First of all, let me just say, fuck Christmas decorations. Fuck aaaallllll of them. I spent like four hours yesterday and have two or three more today just helping my wife’s decorating. Which, IMO, is a little bit excessive. Like, Christmas tree, okay. Stockings, fine. Put out some Christmas lights so we’re not the Grinch family, cool. But why do we have like a whole different interior decoration theme complete with little nick-nacks that go on every available horizontal surface? I still don’t feel bad about using my one veto for striking the snowman head Christmas tree topper. It looked like we had mounted Frosty’s head on a tree as a warning to all the other snowmen. We’re going back to a more subtle and decorous star.
Speaking of Florida Man in the Christmas Spirit.
This seems a little wasteful.
…and that’s really all I’ve got that won’t tread on SF’s Deathwatch. Sorry, not enough Florida Men posting bail since Thanksgiving, I guess.
Dem DeathWatch 2020
With Kamala Harris, the fake nails and weave of the Democratic field, out, I just can’t imagine what the other sub-candidates are waiting for.
Mayor Pete is having the Iowa surge they were all hoping for and New Hampshire is pretty much still up for grabs and will probably be decided on name recognition (Biden) or schoolmarmocity (Warren.)
As most of the (ew) white people keep failing one purity test or another, Castro is the far left whackjob still standing. Booker is running out of money (again) and just can’t seem to be Obama as hard as he tries.
Klobucher, Steyer, Patrick are obviously waiting for a VP chance, but, honestly, they bring nothing to a ticket. Patrick won’t solve the problem black voters have with Mayor Pete, Klobucher might be a nice pick for Biden, but that’s it–and who does she bring to a ticket that Biden doesn’t already have? Slightly different white people? Steyer might balance a Mayor Pete ticket, but any old could do that.
Gabbard, Yang, Delaney, and Williamson have no useful VP matches that are also possible. And at this point, the irrational hatred toward Gabbard is probably going to get her primaried from the far left. (And a third-party run might end her political career completely, aside from kicking around the Libertarian Party for a couple of decades.) Yang, I can only assume, is on some sort of Brewster’s Millions mission to blow as much money possible as long as he has nothing to show for it at the end. Delany looks like a penis with ventral teeth. Williamson, well, shit, who knows?
Bloomberg? Bitch, please.
And as always, HER lurks.
Bonus image:
Those decorations aren’t going to hang themselves, just like Jeffery Epstein.
“We are going to give you guys 24 more hours to enter the Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself Meme Contest!”
OMFG I’m literally dying:
I’ll be using that this weekend, Count. Wish I had it this past weekend, with the family.
So, it’s gonna be Mayor Pete?
He’s doing well in Iowa, and nowhere else. The narrative that he hates blacks and Latinos is sinking in. He currently has 0% of the black primary vote in South Carolina.
Yeah but South Carolina is full of racists. I mean that’s where the confederacy started.
But they all vote in the Republican primary
Final accumulation was two feet of snow.
I’m sore from all the shovelling.
I broke my snowblower last night. The auger still moves but the drive wheels won’t go forward or backward.
Neither our street nor our alley is plowed.
We spent nearly an hour digging through the berm in front of our street just so I could park my truck. We’ll have to do the same tonight on the berm blocking the alley so my wife can drive her car tomorrow.
Why do I even pay taxes if I don’t receive services?
Because you will have your property seized and will be thrown in a cage if you don’t?
My property taxes went up 17% this year.
You’re getting slaughtered worse than those Hindu buffalos.
The plows finally came by after 1:30pm or so, when I got my car out and to the dealership to get repairs done.
Would you believe the snow weighed enough that accidentally triggering the windshield wipers snapped the blades off?
Nope. That’s never happened to me, what kind of cheap wipers you got?
Cheap-ass wiper blades or some kick-ass wiper motors.
I’ve had frozen down wipers finally free up 30 minutes+ later with pressure on the whole time and not break anything. And we’re talking in -20F temps, so…
What Lackadaisical said.
It’s 70° here.
Far too warm to live. I’d rather move snow.
“Why do I even pay taxes if I don’t receive services?”
Bah, services. The important question is whether your city council has taken the correct stance on the Israeli-Palestinian situation.
They did vote a proclamation of support for the pipeline protesters.
They banned the sale of flavored cigarettes in gas stations.
They passed a 5 cent tax on plastic bags
And we have a brand new flag
So we have THAT going for us. Which is
niceshittyLife in Extra North Minneapolis.
The drive belt came off the pulley. Or the spring came loose from the lever.
Either way, fuck that shit.
Too cold and too snow caked to look at it last night. Maybe I can dig into it tonight after shoveling.
On mine, the belt slipped partially off and the edge shredded it. No big deal to fix it.
Possible. I’ve also had a pulley split right down the middle because it was a cheap POS welded together from 2 pieces.
Anyway, like you said, fuck that shit.
I fixed my snowblower yesterday, it was the augur drive belt. Local hardware store had the belt, $8.50, and I finished my snow blowing today. Sometimes there are miracles
Soreness is just weakness leaving the body.
What in god’s name is Bernie doing there?
“No, it’s Democratic Socialism”
Casting out the demons of economic knowledge.
“You’re the first black person that’s actually let me touch them! Are we brothers, now?”
And a third-party run might end her political career completely,
Do the Repubs even bother to run candidates in Hawaii any more?
You’re talking about the state that elected Hirono.
She seems nice.
Compared to Typhoid Mary maybe
Typhoid Mary wasn’t intentionally spreading the disease. I don’t know if she was a nice person or not.
Nicely retarded.
Which is really odd, given that half the state’s population is there as a result of the military putting them there.
How many of those personnel change their residency? I can’t imagine the taxes are great.
I honestly don’t know. While I only spent a week or so on Oahu I kept running into prior military or their kids. Maybe I didn’t leave my bubble at all.
Oh prior, i was thinking you were talking about currently active members. That is strange. I’ve never been to the US’s final ethnic state, but i’ve heard the schools are the worst in the country.
I did stay at the Hale Koa, so like I said, I might have simply stayed in my bubble.
A DNC-driven attack in the primary.
Do the Repubs even bother to run candidates in Hawaii any more?
The wiki article on Gabbard says she twice faced a Republican who was “the first homeless person in Hawaii — and perhaps any state — to be nominated for Congress on a major party ticket” – so…yes?
Hawaii had a team red Governor in the early sights. That said, a Hawaii Republican is markedly less conservative than there mainland peers.
aughts. Stupid auto correct.
I still don’t feel bad about using my one veto for striking the snowman head Christmas tree topper.
Too bad it’s not Mrs. Frosty giving head to Frosty.
*considers googling, decides not*
* waves from top of Xmas tree *
“Hindu worshippers have begun beheading thousands of buffalo in Nepal as part of what is thought to be the world’s largest animal sacrifice event.
The Gadhimai festival started in the early hours of Tuesday morning as a priest killed a goat, rat, chicken, pig and pigeon and then offered blood from his own body.
Around 200 butchers wielding curved kukri knives then descended on a walled temple arena containing an estimated 3,500 buffalo to behead the animals.”
That does seem a tad excessive.
That depends, what do they do with the carcasses?
I thought Hindus wouldn’t lay a finger on a cow. What the hell?
These are buffalo, not cows.
I mean buffalo are a type of bovine. Do Hindus only worship the domesticated version?
If their goat scroll says it’s not a cow, then it’s not a cow.
Worse than that, plenty of Hindus will eat beef as well. It’s just the northerners who are crazy.
Worse than that
I know, right? The Impossible Burger is just like meat, only better. Who’d pass that up?
Say what you want, but that’s fucking metal.
Nepal is pretty metal. Gurkhas rock.
Say what you want, but that’s fucking metal.
I did appreciate that the high priest who kicks-off the festival sheds some of his own blood too.
He ought to shed a lot more.
I was going to make a comment about animal sacrifice, but i can’t really make it work for what i mean.
I’m ok with it.
*chokes, splutters, flails arms while laughing at alt-text on last image*
Thank you so much for pointing that out.
That’s the same thing I said after the Blues/Blackhawks game.
*waits for the ultimate cat-butting
I’m stealing this. Frosty’s severed head is going on the tree tonight!
“With Kamala Harris, the fake nails and weave of the Democratic field, out, I just can’t imagine what the other sub-candidates are waiting for.”
I thought she was going to win because she is the worst one.
I thought she was going to win because she is the worst one.
And then Bloomberg entered the race…
Yeah, I am heaving a small sigh of relief, but she excited so early, who promised her a spot? Probably will be Biden’s VP.
We know she won’t complain about hair sniffing and backrubs from her boss.
“I thought she was going to win because she is the worst one.”
I thought Nikki was the worst.
(Admittedly, this is an obscure reference from days gone by and a place generally disliked by most of us who comment here, yet I think enough of you might understand the reference for me to have made it)
Indeed, good sir.
Mojeaux is the new worst. She really likes the title, in fact.
Well, I did too until Hyperion bestowed it upon me for some inexplicable reason.
Also, that is Your Royal Highness Queen The Worst to you. And everybody else.
I do not recognize royalty.
That’s why you never used any of my proper forms of address!
Meh–he’s an informal chap.
I’m pretty sure I said ‘you’…
“EXCLUSIVE: FBI is investigating how newspaper owner parents of Illinois mother, 28, threatened to publish her nude photos, used local police and sheriff in systematic campaign to harass her and ‘kidnap’ their toddler granddaughter”
I bet Thanksgiving was cheery.
