Well happy Friday, y’all. It’s beer-thirty for me as soon as I finish these links. I’ll be in Dearborn next week, so links may be provided by other, more caring Glibs.
I have so many questions about this shooting. I guess one of the biggest would be why a Naval Air Station would be training a pilot. Oh, and fuck that guy.
Well this seems like a pretty good outcome. Oh, and fuck those guys.
Oh man, the evil plan to make you crave their product fortnightly is moving into your home as KFC creates a fireplace log that smells like chicken as it burns.
I don’t even know what…
I already had a beer, but it was my last one.
Some more Babylon Bee knock-offs from yours truly:
New Biden Slogan: An Onion On Every Belt
Decades After Failed Earth Invasion, Martian Vets Struggle
Chik-Fil-A Hopes to Boost Sales With New Hail Satan Slogan
New Rules of Engagement Permit Troops to Fire, Reload
Democratic Debate To Feature Scenes From a Hat, Hoedown
Twitter Gives Trump Unique Orange Checkmark
AARP Warns Seniors That Stuff Costs More Than It Used To
GOP Youth Outreach to Feature Music, Dancing
Pope’s Treaty Divides World Between Google, Facebook
Tom Steyer Sits Alone for Lunch Again
Let me know your favorites and I’ll do a write up or 2.
Biden/Belt Onion, AARP, Papal Treaty (although I think that would be a Bull /no Eddie)
We usually wait just a little while longer before hijacking a post for one’s own purposes. Thanks.
Did you miss my first post the other day that was only accidentally and tangentally on topic?
AARP Warns Seniors That Stuff Costs More Than It Used To
Also, old people are as awesome as they are in TV commercials. Jumping off diving boards, jamming on guitars, working on old muscle cars, etc.
They definitely don’t sit around complaining about health issues, or Trump. Also, they’re really good at computers.
Chik-Fil-A Hopes to Boost Sales With New Hail Satan Slogan
You can’t go wrong making fun of Biden.
Democratic Debate To Feature Scenes From a Hat, Hoedown
Fantastic! I laughed long and hard.
What’s with the onion belt thing?
Simpsons reference.
here ya go
I have so many questions about this shooting.
Why don’t military bases have commonsense gun-control?
I thought the fricking Amish were opposed to military service?
I see we’re back to flight training for Saudis again.
Nice of them to warn us ahead of time for a change.
That’s a classic FYTW from the Sheriff. Those guys are elected. Hope he pays for that next election.
Military bases need civilian (local government) responders? Then you play by civilian rules or hire your own people.
Why do I suspect we have different views on what that is?
We’re going to tell you what you need to know to keep our [jobs] safe.
Much better.
Is legal to sell a gun to a foreign national?
/real question
Foreigners have rights too.
Well, anyway, I feel like taking a nap on my keyboard bhu8hy7trftr5es
“Malcolm Brenner made headlines in 2010 when he confessed to having had a passionate seven-month affair with a dolphin.”
Plot Twist: It was Larry Czonka
Mercury Morris hardest hit?
Speaking of the Bee…
The Bee…The Bee…
Do women really need that many types of abortion, though?
My body, my multiple choice!!
Freaking out over Monday and Tuesday. I hate public speaking.
That shootout that happened down here wasn’t far from where I live. I drive through that intersection a lot (was there last weekend). It’s a pretty major intersection and the cops just decided to get their guns off, and they murdered the hostage and another innocent bystander. I’m beyond angry right now.
Imagine your audience in their underwear. No, not the hot chick in the second row, that fat guy — boxers or boxer briefs?
These are corporate lawyers I’ll be speaking to. 80% of the audience will be fat white guys.
It’s called “lawyer hot” for a reason, Juvy. My sympathies.
Thong. And past-due for a wax.
Clark Griswold knew how to dream.
Fun fact. That bathing beauty is only four years younger than the actress that played Mrs. Shirley in the movie.
I’m reserving judgement on that for now. It seems likely but (for example) the family’s Gofundme to accuse them of it seems… wrong to me.
The Bee is on fire..
Libertarian Christian fights vigorously to legalize various sins
Damn right.
Too bad that’s satire – I think.
That joke person kinda perfectly describes my political beliefs.
Nope, It included a legit link to the FSP.
It would be cool if some of the bee’s readership clicked through and learned something.
Full on Castro-loving communist running for Congress in South Florida
I’m sure it will go well for her.
That’s actually my old district, before I was moved into DWS’s district.
A bold strategy, Cotton. We will see if it pays off.
Cuban and Venezuelan exiles tend to have very strong opinions about communism. Unfortunately, those opinions don’t tend to run in her favor. I’ve got quite a few friends from such backgrounds. A few had pretty good lives – owned hotels or restaurants – before fleeing for their lives. She might be lucky not to get herself lynched.
Damn, she’s Cuban-born. Plant or useful idiot?
Why not both?
Welp. That was a week. And some asshole told me there’s another starting Monday.
My next week is hell.
Monday-Tuesday I’m speaking at a conference in front of a couple hundred people each time (with a webcast going on Tuesday as well).
Wednesday is my annual performance review
Thursday I have dental surgery.
Jesus. Surgery seems like the best part of that clustermess.
Well, I guess Thursday doesn’t sound so bad.
I’ll be knocked out. It’s definitely the most glorious day of the week to come.
