ‘bad guys’ as the same thing as oppressing the ‘good guys’.
I see you’re smoking the good shit tonight.
The Nu-GOP has sought to exorcise even the thin gilding of what Ronald Reagan once called the “heart and soul of conservatism”. Free market principles and fiscal responsibility have proven too troublesome for Trump’s promises to his base, thus, we have always been at war with Eastasia, don’t you know? Indeed, of the three quasi-libertarians in Congress, only Massie has yet to fall. Paul has gleefully become Trump’s catamite and Amash has been driven stark raving mad. What hope does an actual, honest-to-goodness libertarian have in these times? The fusionist experiment is done. Mommy and Daddy don’t love each other anymore. And eventually ‘libertarian conservatives,’ or worse, ‘conservative libertarians’ are going to have to pick a side.
I’ve put all my eggs in the apathy basket. I guess that’s a side or whatever.
That’s the Glib side in the upcoming prison riot.
Seriously. That not a soul in the party is even mentioning the deficit, which used to be the main talking point, is a damning omission.
I don’t think Trump is at all libertarian. But he is at war with the most anti libertarian wing of the Republican party, the neo cons, and at war with the Democrats. I’m not especially hopeful. I think people who are euphoric about him, and people who are enraged about him from the libertarian side are equally deranged. This best we can hope for is that the war between Trump’s populist hate of globalism, the Imperial Neo Cons, and the Trans National Progressives beats back the latter without giving a full victory to the former.
“I don’t think Trump is at all libertarian.”
He isn’t, and I don’t think anyone is arguing that he is. Like I said, the best sometimes accidentally libertarian president ever.
I think Trump is at best a minor speed-bump in the road to serfdom.
The only good thing long-term is the judge appointments. The Dems will take total control sooner or later and who knows how much damage they will do. (Ordinarily I would not be too worried about that but I have never seen them as out for blood in my life.)
I think the Court only lasts as a brake on this until the Dems get 60 in the Senate, the White House and the House. I think if they get that they will pack the court, and it is all over. I mean literally all over, no guns, no dissent, economy in taters, probably some sort of Civil War, ending with someone’s boot on everyone’s face for a very long time. The useful idiots are on their last gasp of control of the Democratic Party and the outright socialists are no longer the fringe.
We’re more likely to replay the 1970s than to get a totalitarian regime. The current crop are more stupid than dastardly.
So…go long on potatoes? Short Bitcoin?
I dunno. FDR couldn’t get away with packing the court even with more-or-less complete adoration from the public.
FDR never had to pack it, the Court folded and let him do anything he wanted just with the threat, and despite all the BS about greatest generation, the US was effectively a dictatorship under him, a full fledged dictatorship from Pearl Harbor to his death.
Before Pearl Harbor. Never forget that he mobilized the National Guard & drafted men 19-57 over a year before, and kept them on indefinitely when the initial one year call up expired. That was before a declaration of war.
And because the boot of government doesn’t feel as good if it’s voluntary, he signed EO9279 to prohibit men under 37 from volunteering.
I plan on being in my own private utopia on Mars before that happens. Or the scrap heap, whichever is first.
“I think Trump is at best a minor speed-bump in the road to serfdom.”
Well, fuck, I thought he was sending us all off to the gulags right now.
Trump has revealed something, though it’s as much by accident as by intent, and that is that the “two parties aren’t all that different” trope is actually true. Not because the parties don’t do or say different things, but because elected officials have basically completely handed over authority to judges and bureaucrats, whose politics are not entirely aligned with either major party (their Democratic lean notwithstanding). He’s among the most powerless Presidents of the modern era, which is not exactly a bad thing per se, but it’s happened for all the strangest and most inconsistent reasons.
He’s among the most powerless Presidents of the modern era, which is not exactly a bad thing per se
^This is where I find myself rolling my eyes at libertarian talking points (even though I have been guilty myself) The President has LESS power today than FDR or his predecessors. The Civil Service Act, the expansion of the Federal Government, and Congress’s abdicating their responsibilities to the “technocrats’ in the bureaucracy have moved almost all the real power to the bureaucrats. That is why Conservatives feel that nothing changes when the Republicans are in charge and progs feel like nothing changes when Democrats are in charge. They are looking at different areas and seeing the same thing.
The Bureaucracy likes foreign adventures, so the Progs get disappointed that Obama doesn’t end wars. The Bureaucracy likes extending their control and influence domestically so no matter who gets the Conservatives don’t get any rollback in the size, intrusiveness and cost of the Federal Government. If the Socialist get power in the elected branches they will purge the dissenters, such as they are, from the bureaucracy and then watch out.