(and more proof that ACAB)
Just another day in IL
That is one creepy fucking pic of “mom and step-dad”.
I know nobody cares, but I’ll be back here regularly by the end of next week. Presenting at two major conferences next week, which has occupied nearly all of my time for the past month+.
Glad to see Kamala gone. I think I’d rather see Bernie in office than her (which is not to say I want to see Bernie in office).
Whatever man…..
You can at least tell us about the presentation.
Entirely new Florida corporate act. I’m on the panel for two all-day CLEs (lawyer classes) next week discussing it. ~150-200 attendees at each.
Does the act require corporations to take bits of genetic code from each founder to create a new “Corporate” person?
That’s not needed. They can always just become a corpo-humanoid.
Best of luck with the presentations.
I’ve seen a bunch of post-mortems on the Kemala Harris campaign and one name seems conspicuously absent – Tulsi Gabbard. Really, though, Gabbard was the Little Girl who said the Empress had no clothes. With just one question, she showed Harris for a hypocrite and a narc. Until then, it was pretty conventional wisdom that Harris was a serious contender. And the best the Democratic Establishment can reply is the ludicrous “Russian Asset” line.
What was the question again?
Yeah. Kneecapped her. She stalled out after that and never recovered. And she was on the establishment’s very short list, too.
You can also find the video on Pornhub under ” Hawaiian soldier beats up dirty cop into submission “.
Which Democrat candidate would you let sit on your face?
Tulsi. Now, who here would answer Elizabeth Warren or Amy Klobuchar?
Who said it would have to be a female? You may have othered some of our Glib friends.
“There was a little girl who ran for class president but dropped out before the primaries. And that little girl…was me.”
Gabbard took that bullet so America wouldn’t. She’s the real hero
Related: Trump campaign congratulates Tulsi Gabbard after Kamala Harris drops out of Democratic race
This is not satire.
The upshot being that this will tank Tulsi in the eyes of Democratic voters.
Perhaps, Trump doesn’t want to run against Tulsi.
BTW, I happened to drive through Southern New Hampshire on Sunday and saw quite a few Tulsi’s signs.
Perhaps, Trump doesn’t want to run against Tulsi.
I’d imagine he’d prefer to face either Warren or Bloomberg.
There are a few around us in Keene.
There are also tom signs.
Tulsi Gabbard signs have been up in southern NH for quite a while. The only other signs I’ve seen are for Bernie Sanders.
It’s all about the tits, that’s what I heard.
Duh…. I forgot… Mayor Pete has a campaign office in downtown Nashua. Lots of signs up on that office for him.
Oh, the Democratic Establishment has pretty much written her off for months. Trump’s tweet isn’t going to make much difference. Nobody is going to be much phased by that if they weren’t phased by her challenging Empress Hillary.
He doesn’t want to face a good looking/young woman. His debate style of mocking would not go over as well. That’s why he was glad what’s her name from new York dropped out.
That’s excellent.
if Gabbard can take dead aim at another candidate and do the same she can slowly pick them all off until she gets to Biden.
Do like Trump did.
Sending my best wishes to @KamalaHarris, her family & supporters who have campaigned so hard. While we disagree on some issues, we agree on others & I respect her sincere desire to serve the American people. I look forward to working together on the challenges we face as a nation
2:20 PM · Dec 3, 2019
Oh geeze. More of HER is uncovered and those eyes…. The Horror…. The horror!
Yeah, noticed that. Eek!
Klobuchar ain’t gonna make it. The more screen and interview time she gets, the more people will realize what a horrific statist cunt she is.
I thought she already dropped out. Shows what I know.
She is a Minnesoda Senator, but only because her father had been a popular sports writer in the Star (commie) Tribune state newspaper.
So she ran for Senator and was of course held up by the left as a paragon of wisdom and virtue, neither of which she possessed in reality.
But (D)!!!!=virtuous.
Man, Midwest’s (traditionally) Dem hunters are going to be pretty pissed when the Dems try to take their guns.
But (D)!!!!=virtuous.
Lemme see, that’s “(D) not-not-not-not-equal virtuous”. ::scratches head:: Yeah, that checks out.
It’s a fair cop.
Try? They’re going to take them and those Dems are going to get in line like the good sheeple they are. “I guessa Isa wonta bee needin this after all, o-ficer.”
can’t seem to be Obama as hard as he tries
I thought he wanted to be Spartacus.
Also this:
That is hilarious. I kind of want to make one now.
I’m done for
Klobucher might be a nice pick for Biden
But he creeps her out. Like she is literally shaking.
Which is why she should focus her efforts on killing somebody else’s campaign.
Pretty sure she already said she’s not running for re-election. She knows she’s done in the DNC.
So ruin somebody else. What does she have to lose?
Being a spoiler is an honored intention. Phillip Rivers did it many times without taking the Chargers all the way to the SB.
The Dems should thank Gabbard. Harris was an awful candidate – eliminating her early did the party a favour.
If we Glibs could convert her (Gabbard) on domestic issues, we would be ok.
Send her a copy of “The Law” and “Economics in One Lesson”.
Can’t be done. She is just as eager to see the jackboot on our faces as anyone else in the field.
She can sit on my fa – oh, you said jackboot.
Winner winner chicken dinner.
She’s as horrible as any of them on domestic issues. The fact that she’s sane on foreign issues makes people incorrectly assume she’s sane in general.
And a third-party run might end her political career completely
But it’ll be fun to watch.
Williamson, well, shit, who knows?
She’ll consult her crystal ball.
She’s New age, not a witch.
Yeah, she’ll consult her crystal pyramid.
^^^ This guy knows whats up.
More likely her yoni egg.
Danish Academic: U.N. Might Use Military to Enforce Climate Agenda
“The United Nations Security Council could, in principle, tomorrow decide that climate change is a threat to international peace and security,” he says.
“And then it’s within their competencies to decide ‘and you are doing this, you are doing this, you are doing this, this is how we deal with it’.”
He believes classifying climate change as a security issue could leave the door open to more extreme policy responses.
“That’s what happens when something becomes a security issue, it gets the urgency, the intensity, the priority, which is helpful sometimes, but it also lets the dark forces loose in the sense that it can justify problematic means,” he says.
This urgency, he says, could lead to more abrupt – and essentially undemocratic – action at an international level.
“If there was something that was decided internationally by some more centralised procedure and every country was told ‘this is your emission target, it’s not negotiable, we can actually take military measures if you don’t fulfil it’, then you would basically have to get that down the throat of your population, whether they like it or not,” he says.
“A bit like what we saw in southern Europe with countries like Greece and the debt crisis and so on. There were decisions that were made for them and then they just had to have a more or less technocratic government and get it through.”
Strong contender for Derp of the Day.
we can actually take military measures
“Pretty sure you can’t, seeing as that would require the UN having an actual, you know, military.”
Tanzania is invading the US next month to combat fracking. Seven roughnecks and a tired old stripper will have to leave the bar and fight them off.
But the U.N. does have a military! The United States milita . . . oh. Right. Carry on.
we can actually take military measures if you don’t fulfil it’, then you would basically have to get that down the throat of your population, whether they like it or not,
Nothing says “Save the environment” like the threat of war. The UN is the Warsaw pact, and they’ve made it past the Folda Gap.
“A bit like what we saw in southern Europe with countries like Greece and the debt crisis and so on. There were decisions that were made for them and then they just had to have a more or less technocratic government and get it through.”
I mean they didn’t have to, and quite frankly things would probably have been beter if they had just outright repudiated the debt and left the EU. But it does make me think of what that one Greek dude said. “The Strong do what they will, and the weak suffer what they must”.
I look forward to seeing the Blue Helmets crushed by the Cajun Navy.
then you would basically have to get that down the throat of your population, whether they like it or not
Why do I think he was hard as a rock when he said that?
Good luck enforcing it against the US military.
“If there was something that was decided internationally by some more centralised procedure and every country was told ‘this is your emission target, it’s not negotiable, we can actually take military measures if you don’t fulfil it’, then you would basically have to get that down the throat of your population, whether they like it or not,” he says.
Trying to put a finger on why this reasoning seems familiar…
The funny thing is reading this, all I could do is laugh. It’s like this guy thinks the U.N. has any leverage whatsoever. The three countries that I could see them trying to impose this on are China, India (because they are the world’s biggest polluters) and the U.S. (because it’s the U.S). Now, two of those are permanent members of the Security Council. So, that isn’t happening. The other, is also a nuclear power with over a billion people.
As to the Southern Europe comparison? Countries like Greece had to take EU terms because they were asking for EU money. Who the hell is it this clown thinks funds the U.N.?
Seriously, this guy is utterly delusional.
Speaking of delusional, I’m convinced Obama wants to run for UN chair because his ego tells him that will make him President of Earth.
Fuck that noise.
I’ve been convinced since his inaugural World Appology Tour that this is his endgame.
Well, that 2nd Nobel isn’t going to mint itself.
The funny thing is reading this, all I could do is laugh. It’s like this guy thinks the U.N. has any leverage whatsoever.
Indeed. Of all the militarily strong nations, the US is the most concerned about climate change. Ain’t nobody making a move on this issue.
Wow. Christ what an asshole.
It’s funny. We barely know much about the history of our OWN FRICKEN SPECIES and these assholes are soooo sure about the climate?
Hope that guy is invaded by worms.