I had one of those days today that was totally hijacked. I didn’t even get to my #1 thing I was going to work on today.
Shitposting here?
I’m sure I have no idea what you are talking about. All my contributions here are wonderfully erudite.
I applaud the use of “fortnight”. An underused word.
Really? It seems to be extremely popular with the yoots.
I meant in day-to-day language, not referencing some stupid video game.
I hadn’t logged into my “special” email accounts for a while and found my protonmail inbox flooded with fundraising spam from TOS. It was uniquely satisfying to unsubscribe.
I was starting to get shit from them too. Not no more I ain’t.
Same here. On both counts.
RIP Charlie X
Geez, days after DC Fontana.
What is ‘context’?
I have never seen a clusterfuck like this before. It is beyond parody. It is going to be a disaster for them. It is a disaster for them.
The Kavanaugh clusterfuck didn’t seem to be a disaster for them.
That’s what bothers me. After running a kangaroo court train on Kav, they picked up seats.
That is, of course, a symptom of a greater rot.
Kav didnt have the kind of base and/or people on the fence like Trump does.
She looks and sounds like she’s coming off a 20-year bender.
I’ve got some prog friends, who’ve been calling for Trump to be impeached since before he was sworn in (!), who are calling for Pelosi to go because she’s hurting the impeachment cause.
So today, my last sibling passed away at the age of 57. She was my older sister (I’m 54) and had she fought colon cancer over the last three years. Lost my older brother last year, oral cancer. Lost my youngest brother 15 years ago, Burkett’s Lymphoma, he was 32. Funny thing, I don’t know if I’m just getting colder, used to it, just accepting of it or what, but it doesn’t effect me nearly as much as when you lose the first one. The realization that as we get older, we will see many more people dying around us. I try to keep in mind is that life is temporary and we should all try to make the best of it. I hope that if I’m so lucky, I can make a mark knowing I’ve made the world a better place, if ever so slightly in my volunteer efforts, donations, and just being a nice person to be around with a good sense of humor. Anyways, thanks to all the Glibs for making my world a better place!
I’m very sorry for your loss. And I don’t think it’s cold – it’s maturity. If you can suffer loss and stay level, that’s a good thing.
All the best.
First off, sincere condolences, Deplorableme.
“it’s maturity”
Yup. I took care of my grandmother and two great aunts during their last years. One-by-one they went. Booked three funerals in as many years. About a year later, my mother dies. When I booked her funeral I went with a different mortuary so the guy didn’t know me or my funeral booking history. He seemed stunned that I was very calm, rational and treating the process about the same way someone who was placing a catering order would.
My condolences. Glad our scribblings help.
I am sorry for your loss. I know what you are talking about.
Condolences as well.
Sorry 🙁
Damn dude. Sorry to hear that.
I’m really sorry to hear that. All from cancer. That must be a bit unnerving?
Yes it is, seems my father’s side has a lot of cancer – he died from a brain tumor, his mother died from cancer (can’t remember which kind), and then my three siblings. Strange thing is that it is all different kinds of cancer. But, yeah, seems like some bad genes on that side. My mom’s side is pretty good and she’s in great shape for 80. Hopefully, it skips me, but what can you do? We all have an expiration date. I like to say, that on blessing of terminal cancer (if you can call it that), in that it really does give you and everyone around a chance to say goodbye and farewells. We did that with her, had a kind of pre-memorial get together with friends and family two weeks ago at her hospice facility when she was still lucid and can speak and get around (in a wheel chair though). It was really a good experience (sad though) and glad my kids could be there for that. There’s a question we are asked sometimes, “Would you want to know when you’ll die?” When I was a kid, death seemed so scary that I wouldn’t want to know, but now – absolutely – if for no better reason to know if should blow through my retirement savings!
I haven’t thought a lot about it, but I guess I agree. Especially the part about the retirement savings!
Uffda. So sorry for you and your family.
Very sorry to hear that Deplorable.
Had three family members (two quite close) die in the last eighteen months. It’s a combination of things that causes someone to change how they react to family/friends’ deaths, and it makes you re-assess your own life. Glad we’ve been (if nothing else) a bit of a distraction for you . . .
Sincerest condolences.
Sorry – that’s a huge loss. I lost mom & dad in the last three years to cancer. It’s a hard transition. I hope the future is better.
I complain every day about the aches and pains (to no one in particular, since it does no good) but I am grateful to be around, especially grateful for the Glibs, even those I joke about.
Yesterday Mrs Fourscore and I had dental check ups, then delivered some home grown products to friends the same age as we are. We’re making fewer deliveries these days, I’m not sure if that’s the good news.
My condolences, it never gets easier but at some point there are fewer funerals to attend and no weddings. We can only do what we do best, keep on mushing, recognize our own mortality and try to enjoy the sunrise, because its there.
I’m so sorry for your loss
Oh, I am so sorry.
Today, in hospital hijinx:
Wow, that’s going to be an awesome story for the person in the car – assuming he comes out safe. “Hey Honey, you’d never know what happened to me today…”
Nice. That’s got to be a liability nightmare.
Whoa! I didn’t realize your hospital was so big!
You have an entrance in Nebraska? Things really are bigger in Texas I guess.
I’m going to guess they only surveyed libertarians.
