Traditionally, Jews would slip a few bucks to a goy to do tasks on Sabbath forbidden to the Jew, like turning lights on and off or lighting a stove. If it pisses off Yahweh, so what? It’s not like it’s a Jew breaking the commandments. Today, the opposite, the Jew sits in for Sloopy, while he spends the morning trying to prevent his sugared-up kinder from smearing shit on the walls with glee and abandon (not to mention partially digested crayon fragments). And I’m a Jew in a good mood, given the fantastic female with whom I’m spending my day off, the amazing food and beverage in the house, the afterglow of the effective end of the regular season in the NFL, and the memory of SP’s four kinds of tamales with red, washed down with several ethanol-containing media, and accompanied by a delightful Humphrey Bogart flick set in Arizona.

Birthdays abound, though Wikipedia coyly omits the most famous one. But they DID include one of the three or four greatest minds in human history; someone whom I could have sworn was made up; a guy who combined a great mustache with shitty cars; someone who at least admitted that he was not to be believed; the absolute exemplification of cool; a guy I would love to have done some lines with; the source of the terrific quote about TV, “How can you put out a meaningful drama when every fifteen minutes proceedings are interrupted by twelve dancing rabbits with toilet paper?“; one of the best baseball players I ever saw (but hung on too long); and an empty suit which could be a poutine receptacle.

Oh, and there’s likely some news or other out there.




If she’s successful, citizens will take turns shaving her legs.


“You can’t solve problems by just throwing money at them.”


Mexicans doing jobs Americans won’t.


He’s not incorrect.


After spending a few million dollars in grant money, scientists report startling fact known to anyone who has ever owned a dog.


Old Guy Music is clearly on theme today, a terrific song and a performance to match.