“Professor Wæver cautions that what he sees as “climate inaction”
He and Greta should build what ‘climate inaction’ would look like with Lego. Legos? Can you pluralize Lego?
This shit again? Go fuck yourselves.
Who is the person whose picture is after Hillary’s loading screen?
some shmuck Squid who no one knew was running until he announced he was quitting.
Joe Sestak, but also what leon said.
*peels Sestak/Cha-Ka sticker off of bumper*
What party is Giant Meteor running for?
That’s Malarky!
OMFG. That’s just the straight audio? Oh, Christ. Somebody get him off of the stage. This is only slightly better than making fun of the retarded at this point. Wow. I hadn’t heard him in a while. If that’s just straight audio, it’s cruel for his handlers to be running him out there. This is like that fight where Lewis’ corner through in the towel – where is anyone who loves this poor man to tell him he’s not fit to do this?
Christ. That was awhile ago, from the whole pool chain fight. Can’t imagine saying that stuff and being a presidential contender. He sounds like the crazy guy on the bus.
Did he really fucking say that? Or is that a deep fake/mashup?
There is video of it.
This seems a little wasteful.
Depends on whether they followed up with a barbecue or not. The article was not clear on the matter.
I assume not since Hindu, but I’m not entirely clear on the matter.
That would have been my assumption as well, except for the fact that I don’t think the vegetarian Hindus are all that keen on animal sacrifice in the first place, so who knows?
I have a beef with the writer over the lack of detail.
Yes, the writer needs to be roasted over a fire.
Leave it to you to steer the thread in that direction.
Well, I see you’ve all steaked out a position.
But regarding this situation, the BJP is likely to suet.
That is a tallow opinion.
It’s rare to see such searing wit around here. While it’s not exactly my choice, I can see you are all in your prime.
They definitely eat it after, based on my knowledge of other Hindi sacrifices.
Well at least it doesn’t go to waste, then.
Good. Harris was bad news.
Too bad we’re still stuck with her as a US Senator.
Just imagine the alternatives though. You could have Hirono.
Or Ilan Omar could “upgrade” from Rep to Sen.
Too many whites.
Reporter Jeff Zeleny said, “I think I was struck, Brianna, this field started in one of the most diverse fields of candidates, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, Sen. Kamala Harris, Sen. Cory Booker also struggling, has not qualified for the next debate. We’re going to meet at the end of the year with a lot of older candidates, several white candidates.”
Keilar said, “Incredible news today, Kamala Harris dropping out of the 2020 race.”
She added, “I thought that was a really interesting point there at the end Jeff made this becomes an older and whiter field for the top tier candidates.”
Strange. Democrats used to prefer white people to the extent of joining clubs and dressing up like spooks in order to celebrate their whiteness. Now it is a disadvantage.
They dressed up like spies?
Jeff Zeleny, for those who don’t remember, is the dolt who asked Obama “What has enchanted you the most about being President?”
It must burn white progressives up inside that blacks mostly seem to favor one of the senile old white guys.
Just wait and see how angry they get if the recent polls are accurate at all about Trump getting 20-30 percent of the black vote.
I have bad news for the Dems if they think blacks will be voting for a gay guy or a prissy old lady in large numbers.
Now it is a disadvantage.
Only to the chattering class – the polls indicate the party voters don’t exactly feel that way, hence all the hand-wringing.
“Extinction Rebellion activists smeared faeces on restaurant walls and targeted staff with abuse when healthy eating chain Leon ran out of crushed pea salad”
You know, just normal people doing normal stuff.
Glad that they clarified they are toddlers having a tantrum.
Normally toddlers have tantrums when they’re served crushed pea salad. These guys are retarded toddlers.
Meh, my toddler has never done that if he didn’t get his peas.
healthy eating chain Leon ran out of crushed pea salad
I told them i could piss in their salad, and i think thats where things got out of hand.
“Extinction Rebellion said: ‘The incident was clearly horrible and we’re sorry the staff were put in this position. This is not indicative of the nature of the movement and our principles and values.’”
I needs me one of them PACs, so I don’t actually work for a living anymore…
HI, My name is Katie Hill, you may recognize me from such films as “Mrs Smith goes on washington”, “West Weeniee”, and “Sorority Night XXX: Congresional chambers”. I may have resigned from my House seat, but don’t let that stop you from electing me to the Senate.
This “identifies as” business is getting out of control
Start your own Climate Change org. Get SJWs to canvess neighborhoods for contributions. Collect money. Keep money. *not legal advice*
Go duck yourself you wannabe tyrant.
Wait,that’s not the Babylon Bee?
CFP top ten tonight:
Penn State
So if UGA and Oklahoma lose their conference championships, who gets in?
If Utah wins, it’s Utah. If they lose, it’s probably Baylor.
I was trolling earlier. these picks sound reasonable. I don’t really see LSU passing OSU this week. Next week after they beat Georgia, maybe. Oklahoma and Utah are a toss up.
I would like to see Bama lower, but #10 is probably reasonable.
They’re actually 11th in my list. I was hoping someone would point that out so I could say:
“It’s not a top 10 without Bama.
-Pawl Finebaum”
I think if Bucks win Big Ten, they’ll stay 1. OSU-LSU National Championship. Should be a good game.
I could get into that.
Huh, I assumed the SEC bias would have put Florida ahead of Wisconsin. Otherwise my top ten was perfect.
Klobucher might be a nice pick for Biden
Yeah, but it’s Joe Biden. Does she pass the smell test?
She smells like stinky fart that gets stuck in your pants.
So she’s a turd?
Ran across this looking for a suction cup toy that walks up walls. This incredibly fucked-up ad popped up in the results.
I have never been more proud of the commenters.
Are those really the only animals that like having underage boys pee in their mouth?
Who would click on that link? Just reading the link it sounds terrible. And “amuzonpresents” sounds like a sketchy site, like one of those that’s trying to steal your identity.
That’s how they spell it in the UK: Amuzon. Try not to be so provincial.
The wee lad in the picture has an awesome pompadour and has his free hand firmly lodged in his tuchus. That’s good advertising.
I did like his style.
Might try it next time in the mensroom.
I could not get that link to work. “’s server IP address could not be found.”
You assholes are gaslighting me now, aren’t you?
OM is right–the hell kinda tech magic you schmucks using that makes that address actually worOMG,the glibs are actually Limeys!!!!
I just figured from the name that it was a fraud site.
You and me both apparently.
I came home yesterday and was pleasantly surprised to find that my wife had set up the Christmas decor without me!
And I got the outside lights done early, on a warm sunny day.
Bring it, Christmas!
In Minnesota? Did it get up to zero?
“I came home yesterday and was pleasantly surprised to find that my wife…”
I thought this story was headed a different direction at first.
I was not in the mood to decorate at all. Mind you, my idea of decorating is to pull the fully lit and decorated Christmas tree out of a closet corner and stick it in a spot, plug it in, then drape a white sheet around the bottom. It takes maybe 15 minutes.
So I asked my kids if they would mind if I didn’t decorate. They very much would mind, in fact.
In fact, XY would mind so much, he asked if he could do the outside lights. I (distracted) (thinking he meant the porch rails) said, “Sure.”
Later that night… Whole house was done. It’s beautiful. It involved a ladder, of which he did not inform me before he started climbing all over the roof.
Anyhoooooooooooooooooo I figured if he could do that, I could pull the Christmas tree out of the closet, stick it in a spot, plug it in, and wrap a white sheet around it. So I did. I’m glad I did.
…you keep a fully-decorated tree in a closet? I can’t imagine having the space for that.
But we have paid a steep price for that space. We will not have that space much longer. Thank heavens.
Request for the foodie glibs:
I’ve been processing my own game for a few seasons. This year I decided to spring for a good sized meat grinder and sausage stuffer. So far I have made Cumberland sausage (all pork) for a test run, then 6 lbs of venison/pork breakfast sausage – that turned out pretty good. I have 2 pounds of venison left I’m going to make into a fresh chorizo.
So now what the hell do I do with this equipment for the rest of the year?
Which one did you buy?
As far as post-hunting season, buy good steaks and make your own high-fat awesome burgers. Italian sausage is always good to have around.
I’ve considered buying the setup.
This guy
If you do, get a stuffer too. Everything I read said not to try to stuff sausage with the grinder. It’s true.
The cumberland ended up over-ground because of the resistance and made the texture a little off.
Very cool. Please report back on your success!
Wait for pork butts to go on sale then make bratwurst, currywurst, italian sausage, polish sausage, etc.
Also you should corn some of your venison and then send some to me. I didn’t get a deer this year.
I’m doing all fresh stuff right now; I’ve never played around with curing. I’m scheming to pick up some cold-smoking gear before next season though. I love smokies/snack sticks.
You can make sausages that are harder to find at the grocery store, like a decent andouille.
Mmmmmm, andouille
Exactly why I did the cumberland. Couldn’t find it around here for toad in the hole.
Good point. Why is that?
I know a few guys who have a problem in need of solving.
Gotta do something with all that buffalo.
If you are not already doing so, follow Scott Rea on the DerpTube.
Nice. I see some venison break-downs on there too. I need to get better at it, but it’s kinda hard when you only do it once or twice a year.
So now what the hell do I do with this equipment for the rest of the year?
Does it have the same efficacy as a woodchipper?
It only does 11 pounds/minute. Although, if you’re trying to torture someone horrible before killing ’em, I s’pose this would do just fine . . .
Go hunting more often. It’s always pig season around here.