Morning Madness: Average Adult Wakes Up Grumpy 300 Days A Year!
Seems off by 65/year.
They said “grumpy”, not “hungover”.
I wake up hung 365 days a year. Does that count?
Serious apostrophe question, Ted.
I have a good-natured running argument going about which is correct:
“10 days written notice”
“10 day‘s written notice”
I am in the anti-apostrophe camp on this one.
“10 days written notice” Written notice given 10 days in advance
“10 day‘s written notice” Written notice given on 10 different days
Also “10 days’ written notice”.
I like your interpretation, and will use it the next chance I get.
“Your termination letter was delivered on November 1, with an effective date of December 1. However, I note that the contract calls for “10 day’s written notice”, and clearly requires written notice delivered on ten distinct and separate days. Upon receipt of the 10th notice meeting contractual requirements, we will consider the contract terminated. In the meantime, we expect prompt payment for services rendered.”
Let us know how that works out. 😉
No apostrophe.
My pet peeve is the misuse of the possessive when addressing Christmas cards:
“The Dean’s”
The Dean’s what?!?
The Deans
The Deans’ or
I laugh at the local signs using the article and singular possessive. A sign maker should be embarrassed
It’s either 10-day or 10 days.
Wouldn’t it be “10 days’ written notice”?
No, scratch that. I’m in the no apostrophe camp. Maybe even no “s”
Or how about, “a written notice of 10 days.”
Its written that way, too.
My problem: the notice doesn’t belong to the 10 days. The 10 days are the number of days required. I don’t say 3 hot chicks’, so why would I say 10 days’?
“It’s”, thank you very much.
You people® do this just to piss me off, don’t you?
You people® do this just to piss me off, don’t you?
It’s more of an additional, unexpected perk.
Upon receipt of this letter you are hereby terminated. You will get 10 days severance pay in lieu of any advanced notice.
days’ severance
10-day written notice.
Naturally, I never write a notice period that doesn’t specify calendar or business days. Which makes the use of the dash awkward.
I’d actually say neither. If you’re going to use an apostrophe it would be “10 days’ notice”, since it’s a possessive of a plural.
Or to put it another way, do you get 10 days pay or 10 days’ pay?
Is it possessive, though? I don’t read it that way. See cross-post, above.
Ted, are you a Strunk and White man?
“written notice, at least ten days in advance”
The apostrophe question came up in relation to keyed notes on a construction document…
18″ TJIs
was discarded in favor of
18″ TJI’S
which just bugs me.
They said “grumpy”, not “hungover”.
There’s a difference?
That’s kind of pathetic.
Maybe more people need to learn how to make better coffee.
Speaking of which….
*gets up, goes to kitchen*
Technically, they’ll be grumpy before they get that first cuppa, regardless of how good it is.
I wonder why.
*wakes up, sits up, rubs eyes, looks around*
“Awww fuck. This shit again? Really?”
First thoughts on waking: Oh, no, not this again.
Stop picking up truck stop hookers, dude – it’s your own damn fault.
“Oh, no, not this again.”
After a Glib’s night out:
The Washington Post reports that the gunman was “a military pilot from Saudi Arabia training in the United States.” The U.S. Naval Institute reports that the attacker used a handgun to carry out his heinous act.
Escambia Sheriff David Morgan noted the use of handgun and the courageous actions of two Escambia County Sheriff’s officers who took action to stop the attack and were wounded. Morgan said, “We have two officers of the Escambia County Sheriff’s office in the initial response that negated the threat, they’re now in a local hospital. We expect them to fully recover.”
On December 6, Crime Prevention Research Center’s John Lott reported that Naval Air Station Pensacola is a gun-free zone.
Are non-citizens allowed to purchase handguns in the US? Or was this something he brought with him under cover of some type of immunity?
That’s a really good question.
gun show loop hole
Maybe that’s one of the things “we don’t need to know”.
Yes, non-citizens can buy guns.
…if you know the kid at the truck stop…
You can if you are a permanent resident.
That depends on the state. Some impose additional conditions on lawful permanent residents (green card holders) that are more severe than for US citizens and ban foreign nationals* from owning firearms whatsoever. Other states don’t don’t care about citizenship.
*Lawful permanent residents are not considered foreign nationals.
The shooter in Pensacola didn’t have a green card, so the following policy applies.
Are non-citizens allowed to buy handguns (legally)? Was this perhaps a sidearm he brought with him under some type of special provision for AD military?
Ignore this. Website wonky.
As I said in the previous thread, this is “workplace violence”, not terrorism.
Workplace violence, just like the Pearl Harbor shooting.
Slowly, I turned. Step by step. Inch by inch….
Inch by inch or step by step?
Step by Step
One by one.
Step by Step
Niagara Falls!
Was expecting Staci Keanan.
What is ‘cognitive dissonance’?
On Friday’s broadcast of ABC’s “The View,” guest co-host Ana Navarro complemented 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful former Vice President Joe Biden for his emotional interaction with a voter.
Navarro said, “I loved it. I really did. I have known Joe Biden for a long time, and this is Joe Biden. He is scrappy Joe Biden from Scranton and he has to do this.”
“The truth is I’m glad he’s getting some practice calling out damn lies because if he wins the primary, he’s going to be running against a damn liar,” she added.
It did have a certain Michael Scott undertone, didn’t it?