This is the biggest problem right now IMHO.
Isn’t there a court case in front of SCOTUS addressing this?
If the Socialist get power in the elected branches they will purge the dissenters, such as they are, from the bureaucracy and then watch out.
Maybe. By the time they could take both Houses of Congress and the Presidency and hold them, they’d likely have enough fellow travelers in the civil service that the purge would come from within rather than without.
“Indeed, of the three quasi-libertarians in Congress, only Massie has yet to fall. Paul has gleefully become Trump’s catamite and Amash has been driven stark raving mad.”
That’s still a pretty good improvement over today’s democrats.
“I see you’re smoking the good shit tonight.”
Sometimes, I wish. But I’m still right, in my opinion, something that we all have.
HM doesn’t have the soft touch I do. I would’ve asked if you were just a little sleepy.
I don’t even see how anyone can think the d’s are not worse now, as far left as they’ve gone. Economy destroying New Green Deals? Outlawing private insurance? Confiscatory taxes to pay for it all? Yeah, the republicans are just as bad, sure. But again, like I said, my opinion.
The point, for me anyways, wasn’t about team blue going nuts. That is undeniable, but it doesn’t mean team red is becoming more libertarian.
Would we be better off with Hillary? Or what about now, maybe Warren? The Bern? I know, whataboutism.
I’ll be honest. I’d rather see Trump in office than Hillary. Less shitty is not how I want to rank my preferences, though.
“I’ll be honest. I’d rather see Trump in office than Hillary. Less shitty is not how I want to rank my preferences, though.”
Yeah, I get it. But it’s unfortunately what we have to deal with.
Paul is very pro-Trump but I haven’t seen him actually abandon his principles. Contra Reason, I don’t think taking Trump’s side on the inside baseball bullshit that is the collusion-obstruction-impeachment Russia-Ukraine fever dream is inherently anti-libertarian. And contra Ken Schultz (who is still harping on this very point at H&R, but whatever), Paul didn’t suddenly become pro-Medicare.
He’s not his dad, and it’s unfortunate that we can’t have them both. But I don’t think he’s lost his identity yet.
Paul is far more politically savvy than his dad. And I really like that Paul is getting close to Trump, because I keep hoping that Paul has more influence on Trump. What is not to like about that? Paul is still by far the best person in Congress and only Massie is close. Funny how they are both not democrats, that is just weird.
I have no idea why you think that. Republicans just re authorized the patriot act and donald trump signed it. They did it with an overwhelming majority.
That is no sign of libertarianism taking any sort of hold of the republicans.
Just because the left is insane, doesnt mean the right isnt.
Republicans champion every program the left has implemented.
Well, I just said why. Tell me the equivalent of Rand Paul and Thomas Massie in the dem party? Sure, the establishment of both parties are flip sides of the same party. But the only movement at all that there is, as far as moving more libertarian, no matter how snail’s pace it is, is with the GOP. The dems are racing off in the other direction.
Tell me the equivalent of Rand Paul and Thomas Massie in the dem party?
They’re in the ground. Like Daniel Patrick Moynihan.
I dont see it.
2016-2018 saw a gop majority in both houses of congress and the presidency.
No wars were stopped.
No entitlement spending was curtailed
No free market healthcare bills were passes
No drug prohibition reforms were passed
No welfafe reform was enacted
No federal reserve issues were discussed.
We got marginal tax cuts and an increase in spending, coupled with a trade war. Debt explosion, and piss poor economic policy that the reduction in regulatuons cant cover for.
Fuck the republicans. They are libertarians in sheep’s clothing at their best and xontrolled opposition of the socialist war party majority at their worst.
Two SCOTUS seats.
Not Hillary.
Kavenaugh is a big government asshat who helped wrote the patriot act, and gorsuch is pretty good.
Hillary is a monster who would have done much the same with a repiblican congress as trump has.
Things like the constant Patriot Act renewal are how you know the current crop of Democrats don’t believe half the bullshit they say, either. Trump is a racist white nationalist sexist dictator wannabe traitor tyrant, so let’s make sure we don’t dial back the surveillance state he is nominally in charge of!
Wow, I just drank an entire 6 pack of beer and threw a couple Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout’s in the freeze. Am I a bad person?
Yes. Do not put beer in the freezer. You’ll forget and they’ll explode.
I had that happen once, or twice. But most of the time, I’ll put a couple in there and there’s not a very good chance they aren’t coming out before exploding.
Set a timer.
It’ll help you not forget.
Yes, but the beer isn’t going to improve your reputation.
“beer isn’t going to improve your reputation.”