Allright…. which one of you brilliant lunkheads was behind this masterpiece?
Narwhal Tusk Surrender Bins Installed Throughout The UK
“If you see something, mate, by Jove, say something, cheerio,” she said.
This final line was killer and almost made it appear legit and not parody.
“And at this point, the irrational hatred toward Gabbard is probably going to get her primaried from the far left. (And a third-party run might end her political career completely, aside from kicking around the Libertarian Party for a couple of decades.)”
Gabbard is already being primaried from someone who is just as far left as her, but who also is down with starting wars for lolz, which is more in line with the Democratic Party’s plank of “IT WAS HER TURN!”.
And I highly doubt that Gabbard would be welcomed in the Libertarian Party. She actually has principles beyond rank cowardice, which is foreign to Nick Sarwark’s LP. Not to mention that she opposes unnecessary war at a time when the LP has been playing footsies with neocons (the “respectable Republicans”) and has now nominated a presidential nominee more hawkish than one of the two major parties for the last three presidential elections.
Also, there is the fact that Gabbard supports religious liberty and called out her own party’s senators for imposing religious questions on judicial nominees. Such principled positions are like poison to your average pandering LP party official. Irrational religious bigotry out weighs principles among libertarians as we’ve seen countless times now.
Shut it, churchie!
The party of principals with little to no principles
I abandoned them after the 2016 debacle. They are never going to be a real party, so they might as well stayed principled. Oh well, now I don’t have to bother with primaries as a NPA.
I recently Joined the State Party, and am hoping to participate there.
The Florida state LP? Or is state party something else?
Well the Utah state LP.
This doesn’t help me then, LEON!
I don’t bother with the LP anymore. On twitter I follow the two-time (I think) LP candidate for OH Governor and realize he’s more a Bernie supporter than anything resembling a Libertarian… yeah.
Rand Paul and Thomas Massie are Republicans, that’s the way forward. Just need many more like them.
And Justin Amash, aside from his TDS, is still great on voting record.
IIRC, she raised her hand for all the other non-sense along with the rest of the Dem debaters.
Who do you think the LP’s best candidate would be? I’ve heard that firebrand Bumper Hornberger is running: he is articulate and even speaks Spanish, and probably has a view on some issue or another that is sure to piss off every voter in the land.
Guy I work with does a nice synchronized Christmas display. No speakers. Has a transmitter and a sign up to turn to a specific radio frequency. Also turns the lights off reasonably early.
Sounds like a smart man. Loud music is too much for me.
Same here. Especially bass.
It looked like we had mounted Frosty’s head on a tree as a warning to all the other snowmen.
And you vetoed that. What kind of libertarian are you? You know he did steal that magician’s hat. Do we or do we not support property rights?
Is Die Hard a Christmas movie?
Yes, but only if you watch it while eating a pineapple deepdish.
Die Hard and Lethal Weapon both.
Absolutely a Christmas movie. Who says otherwise?
I am simply posing a question.
I thought we were settling a bar bet. That’s the only reason I ever want to know something.
Here ya go
Shouldn’t it be, “I survived the Nakatomi Plaza Christmas Party.”?
Not this one? They also did a Christmas sweater, but I can’t find a picture of it now.
This one
Lol. Nice!
Close, but I found the one I was thinking of. This is what happens when I’m on two conference calls at 20:15 on a Tuesday.
Is any movie set at Christmas or merely with a Christmas scene a Christmas movie? Or does the plot have to do with something traditionally related to Christmas? This is the underlying question that must be answered to determine the proper classification of Die Hard.
Traditionalism is the hobgoblin of small minds.
Gremlins is the hobgoblin Christmas movie.
Krampus > Gremlins for horror X-mas.
I’ll once again push for Christmas Horror Story or Santa’s Slay. One has Shatner, the other has angelic curling.
Ill check them out
Yes, it is a Christmas movie. The whole plot is motivated by it being Christmas, from to the heist under the cover of the Christmas party to the reason McClane is there to foil it.
Lethal Weapon is merely a movie set during the Christmas season, a Shane Black narrative tic.
The whole plot is motivated by it being Christmas, from to the heist under the cover of the Christmas party to the reason McClane is there to foil it.
That’s a good point. And there’s even a strong theme of the importance of family and friends, which is a traditional Christmas film theme. I think the question has been settled.
Speaking of which
Nakatomi could be translated as wealth center, or the Naka could be translated as China/Chinese so Chinese wealth. Given this movie came out when Japan was still going to buy the US, what did John McClane know???
Thank you. YOINK
Define “Christmas movie.”
LOL not satisfied with rewriting history on their own, the NYT wants your kids to do it for them.
I hope any Glib-parents out there are carefully watching their kids’ history assignments.
That’s not how primary historical documents work.
sure it is
Why you makin those kids work so hard?
Suffer little children
That’s some creepy shit.
Are these those same assholes who didn’t want black kids to learn to read?
Reading is appropriations of sumerian culture, shitlord!
Do you really want to read ancient Sumerian?
Oh gee, do I want to destroy the world…
Check out the handle, of course I do.
I think that’s a different group.
I can’t remember it beyond “multiliteracies,” which they were misusing horribly.
A concise statement of the event (i.e. “The 13th Amendment was signed into law.”
Are amendments signed? I’m pretty sure once ratified its the law.
AFAIK the President plays no part in the amendment process. Which makes sense, since an amendment requires 2/3 of Congress, the same as a veto override, rendering the President superfluous to the process.
Next up, turning your parents in for Wrongthink.
That’s not creepy at all.
Sounds like your typical DAR get together.
Big Brother is my inspiration.
You get an A+, citizen.
Actually, that sounds fun.
I see your point, but in this context it stinks of the left’s wet dream of splitting children from their families.
This context
Create a visual presentation to share this with your class, answering the following questions to the fullest extent possible:
What is your family’s history of movement and migration?
What other countries, cities, and towns did your ancestors live in?
Who were important members of your family in past generations?
Nice try, but no, I mean in the context of the entire project as an exercise in leftist propaganda.
That’s how you raise a kid to have no ties to reality.
Also watch the “science” assignments, which are trending more towards activism as opposed to education.
Not seeing the problem, these kids will make great justices.
I remember years ago having to explain to my 4th grader when she came home with a poster from school, that oil companies don’t have oil spills in the ocean on purpose. F’king schools.
I’m very lucky in that a) I’ve only got 4.5 years of school left, and b) our high school’s history teachers seem to be my age and of the “communism has killed more people than Hitler” stripe. XX’s 9th grade history teacher had a Gadsden flag in his room.
/Mr. Burns voice
JFC that’s enraging. I need to check in with my 8th grader.
She didn’t even make it to Iowa.
She wasn’t even competitive in her own state.
That is correct. We are populated by lunatics but even lunatics have better choices.
Hmm. I might need this. Or this.
What is this word “or”?
Sshh. Mrs. Animal is reading over my shoulder.
My wife tells me a surprise Lexus in the driveway is an awesome Christmas present.
Only if it has a giant novelty bow attached to the roof.
I assume it comes with??
That’s what every car commercial is telling me lately.
My wife would rather have a new F450.
Tell her you don’t do “events”.
Or need not be an exclusive or.
My grandpa had a Model 12. I’m assuming my uncle has it now. I couldn’t justify the cost of those for myself but they are sweet.
I’ve got a full gunbroker watch list. I’m just a drunken bid away from something new. I lost out on a P320 carry last night.
I put a low bid in for a Model 1898 Krag at the recent Amoskeag Auction. To my surprise, I won. I plan to pick it up tomorrow morning.
I love living near an asshole city that I have no control over, but am forced thanks to zoning restrictions to do business with. As of January 1, no styrofoam containers for takeaway food and no plastic bags from restaurants (they already went after the shopping bags for grocery stores). So now my take home food can be both cold and leak all over the car. At what point does these assholes start to deserve lead poisoning?
No. Mass. is behind, still trying to ban free grocery bags statewide.
The zoning restrictions force you to buy take out?
The zoning restrictions limit any development outside of city controlled boundaries and essentially prohibit new cities/neighborhoods from being established. If you want any kind of services gas stations/groceries/restaurants/doctors offices, you have to drive to town. Welcome to statewide land use planning.
Time to move.
Yeah, hoping to stretch another five years. We live in the woods and aside from the minimal interactions with the retards, it’s paradise.
Huh, I wonder why housing is so expensive.
It’s a mystery
A) wreckers
B) hoarders
C) kulaks
North Dakota has something like this. Extra-territorial zoning. The city gets to make make zoning and property tax decisions for areas a certain distance outside the city limits, but the residents who live in that area don’t get to vote in city elections.
Seems like someone fought a war over something similar to this…
It’s because of groups around Fargo that split off to avoid taxes, then whined that Fargo didn’t do flood control for them. No sympathy for them. Sorry it’s affecting the rest of the state.
You been hanging out with The Hyperbole?
Most of the towns I assume you are speaking of are outside of Fargo’s Extra Territorial Zoning range. The biggest complaints I’ve heard from surrounding communities is that the plan that Fargo is shoving down everyone’s throats looks like it would create worse flood conditions in the near-Fargo communities. They aren’t looking for free flood protection, they just don’t want to be left out of the conversation, and they sure as hell don’t want their flood situation to worsen to save Fargo.
Also, Fargo is paying for a large chunk of the flood project with…SALES TAX! The #1 favorite way for large towns in rural states to pay for things. Make the out-of-town shoppers pay for our shit!