I’m still confused by this… and nobody has asked Joe for a clarification.
Is the “damn lie” that junior got a job in Ukraine?
Is the lie that junior was not qualified for said job?
Is the lie that he only got the job because his dad was a high-ranking US official?
Is the lie that the guy heard it on MSNBC?
What, precisely was joe referring to? Because most of it was not just factual, it was inarguable. Maybe it was the way he phrased it …. that Joe got him the job. That’s probably not strictly accurate – as in Joe calling Burisma and telling them to give his boy a job if they wanted access. I really doubt that it went down that way. But that’s a pretty tiny nit to pick from that question.
That is, indeed, the nit that is being picked.
Waiting for Politifact to rate the question “Pants on Fire”.
Broke: Don’t Insult Voters
Woke: Insult Voters
Bespoke: The Very Idea of Voters is Insulting
Have we discussed Uncle Joe and his penchant for handling difficult questions from constituents by challenging them to pushup contests?
Has there ever been such a thing in national politics? It is nutty enough to make Trump seem level-headed (which is saying something).
Dude asks about Jr. and his Ukrainian job and Biden angrily calls him a liar and challenges him to a pushup contest. I’ve never heard of anything so goofy. Even if you were a couple of 5th graders, that would be goofy.
Was discussed somewhat yesterday.
I said he was fucking himself over in Iowa by ragging on an 83yo retired farmer. The young bernie-bots are not going to support uncle joe, so burning bridges with the elderly is not a smart move.
Making ‘not smart moves’ does seem to be Joe’s weapon of choice though.
The Democrats seem to be pretty fractured in Iowa at this point. They all loved Barry back when. They split pretty much into two groups last time for Hillary the Inevitable and Bernie the Socialist.
I don’t have any idea how the caucuses are going to play out next year. My guess is there are four basic groups: young SJWs, elderly who depend on the safety net, blue collar labor, and middle-aged professionals.
I don’t see how any of these groups cares that much about uncle joe.
“Its worked for me so far!”
Unpredictability can have its benefits.
The entitlement-dependent elderly are going to go full Bernie/Warren. The elderly of means are going to thumb their scooters into overdrive to get away.
I want to get a shirt that says “Listen, fat”
Here ya go: Team Blue 2020 derp round-up
Featuring Biden doing his Rick Sanchez impression…
I caught that exchange and swear Joe mentioned an IQ test challenge. If high IQ was a criterion for being president, this group of candidates would be in big trouble.
Joe has been bragging about his IQ since at least the 90’s. It is a big thing for him.
I’ve noticed that high achievers like astronauts, Nobel prize winning scientists, etc rarely mention their IQ. It’s almost as though what people actually achieve is more important.
Fun fact: according to wikipedia, Feynaman had the lowest IQ Nobel prize winners
A high-school-administered IQ test estimated his IQ at 125—high, but “merely respectable” according to biographer James Gleick.[21][22] His sister Joan did better, allowing her to claim that she was smarter. Years later he declined to join Mensa International, saying that his IQ was too low.
Suck it, Mensa. Now go make anagrams of celebrity names.
Marilyn Vos Savant has the highest recorded IQ. And what is she doing with that? The great American novel? World Peace? A better tasting light beer? Nope, she answers puzzles in Parade magazine. Way to go, Marilyn.
Surely you’re joking about Mr. Feynman.
What you did there, it was seen.
The best thing about a Biden candidacy will be the fact-checking. I can see it now – “A Breitbart Special – The Search for Cornpop.”
He’s dead, died six years ago.
Then he should be easy to find.
Already done. Claimed to have died in 2016. Damn.
What did he know about the Clintons?
Hey Florida Glibs!
Loaded gun inside baby gift bought at Florida thrift store
I really wish I had picked up that bouncy seat. That’s a pretty significant upgrade.
Officers came to the party and checked the couple’s identifications to make sure they weren’t convicted felons, police spokesman Maj. Andrew Schneider said.
If they had actually been doing their jobs, they would have arrested the Goodwill employees for illegally transferring a rifle without a federal license and background check. So at least they aren’t as bad as they could have been….
I’m kinda surprised that the Heros in Blue got home safely w/o having to shoot the place up.
Hey Jarflax, I just saw your response on the “modern war” versus “stone age war” thingy. I must have gotten confused, I thought the discussion was simply “stone age” versus “modern war”. Sorry if I got you upset. That wasn’t my intention. But I do appreciate the fact that a discussion on the Taiping Rebellion and the Thirty Years War can become so heated. To me, that’s beautiful.
It’s all good.
Wait till we debate if the Whiskey rebellion was really about whiskey!
Whisky rebellion?
It didn’t happen in Scotland.
As long as we are talking about the Democrat field… is anyone else getting bombarded with TV ads from Boomberg? He’s wall-to-wall here in Florida. And his selling point? He’s going to defeat “That Man!” (insert video of Trump).
I really cannot imagine this guy winning the nomination….
But then again, when Trump started topping the GOP polls I said it was all a goof, and the minute they actually had to pull the lever there is no way that anyone was going to actually vote for Trump. So I have a history of completely not understanding the electorate.
But anything that Bloomberg says can easily be rebutted by “OK, Mr. Big Gulp!”. I think that pretty much renders him irrelevant.
Yup seeing them in Kansas.