Well, shit, I didn’t even realize I had one.
Oh, you have one alright.
Really? Tell me about it. I’m not as bad as the worst, am I?
Nobody is that bad, but you’re damned close. At least, that’s what people tell me off the forum.
Steve Smith just told me he’s going over to visit you. He said he likes stuffing.
Yeah, he’s a ‘cornhole stuffing’ kinda dude.
/ever the optimist, he’s the ‘ass half-full’ type,
I’m in NYC for wife’s birthday trip. She is her usual dead to the world after 8 pm. We are staying in Times Square so it’s lit up like the middle of the day at all hours. It’s nice to find restaurants open until all hours.
Hang with us, buddy. We’ll keep you company.
*waggles eyebrows*
Of course I will. She’s sound asleep. I
THEY GOT CHAFED!! Let’s get ’em!
Wait, this a lot of mixing methaphores, are we the top hatted fellers er the gruff individualist cow polks?
I think you’ve answered your own question, my Sconnie friend.
I like “methaphores.” But mixing methaphores could be kinda…volatile.
Sorry, Pokes, we gots Polka here, it all gets confusing.
The sad thing is you treat these as typos, when it’s just you missing the joke. Same ol’ Digby, steppin on the joke.
Since I am just getting through the last thread…
This is the greatest and best timeline…tribute.
Did drugs fall out her ass?
The first pineapple pizza.
My stomach hurts from LMAO at that.
Sometimes I miss National Lampoon, Mad magazine and 1970s Saturday Night Live, but then I see shit like this. It’s a toss up.
“Clinton is not in the polls data since she has not declared”
Oh but she will. She has to.
Patience! A few more people have to accidentally commit suicide first.
So what is the advantage in declaring. If you can show up after all the mud slinging, do that. Also, has there ever been a “rematch” in presidential elections?
There have been many rematches, but the last one was Eisenhower v Stevenson, so it’s been a while.
I can’t even remember one. I remember Nixon running a lot of times and then finally winning. Maybe Hillary is the Nixon of the 21st century? I can even see her saying ‘I am not a crook!’.
Michelle will enter if she does.
Have you ever actually watched her speak? Her chance of ever becoming president, zero. She is beyond cringe inducing. What’s she going to say anyway? All your kids have to eat kale smoothies for lunch because I said so?
Maybe this is why former first ladies do not run for president.
Since I’m drinking. We should have a meet up. I’m in the DC area as is Kristen.
Where are you, NOVA, DC, or Murland?
NOVA, Alexandria.
Well, let’s do it. I know there are a few more of us Murland Glibs around still.
I will visiting Alexndria 7-12Dec for a business trip.
Even my ultra left neighbor has said she better not run. Neighbor used to have two cats, Hillary and Bernie. She had to rehome Hillary because she kept attacking Bernie. Snerk.
Regarding the general election, some of the betting sites have D vs. R odds:
Bovada: D -115, R -115 (must bet 115 to win 100)
BetVictor: D -125, R +100 (win 100 with 100 bet)
BetFair: D -137, R +100
So a slight lean to D. Trump is the overwhelming pick to get the R nomination, but not 100%.
I’d hate to have to come up with the betting lines. Too many potential black swans flying around.
Steam is doing their Autumn sale. Time to stock up on games you want but will never play. I picked up Disco Elysium and am really liking it so far. Totally different from the usual stuff.
Fuck off, Tulpa.
I was wondering about Disco Elysium, but doesn’t seem much like my type game. I like action RPGs.
Really can’t think of anything I want. I’ve been playing the fuck out of RDR2 and still have not finished Greedfall, on account of I can’t stop playing RDR2. Probably going to play again tonight and probably a lot this weekend. If I can stop working. I started adding a new feature today for one of my apps and I didn’t finish and I hate that shit, I will wake up at 3am and want to finish that. Damn computers are da debil.
R2D2 is definitely on the list once it’s available on Steam. Same with Outer Worlds and Paranoia.
Only recently got into GTA V; great story, having a blast with it but had to put it down as the ultraviolence was getting a bit much.
Greedfall am not sure about…loved Skyrim, though. Worth getting?
I’ve enjoyed Greedfall. Keep in mind, it’s a small studio, so don’t expect that much. But it’s very impressive for what it is, I’d say it’s worth it.
RDR2 is pretty much the greatest game ever created by humans.
When you do the bounty in the Canyon, do NOT let the guy run away, and if he does, do NOT chase him on foot, and if you do, do NOT think you can walk back faster by going in a straight line to your horse icon on the map. Trust me on this. That was 2 hours I’ll never get back.