Back to the topic at, this is different. The extra territorial thing isn’t anything new. It’s been the norm for as long as I can remember. It’s been most recently in the news with shit being pulled in Grand Forks and especially Minot.
This has to be Oregon.
Damn. Another one
Lot of classics – I especially like “Charlie X”.
That’s a real loss. I’m grateful for her work on Star Trek.
Babydoom is breech, and is in the no spin zone. Apparently lady dooms been watching fox reruns. Just scheduled the C section. So unless there’s an emergency, I just picked her birthday. That’s an odd thought.
Did they try a version?
They were going to, but they saw the umbilical cord is around her head. Not tight or anything, but they were not super excited to try it.
Better safe than sorry. Early congratulations. Tell the wife the spinal is no big deal. Hurts less than the IV.
Or so you’ve been told. ;-)
I feel bad for the women that come in terrified of the epidural or spinal and after it’s done they realize it wasn’t that bad. All those tears for not.
I was all for a spinal epidural till it tanked my blood pressure and scared the shit out of everybody involved with kid #1.
I passed on kid #2, but explained why. After hour 14 of hard labor, anesthesiologist talked me into trying again. “I think I know what went wrong the last time.”
BP tanked. Everybody went frantic. Gave me drugs to get it up again. Spiked. Gave me drugs to get it down again. Tanked. Rimse, repeat twoce more. Anesthesiologist said, “Let her sleep. She’s earned it.”
Hour 16, XY finally came into the world. Not a nurse around to catch him. If my mom hadn’t been there, he’d have slipped right out onto the floor.
It was a clusterfuck all the way around.
My wife passed on the epi during the birth of her son. She would not do that now if done over.
Sorry Mo. You had some bad luck with your providers. I’ve done probably over a thousand epidurals safely.
I got nicked during a spinal tap, too.
Anesthesiologist who gave me epidural #2 said something along the lines of (and remember, I was out of my head with pain, so this is IIRC), I have very little space around my spinal cord.
All I know is, every time I’ve gotten stuck in my spine, no matter how careful they are, something bad has happened.
My wife passed on the epi during the birth of her son. She would not do that now if done over.
My wife feared the needle more than the pain up until full dilation. By the time she was begging for the pain killers, it was over. Of course, the pitocin didn’t help the situation. I’m not sure what she’ll do with the next one, but I’m guessing some pain reducing will be involved.
Yeah the doc told us and then said something around “we could still try, but I don’t think I’ve ever done one where I knew the cord was there.”
When you hear the risk reward, it’s pretty easy to just say we’ll skip it.
Scheduled c-sections are very civilized. And she doesn’t have to go through labor.
We were just talking about that. It’s a little interesting to think that we get to skip a lot of the up front stuff and trade it for some recovery time.
Civilized you say? Should I wear a suit to the or?
Frock Coat.
Don’t forget the top hat.
Just as long as it’s before 11:59 p.m. on December 31, you’re good.
Good luck to her and congratulations to you!
Thanks Mo!
Be sure to claim him/her on your taxes! She didn’t carry that baby all year for nuthin’, yanno.
I will be!
Best wishes!
Hah! Spawn 2 was breech. The plan was to turn her on Tuesday. Unfortunately, her plan was to force her way out on Monday night. Emergency C-section, but al went well.
I will raise a glass for you all on the 18th.
Happy for you, kid!
I was emergency breech.
I wondered aloud if this is a genetic thing…
I’ll be sure to keep everyone posted if stuff changes!
I’m so fucking old they didn’t even know. First kid, breech and almost 10 lbs.
My mom likes me anyway.
With a c section, the baby comes out all purty, not all squashed by the delivery. Much easier on the kid.
Best wishes for an smooth birth day, to you and especially momma and baby!
I had to pull a Tundra on Bearded Hobbit today. Spud has a sad. 🙁
You distracted him while OMWC stole his bike.
Way to spread the Minnesoda Nice.
Guys… you have to read Thomas Massie’s twitter feed, he’s funny. Every so often I will go to his account and just catch up on what he’s been up to. If you’re not familiar with twitter, it’s usually best to click the “Tweets & Replies” section, otherwise you won’t see when he is replying to someone.
Thomas Massie:
‘There are certain things in the world you’d rather have and not need, than need and not have. And paramount among those things, given the state of the modern human condition, is a rifle.’ Before I lost them in a boating accident, I called my AR-15’s “refugee insurance.”
David Perforated:
Replying to @RepThomasMassie
You take your AR-15’s boating?
Thomas Massie:
TOOK them boating.
I hate it when that happens.
Changed my avatar for Hyperion again.
Plot twist: Aus is Thomas Massie.
“hey guys, check out this hilarious link! It’s definitely not me, though. You should buy his t shirts!”
That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me!
I just saw an ambulance-chaser commercial linking Juul to vaping “illness”.
I have a feeling they’re going to be getting a sternly-worded letter from Juul’s lawyers very soon.
Doubt it. Didn’t juul put out a bunch of pads saying “ban me, daddy government” ?
I don’t remember any ads (never seen one from them anyway) but I do remember them making noises about “voluntarily” removing kid flavors from store shelves. I’m sure they’ll reconsider if/when this panic blows over, unless they just don’t want the business.
But this bullshit libel is over the top either way.
True. This is the downside of having your brand become the Kleenex of tissue paper
Yeah, you have to suck up to Big Brother.
Surprisingly, New Zealand media is calling for government regulation of vaping.
Here’s a sample:
NZ caught what Aussieland has, a bad case of the Nannyism.
Isn’t NZ’s libertarian reputation built almost entirely on Rogernomics? Reminds of the end of history stuff I posted yesterday.
Missed your post, working too much. Anyway, what is Rogernomics?
The current government is Labour by the way…
I guess I’m going to have to explain this…
The current government is a coalition government with Labour as the senior partner.
There are 120 seats in the NZ parliament. National (sort of conservative) has 56 seats (losing three from the previous parliament) and Labour winning 46 seats. There WAS a swing to Labour of about 12% but most of their gains came from the Greens. Labour holds power because NZ First and its 9 seats agreed to join it in government. This despite NZ First being populist, immigration-restrictive, and socially conservative. Rounding out this odd couple are the Greens whose 8 members support the government on supply & budget bills but chart their own course otherwise.
As much as the NZ media loves Jacinda Ardern (PM & Labour leader), they despise Winston Peters (deputy PM and NZ First).
In other words, despite a kind of media love-in for Ardern that paralleled the US media & Obama, she didn’t come close to winning a majority. And NZ First has blocked some Labour wet dream legislation.
I meant that Labour had Roger Douglas in 1980s and he was a neoliberal so libertarians kinda of assumed that the New Zealand Labour Party would forever a bastion a libertarianish sentiment and the likes of Jacinda Ardern would not happen. Like how Corbyn and Warren and Sanders weren’t supposed to happen after 1990s neoliberalism.
I mean isn’t this like being shocked by British statism despite Blair or US statism because of Clinton’s welfare reform?
Hey legal-minded Glibs ? What do you think of this guy’s argument ?
/I casually know the family
I think it is an argument that needs to be made and made to stick, I also think it would be better to fight that battle with a defendant charged with something other than kiddie porn.
Which is exactly why it wont get any traction.
/right road, wrong direction
Meh, This seems fairly straight forward-
“Facebook’s policy expressly states it does not allow any content that involves the sexual exploitation of children to be uploaded, shared, or otherwise kept on its platform. And it notifies users that ‘when we become aware of apparent child exploitation, we report it to [NCMEC], in compliance with applicable law,” the memorandum says. ” Further, Facebook users are put on notice that Facebook collects data about ‘the content, communications and other information you provide when you use our Products,’ and that it uses this information to “combat harmful activity … and promote safety and security on and off of Facebook products.”
In other words, there is no such thing as ‘private online communications’ using Facebook. Don’t like it don’t use Facebook.
Yeah, but the problem you’re missing is that the reason FB does so is because the government has a law requiring it. The underlying question is can govt require all digital repositories to report legal violations for them? Doesn’t that make them de facto agents of the state? By the way, this is why the “reasonable expectation” decision is one of the worst the Supreme Court has ever handed down. That phrase was originally from a concurrence, but eventually made its way into the legal parlance and now is the Constitutional standard. It’s horsehit – a complete judicial fabrication – through and through. It wipes out the entire legal history of bailments and is how they justify the Patriot Act and the feds getting your cell records and location data. You have no “reasonable expectation of privacy” now at all in anything you share. If I put something in a safe deposit box, do I have a reasonable expectation of privacy in what’s in the box? Or is it now just that the govt gets it because I can’t possible “reasonably” expect my bailee to do what I’m paying them to do? i.e. To provide secure storage for my shit, from ALL takers, even fedgov. This is nothing more than “well, if you don’t have anything to hide…” dressed up with nice clothing.
do I have a reasonable expectation of privacy in what’s in the box?
What are the terms of the lease on that box?
More to the overall point, Facebook has an interest in not allowing people to use there services to commit crimes. That those interests happen to align with the interest of the state doesn’t make Facebook an agent of the state. Say I own a apartment complex and don’t want my tenants selling crack because it will degrade the value of my building/business, so I have a ‘I can search your shit anytime I want’ clause in the agreement that I and the renter freely associate and agree to. When I find evidence of crack selling and ratfink to the man I am not acting as an agent of the man, thus no unreasonable search. To the extent that there shouldn’t be laws requiring me to have that policy I’d agree but that would be an argument Facebook should make when asked to search not the guy who Facebook willingly searches and then rat finks out.