Driving home for Thanksgiving I had to traverse South Carolina. Tulsi billboards were ubiquitous. And pretty good too…. just her picture and a giant TULSI. I suppose she’s placing her bet on a big showing in South Carolina. The other ads I saw were not memorable, so maybe she has a shot.
she’s placing her bet on a big showing
*Beavis & Butthead snicker*
Your toxic namesake went much further on the Trump thing. I recall several hyperbolic (apologies Hyperion) announcements that I, and anyone else saying “Hold on a second, I think he could win this” were retarded monkeys and Cytotoxic would bet anything I cared to name on it.
What did you win?
A better site to hang out on.
and well played on ignoring the bait.
What site is that? Maybe we’d like to go there too.
I remember that about cytotoxic. What’s interesting is that attitude was not an exception in 2016. In the weeks before the election day so many people had to make a point that Trump had absolutely no chance of winning. It wasn’t enough for them to believe that Clinton was an overwhelming favorite. No, there was like a mathematical proof that Trump would lose. Nate Silver was under fire for saying that Trump had a small chance of victory. I don’t remember such a strong desire to proclaim that the election outcome was already known in previous elections.
It was bizarre. The mere suggestion that the election hadn’t happened yet and there was a possibility of an upset seemed to enrage them. I was not a Trump fan, but as the election got closer and Hillary got worse and worse, and more and more complacent, I thought Trump had a good chance, not a probable win, but a fighting shot at one, and even saying that drew real anger. I honestly still don’t fully understand it. For the hard left it makes sense, they thought that Obama had cemented them in power forever and they could start the real push to end America, but generally libertarian and moderate folk were acting just as deranged, and still are.
I’ve seen them in California. Interestingly, I didn’t really notice them mentioning Trump. In our last state elections it seemed that everyone was running on how anti-Trump they could be.
“I’ve got all of Warren’s terrible ideas, and I’m competent enough to make the nightmare come true.”
Good gravy! We’re getting his garbage on television her in NYC as well. NYC is NOT going to vote for you Mr. Bloomberg; we know you.
They were running in Houston. My parents loved them.
I missed this afternoon’s assimilation/multi-culturalism discussion, although I found it really interesting (after the fact). I have to admit that I really don’t like the framing of the distinction. The melting pot was never really so much about assimilation, as about adjustments by the immigrants and the native culture. That’s why it was a “melting pot”. To me, this better reflects the way cultures grow and evolve. That is, cultures don’t change, so much as people within those cultures change. They adopt elements of one another’s culture that they find interesting or useful and leave the rest. A case of multiple cultures inhabiting the same space without this process happening strikes me as remarkably dangerous. It suggests that the people representing those different cultures don’t find one another interesting or useful. That seems an inherently unstable situation before one or the other decides that the other “tribe” is no longer worth keeping around, or at least keeping around as a co-equal.
One problem with the Melting Pot system though….
Jewish deserts… specifically the black and white cookie. They are really pretty… and the most tasteless thing there is. If the melting pot were actually functioning, those things would either disappear, or they’d appropriate some flavor from some other culture and make those things taste more like they look.
Assimilating tends to go both ways.
Pope dividing the world between Google and Facebook is top notch. Requires a little knowledge of history (why Brazil speaks Portuguese and the rest of SA speaks Spanish).
[puts gold star on hayeksplosives BooK It! button]
Interesting fact: more people speak Portuguese in South America than Spanish.
LSD dolphin sex
Whaaaaaat in the everloving…?!?
Nothing left to cut!
John C Lilly. Isolation tanks. LSD. Classified dolphin research.
“In the United States of America, no one is above the law.”
Is she seriously that unselfaware, or is she gloating like the wicked witch of the west?
Pour water on her to see.
Gah! You beat me to it.
Pretty funny either way.
“I killed my parents. I’m an orphan!”
You know how the constitution has those silent, unwritten but understood phrases. You know…. like “Congress shall make no law… unless they really think it is a good idea” Or “Shall not be infringed….. unless we think it is necessary”. Or “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people…… just kidding!”
This is like that. There’s the silent “except me and mine” in there.
No one is above the law, and we’ll let you know when you’ve broken it.
LOL that’s rich.
Admit nothing. Deny everything. Make counter-accusations.
I’ll be in Dearborn next week, so links may be provided by other, more caring Glibs.-
I’ll be in Australia for the next two weeks. I’ll try to create some interesting headlines.
Say “hi” to IFH.
Charter a boat.
Ms Handley, had been promoted at Crystal Blue and given more responsibilities.
Apparently management sees something in her.
More of themselves?
She promised me a kangaroo steak. I intend to collect.
I missed my chance up above.
The Sleepy Joe incident where he gets scrappy. Watch it again and assume the guy was a plant. It makes more sense. That whole incident was scripted. Theater.
If that is true… then I really don’t get it.
He sounds like a nut.
Maybe I’m just too attached to my “alternate facts” where Jr. actually got a no-show job paying millions where he’s a glorified but undeclared lobbyist. Perhaps in the MSNBC world the whole thing is a “damned lie” and hearing Joe say it forcefully is a smart play. But I just don’t see it.
He just sounds like a nut.. particularly when he starts ranting about doing pushups and comparing IQ with the dude.
In too-local news, Porta-John explosion update.