Like I don’t have enough of those already.
“Like I don’t have enough of those already.”
^this guy gets it^
I sit around bored, not doing anything productive, and still don’t play any of the 100+ (and it’s a big plus, probably bigger than the 100) bought but never installed, installed but never played, started, liked but never finished etc games I have.
I can’t even count the guys I know who have 100+ games just on Steam that they’ve never played. I actually stopped that a long time ago. I buy a game these days, I know I’m going to play it until finished, or try. I’ve actually bought 5 games this year, Outward, Metro Exodus, Elder Scrolls Online, Greedfall, and Red Dead Redemption 2. Have not finished one of them yet.
Yeah, I’ve slowed WAY down on that too. Maybe 3 or 4 this year. I won’t even think of pulling the trigger without watching a Let’s Play video first – that helps a lot.
Oh these are almost all from long ago. The only things I bought this year were the full Kingdom Hearts collection to play with my niece, the full throttle remaster that was a couple bucks on GOG, and Civ 6 when it was on a big sale.
Civ 6 is great. I bought that on sale also and it’s by far the best Civ game, don’t care what anyone says. I plan on playing that a lot more when I get time.
The Civ series is the classic example of “games I buy and never play”. I want to like them but the time-suck OMG. Elder Scrolls is the other one.
Oh fuck Civ VI is 75% off now….
Oh fuck, Civ VI goes on sale just when I got back into playing Civ V but also lost half my income…This is a damn dilemma!
Guys, buy Civ 6, I’m serious. That game is really good. I have 4, 5, and 6 and I only really like 6. 75% off is a no brainer, you’re going to get way more than your money worth there.
Posted a while back. But when I was playing, I was playing USA, with Teddy R as prez, and I had just defeated France despite their pleas for mercy and was attacking Canada.
And somehow, my main cities were Cincy, Balmer, and DC, 2 of which I have lived in for quite some time. That was weird.
Yeah, it’s tempting, but also, you know, also no replacement for half my income on the horizon and less than $1,000 in savings I can use to extend that. I’ll have to think on it.
CPRM, give me your Steam ID and I’ll gift it to you. You’ve done a lot of stuff for this site.
BTW, mine is guess what… hyperion.
I can’t give it in the open, it’s connected to my IRL identity, loosely. Thanks for the offer. Unless you want to go through the whole rigmarole of working out coded ways to say e-mail addresses I will politely decline.
Oh, sorry. I thought maybe you had founder level access and can see my email. I’m not sure how else we could do it, but the offer still stands if we can figure it out.
Hm, thought I could search the friends feature of Steam and add you and maybe that could work, but there a lot of Hyperions.
Do you see one with a Gadsden flag for the avatar?
Ha, I wonder if it’s the one with the Don’t Tread on Me avatar and “1 friend in common”.
No respect, story of my life, I’ll tell you! *adjusts red tie*
PS. Huh, I thought Steam handles were unique – guess not.
My search for Hyperion yielded 6,169 results, no gadson flags to be seen in the first 3 pages.
Mebbe if Rhy eats the fly and friends you then I friend Rhy, we can have our toffet too.
Wow, that is fucking weird. HM and I took like 3 minutes to be friends on Steam.
I could give it a try but I have Friends turned off so who knows if it will work.
That’s crazy. I just did the search and got 22 results. Only one had the flag.
Fuckit, I’m prolly just being paranoid, but I’m unemployed, what I got to lose, am I right? And like I said, only tangential. puremilkgenius32 on that platform.
If I put that out there and don’t get a free game out of it I’m going to protest at Evergreed college!
OK. I can’t find you. You don’t have your profile set to private, do you?
Don’t worry, bro, we don’t get this sorted tonight, we will tomorrow.
No users match
Ok, looks like I joined Steam before profiles were even a thing, did a quick thing under that same handle, give it a shot.
I’m still getting zero results for that ID.
Ok, email me at the address that shows in this video. We’ll work it out.
OK. Video unavailable. That totally worked.
Ok, try it again, access changed until Friday.
Damn, this oatmeal stout is good. Gave wifey a drink and she gave me this sour face look. Wininz!
Chicks don’t get beer.
Yeah, I know. I mean not all of them. I’ve known quite of few of them who do, but unfortunately, I never wanted to fuck them more than a few times. Should I stop saying stuff like that since we now have a bunch of chicks on the site? My wife just told me I might have to stop hanging around here because of the chick infestation. This seems bad.
Funny – I don’t feel like an infestation. ::pouts::
Is it evil of me to say that this little ditty comes to mind?