I’m not so sure that the distinction you’re making is occurring in the way either of us is describing. My guess is that these are algorithms that look for the offending images. I don’t know if they were designed specifically in response to legal requirements or pre-dated the requirement to “see something, say something.” If they were a response to a legal requirement, ho is that not the state co-opting every single digital space? If the law requires them all to turn over your shit pointing to the fact that it’s “part of the agreement” isn’t much of an argument. You’re dodging the underlying issue. It’s another form of adhesion contract where you have no other option. It isn’t like there’s another marketplace for being secure in your digital information.
And you’ve entirely whistled past the law of bailments. I remember when this was going on with respect to Swiss Bank Accounts. They played the “why are you helping the NAZIS!?!” card, as well as the TERRORISTS!!! card to get the Swiss to cave on their banking secrecy. USG has been ubiquitous with pressure on every world government to fundamentally crush your ability to be invisible to them. I’ve followed this legally for two decades in my legal career. We didn’t just lose our Fourth Amendment rights in one decision.
You’re right. I have no idea what the law of bailments is. Even though I think both (A) the government shouldn’t force people/companies to ratfink their customers and (B) Companies willingly ratfinking their customers isn’t inherently an unreasonable search and therefore shouldn’t be grounds for dismissal. Perhaps we need to let some dirtballs walk by violating (B) so that we can get rid of (A), it might be a reasonable trade off in the long run, I’ll give it a ponder.
Pondered. I was wrong, the state is overstepping it’s authority so fuck ’em . As long as the state mandates that companies do policing for them then any policing ,even if done entirely autonomously, must be considered as state mandated. If they want us to ratfink then don’t force us to ratfink.
I think you are correct when you say that deplatforming, regardless of how offensive, is within the company’s rights under the contract. I disagree with your earlier take on this situation because I do not think it is permissible for a private enterprise to require customers to give up their 4th amendment rights as part of the contract. I’m taking this position specifically as to the 4th amendment rights, because the 4th amendment rights are kind of an odd entity. They are not inherent in the same sense as 1st or 2nd amendment rights. Instead they are a deliberate limitation on the State created in recognition of the impossibility of preserving liberty if the State is allowed to rummage through your papers at will.
That is not really an individual right, although it expresses itself as one. Instead it is a limit on Government action, and regardless of whether facebook or Government instigates the policy, the policy gives Government a power it is expressly denied.
Aww, poor Kamala, she so woke, none ya’ll woke, you racist Nazis.
I know right!
LOL I’m not certain the esteemed Dr. Gu isn’t a performance artist.
I don’t get it, trump has orange privilege, not white.
So the Dem Candidate will only get 91% of the black vote in 2020?
And that may matter.
I miss posting, but… another 15 hour day. Probably back at it again tomorrow at 5am until 7PM. Oh well, not really complaining, gainfully employed is good. I must be getting old though, I feel a little beat.
Have you tried meth?
It’s the quicker picker upper!
Not yet, I’ll stop at a couple of street corners in the morning on my way to East Balmer and see if I can score from the bored looking young men on the street corners. Or… maybe not a good idea.
You can always do five hour shots and chase it by shotgunning red bulls.
While on meth.
The 2nd sentence is obviously a prerequisite for it actually working.
You could substitute cocaine if you want to be the most upscale guy at the monster truck jam.
You’re clearly not Jamaican.
Yang, I can only assume, is on some sort of Brewster’s Millions mission to blow as much money possible as long as he has nothing to show for it at the end.
Sometimes I wonder if Steyer is doing the same.
And Bloomberg.
Steyer just seems to like to blow money and I think is angling for some kind of Kingmaker position in the party (and he’s pathologically anti-Trump).
Bloomberg likes to blow money on astroturf orgs so I’m a little surprised he’s actually running – I figured he’d just keep being a dark money donor to whoever wins and get his policies that way. So my current theory is that he’s running because he can run ads as much as he wants for himself and he’s not barred by any campaign finance laws – so he’s basically spending his own money to prop up the Democrats (who are broke). I’ve already heard ads for him here in Calif, which is otherwise a useless state for actually winning the primary. If this is true, I would think there’s some DNC promise to him in exchange. There’s another theory that he’s prepping a third party run, esp if the nom goes to one of the socialist.
or, he really is running for president because “hey Trump won so I can too!” And he was a mayor at least, so he’s got more elected experience he can ‘sell’, plus he’s richer.
Steyer is a world class egotist. He thinks he has a shot. His consultants are happy to tell him he’s right.
First time I have seen wife a little upset with bad orange man. The Real just hit 4.5 to 1 dollar this morning. I said ‘But you know, what is Brazil doing? Bad orange man says the tariffs are necessary because Brazil are pulling some Chingaling devaluing their currency’. She frowned at me and I said, ‘Well I see a nice vacation in Brazil soon with muh newly powerful dollar’. She still frowned at me. What can I do? Bad orange man is bad.
Violating Art. I, sec. 8 of the Constitution is bad.
You want a war or a tariff? That’s the job of Congress.
I recall Jeff Tucker wrote some article where he pointed out that the President was given power over tariffs because in 1930s it was felt that Congress was filled with protectionists and it was assumed that POTUS would be forever a free-trader. Glad that worked out!
Congress has no time anyway, they’re busing re-inventing the rule of law on the fly.
FDR didn’t claim the power of tariff, per se, but creatively used a law passed during the Wilson administration which was intended to prevent domestic industry from doing business with countries currently at war with the US (Which is something that definitely happened during the War of 1812, where New England defied James Madison and the mid-Atlantic states, and continued trading with GB), to claim emergency powers during the Depression. From this point on, both parties have allowed this situation to fester as they see the political utility of this abuse of executive power.
lol nerd alert
But other presidents did it first.
That’s why it will never change. Yes, the Republicans called Obama out on his ‘Imperial Presidency’ but never took any concrete actions because they didn’t disagree with turning the executive into an elected dictator, they just disagreed with whom the states elected. Fast-forward to today, and we see the Democrats crying crocodile tears over the separation of powers and abuse of the emergency war powers act. And nothing will be done because they desperately want President Warren to have ultimate and unaccountable power.
There has been a long history of this. Absolute monarchy and theocracy are bad only because it prevents Dissident Protestants and urban bourgeoisie from having total power. We need constitutions, independent judiciary, civil liberties and legislatures to save us from the reactionaries but we need to trust scientific, reasoned and logical modern educated elites to rule us all.
I think the motivations are even more base and cynical.
You mean desire for power and wealth?
And I was pointing out that their has always been a “The King and the Pope suck because there are not real TOP MEN and I of course am that REAL TOP MAN” sentiment long percolating in political thought. We need constitutions to stop my enemies but there are useless when they interfere with me, etc.
And of course executive orders overturning Obama’s executive orders are totes illegal while Obama’s weren’t, because reasons.
Wifey is right. Trump’s claim Brazil is manipulating its currency is pure horseshit.
Last cyber-monday gift to myself. 500+ rds of ammo and this shirt.
Also just signed up for a concealed carry class on the 21st. Might spoil myself and pick up something else at that time as well.
Nice T.
Haha.. I like it.
Dang, those other T shirts are good too. I really want that ‘Join or Die’ shirt.
Do you know of any promo code I can use at checkout?
All weekend through Monday, it was “EPSTEIN” for 10% off – no kidding.
My class is $140 –
I may pick up the Springfield Arms XDE-45 as my “carry” once I get my card (or sooner) – $450 including 4 mags and some other items. I’ll just be using my Sig 220 for the class.
I’m partial to Sig & S&W. Look for all metal handgun bargains. They’re slowly drying up.
I have a class on Thursday. For a renewal (five years).
No one seems to care that I’m pissed about having to pay and pay and pay for a natural right…
Whatever. It’s time to shoot anyway.
A class?!
/Nelson point and laugh
What do you guys have for your permit?
Ours is classroom and shooting.
Class cost + $100 for the permit, originally.
I’m not sure what the renewal fee is.
Even in Massachusetts you have to take a class only once in your life.
Well, I’ve got some high-cap mags, so I guess there’s that?
Fuck all this.
The comment.
No one but Clinton hates those memes…
My grandmother had a Pope John Paul II ornament.
Pope John Ball the Second?
Hi everyone, I know this is a chatroom full of fun shenanigans and hijinx, but I have an important announcement to make, and I’d like your full attention – I believe I’ve earned it.
The skin tag located inside my navel is now gone.
Thank you.
Recommence shenanigans and such.
Xe’s all yours, Canada.
I can’t believe this is the world we live in.
They don’t “require” it? How about a list of things they don’t “require”. Fuck them.
That pap smear is going to hurt.
“[Groinal] pain don’t hurt.”
Hey, if mentally ill Canucki Karen wants to be pap’d, let
himherxir.Did you put in under your pillow for the tag fairy?
I nibbled on it for bit and then rubbed it underneath a tabletop, just like I do with a bloody cornf lake-like boog.
Pics or it didn’t happen.
Did you frame it, at least?
Not sure if I wasn’t to inquire as to what you replaced it with.
Don’t keep us in suspense. How did you remove it?
Boyfriend Barely Wants to Have Sex—but Constantly Stares at Other Women in Front of Me
My advice: lose weight piggie girl, that will get him to pay attention. That or standing in the middle of a busy bike lane in London. Either/or.