Well that’s gonna be a shitty day…
They’ll be telling that story forever.
My take…..
Drop the criminal case and make them pay for the damages. If you want, do a prayer for judgement continued for a year. But there is nothing to be served by treating this as a criminal matter.
OMG, thank you. The criminalization of stupid behavior that should be a simple matter of civil tort is disgusting.
I vandalized a house under construction when I was a teen. Rather than involve the State’s criminal justice system, my parents arranged for me to work for the homeowner for 100 hours. I spent my afternoons and weekends pulling palmetto stumps, cleaning construction detritus, painting trim, laying sod, etc.. That, I think more than anything else, instilled a fanatical respect for property rights in my young, squishy brain.
A much better way to handle things.
But, you know, putting people in cages and getting them started on a life with little hope and constant monitoring by the state is always an option too….
I remember responding to a burning porta pottie fire. When we got there, it was fully involved. My engineer looked at me and said, “I dare you to name this Ripping Shitter IC”.
10 days’ notice
10 days of notice
“of” is what the apostrophe replaces. “Of” is often indicative of a possessive, though in this case that’s a matter of interpretation.
Ted S. may or may not agree, but I have spoken.
Thus, it is.
Shoots and leaves and all that. Meaning comes from context.
I must of missed that class.
what you did there must’ve been seen.
I will not rise to that bate.
But you can’t ‘bate if you don’t rise.
I’m a girl. I don’t have to go the trouble of rising. ?
That is just so unfair.
Um, Mojeaux is a woman. She doesn’t need anything to rise in order to ‘bate.
Please validate my grammar.
Way to support the patriarchy!
Somebody has to.
“And if the shooter has liberal posts on their social media, we just won’t talk about it at all.”
Her Avatar looks horny.
I wonder if her surgeon pays her for referrals?
Interspecies erotica:
Fuck dogs.
What? It used to be common for women to intentionally contract a tape worm in order to keep her girlish figure.
Those must have been some rich women at the time.
That is not erotic
I love dogs but yuck.
“Lovatt took to giving Peter sexual relief whenever he became too sexually aroused to participate in her experiments.”
Hey Incels, even dolphins can get women to have sex with them. Lol.
Better handies than your average dolphin gives.
South Park predicted trans-dolphins years ago:
Today on NPR, I heard a report about how Pat from SNL is unmutual badthink now.
“….The King said that the Saudi people are greatly angered by the barbaric actions of the shooter, and that this person in no way shape or form represents the feelings of the Saudi people who love the American people.”
Did he also apologize after 9/11?
The incessant kissing of Saudi ass has got to stop. They’re worse than Iran in my book.
My comment from the last article: There are two SAs and two Irans. One is the people and their culture, the other is the govt apparatus. Generally speaking large portions of nearly every country in the world loves Americans. Their govts, not so much. I have no doubt that he is correct regarding the Saudi people.
Govt does not equal the people. Race does not equal culture. There are lots of concepts like that that are misunderstood or missed entirely. They are important distinctions and not making them makes for lots of misunderstanding and strife.
I have no doubt that he is correct regarding the Saudi people.
I’m not so sure about that part. Iran yes but SA has had that backwards Wahhabist crap funneled down their throats for a century.
Not all of them. Most other countries are not countries as we think of what makes a country and none more so than SA. It is a place. An oodle of tribes live there in an uneasy peace, each with its own culture and often its own language and/or religion. I am not familiar enough with that particular place, but I get the notion the Wahhabi garbage is mostly the strain of Islam for the upper classes. The lower classes are probably still sacrificing chickens to Baal and dreaming of skateboarding down Hollywood Blvd in blue jeans or some such nonsense.
I probably shouldn’t be commenting. I am exhausted mentally and physically so most of what I say is most likely a complete waste of pixels.
The whole problem is that Nixon cut a deal with the Saudi’s and we’re stuck. When he took us off the silver standard, he cut a deal with the Saudi’s that in return for defending them militarily, they would only sell oil in American dollars.
Thus creating steady demand for treasuries, insuring low interest rates for government debt and, by extension, American consumers.
Why do only libertarians discuss this?
It doesnt even matter, money in fungible. They could sell oil in pesos and the dollar would be just as strong and the peso just as weak.
Not sure I agree. I would say that pegging oil prices to the dollar is what makes the dollar the world’s reserve currency. I think if that changed, the dollar would be seriously damaged.
^this. Dollars all have to come from the United States. Since every nation in the world needs oil that forces them to buy dollars. More demand = higher price = stronger currency. The ‘downside’ is the trade deficit. Since the world needs dollars to buy oil the world MUST export more somethings to us than the world imports things other than dollars from us in order to obtain dollars to spend on oil. It is all still a house of cards, but our cards get supported by everyone else’s (and in turn provide support to them).
This is why Qaddafi had to die by the way. He was seriously trying to set up a gold backed currency, and the house of cards only works if everyone is playing with fiat money. If someone starts playing with hard money, demand for dollars will tank.
There are plenty of countries with far more reasons to hate the US (Germany, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Haiti) yet for some reason, people from those countries never shoot up US military bases.
I will leave it to our astute commentators to speculate why.
*scratches head*
Hitler? Is it Hitler?
I think it’s”Saudis are assholes.”