I’m staying home tomorrow and making a duck breast with cranberry sauce, pretzel rolls, mashed cauliflower, and green beans. Friday, I’m getting together with the neighbors (they invited me to Thanksgiving, but I want to be alone), so I may make a caramel rose apple pie for that. I plan to make cranberry curd and Orange French macarons this weekend. I may also make cookie trays for the neighbors and friends. I’m thinking Russian tea cakes, chocolate crinkles, Christmas crack and Ritz peanut butter sandwiches. In other words, a Minnesota tray. (Ok, MikeS, a Midwestern tray.)
“I’m staying home tomorrow”
All set to do the same. Thinking about going down to the pub tomorrow thoughh, but that will be Uber ride, no way I’m driving anywhere. That will be it if I do until at least Saturday, no more traffic for me.
Saltine crackers covered with toffee and chocolate. It’s a staple of Minnesota church cook books. It’s amazing. It’s one of the few sweets I have trouble resisting.
OK…that’s a new one to me, too. You need to be sharing that one.
Or, I bet it’s in one of the church cookbooks we have. haha
Haha. I just started describing it to my wife and before I could finish the ingredient list she blurts out; “Oh yeah! Yeah! They are to die for!”
SEE! The Ritz peanut butter sandwiches are also winners. Spread peanut butter on a Ritz cracker, top with another, then dip in chocolate. So easy, and they totally disappear. I said I learned to cook out of self-defense, but when it comes to cookies and sweets, man, Midwestern cooks know what they are doing.
I’m under orders to make those. Wife says it’s a Southern thing.
She’s wrong. It’s a Midwestern thing! 😉
Appropriated and taken norht during the War of Northern Agression I would imagine.
She’s made sure I know the correct termanology.
Pfft! Nope. Pretty sure it comes from the Scandinavian and German immigrants.
For some reason that’s called a Kit-Kat bar here; no idea why since there is not toffee/caramel in a Kit-Kat bar.
Sex in a pan, or GTFO.
Another that everyone eats, but are surprised by the ingredients is orange salad. Cottage cheese, orange hello, two cans of drained mandarin oranges, and cool whip. When I write it out it doesn’t sound good, but it always disappears
Pretty much any recipe in a church cookbook is going to be good. The woman that submitted that recipe is proud of it. Her family asks for it. When she brings it to a potluck, people ask for the recipe. I feel that way about the salad I wrote about with the lemon garlic dressing.
In case you have never seen this. It’s in alphabetical order (for my convenience at the grocery store), but all the Christmas cookies my mom makes (as do I when I feel like it) are there.
Dammit. Now I want Watergate cake.
Ooh, what’s that?
G. Gordon Liddy bakes it with some Cuban guys. Howard Hunt drops it when it comes out of the oven, and John Dean sells everyone out.
And G Gordon Liddy while holding his hand in a candle flame tells people at a cocktail party that the secret to eating it without not gaining weight is to refuse to gain weight.
Does it have rat in it?
Right?! I was a kid the first and only time I had it and man, I loved it and I can still taste it.
I’ve never had it but I love pistachio. That was my favorite pudding as a kid.
Do you know why the pistachio dishes got a Watergate moniker?
No idea.
Was wondering myself.
Hmm, probably not something I’m going to make this holiday. Maybe for fourth of July.
At first I thought it was the menu for this weekend (I do that).
Damn. That broad is crazy
Then I realized it was most everything you make – still much impressive.
Very impressive and a little scary. I could never be that organized.
It’s my recipe book. I put it online so I can access it in a store. I also share it sometimes.
Waaay more organized than me. I rarely use recipes
Recipe books are to keep me from having to put stuff in my head. I have more important things to keep there than food. Ugh.
Damn. I’m even more impressed.
47 degrees, if you have live in it, that’s exposure, and it can kill you. Thank Glibs it’s only a few more days,
Saving up, YES!
That is for sure. You and Wendy stay warm. Hang in there, Bob.
It’s a one dog night cos I only have one, Wendy is in the very warm Kia! Enjoy tomorrow,
Damn, I didn’t know you meant inside! Fuck, time to make fire! We keep it upper 60s at night. 47 sounds a little risky to me.
Rain means no fire, we do have them but wether, it sucks bad
So the Teufelshunde is still with you? I’m glad.
And I hope you have a nice turkey day, too.
50 pounds of fury, curled up next to me,
I’m so glad you have her.
Us too, someone suggested getting r,
Fuck No!
56 here right now. Blustery. I told my wife ‘It’s a blustery day in the hundred acre woods, again’.