Develop some confidence, you goose!
What do you think is happening here?
Does it matter? You’re in an unsatisfactory relationship.
And what can I do?
Dump ‘im and find someone else. If, as you assert, you are “quite the looker,” you shouldn’t have trouble lining up some first dates.
Maybe she should as for a Peloton for Christmas.
(and also disrespectful to the women being ogled)
Oh, fuck off.
Go ahead and admit it — ‘The Irishman’ is terrible
The hot take machine knows no shame.
I thought it was a middling movie, just needed an editor with balls to cut about an hour out.
an obscene 209 minutes
Guessing the reviewer wasn’t alive when the epics of the 50’s and 60’s were released.
It’s fine so long as you have, I dunno, something happen, or an intermission at least. I fell asleep instead.
Most of the “roadshow” versions had intermissions (and overtures and exit music).
For no good reason other than nostalgia: Our lingo for love: how the Irish talk about sex
How do the no-assed discuss sexy times?
I’m not sure why this is ‘bateable, but it most certainly tha ‘bates.
Personally I am pretty sick of all this generational nonsense. First of all it is arbitrary collectivism (which McMaken does acknowledge).
Statists of all generations suck. Teh yutes won’t save us all nor will the old fogeys. Millenials/GenZ whatever include a lot of people with awful views. The Boomers and their parents weren’t the first statists. I’m not too fond of the “Old People suck when I’m young but Young People suck when I’m old” attitude which the Boomers didn’t start by the way. It is hilarious that Rock and Punk fans are now the old men yelling at clouds but the same thing happened with jazz, etc.
/Rant over
Rock peaked with Blink 182.
It was all downhill when Dylan went electric.
Sum 41 is better.
Now you are just trolling.
I’m in too deep:
In case you were worried that you might be stuck in an echo chamber of conspiracy theorists, the conspiracies on the other side don’t get very creative:
There isn’t enough tinfoil to protect this guy.
I present to you Tha Clawserole.
If there is a young, white, lady in your life, aged 18-20 (get it…?…all other ladies are old?…get it?…negging, bro) give this as a Christmas gift.
You’re welcome.
The gods damned spiked seltzers are infecting the proud beer world of the CLE. A beer bar (that used to run a brewery as well) has their “house made hard seltzers”, and the news has broke that there is going to be a hard seltzer fest in Spring.
/still on conference calls
My condolences.
Robert Redford or an upper middle class Midwestern milf?
I put this floor down in my dacha today. Pretty proud. For an amateur, i did a decent job.
Floor looks good, title is misleading.
You dont wanna know what i actually layed today crusty, you pervert.
Ooooo… want.
I got wall-to-wall carpets for the animals but some day….
I’ve got woodish flooring in part of the house now. The doggy is mostly ok with, unless he gets spooked or such and then it’s like Scooby Doo with the feet. Makes us laugh.
Hey UCS, I finally got Kindle and Beyond the Edge of the map, the intro tells me it’s gonna be fun, need pictures! Not of the book….
I think a few folks already mentioned it, but hot damn Ford vs Ferrari is a fun flick. Definitely one that *should* be seen on the big screen. It’s not quite Grand Prix but I got quite the rush for a lot of the racing/test scenes. 2 1/2 hours but went by pretty fast.
Fast, car film..,
It doesn’t sound as good – “Grand Prix’s” car scenes are orgasmic – and “Grand Prix” has a much higher class of nice-looking ladies.
Yeah, I’m gonna ty to see it in the theater.
Review today on TTAC.
It’s very good and the book it’s based on is also pretty good.
Not woke:
Author’s public acknowledgement of the sad, pathetic life xer lives.
What a twat
Jeez. I should have expected more issues would be waiting in the wings.
Over the past week I’ve been trying to arrange a business trip to Shanghai. The local Shanghai branch is bringing me in as a contractor for a project.
But then the local Tokyo branch gets involved and I had to do some extra steps to get through that.
So this morning I show up at the Chinese visa application office with the form I downloaded from their website filled out. They tell me it’s an old form and hand me the new one. Then they tell me I need an invitation letter from the Shanghai entity. Luckily their waiting room has wifi and a printer. Of course the Shanghai office needs some other documents before they can move. It seems I’ve been able to clear that hurdle and hopefully they will send the letter in time for me to get my application in today.
On my first trip to China in 1988 everybody who was travelling there had come to understand the phrase “This is China”. Very applicable where I am right now.
Is your trouble a sign of things to come?
I was in China in 2004. I had to come home after a few days because my dad went into ICU. I got pulled off a domestic flight by three cops on the way to Shanghai because I was on a group visa, not an individual visa, and I had left the group. I had to sit in baggage claim for two hours until the flight took off. It took several hours of stress in Xian before I was able to secure a visa to get me out of the country.
I was there in 2001. I was part of a group tour but I had no idea there was such a thing as a “group visa” – don’t know if that is what I had. I guess I blocked out the whole “waiting at the visa office” part of the adventure.
Yeah, always go for the individual visa. My buddy and I got some of the first individual visas issued back in 1988. Chinese people almost freaked out to see a couple round-eyes walking down the street without a group or a minder. Any time we stopped to look pull out a guide book or look at a map we had a crowd form around us – a circle with us in the middle. I shouldn’t have been surprised, even 30+ years later, that there would be problems. I’m sure this won’t be the last of them. But that’s a small part of what I bring to this project – long, deep experience with cultures, languages, bureaucracies of this region and the attitude to deal with them.
Me and my two buddies had lots of free time on our tour – which we took great advantage of – does that mean we had “individual visas”?
Yeah, if you were on your own without a tour/tour guide then you were on individual visas. I actually wasn’t sure that they still issue group visas – but there it is on the form.
My “adventure” this time has additional layers injected by the company I’m working for.
Just to be clear – we DID have a tour guide in each city. But there were periods where we were on our own.
Lucky they didn’t bounce your application entirely and make you apply at a consulate/embassy in the US.
Shhhhhh! Please! Don’t give them ideas!
Haven’t MLW around lately. Maybe she’s found another gig.
South Carolina is open primary AND the GOP isnt having one, so I have to decide between Gabbard and Williamson, assuming at least 1 is still in it.
This Guy Has Done 100 Pushups a Day, Every Day, for 10 Years
Now that’s a power move.
It doesn’t say if he does 100 push-ups without a stop or if he breaks it into 3 or 4 sets. I suppose we are expected to assume it’s done in one set and without a break – but those are different things. There was a time when I was doing 100 push-ups every morning in a single set – with a short stop in place a few times. I was timing myself and trying to get down under 2 minutes. Bursitis in the elbow – swole up like an avocado – told me to stop. Maybe it would have been different if I had started before I turned 45.
I can do sets of 100 – today I did sets of 80 until I got to 1000 – but the key is that I did not do it shirtless in front of my family.
While doing 1 set of 100 without rest, every day, shirtless, in front of your family is a pretty cool move, doing 5 sets of 20, shirtless, in front of the family, resting and then staring at them, is also a pretty cool move.
Apples and cucumbers, that’s what I say.
Apples and cucumbers, that’s what I say.
Which is why I do my 80 sets of 1000 pullups fully nude, so those pussy sons of mine never forget their dad’s apples and cucumber and never won’t feel inadequate.
Back when i weighed 70 lbs i could do 100 in one go without stopping. Now… ~60 is probably the most i could do without stopping and going into some modified rest position.
The link through from the link has the deets –
When he started, he could do 46 pushups at once, so it took him two more sets to hit the required 100. On day 30, he could do 61 in his first set, and it still took him two more to hit triple digits.
So he’s a pussy who can’t even do 100 pushups in one set.
Heck, he’s probably cheating and using both arms.
This year I have modified my push-ups to do only full range of motion – either with hands/feet on blocks or on a surface with hands on one edge. Chest touches the plane of hands/feet on every decline. It was a lot harder than I expected.
Richard Jewell is looking good. Timely too.
Ahhh. The wife is dozing on the couch, my feet are off the ground, and my new favorite show is “Kings of Pain”. Two guys that gather animals and insects and let them sting and bite them. Some of the best comedy I’ve seen in years.
Something like this
Heh, heh. Caught the Goliath bird eating tarantula bite on YouTube. My 8 and 6 year old are going to frigging love that show.
ROFL! They just let a Nile Monitor lizard lock onto their forearms. I haven’t laughed that hard in a while.
I am an 8 year old at heart so that shit is hilarious to me as well. That’s going onto the dad and kids television hour this week.
Oh, Lordy! We watch Oak Island, so naturally they run wall-to-wall promos for that at every commercial break. Mr. GT & I agree that as soon as OI is over, we’re just gonna nope right on outta there.
I like your style, ma’am!
/Show up for the history and heavy equipment, stay for the wild conspiracy theories.
Plot twist: IT WUZ ALIENZ!!!
I’m not saying it was…
We also watch shows on the “American Heroes Channel,” AKA “AHC,” which will ease the inevitable transition to “Aliens & Hitler Channel.”
I no longer have access to that channel (I think) since leaving an area where Fios was/is available.
It could be on a non-HD section, but, F that.
Also, I actually was just just thinking about Oak Island, and how it’s a mash-up: the thrill of the hunt for whatever the heck went on there, and, all the various theories that get floated to them about who did what way beck when.
Also, Rick Lagina has subtle hotness. (Marty not so much.)