(shoot themselves, got juku and overtime to do, K popification, afraid of Kevin Dillon coming back, woke popeification, afraid of Hillary coming back)
If K-popification is going to save us from shootings, I guess….
That’s a tough choice.
. . . people from those countries never shoot up US military bases.
No, they just hock a loogie into your lunch at the local café before they bring it out to you.
for xmas
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer- a weird as hell show
+1 island of misfit toys
♫ the moral of the story, is that being different’s bad
unless your defect’s useful
man this movie’s really sad
OK, how about scientifically accurate Flintstones?
So Rudolph got pegged by Burl Ives?
“being different’s bad u”nless your defect’s useful”
I thought they believed in evolution?
One does not ‘believe’ in evolution. It is a theory. It is either sound or it is not. That one happens to be pretty damned sound.
To them it’s as certain as global warming.
You are correct, but one of those is not like the other.
One is a bad hypothesis, one is an incomplete hypothesis.
One is not a hypothesis at all. The first and most important aspect of a hypothesis, good or bad, is that it must be falsifiable. If it is not falsifiable it falls completely outside the realm of science and thus not a hypothesis at all. It becomes an untestable article of faith.
“the moral of the story, is that being different’s bad”
My oldest daughter wasn’t happy with me when I pointed this out to her.
I was going to say this the other day, only for serious, not as a mocking of snowflakes. I’m conflicted because that has always bothered me, even when I was a kid, but only a teensy bit because it’s a fun song and the TV show has a special place in my childhood. The feel-good of the groveling and acceptance has been replaced with WTF is wrong with you assholes?
But as I got older (and now as an adult), Santa’s an asshole. Rudolph’s dad is too, until his kid goes missing, so there’s that. I know. I know, it’s just a song about bullying and a cute show. with a snowman that sleds inside the head of a Norelco electric razor.
It bugs, nonetheless, so I just don’t watch it anymore.
Related: Ferris Bueller is also an asshole (although I have recently learned of a fan theory that says it was a dream Cameron had, which explains the time lapse).
But the dentist elf in the movie betrays the “it’s bad to be different” argument.
Betrays it?
I am also torn on the Island of Misfit Toys, and I was even as a child.
The toys are (by implication) given to less fortunate children because they will appreciate them more, meaning they aren’t good enough for more fortunate children. Therefore, defective toys are only good for “defective” children.
Look, we all know this is how life works. It’s just irritating that the resolution/justice doesn’t deliver as much feel-good as an adult as it did when I was a kid.
I haven’t seen it in 35 years or so. Don’t remember much other than Yukon Jack (?) licking his pick. You should do a glib version.
Yukon Cornelius.
You’re right. Evidently, I’m not alone in having that burned in my memory.
I think he was pegging Rudolph too.
Yukon, Rudolph, and Hermey slept together on the Island of Misfit Toys. It was a tight (mis)fit, too.
I used to have the little dentist hair in college so guess what my “friends” called me.
Yanno, I think any breakdown I (an adult) could do of Rudolph or Charlie Brown or any other benighted character from a Christmas special or Very Special Episode or after-school special would boil down to this:
You can’t go home again.
That’s why I don’t break it down.
::pops DVD of the (original and only true) Grinch into the player and starts singing “Fah who foraze…”::
The Japanese version has the line “おまえの鼻が 役に立つのさ
いつも泣いてた トナカイさんは” which translates as Santa saying, “Your nose could be useful”. Then cry baby reindeer… It’s weird that they keep referring to Rudolph as a crying bitch throughout the song.
It’s a conditioned reflex for me at this stage of the game.
“If you’re happy and you know it, overthink.
If you’re happy and you know it, overthink.
If you’re happy and you know it, and you really want to blow it,
If you’re happy and you know it, overthink!” ; )
You know me well.
I rooted for Dean Rooney.
Banana Duct-Taped to a Wall Sells for $120,000 at Art Basel Miami
And relevant: Ongo Gablogian.
I have seen better, cleverer graffiti in public bathrooms.
Ladies and Gentlemen, these are our cultural and intellectual betters.
actual feminist musical
comments and rating disabled, because of course they are
You just know Yoko Ono was thinking “they stole my song!”
A couple of those ladies need to work on their lung capacity.
I hate postmodern art
Well not all of it.
But the pretending it’s good bullshit really is annoying
That it annoys you and elicits howls of “Bullshit” is what makes it art. We are the art.
Can we at least agree that it’s lazy art?
No. It isn’t art in any shape or form. What those women are saying is ‘look at me! look at me!’
It is a form of temper tantrum, not art.
Suthenboy defining “art” as representations of reality that remind us that beauty exists in the world and gives the human race a reason to continue it’s struggle to survive in even the most hostile environments. Get with it. It can also evoke suicidal feelings and apathy.
I was more referring to art as evoking something, anything. Thought, feeling, insight, something. That just evokes a sigh and a click of the off button, or if you stick it out the depressing thought that you will never get that time back.
For me, it evoked a morning coffee fart.
The political statement supercedes the skill. This is the nature of postmodern art.
It provides easy excuses for shitty art and cover for those who pretend to understand it.
That is not to say all postmodern art is shit, just that postmodernism allows for a lot of it.
WTH? Why is the show is intro’d by a giant marmoset?
If you have to ask….