Wendy is Winnie and I am Owl,
Daughter is Tigger, Son is Eyore,
100 acre wood forever.,
You hang in there, Yusef. I know it’s a long night when you’re cold, though.
We are sucking it up to save money,
And my new project may Rock, we’ll see,
Thanks Mo
Kick ass Yusef!
Tomorrow we are doing dinner with my MIL, she cancelled other plans so she could see her baby girl, it’s probably the last time, so we put oof bailing out for a few more days, very sad…
Enjoy the time with her.
Can you stay with her for a night?
I’m so excited about the four day weekend. I’m going to take long walks with the dog, take naps, bake, draw, and do a few chores
Oh, and work on my articles.
If the weather clears, we are going to the beach.
Cold isn’t an issue, Wendy wants to see and smell the ocean one more time, me? Kites!
I didn’t have the opportunity because I was at work (YES, Rufus, I work), but today’s Hat and Hair was AWESOME. Donald yelling DON’T DEAD NAME MY DOG was perfect.
^^^This! Always miss them real time but they make my week. Almost scared to meet SugarFree IRL but he’s owed a ton of drinks and/or piss-hookers or whatever when that happens.
The Subaru Horror Theater thing was fucking epic. I shared that with a friend of mine who has never been on this site and he was all sorts of raving about it.
I love Subaru Horror Theatre
SF is a very talented writer. I wish I could write like that. If I could, I’d be spending a lot of time writing. He’s also the funniest person ever on the intertoobz by virtue of the Steve Smith saga. I’ve never actually laughed that hard about anything ever on the internet. I remember my wife asking me ‘are you OK? What are you laughing about? Are you OK?’, lol.
New Hat and Hair cartoon tomorrow at 10am Packer time!
Fuck. Yes.
Longest ever, I believe. Don’t ask me to do research!
Oh! Love those cartoons too! Can’t wait! I suppose I need to save some piss-hookers for you, too.
I’m trying to tell my 20 year old cat that the heater equals me, animals . .
When it’s cold, my cat becomes Velcro kitty. Which is nice because he puts out heat. Not a total furnace like my dog, but still.
I don’t know whether to be fanboy excited about This, or cry because Nick Cage.
I already have a Cthulu 2020 sign on my door. Because why vote for a lesser evil.
Here I thought Warren would out-evil even Cthulu (PBUH).
Discussed another glibs secret project with a fellow unemployed glib. My unemployment will be good for you scoundrels whether or not it’s good for me.
Oh hell, I must of missed the laid off thing…bummer. It’s a crazy hot job market at least. Your doing or their’s?
I told management they were making poor decisions, so they decided to fire me. (I also did say I’d quit if they didn’t change their tune, they thought they called my bluff, but it wasn’t a bluff, they are making poor decisions and I was ready to leave if things didn’t change)
Good luck, I hope it works out for you for the better. I did the same thing more than 10 years ago, and that time it actually worked for me, because I had all the middle management on my side. Our CIO wound up getting fired while pleading uselessly for our help. These days, I see a little of the same bullshit for my biggest clients, but I doubt it would go my way this time and I’d just have to go away after calling the bluff, for better or worse. But WTF, I’m going to retire in 10-15 years, unless we suddenly get some extra government approved go juice for career extension.
For you, it not the usual fare
*but not the usual fare
(I dunno why, but autocorrect seems to be getting worse)
Oh sure, guy gets fired from being a country DJ why not send him a damn country song! Fascist!
Reminds me, I need to cut some wood this weekend.
Hope you got a good severance out of it, at least. Looking forward to your next project!
Severance, haha, this was a part-time job; hence why I decided working with shitty management wasn’t worth the low pay I was getting.
The right side stuff, including the donate link has disappeared for me. Can I get the Glibertarians donate link?
Go Here
If you are on a mobile device, the front page sidebar stuff is down below the main content.
Thanks again for getting the cartoon scheduled. Tomorrow is going to be bad what with a Packer loss and a meatless Thanksgiving, but you still rock it! You’re the best internet mom ever!
Yes she is!. She still takes my crappy, text based articles and makes real posts out of them.
I will be giving thanks that I finally get to watch the Bills.
No, thank YOU!
Can’t sleep, started scrolling through imgur. Came across a post about the minimum wage vs average rent. For some dumb reason decided to post a comment in a sea of proggies. Now I’ll never get to sleep and I’m angry at the stupidity I just witnessed.
I don’t really target anyone I just post my argument with facts then watch the replies. Then I pool the responses and lay in bed debunking them in my head. Every once in a while I get a decent challenge and have to pull out the phone to look up something.