I knew it was goatee bro…
/quietly tends to own goatee
You know the drill: Pics or…
The kyoot version
I wubz it!!!
Awwwww *melty*
::that was…effective::
I saw a few commercials for that when visiting family.
It has reaffirmed my decision to not watch television.
Ok the wife insists on home defence, since my stshotty was stolen, so here’s the scenario,
She is wheelchair bound, and ha chronic regional pain syndrome, CRPS, and has limited function in her arms. We are going to AZ so selection is easy, but what to buy? A good friend suggested a 10/ 22 pistol, any ideas?
Anything is better than nothing. Can she go to a story and try to handle some firearms?
Yes, there is a store with gun range testing etc. Let’s see what they can do with wheelchair Wife
.22 magnum. Better penetration, low recoil.
These things she needs low recoil is essential or she can’t aim, her arms are fucked, powerwise
Would any type of long gun work for her? My home defense is a 20 gauge shotgun in a youth model (less likely than a 12 gauge to dump me on my ass, and a shorter reach,) but it’s pump action, which wouldn’t work for her, I gather. I’m not familiar with how semi-auto shotguns work, but maybe better for her? Or a 10/22 rifle? I’d think it would be easier to be accurate with a long gun than a handgun, but I’m woefully out of practice and out of the loop re: recommended home defense guns and no expertise at all re: best options for those with physical limitations.
I am a big fan of the 20 gauge as well. A velocipede accident leading to a poorly healed broken shoulder make the 12 gauge somewhat uncomfortable for me.
My only experience is with pump guns, a semiautomatic might be something to try.
Any products to look at?
I’ll ask again tomorrow, good night Glibs…..
This was popular earlier.
These Tulsi-Kamala memes are ridiculous… and I’m here for it!
The Daily Wire
Geometry is amazing sometimes.
Back to my Thomas Massie posting… but he’s taking some heat on twitter right now on his “No” votes on the recent HK / China bills.
From what I understand, he was the only “No” vote on the HK bill, and maybe the other one too.
Say’s he “agrees with 90% of the bill, but always votes against sanctions”
Interesting. I wonder if there’s anything that would change his mind on that. I think the idea that trade leads to freedom has been pretty definitively disproven at this point. Maybe he’s an America-Firster since the trade is pretty good for us 🙂
He’s been posting more, not really sure how to interpret his position. Maybe it’s silly/hypocritical to threaten sanctions against a nation whilst so heavily dependent on their goods and money? Perhaps I shouldn’t put words in his mouth. Go read for yourself would be best.
“I voted no tonight on the UIGHUR Act (sanctions against China) for the same reason I voted no in the Hong Kong bill two weeks ago:
When our government meddles in the internal affairs of foreign countries, it invites those governments to meddle in our affairs.”
“Reasonable people can come to different conclusions on this vote but,
Before expressing righteous indignation re: my vote against these sanctions, please consider whether you committed enough to the issue that you would personally go a week without buying something made in China”
“This was the purpose of tonight’s bill: to sooth the consumer’s conscience, so that everyone can buy Chinese goods with no fear of the moral encumbrances broadcast on the news. Also possibly the reason a few are outraged over a single NAY vote – it diluted that salve?”
I’d rather have the sanctions encourage divestment from the honestly evil country and investment elsewhere, even if we can’t manage to onshore these industries.
My guess is it does nothing to help the Uyghurs, establishes cronyism and normalizes the Chinese Government as a friendly force, because it means MONEYS!!!!
Christ, what an asshole.
I guess it’s good for him that he doesn’t have a conscience.
Student and school resource officer injured in second high school shooting in Wisconsin this week
So, wow this is…In this one a kid stabbed a cop at a school, and the cop fired his weapon in retaliation…but you’d think it was just more kids going crazy with TEH GUNZ IN TRUMPZ AMERCA if you read the headline, and I bet anti-gun folks include it in their stats.
Perverse incentives of well meaning laws: Under Wisconsin Unemployment rules, I have to apply for 4 positions a week to qualify. that is a good safe guard for leeches. But, me not being a leach, that means I am incentivised to apply to fewer jobs than I want to this week, because I’ll need to do the same next week. So I should back pocket those above the highest rated 4 to apply to for next week, lowering my chances of getting those jobs.
Nah – since you’re not a leech but want to qualify for the unemployment for as long as you need it, I’d stick to 4 applications/wk, but start with the most desirable ones first. Hope you won’t need the unemployment very long. Good luck! I feel for ya – I’ve always hated job hunting.
Yes, give me a job and I’ll do it; but I’m not good at saying the things HR wants to hear.
What HR wants to hear has nothing to do with the job.
HR should be dissolved.
From your lips to God’s ear
Hrmm… I must not be good at gaming the system. Between working for Xerox and getting hired by the state, I never thought of stopping when I hit the mandatory three.
I’m in a kind of ‘Job Desert’; you’ve been here, my line of work has like 8 choices at most round here. But, I’m being incentiveized to stagger my search.
Check the wording. I seem to recall that at least for the job desert of New York, that callbacks and interviews counted since the minimum was a number of “Employer contacts” rather than applications.
You have to be very careful not to use up all your desirable positions quickly because if you start in on the undesirable ones (e.g., McDonald’s) and you actually get one, you’re stuck.
There were no desirable positions.
Well, at McDonald’s pays better than the job I got fired from, and could continue to job search while getting paid more than leeching will give me.
I haven’t been unemployed for more than a week in 30 years. I’m a little jealous of CPRM.
I was on unemployment one summer between my junior and senior years of college. I didn’t even have any classes I could take (not a whole lot of 400-level classes in my degree in the summer).
But I was living at home and my mom and dad were both working so I kept the house, did the grocery shopping, made dinner. My mom is a stickler for cleaning and I’m the only person she trusts to do it the way she wants it, so she was happy. Dad was happy. I was bored. I got a kitten, though. That was awesome.
So at the end of my unemployment period, I got a job working graves at a convenience store.
I was always grateful my parents let me skate that summer, but my mom told me only a little while ago that she was very grateful for the housekeeping, shopping, and cooking. Well, I had nothing better to do and even doing it my mom’s way, it didn’t take very long, so…
This is my first time doing unemployment. I find navigating the rules harder than working, I don’t know how the layabouts do it. But then again, I’m probably worried about being truthful and such where others aren’t.
The layabouts work very hard at getting their monies/benefits. There are urban women who hold classes on this (for a fee, of course) and how to navigate all the systems.
They’re very good at it. Efficient, you might say.
Two things. One, there are people who put more effort into getting out of work than work takes. Two, once you learn the system, the effort required drops.
And then there’s the people who half ass it from the start, don’t really worry about the rules, and give puppy dog eyes and a Vinnie Barbarino look to their caseworker if they screw up.
Well, I not technically ‘unemplyed’; I still have self-employment, but that plus my other job got me up to ‘enough money to not starve’ Well, I still won’t starve, because my life decisions lead me to have a debt of gratitude from my family; but that’s non-taxable.
Without Kamala, where are we gonna get our moral leadership?
Sorry, thought you said oral leadership.
What’s this about a choral readership?
1. Remove someone’s work
2. Refuse to provide a reason for doing so
3. Continue to make revenue off of that removed work
4Confirmed: YouTube is a (D) operation YouTube is a (D) operation.
#4, you fucking idiot!
Leslie Stahl (If she were a Journalist): So are saying your programmers show no bias in their coding? What about the problems your facial recognition software has with negroid (her words not mine, I’m just writing the joke, it’s Leslie Stahl’s voice coming through) faces?
#3 seems the most worrisome point if you’re one of Youtube’s lawyers.
OK, I REALLY need to get to bed. Nighty night, Glibbies!
Huh; I guess the goatee selfies will have to wait….
Paging Crusty Juggler. Crusty Juggler, please pick up the beige courtesy phone.
Heheheh…”topical analgesics”
Also–Hiya, Chafed!
Hi SD.
I take it you made it through all the links and comments?
Indeed. It took a while.
I know you’ve been preoccupied with your mom but I hope you saw your unacknowledged hat tip two Saturdays ago in Glibfit.
Yes! I think I said a TY, or something at the time, but I never saw you online after I got on. When you mentioned it to me, I had just ripped the YT vid to my music flash drive, so I can now enjoy it while driving.
In all–I love my own personal ‘Digby roll’, so keep it up, Broseph!
Sorry if I missed it in a thread.
No worries–I wasn’t concerned, and just enjoyed the h/t.
I mean, I guess I could say that just the tip was satisfactory, but….no.
If the Avengers knew this it would have saved them a lot of work.
“Oooh, Thanos! You’re such a big, bad, tough guy–betcha can’t actually moon us, can you??”
Apparently he can but recommends against doing it for any length of time.
This hole thing brings up an interesting question: Is anal bleaching a thing of the past?
Trends being what they are, it was just a few years ago that the bleaching became a ‘thing’, and now, you gotta tan the balloon knot?
I’m skeptical either are/were a trend. I think it’s a small number of people making lots of noise.
Well, all things considered, the noise may have been involuntary…
Bleah… and so in the end Shanghai dropped the ball – I never got the document from them to apply for the visa. I can only hope they will come through in the next few hours so I might have a prayer of getting it tomorrow. It’s their project and it will fail if they don’t have somebody (me) there to implement the product.
Dammit, Shanghai–you had one job. This doesn’t bode well for the 34 million+ other people…
Would be easier if the office just, well… you know… shanghaied Teji…
Quick–put on your sunglasses!!