Oh FFS, I remember seeing that before. Does anyone involved in that think that they are breaking new ground? Changing the world? Ushering in a new age of understanding? That anyone will remember that horseshit long after they are gone and enshrine it? Teach about it in art classes in 100 years?
Jesus, talk about navel gazing and mutual masturbation. They might as well sit in a circle and frig each other.
Sounds like a hate crime.
Zip, zilch, zero, nada, nothing
Cuz stuff is free. It rises up out of a magic well that Wall Street won’t let anyone have access to.
Jeebus, you have to have the mind of a five year old to buy into socialism.
I do like how when someone pointed out tax rates of those countries (at near 50%), someone immediately criticizes the US.
I interpreted that as an approval of 50% tax rates.
Approval by someone who probably makes nothing
I pay close to 50% tax rate here. That is if you include all of the taxes including 13% for SSI. Much of Europe is probably closer to 65%
Bernie fails to mention that Germany doesn’t allow everyone to go to college/University. The state screens them and decided what they’re suited to.
Rationed, like single payer medical care. All ‘public goods’ managed by the state are rationed.
Where is my shocked face? It was right here a minute ago.
Your shocked face has been rationed and you used up your ration.
I’ve had this debate with a German lady who was bragging about free college in Germany. “Do the professors work for free?” No. “Did the buildings build and maintain themselves?” No. Ok, ok, we pay for it with our taxes. “What percentage of people go to college in Germany?” Uh, less than here.
As it should be. We push way too many kids into college.
Olivia Jade has a sad.
True, but I don’t think people here will tolerate rationing college slots.
France is very similar (although Germany’s a past master at that screening process).
@HM, thank you for the reference to David Crystal. I will look that up.
Catching up on the news and a hot take that’s going around alt media is that the house will end up not having enough votes for formal impeachment. They’ll find an off ramp whereby they just issue some kind of censure of Trump and then claim victory. Nah. It’s going to get through. Fun times ahead.
Who actually thinks that impeachment won’t happen?
I’ve seen Styx and a few others throw out the possibility.
It is such an unmitigated disaster I cant imagine that they wish they hadn’t gone down this road, but they did. How incredibly stupid. It is projection, I think. They were all so sure each time they went fishing that they had to find something because there has to be something. There just has to be. So far zilch, and they just cant understand that. They are all as crooked as a barrel of snakes and they just cant comprehend that not everyone is that way.
Enjoy, motherfuckers.
Do I understand this right? The articles are going to accuse abuse of power because he said Art. II allows him to do anything….not because he actually did anything but because he said that? I don’t even know what that means. If he goes to trial in the Senate, what will they charge him with?
It is beyond ridiculous.
Nancy didn’t want to go down this road but the braying morons forced her hand. I almost feel sor— nah, no I don’t.
Not even a little bit. I hope they burn it all down.
They are determined to do just that.
How many times have we said that power is all they care about and they would rather burn the country and be the king of ashes than be out of power?
It was never an exaggeration and they are proving it now.
They thought they’d find something because they are all doing something wrong.
Depends on Pelosi’s goal. If she thinks there is a chance at maintaining a majority with the moderates she has then it’s cut short of impeachment. If she’s burned as the next speaker she’ll shore up her rep with the progressive base.
This goes out the window if there are enough retirements to make achieving both possible.
I can think of a half dozen CZ pistols I’d buy before I got around to this one, but nice to see Paul Harrel review one anyway:
I can’t justify buying any more guns, having such an unstable canoe, but now and then I get the craving…..
I really really want a long-slide 10mm auto.
Yeah, my gun budget is coming to a screeching halt now that I need to buy a new safe.
Oh, I can still justify acquiring more, but I do find myself a lot more selective these days.
*schedules more rickety boat tours over deep water*
This is on my watch list, but it got outside my budget comfort zone.
The place I put my deposit down on the Stoeger had a used 92FS Inox for $500. So pretty, but I just can’t justify buying it.
I also discovered that Cajun Gun Works will also refinish guns, including chroming them. So instead of buying a new safe, I could buy a new Shadow 2 and have them do that…
CGW is good people. They worked some magic on my 75c.
The Women Who Still Speak Up
It is worth recalling that Karlan—like Fiona Hill before her, and Yovanovitch before her, and Thunberg, and Carroll, and Karen McDougal, and Christine Blasey Ford, and Debbie Ramirez, and Sandra Diaz, and Lisa Page, and all the other women who have subjected themselves to the raging Trump campaign of abuse—was simply speaking the truth. In the face of lies, imaginary conspiracies, smear campaigns, and disinformation, each was simply relating the facts as she knew them.
Oh, OK then.
It’s just that all of the people whom she said were witnesses knew them differently. It’s her truth though. Her truth.
“Juanita Broaddrick”
Meant as a reply to Straff…
Figured that. Broaddrick isn’t credible. Unlike Blasey Ford or Ramirez.
Oh yeah. It’s that day of the year where I get to ask my Japanese friends “What important historical event happened on this date?” No one ever has the slightest clue.
Technically it’s the 8th for them. And my wife actually nailed it immediately. *Shrugs*
Really? They don’t teach it in school?
They do, but it isn’t constantly plastered in the media with anywhere near things like Nagasaki or Hiroshima. It’d be like having a perfect memory from childhood when you were in the hospital with a broken nose, but having only a foggy recollection of stepping on the rake.