“Now I’ll never get to sleep and I’m angry at the stupidity I just witnessed.”
Stop polluting your brain with that shit.
Especially for this week, it’s a holiday! Enjoy!
I’ve moved on to better things like wondering if I should buy this
Way too accurate.
My front door mat says ‘I hope you brought beer’.
I got one very similar to this for my brother Mathew…with one “T”. When I saw it in the store I laughed and laughed. My wife thought I was nuts. I guess I have an unnatural love for wordplay.
I kinda want the sign that says “If my dog makes you uncomfortable I’d be happy to lock you in the other room”.
What the hell is wrong with you?
See if I can hotwire reality.
It sure doesn’t feel like Thanksgiving.
Did you at least get your Kentucky Fried Chicken Thanksgiving feast over in Nippon-land?
I thought that was Christmas.
Oh – probably. I can’t keep up with all the weird stuff the Japanese are into.
Easter, St Pat’s Day, Thanksgiving and the 4th of July don’t register here at all.
Easter? I thought there were lots o f Catholics
About as many as there are left handed lesbians. *My math may be wrong.
Koreans are super into being Baptists. No idea why.
Google says .5% of the pop.
That’s more of a Christmas thing. You’re in Canada? Sorry beforehand if I’m wrong on that.
Oh boy…
Thread fail, but worth a look.
That’s great! That’s true success – when you can do that ’cause you just don’t give a shit!
I think I finally get why all the leftist talking heads and related orgs push so hard on the “talk proggie politics at holiday gatherings” concept–
They want martyrs.
They know that people opposed to their shit typically make it known how much they loathe the tactic, and, it seems that they want their followers to do it, anyway. Why? In the hopes that the more conservative-minded will blow a gasket and hurt the leftist(s). Because, there are tons of stories about family fights/murders at holiday gatherings, and, certainly, those are all conservo-freaks in fly-over country, right?
Why not get the most mileage out of those stories, and make some talking points about, “See?? The Right is always violent and needs to be destroyed!”
I mean, it’s not like the people pushing this shit in the media give a tinker’s damn about their own people–people are expendable.
Meh, something about never ascribing malice where stupidity will suffice…
Hey, Digs. There’s data suggesting that people disagreeing with you actually causes you to believe even more in what you’re advocating. We’re in psych warfare.
No doubt, which kinda fits my
conspiracytheory–that they push relatives, whe then dig in and lose control (like all cis-het rethuglican gon-lover shitlords do), and, voila!; Insta-martyr.Also–malice and stupidity forma an interesting Venn. Lots of overlap.
forma, indeed, signore Venn!
I think you may be
ononto something.I’m just hoping my proggy BIL doesn’t get political when he & my sis come to Chez GT for TG Day tomorrow…errr…later today. ‘Cause they’re bringing the turkey, and it would suck to have to throw them out.
Leave the gun. Take the
canoliturkey.IFC is having a Godfather and Godfather 2 marathon tomorrow.
I will surely miss all of it, but, bless ’em for running both.
If you don’t have a crisis to exploit, make one.
^Reason #3254286 Mojeaux is the writer, and I’m not.^
“^Reason #3254286 Mojeaux is the
writerworst and I’m not.^”FIFY
Oh, I never go in for superlatives; they’re all shitty and horrible.
My characters were born in superlatives, live and breathe in superlatives, and will likely die in superlatives.
Why have characters who don’t?
In this case, I am a character in Hyperion’s imagination.
It’s a standard cult tactic to separate people from their families.
Oooh…excellent point, J!
What it’s like have a discussion with idiots.
Is that Garth from Wayne’s World second from the left?
Ooh! A DOUBLE *schwiinngg!* I’m on a roll!
That’s, um….not a roll.
Not even a crescent roll?? Loves me some crescent rolls!
Buttery (OK) and flaky (ewww)
Right; we’re talking bread products! Whew…
How about best of both worlds – this kind of roll?
I like your style, lady!
Also, be sure to check out West, TX.
The Little Czech Bakery sounds awesome! You been there?
BTW–I hope you realize that your recent cycle-commando comments add an interesting, new angle to these kinds of
banter and innuendodiscussions…I blame Neph. He’s the one who told me I shouldn’t wear undies under cycling shorts. Buy him a beer.
And, yes, I’ve been several times. West actually has a few kolache shops, but that particular one is the most famous. Not necessarily the best, per se, although nothing bad, that I’ve ever seen.
Virtually anyone who stops in West stops there, especially heading north on 35. They have new competition in A newer, nicer set-up that carries lots of
crapstuff.Going off what I’ve read, I think you might be the one to buy him a beer… ?
We’ll see if I ever get the opportunity to do so.
In the meantime, I need to get to bed so I can play hostess with the mostest tomorrow.
Nighty night!
OMG! The old Diggy is back!!!
I’ve been debating showing my real face, which I did ever so briefly around the time of The Great Avatar Purge…
Just playing around on the dashboard, akshuly.
I am tempted to order the t-shirt (as I am wont to do) of that shot/frame. Dunno if I want to add another shirt onto the hanger rack…
Well, it would probably make me easier to spot in a group of glibs (as if that ever happens).
OK, I’ve done it! And now I’m going to run away to hide in my bed.
Nighty night for real this time, and Happy Thanksgiving!
She’s exposed!! ?
Oh, wait–still wearing the cycling shorts…
How the hell did that even happen. I thought this site was double *schwiinngg!* proof?
I’ve been lied to. Either that or it’s you chick’s fault. Yeah, I’m going with that.
Garth was funny. That chick is a comedienne in name only. I don’t think even Kavanaugh would rape her.
I can’t go back to my life, because I can’t remember what I was doing before and I’m too stupid to figure it out.
Yeah, we get it.
Dave asks the bald guy, “Who’s going to decide what’s a lie (and should be censored)?” The dude actually says out loud, “I will.” Total mask slip.
The mask had been lying in the greasy grimy floor, for a while now, and has been heavily trampled upon.
She should really be more careful with her footing on the edge of the pool like that.
This is quite above average offering
Well, my Right Honorable Mythical Libertarian Women and dudes, the Tylenol PM should be kicking in here in a second or two. I will see you all mañana maybe. If not, I wish you a good Tryptophan Day.
You’re not the worst!
“You’re not the worst!”
Stop lying to her, anyway, she loves it.
Are you Kavanaugh-ing her?
Happy Thanksgiving, Moje!
Did you get your THC gravy delivered yet?
JK, Moj, wishing you a good night and happy day tomorrow (in which you’d better be here, or else!).
Any time I get a cold, I go to the doctor and get codeine cough syrup. I rarely use it, but if I can’t sleep I take half a teaspoon and within half an hour, I’m out
Any type of opiates make me projectile vomit for hours. I mean, I’m talking no fun at all. Nyquil seems to work OK though.
What the hell kind of glib are you?! You can’t even abuse opioids?! I revoke your licence!
TIL Hyp’s kryptonite, and that, should he get the squirts, he’s got one less weapon in his arsenal.
Heheh… “in his arsenal”
Because I linked this earlier when Pie linked a story from Bruges, and it’s great.
Do I need to see the story?
Only if you don’t find this cut funny, otherwise it’s a waste.
I found that out the hard way one evening. My best friend’s wife still reminds me of it every chance she gets.
I do that, but with beer, which doesn’t need a prescription, every night.
Alt-right, I should prolly get some sleep before all the family ‘How is work’ ‘None at all’ conversations tomorro…later today. New Cartoon 10am Packer time!
Did you all know Sacha Baron Cohen is an authoritarian, disingenuous schmuck??
I’m off to bed to rest up before the onslaught of…two sisters & a BIL. (I have a very low threshold of onslaught.) Nighty night, and to those of you I don’t see tomorrow (later today,) Happy Thanksgiving!
Fine! Run off to your Turkey Day prepping!
So….late night (US) glibbing.
Do Americans get the day off from work? Is Friday also a no work day?
I mean it is silly to have a eating and drinking holiday and go to work the next day. A 4 day weekend is in order
Depends on the job, really. There are tasks to be done, and people gotta make those ends!
But if you can swing it, take it off. My experience is only bad stuff happens on that Friday. Really the last month and a half of the year. Always projects that were put off suddenly become an end of the year rush rush job. Then find out that critical work wasn’t done and key people are on vacation.
Finally when due dates slip, there’s maybe an angry update email. Or not. In any case once it’s done, even if it is late, no one says anything later. Rinse lather and repeat next year.
well off course, vital jobs like wine store clerks need to be covered.
I mean also like firemen and stuff
Firemen, winemen–doing the Lord’s work.
Way to other firefighters, Pie.
(Mildly nsfw)
You people up yet?
In Romania people sometimes get up early on holidays to get am early start on the whole cooking. With a bit of luck, one can also start drinking by 11 AM
Good morning Pie.
Good afternoon early bird.
I’m not.
Not drinking today? It is your choice and I respect it.
All I am saying is thanksgiving is no excuse for the links to be late. We shall see…
Why do you need luck to start drinking at 11AM?
I was up at 5AM EST (UTC -5).